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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 28, 2023 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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fron is at the reception, look at these destroyed premises, let's get to work. what the israeli leadership did , then, as they present retribution for what happened, is a big mistake, in fact, for the jewish state itself, but the split of many international elites on this issue is only deepening, in america this can be seen very clearly, this the changing structure of the population is also superimposed. the caliphate and the emirate, of course, this
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also influences, this also influences if members of the us congress, such as rashida tlaib, palestinian by origin, or ilham omar , samali by origin, criticizes, criticizes israel, then a lot can be explained here by origin and... voters and many other reasons, the world has become much more complicated, but what we now see on the international platform shows once again, that the americans are not strong enough to maintain order, to control what is happening and to control the chaos that they themselves create, it constantly gets out of their control, but they are also weak enough to deal with them...
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not to be taken into account, and in order to represent them as such a fading figure who has already lost all sense of direction and does not understand what is happening, it’s the american elites who are trying to comprehend, trying to comprehend what is happening, and i ’ll argue a little here about our representatives of the show party, i can’t help but call them intellectuals, and i don’t want to offend many doctors, teachers, who may not be the same... as some of us here , with knowledge of the russian language, consider themselves to be intelligentsia, but not i want to offend them, this is not intelligentsia, some of them are trying to comprehend, maybe, but some have been so under the spell and high for many years that even if they try to twist something here, they won’t even succeed, and those who try to do this , they give out such things that it would be better for them to remain silent when they say that... “guys, we forgot,
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now is not the time to do this, but what, but 5 years ago it was the time to walk around half naked, yes film each other, why was this time 10 years ago, a question for ourselves also, why was this partly acceptable in the public consciousness, the question, i completely agree, the question is not even in these representatives, who probably still barely realize what they have done?" "
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cause, look at the numerous comments, here they are - then they try to comprehend, they comprehend, in fact they come to normal conclusions, to normal conclusions, well , what conclusions, look, they say, yes ivlesh says, i worked as the editor-in-chief of playboy magazine, we did a photo shoot for them, i have saved photography, i was deprived of it, because well, this is creativity, here i am, that is, a person does not even understand the degree of his secondary status, which is in the country. which has been strictly explaining for 2 years and that
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everything in general, the theme of its sovereignty, the theme of its own culture, it pulls the worst examples, well, of course, it would be better to remain silent, why is this, well, realistically speaking, the eternal pursuit of the vanderbilt, well, this is such a street on petrova, this image, this after all, well, if you look, well, they are indistinguishable from elochka the man-teller, her friend ifima soba, who knew the smart word homosexuality, that is, well, naalona didn’t do this, but these are the ones i occupy. but returning to international politics, there is probably a temptation here for someone to imagine the united states of america, america in the form of this prima donna
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who turned out to be half naked, to say, but the king is naked or the queen is naked, but only behind her is an emerald, this is... these are black rock, state street, vanyard and several other, several other large american companies that profit from international politics, saying that the movement is everything, and the final goal is nothing, because they make billions from this, but the united states of america is not a half-naked prima donna, only with an emerald, they, again, are aware of all the dangers of the situation.
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american authorities, this dispute is going on , we need to take this seriously, because america is now in a state in which it can still cause a lot of trouble on the international platform, what we see in the middle east is exactly this and there is, and if earlier it could bring a lot of trouble to the weak, iraq, afghanistan, now it is in a state of being wounded such a wounded beast can bring a lot.
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today, in general, america in this region continues, so to speak, the most active actions directed both against us and against china. well, look, now, for example, indonesia has become our second, practically our main political, main economic partner, yes, our relations are developing very much, various contracts, they bought a huge amount of our food this year, almost a million tons, so and what is happening, plus indonesia is preparing for elections. there is very a powerful coalition led by general probova, this is the son-in-law of suhart, the former dictator of indonesia, who in general treats america more and more restrainedly, yes, who in general, so to speak, stands for indonesia, after all, it is one of the largest countries, 250 million population, a huge
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territory, for its independent course, and what we see, we see, the americans are again starting to prepare practically a situation that will be... extremely unpleasant for indonesia, not just for indonesia, but also for indonesia, as for our ally, because that they are preparing some leverage, they sign a security treaty with popovo new guinea. and the first group of americans has already landed on new guinea, that is, this is the border, yes, second, they are beginning to fuel these nationalist movements in the territory on the part of the islands of new guinea, which is part of irianjaya, this is an indonesian province, and in fact provokes the creation of some kind of separatist and partisan movement in these areas for what, in order to have well...
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in general, it is absolutely clearly visible, but further we can look - this is this selective death against us, remember the sanctions that they imposed against arctic lng. on the one hand, yes, this is like a sanction against us, but on the other hand, this is again a prevention of increasing our influence in eastern southeast asia, because it was from this field that two chinese companies, two japanese companies were supposed to transport export this liquefied gas somewhere again. this is east, south-east asia, that is, in fact, we see a consistent policy of increasing
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military, military-political influence there , and unlike the middle east, this is where we can say that they are at a dead end, where it is extremely difficult for them, where everything is so to speak, and where their line in general is not very clear, it can be very, so to speak contradictory in many ways, yes, then here we again see a fairly recent policy, the same as with this with the shelf, that is, we see that... this is a greater priority, yes, that is, i ’m not even talking about 4,000 personnel deployed in this region, the largest american grouping, that is, i see a situation here such that america is not only forming its strike forces there against china, but it actually continues to conduct this spatial global policy and struggle against us and clearly looks not only at some chinese moments, so to speak, but... we must clearly understand that she is doing everything to prevent our influence there. remember,
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indonesia with the u35, which is also secondary sanctions, they introduced everything, the philippines mi-17, which was already all ready, they introduced secondary sanctions, all this went away, today we had it ready almost from january, we could already ship liquefied gas there to the eastern south-eastern all this too, and look yamal lng remains outside the sanctions, and
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be ready to resist to them, advertising, the ministry of emergency situations
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of russia warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. malnik, please. yes, a few words about erdogan, because we discuss him quite often, and of course, his rhetoric is getting further and further is becoming tougher in relation to itanyahu, here, but at the same time, if we look at the official policy. yes, practically nothing has changed here, here are the figures for trade turnover between turkey and israel for november of this year, yes, indeed, there is a slight drop there of about 20%, but nevertheless, nevertheless, there are rises, deliveries of the same gasoline continues to arrive, so i think that, of course, erdogan is already betting on such a chaotization of israeli politics, especially if, yes, if there is something like this
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a stable truce and netanyahu’s power is really shaking, but we see that such an israeli politician has really become animated, there is the same yarlopit, who has already forced large cities with all his billboards and is trying to literally blame netanyahu for losing the war in gas to blame he is responsible , well, there is benny hans, who, in my opinion , acts a little smarter, is still part of the government, but is also trying to somehow distance himself from everything that is happening in gas, so let’s see what this is all about will lead, but it is clear that the americans have now not exactly given the green light, but are ready to consider this very egyptian plan for settlement, which is very tough for israel. and if, of course, israel is forced to agree to it, it will be a significant political defeat for netanyahu, well , of course, pressure from the united states will also increase over time, and for good reason in january, well, many apparatchiks of the biden administration say that some military tranches they will screw it up, now of course there are flows of weapons in a very large volume, there, planes constantly fly through cyprus,
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straight to israel, but i admit that in january, again, something may change, so as for the situation in the red sea, it remains. heavy, of course, i think that this military operation or paramilitary operation, which is being carried out by the americans under the name prosperity guardian, it will not lead to any significant military success, and indeed, so far, apparently, the americans trying to avoid some kind of real direct clash with the houthis, but quite perhaps, after they try, they will try to partially extinguish the situation in the gas, they will try. to agree on something over the heads of the kusits ​​with tehran, but in any case , there is a lot of information again that jack salevan, biden’s national security advisor, communicates with tehran through all his back channels, well, in general, some attempts that is, so far unsuccessful, but i think they will continue, as for the indian pacific region, there are literally a couple of points that, in my opinion, we should keep an eye on, these are firstly, there was already serious
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talk that new zealand was preparing to join this very anti-chinese aucus bloc, but this was, in principle, clear after elections were held there and the center-right came to power, they were much more fawning towards china, than the laborites , ms. jacinda, who led, was the prime minister of new zealand before, before they came to power, but now they are already talking about this seriously, which is why the pressure on china will certainly increase in this direction, not to mention already there about military bases in the philippines, an attempt to shake up the situation in myanmar, indonesia and so on, and of course the question of japan is quite relevant, as we see. the americans, firstly, are transferring their patriot systems from japan to europe, to replace those that were sent to ukraine, plus i have a suspicion that japan will be made the main sponsor of kiev in the coming months, it is clear that in japan has certain economic problems, their inflation has increased, and in november-december it will most likely be higher than 3% on an annual
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basis, while they refuse to raise the key rate for now, understanding that the economy is... in a weak position , but rates on the same japanese bonds are rising, so this carry system trade , which has been in effect for many decades, it is no longer working, it is no longer profitable , so we need to put the excess money supply somewhere, i admit that it will also be sent to ukraine, well, japan has already agreed on several tranches there for several billion dollars to kiev in this transitional moment of january-february, and while battles continue in the united states and the european union over ukrainian tranches, and... there will be something transferred through japan, something will be transferred through the imf, but it is clear that now there is a lot of lively discussion about what to expect for ukraine in the coming months, well, in principle , my forecast remains the same as it was before, so i think, somewhere in the middle at the end of january, certain tranches , the us congress will agree, maybe it will be 20 billion dollars, maybe a little more
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, the priority will be, of course, military tranches, as for direct financing, here of course questions have arisen, but... as we know, the european union has come up with a new strategy, simply borrow this same money on the open market, issue their own eurobonds, and collect 20-30 billion euros in this way and send them to ukraine , bypassing it again, and there will be a veto from hungary, slovakia, the netherlands, if a right-wing government comes to power there, and so on, that’s why what they're money they will find it, but of course january, february, march will be quite difficult for kiev, and it’s not for nothing that we are now hearing a lot of statements that they will cut salaries for public sector employees, pension payments, everything, everything, everything else, well, by the way... .many , this time, well, as we know, this telethon is endless on all ukrainian tv channels, it will also end on january 1, so there will be some interesting changes, all the presenters have fled to europe, well, it’s possible that
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one of them pulled it, apparently the rest, one already i managed to escape or something, no, but what will happen is nothing, well, there’s a telethon that lasted 2 years, it will end like a bulletin, so what will happen next, well, in general , i think ukrainian politics will gradually come to life. of course, for now, yes, there is no talk of holding elections and td tp, but we see, yes, that pressure on zelensky is increasing from all sides, so, and of course, they will try to present him as the main one guilty of failures on the battlefield, and he will try to shift all this responsibility onto some zaluzhny, syrsky or anyone else, well, as for domestic american politics, today interesting news came from the state of michigan, where the supreme court , after much debate, finally took the decision.
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most likely at the level of the supreme court of the united states of america, we'll see, but of course, january will be very stormy in domestic american politics, because there already... on january 3-4, the congress comes out, debates begin on all budgets, this is the time, here judicial decisions against trump, in his criminal cases, well, they they will most likely be there in february, but as for admission, not admission to the primaries , this starts in early january, so on january 15 iowa votes, the first state in the primary, then 8 days later new hampshire, 2 weeks later nevada and southern carolina , that’s why, in general, the active stage of the presidential race is beginning, on which i... congratulate you all, for now we probably don’t expect any special surprises from the first states in the primaries, so i think trump quite easily and calmly wins in iowa, there with a gap of 15-20% over ron desantis and
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all the other candidates, but in new hampshire it will of course be a little more difficult, in nevada it will be easier, south queen, we’ll see how everything comes to life by this point, well then super tuesday, like this that we will keep an eye on this, everything is quite interesting, so, but nevertheless, certain unpredictable moments should not be ruled out either, please , yes, that means, at the end, the end of the year, i would like to sum up the results of the past year and, so to speak, make some kind of forecast for for the future, that's what concerns russian-american relations, then for them this past year of 23 was simply terrible, but things came to the point that already at a fairly high level, at the level of the deputy minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation, the topic of severing diplomatic relations with the united states of america was voiced, this didn’t happen even in the worst years of the first cold soviet-american war, after all, there were a variety of crisis
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moments, but things still didn’t come to the point of voicing such threats, so to speak, they still tried to stay within some limits decency, the coming year is unlikely to bring any relief to the relations between the two nuclear superpowers, which for now remain two nuclear... the election campaign, and i have already spoken about this, at this moment all reasonable life in the usa freezes, everything is thrown at resolving the question of who, who will become the president of the united states of america in november of the coming year, and therefore in these conditions...
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not even to fight america, but at least to simply defend their national interests, he, uh, so to speak, by definition an enemy of democracy, an enemy of freedom, so to speak, and
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uh, against him... not quite the way they are used to seeing him, of course, america is full of people who live, continue to live in a world that has long been gone, so to speak, here is a recent article in newsweek, which says that, so to speak, there can only be no more american leadership, otherwise some kind of catastrophe will begin, but along with this there are other signals that people are starting to somehow become more adequately perceive the world around them, they begin to understand that this is...
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decolonization, yes, on the other hand, the same people, with the same foam and the same mouth , demand from russia the immediate resumption of dialogue on strategic offensive weapons, well, this of course looks quite strange, but it can be understood: america is losing a goal of strategic nuclear weapons of the russian federation and the people's republic of china, in the foreseeable future, these are american estimates, america
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may face two. and at the same time, we are observing that in this anti-american russian-chinese the alliance has already lined up a whole line of people willing , not only north korea and iran, but many others are beginning, so to speak, to somehow lean towards the same decision, and this, in general, is also the result of this very american hegemonic policy,
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here of course, a certain generational change of american politicians will be required , but it is quite possible that all these changes in russian-american relations, their return to a normal dialogue between our two countries, will quite possibly happen earlier, you know, i again, here i understand that historical analogies are lame, but i remember the reaction in moscow to the election of... richard nixon as president of the united states of america in november 1968.
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hello, he's coming back, oh, i missed you, sklifosofsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up, eight.


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