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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 28, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

12:00 pm
you know, here are 10 points , well, okay, you don’t like the cordon sanitaire around russia, take food security, well, i understand, then they will say, so many countries, one took such an innocent point, another took a second innocent point, for example , nuclear safety, all together, it means that everyone together supports a return to the year ninety-one, but our main... thesis, when we talk with those countries that are invited to these gatherings, with those that remain outside the framework of this process, but are wondering how after all, this crisis will be resolved, uh, we explain to them a very simple thing: okay, 1991, what does this mean? this means that ukraine remains within the borders that were established at the time of the collapse of the soviet union, the president...
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gross violations of the constitution prohibit all this, they also added to the laws - there are local acts, for example, like klitschko in kiev, here for a couple of months ago, generally banned the use of the russian language in any sphere of cultural, social, everyday life in kiev, although there, however, the majority speaks in russian as before, which reflects the true true authority of the ukrainian regime, all these slogans, but if...
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the security council, then all sorts of yermaks far away declare: “we will take crimea.” budanov, not so long ago he said , we will take crimea, well, there will probably be several hundred thousand people there, millions, in my opinion, he said, a million said, they have some big work ahead, there are millions there, which means such wrong people , that’s it, yes, that’s what it’s all about, yes, people speak russian, we will erase all this russianness from you we will kill.
12:07 pm
didn’t come out of russia, performing in russian, in russian shows in russian performances and various other games, so those who now, including the president, are talking about the destruction of everything russian, here he was recently zelensky, so feignedly asked how it was , i decided to say something in russian, i said, i’ve already forgotten it, remind me, is there? please, the entire online public is watching how a few years ago he fundamentally spoke in the spirit of the servant of the people scenario, leave the russians alone, this is their language, live
12:08 pm
okay, i’m a jew myself, but my native language is russian, and i’m a citizen of ukraine, so why can’t he follow this principled line? when we saw that they seemed to be trying to follow these principles, we lived normally , he even reminded how under yushchenko we found ways to communicate and be friends, and with all his
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western orientation, well, we didn’t have any crises, and there was no such thing, here is a rejection that is artificial from the outside. the summit meeting of the north atlantic alliance itself, at which a declaration was adopted, which said georgia and ukraine will be in nato. and when putin asked merkel , he said, why is this, you yourself told me
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that this would never happen, well , bush put a lot of pressure, but we won, he says, how did you win, well, it’s written here...
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which now they are cutting off a lot of ruma there already in the hungarian language, that’s why
12:13 pm
you know, here’s another example, when a coup d’état took place, when the crimea rebelled and repelled the attempts of thugs with bats and guns in their hands to seize the crimean parliament, held a referendum, when the donbass said, guys we also with you...
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we understood that at that moment this was a way out of the situation, so that a chain reaction would not be created there, everything would not go downhill, but when federalization.
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germany is hindering this process by sending tanks with crosses. well, black ingratitude, you can call it that, but the trouble is that they feel, when someone shows black ingratitude to someone, then people with a conscience are ashamed of it, and maybe even have difficulty falling asleep. these are the people who are now involved in leadership.
12:18 pm
public opinion on various events , now it’s all purely brain pumping, in the western, in the western yeast, for everyone else , there are no alternative points of view, then there were, and i spoke essentially through, no, a week and a half before
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the minsk agreements , well, almost a year after...
12:20 pm
i don’t see such a rosy future, or rather, a rosy future in a good sense for the european union, in other senses they have already defined this future for themselves, the americans are very cynical and...
12:21 pm
reinforced by the fact that well there aren't any around serious threats to the security of the united states, except for those that they create themselves, there is this feeling that everything is in order over there overseas, somewhere you can fish in troubled waters, so we will now stir up this water there and look, how to extract...
12:22 pm
in this sense, even trump, when he said that we need to think more about ourselves, even under trump, this is the deep state that ensures the work of the us administration, they still set europe up for this what guys, even if we are smaller here keep the troops, but you are responsible for this clearing, so don’t relax, we will still ensure the dominance of the golden billion in all areas of the world, they have this, only some serious internal american problem,
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some serious shock, maybe to bring them to their senses, while they have this infallibility, superiority, well, they are simply hitting over the edge, yes, this was especially manifested in the actions of the democratic administration,
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why the european union, why these countries , the seven countries in which they are led
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hamas is allegedly being destroyed, although hamas
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was flirted with. this destruction of the gas sector is a special operation in order to dig a canal parallel to the soviet one from the gulf of eilad through the negiev desert, that is, there are 300 kilometers there with modern technology and money, it’s not difficult, but what exactly was it, what is the essence of it.. .
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bloody, landing on the moon, still no one can finally calm down, there were other conspiracy theories, less calm down, yes, although it would seem in all in three cases, such a number of people should have known about what was happening, and until now it remains, as it were, unclear, strange, but i don’t even want to admit that normal people...


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