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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 28, 2023 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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why did the pilot deviate from the runway during landing? saw and read the intelligence report, the israeli prime minister knew about the plans for the militants to attack, as the famous journalist hersh managed to find out. this year , more than 370 schools and 68 kindergartens have been restored in the dpr . 27 regions-chefs help the republic in various issues. watch the final interview. rich heritage and grandiose development plans at the russian exhibition. vdnh of the novgorod and vologda regions. in yakutia , they are currently investigating the reasons for the abnormal landing of a passenger plane. nan-24 landed on sand spit of the kolyma river. there were 30 passengers and four crew members on board. as of this time, there are no casualties. the plane itself was not damaged. it all happened on a flight from yakutsk to zeryan. began to approach
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the landing, why the pilot deviated from the runway, a special commission is finding out; law enforcement agencies are also looking into the situation. the yakut transport prosecutor's office organized an investigation into the landing of an aircraft off the runway on december 28, 2023, in the morning , an an-24 aircraft performing passenger flight on the route yakutsk-zeryanka, srednekolymsk yakutsk, when landing in the village the charge deviated from the runway and landed on a sand bank of the kolyma river. crew and passengers. were not injured, they were evacuated, the skha commission of the yakut federal aviation administration, employees of the yakut investigative committee of russia on transport and the management of the polar airlines flew to the scene of the aviation event. according to preliminary information, the cause of the aviation event is crew error in piloting an aircraft. in this regard, the yakut transport prosecutor's office organized an investigation into this fact and coordination of the activities of law enforcement agencies. the situation is under special control of the prosecutor's office. in ukraine last night there were several announcements.
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odessa, as well as controlled kiev, kherson and the city of zaporozhye. internet channels report damage to a number of military and infrastructure facilities involved in the supply system of the armed forces of ukraine. according to information that is actively discussed in ukrainian public pages, air attacks are carried out using advanced models of drones geranium, radar. enemy stronghold under ugledar, the scouts discovered the positions of the nationalists with a hurricane multiple launch rocket system, hit the air, transmitted the coordinates to the command and the self-propelled gun immediately went to the firing line. our military correspondent eduard punigov will talk about the work of the military.
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these shots were taken in the immediate vicinity of the line of combat contact, the crew of the multiple launch rocket system is working hurricane of the thirty-sixth army of the vostok group. kriska scope 691, livelier 2.72, one purple, one purple light. hurricane crews are on duty around the clock, regardless of weather conditions. over the battlefield today. thick fog and low clouds, but this is not a hindrance for gunners. the crew has just reloaded ammunition and is leaving for day duty in the ugledar area, where fierce fighting is currently taking place. the soldiers' task is to provide support to the assault infantry, which is trying to dislodge the enemy from fortified positions. this reactive. the stop is working in the ugledar direction, right now the crew has received the coordinates of the next target - immediately after
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the shot, the crew immediately turns off the installation, they need to leave this position as quickly as possible, since a ukrainian artillery shell may arrive in response. in less than a minute, the car disappears into a dense forest belt, the crew returns to the shelter again, here is aerial reconnaissance footage, the target was successfully hit. our distance is 20 km, 20 is the minimum. a hurricane at the front, first a special operation, during all this time in the car never got hit, although she is constantly on duty at the forefront, my task is the driver, as if the car was always on the move, did not let you down, as if constantly, so that it drove in combat readiness, always so that the car was refueled, but we went to the fire position , we worked out, we quickly fold up and take off, the gun commander says that all the crews work as a big united team, help and support each other, even in the most... dangerous situations,
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the war has begun, how could i not stay away, as if in civilian life, i went back to my own battery, came back, re-signed the contract, came here, don’t you regret it? no, of course, who else besides us? eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the yuzhnodonetsk direction. dreams come true on the eve of the coming new year , sergei shaigu joined the all-russian charity event “wish tree”. the minister of defense will fulfill the wish of fifteen-year-old alexandra from moscow.
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on oktyabrsky island in the kaliningrad region, this is a special administrative region with preferences for business. what konstantin churikov will tell you what this giant landing in russia means. konstantin, greetings. how does the market react to this return of yandex to our country? vera, hello, yandex shares are growing, but in this story everything is not so simple. yandex is now in russia. the dutch internet giant at its place of registration has returned to its native harbor. became a resident of a special administrative region in kaliningrad on oktyabrsky island. a message about this appeared on the website of the regional development corporation. climate for yandex in principle familiar, moderately warm, maritime, almost like in the netherlands, only instead of the north sea, the baltic. the press service
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of the ria novosti agency explained that yandex continues to prepare for changes, and registration of a new legal entity is a necessary procedure for future optimization of the company’s structure. this was initially announced back in november of twenty -two, when it was reported that the parent yandex nv, the one registered in the netherlands, was going to spin off the bulk of the business into a separate russian group, will itself leave the ranks of its shareholders and change its name, while the new russian structure will include a number of foreign directions and will retain the yandex brand. the market is bad, the company's shares began to fall in price, and... only in recent days, against the backdrop of reports about the registration of a structure in russia, the shares went up. there was quite a noticeable increase the day before, when on the moscow stock exchange the shares of the it giant rose in price by 5% and exceeded 2,500 rubles. for paper. there is
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an obvious desire for yandex to move to russia. but he exists, well, not only, let’s say he has government, and it is available to... potential buyers, one might say, pre-sale preparation, and sar is a special administrative region, an ideal solution for this purpose. in general, sar is a good , popular thing, offshore companies have already re-registered there before, such companies
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as vk, zbermarket, and what is needed, well, this is such a process of de-shirization, firstly, this will greatly expand the circle of potential buyers, and secondly, in general less risk. from local buyers, so before selling it, that is, such a the hygienic procedure for redemilitation of a and sarah is best suited in this regard, special administrative regions, to one of which yandex moved, have been operating in russia since 2018, the first is located on oktyabrsky island in kaliningrad, the second is on the other end of the country, on russky island in primorye, well, essentially these are internal offshores where ... foreign holdings can move, most of all this resembles a change of citizenship, only it is not the person who changes the citizenship, but the business. in these areas there is a reduced tax on profit - 10% instead of twenty. transport tax and property tax are not paid. in these zones there is no exchange
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control, and until the year thirty-nine, by the way, companies there can use foreign corporate law, that is, work according to the rules that were in force in the country of initial registration. by september, there were already 268 legal entities on the oktyabrsky and russian islands; in the first 6 months of this year alone, 87 organizations became residents, more than in the entire last year. well, let's return to the it market. at the end of february, forbes ranked yandex put the most expensive companies on the runet in first place, estimating its value at more than $10 billion. who and how much will pay now for the russian part of yandex? this is the most important question, and experts are not yet ready to answer it. it is better not to discuss the price now, for the reason that we will definitely never be able to, with a very large error. talk about the price that will be, because if it were just market time, just a sale in business, this is
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one question, we could talk based on economic results of the company’s activities, when we now see that this is essentially a forced measure, and in many ways it is controlled by the state, any figure will seem not entirely logical, a search engine, a taxi, a navigator, delivery, too much in russia today is connected with yandex. and its restructuring concerns not just the relations of the state business, it concerns the majority of russians, which is why the deal, as experts say, will be neat and long, that’s who will get the company, this question is probably not even answered by the yandex search engine now will answer, and we also asked alice today, she was silent, she’s the best at alfabank. loyalty program for business, we pay 3.00 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses.
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keep prices low pate deli number 1 299 pyaterochka helps out the 2 billion draw from the russian lotto is already close. hurry up for tickets. we don’t know which cucumbers will make new year’s olivier and... ideal, but we know which bank will make the whole year profitable, uralsibok bank, a ray of golden sunshine, the bremen town musicians in the cinema from january 1st. sportmaster, only original ski equipment from leading brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. buy in the sportsmaster mobile app and pay in installments without interest or overpayments. counting payments, accounting and
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lawyers, alfabank is the best bank for business, we bring mega discounts, and you will get such benefits, xiaomi redmi 10c smartphone for only 7.99 20% cashback. misha, yes, it’s a shame to forget cat food, but the most offensive thing is to forget about the x5 club card at the checkout, leave your points in the store, show the card and receive up to 20% cashback and up to 50% service package, profitable don’t forget, my business is small, so that everyone can feel the smell of the new year, and my business is that everyone warms up with its warmth and sees its magical bliss. and our job is for you to continue to believe in miracles and
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create them yourself at home. every year , entrepreneurs help create a festive atmosphere, little by little, vtb supports them, we help businesses with deeds. labor, sea, tangerines and prices, anywhere, what to eat, in the new year, the most delicious boudyr. everything for the holiday in stores with delivery, win when you find a reason to get together together, order at sbermarket, megamarket and scooter and win 10 million rubles. only at alfabank, order a free alpha debit card, spin the reel in the app and get a superkick every month, order a card in december and guaranteed to receive a 30% cashback, it’s not just profitable for equipment, alpha is profitable, the main comedy of the year,
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i need scale, we we’re preparing her for a feat, holob 2, where, we’re galloping, outpost, to the cinema from january 1, pay less, candy, bird milk 129,990, five helps out, it ’s getting better and better, up to 16% per annum on the deposit, the best interest rate in sberbank, a deposit with a favorable rate, apply literally with one button in the mobile application in sberbank with prime more profitable. at least 11 people died in turkey as a result of a major road accident. in sakarya province, three buses, a truck and several cars were involved in an accident. according to local media, the cause could have been thick fog. rescuers continue to work at the site. more than 50 people were taken to hospital. according to local authorities, there were no tourists among the dead. the israeli army announced the destruction
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three underground mines in the gas sector, as reported by the military. the new york times also reports that hamas and israel are far from a truce. according to the building's information, the parties are putting forward impossible conditions, the fighting is dragging on and the conflict could spread to the entire region. meanwhile , the world health organization
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reports a catastrophic situation in the enclave. who director general called on the security council. slowly take measures for a ceasefire. members of the un security council must urgently put their the recent resolution and a ceasefire in the gaza strip. it is also necessary to create humanitarian corridors for the delivery of medicines and food. actions, not words. this is what the residents of the enclave need today. benjamin netanyaho knew about hamas' plans to attack israel. the famous american journalist seimar hersh stated this in his article. according to the journalist, the prime minister saw and read the intelligence report. the militants' attack plans have accelerated due to a political split that has weakened the country's army and security forces. according to israeli source seymourehirsha, now netanyahu in the fight to retain power, accuses intelligence of hiding information. rostec has begun testing a new
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gas turbine engine. the power plant was created in bashkiria, previously the equipment. world analogues and after bench tests will be put into operation. murat zaripov will continue the topic. the small area of ​​the stand simply could not accommodate everyone, so the start of the test work of the new turbine via video link is given from the workshop where it was assembled. the vibration of the gas generator is 3.4 mm, which also corresponds to the technical specifications. the launch is being monitored by both the performers and... the industrial engine al-41 st with a power of 25 megawatts was developed by specialists from the ufa engine-building production association of the rostec state corporation for the needs of gazprom. this is a new generation engine, and this is the first domestic development with such technical characteristics that our industry has not yet known. and this means that
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today we are taking a very big step. forward to our technological sovereignty in fuel and energy complex, i am convinced that this engine will find worthy use in gazprom’s promising projects - pumping natural gas, and will also allow you to increase the energy efficiency and power of your company. it was possible to create a new engine in record time, the work took only 2 years, and the existing one was taken as a basis. yourself a model. the al-31 str industrial engine was produced about 20 years ago and is still used at gazprom facilities, for example, there are now about 100 such operating engines in russia. territory of the republic of bashkartystan, convoy of siberian forces at the facilities of the yamal peninsula. such drives are used at compressor stations and act as powerful fans that drive gas through the pipe. the new industrial engine should become even
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more efficient and reliable. according to the forecast, its service life will be at least 120,000 hours. it uses the most modern materials and technologies, including those used on fifth- generation aircraft engines, and this allows us to obtain significantly better performance in terms of efficiency, about 10% improvement compared to previous generation engines in terms of reducing emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, today this engine meets all current and future requirements for... emissions of harmful substances. just a few years ago, power plants of this class had to be purchased abroad. the first russian experimental engine of the fifth generation, according to the designers, is in no way inferior to the best in the world. and after bench tests they will go for pilot industrial operation. there is already a place of registration, this arskaya compressor station at gazprom transgaz kazan. there, our
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colleagues are already waiting for this engine in february, we are waiting for the second engine to arrive, we believe that these tests, which began today, will be successful, because the work has been done very well. after completion of all tests, the issue of serial production of industrial engines will be decided, in the future on the basis of this power plant. the installation plans to create a family of drives with higher power. murat zaripov, sergei shelepin, zemfir abzalov, news. ufa. all the best, as simple as alpha business. internet banking and business applications. everything in one button, counting payments. accounting and lawyers. alfabank is the best bank for business.
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you did everything wonderful that happened in the past year, so tag yourself, scooter, the holiday is you, my business is small, so that everyone can feel the smell of the new year, and my business is that everyone warms up with its warmth and sees it. its magical shine, our job is for you to continue to believe in miracles and create them yourself at home. every year
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, entrepreneurs help create a festive atmosphere, little by little, vtb supports them, we help businesses with deeds. we bring metal, cashback, and you will see such benefits, smartphones for 7.999 and 20% cashback. open your first deposit on financial services with a rate of up to 18.8% for 6 months, download the financial services financial services application from the moscow exchange, deposits from different banks in one application, win when you find a reason to get together, order from sbermarket, megamarket and scooter and win 10 million rubles. alfabank has the best loyalty program for business, we pay 3.00 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback. for expenses at the sportsmaster, prices are half the price for world and sports brands with a guarantee of the authenticity of the product, it gets better and
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better, up to 16% per annum on the best deposit interest in savings savings, deposit with a favorable rate, place it literally with one button in the mobile application in savings savings with prime is more profitable. washington decided to restore the air base on the island of teana. military airfield in the pacific ocean. the united states actively used it during the second world war, including for launching nuclear strikes on japan. the situation of aggravation of the conflict with china has been resolved to return to operation the strategic facility for the modernization of which almost $80 million was allocated. our own correspondent in japan, sergei mingazhev, is now in direct contact. sergey, hello. how does japan react to this american initiative? yes, vera, hello, the news is quite recent, there are still no official comments from the united states about
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why they are restoring the air base. there was no tienian, so on the other hand it looks like an internal matter of the united states, so accordingly there are no official comments from the japanese authorities either, the tienian base was indeed actively used by american troops in the last year of the second world war, from there attacks were carried out on tokyo, in particular , the bombing of tokyo on march 10 , 1945 was carried out by b-29 bombers flying from tinian; both atomic bombs on jeroshima on gosaki were also dropped by b-20s. nine that flew from tinian, why are the americans restoring this facility , which after the war lost its strategic importance, as i said, the american command does not give official comments, but it is obvious that in this case it will allow the american forces to be dispersed, which are located in pacific ocean, and the need for this can arise only in one case, this is a military conflict that can threaten
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the stationed that can threaten the united states, united states troops located in the immediate vicinity of it, just look at the map to see how close the island of okinawa, which is now the main foothold of american troops in the pacific ocean, how close this island is to taiwan, that is, it can be assumed that the united states considers it likely scenario that suppose mainland china takes control of taiwan, in which case they are under threat, under direct threat.
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consider a real war in taiwan possible and are actually preparing for it; as for japan, naturally, this cannot but arouse, at a minimum, interests on the part of the japanese authorities, because the current security doctrine assumes that the united states must defend japan in the event of a threat she herself does not have enough strength for this, it is obvious that if there is a reduction in the american military presence in japan, this will undermine it. security in this regard, the japanese have no choice but to gradually turn towards militarization, which we have observed in the last year and a half; a year ago, the japanese, in particular, for the first time in post-war history, allowed themselves the right to a preventive strike, and the purchase of offensive weapons was also allowed , in particular the united states tamahawk missiles; moreover, japan is increasing military
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spending, gathering. by 2027, bring it to 2% of gdp, and another step has been taken literally last week, when the government actually lifted the ban on arms exports that had been in force throughout japan’s post-war history, in particular, it was allowed to sell to americans missiles for patriot air defense systems produced in japan under license, that is, all this, of course, indicates that the situation is escalating and the united states, together with its allies, are at least preparing for a possible war. vera, sergey, thank you, our own correspondent, sergey mengazhev, was in direct communication from japan. now we'll take a break for a couple minutes, then we'll continue. one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars and asked
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to steal it for fun. from the regiment a cannon and with her own hands she shot into a peasant’s hut, miraculously she didn’t kill anyone to death, what’s the difficulty, her mother is an important person at court , everything is fine with my daughter, she’s a normal girl, just like everyone else, and a girl too, she repents , it seems, we drove to paris, we’ll eat oysters, we could... we could forgive, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, but i’ll cut out your tongue now , we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it up, so i’d like you horses tore it up, where are you going to drown yourself, do you have two?


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