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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 28, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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this year, our economy is in tatters, politicians are weakening, even dismembering , now they are seeing the opposite effect from their russia, which is also what many idle pique vests abroad began to talk about as a result of this hybrid war of the entire collective west against russia, which was unleashed hands, bodies and all other components. ukrainian society against us using the most modern western weapons, as a result of this russia has become significantly stronger this year, and the unity of our people has increased much. i am sure that they did not want this, they wanted just the opposite, disunity of the country, opposition to a special military operation, sanctions should have agitated the people, they should have raised a protest.
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at the expense of europe. weather conditions, as well as crew error, could have caused a serious accident in yakutia. the an-24 plane landed off the runway, landing on the kalyma river. the crew has been suspended from flights until the inspection is completed. our correspondent in yakutia, vitaly prokopyev, has all the details. today in yakutia in the village of zyryanka, srednekolymsky district, an an-24 plane landed on... the runway, it is reported that the crew and passengers were not injured, people were promptly evacuated, the prosecutor's office of the republic reports this , the crew and passengers were not injured, they were evacuated, the sakha commission of the yakut aviation, employees of the yakut investigative committee of russia on transport and the management of the polar airline flew to the scene of the aviation event. according to preliminary information, the reason an aviation event is a crew error in piloting an aircraft. in this regard, the yakut transport prosecutor's office. area
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for conducting an inspection of the specified fact and coordinating the activities of law enforcement agencies. experts named the preliminary cause of the incident as a piloting error. the plane was flying from yakutsk via zyryanka to srednekolymsk and back to yakutsk, but it turned out that it deviated to the side and landed on a sand spit of the kolyma river. an investigation into this fact has now been carried out by the investigative committee. on transport. yakutsk investigation department for transport and eastern regional investigation department. on transport of the investigative committee of russia, a pre-investigation check is carried out on the grounds of a crime provided for in part one of article 263 of the criminal code of the russian federation. investigators from the investigation department are carrying out a set of verification activities aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. everything is fine with the crew and passengers, i repeat, they were almost immediately evacuated from the landing site, of course, i had to experience shock and walk several dozen. meters, but
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no one was seriously injured; now a commission of the federal air transport agency investigator and the airline management are working on the spot. vitaly prokopyev, sergey zaborovsky, news, yakutia. in sochi , a solemn ceremony was held to close the year of architecture, on behalf of the head of the city, alexei kopaigorodsky, for the implementation of a large-scale project, famous russian architects and experts of the urban planning council were awarded with badges of honor and diplomas. in the year of architecture priority was given to social construction, the pace of which was immediately increased by 250%. in addition, for the first time in sochi , special urban planning regulations were approved as part of the protection of historical heritage. also , large-scale landscaping was launched in the city, during which dozens of squares and parks along the embankment were transformed. it is getting better
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life requires a real bank, psb is a bank for present, win when you create especially. moments when you find a reason to get together, when you give joy to your loved ones, order from a scooter, sbermarket and megamarket and win 10 million rubles and other incredible prizes, in the feed there is a two-for-one promotion, invin tights 165 rubles per pair when you buy two, in this russian lodo is giving away as much as 2 billion this year, celebrate the new year as a billionaire, buy it! tickets on the website in branded stores in stoloto with a credit sbercard everything will be as you want, everything will be as you want, there will be peace on yours, the nights will be shorter days,
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only we have enough, everything will be as you want. on new year's eve, our house is immersed in a fairy tale, your fairy-tale dreams will come true in a magnet, win 10 million to buy a house and valuable prizes with a new house magnet. and now it’s time for economic news: the central bank has decided to permanently abolish commissions for banks for transfers between citizens in the fast payments system. the new rules will come into effect on april 1. in addition, from may 1, the limit on free
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transfers to yourself via sbp will increase to 30 million rub. per month. the amount of commission-free transfers from one person to another will remain the same: 100,000 rubles per month. the production of gold jewelry in russia increased by almost 20%. at the end of the year, more than 30 million jewelry weighing 55.5 tons were produced. this was announced by deputy minister of finance alexey moiseev. as for silver jewelry , production here increased by one and a half times to 56.5 million pieces. these results are partly due to the recovery of the market, but the main effect was achieved through legalization. inflation in russia at the end of the year will not exceed 8%, deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko stated this in an interview with ryan news. it was possible to contain the growth, among other things , thanks to prices for vegetables and fruits. the cost of these products, with the exception of tomatoes, was within the forecast. at the same time, prices for potatoes, cabbage, onions, pasta and flour were lower than
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expected. the deputy prime minister added that there is no shortage of chicken eggs in russia, prices for them will stabilize after the new year. and the total collections of russia.
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revenue is estimated to exceed 120 billion rubles. when and in which countries will the service launch? satellite communications that the group is creating, is it planning a public offering? watch the interview between the trusted manager of the it company alexey shalobokov and my colleague anni lazareva. alexey anatolyevich, hello. good afternoon. tell us with what results x-holding completed the twenty-third year, we can probably already say something. well, of course, it’s still a little early to talk about results, we probably have the most important days ahead,
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but of course this year has brought a lot of good things, there were, of course, bad events, let's start with the good ones, our holding occupies a rather unique position in the market, we are engaged in technological infrastructure, developing computer technology, a platform for processing, data storage, dealing with security, a unique segment of non-spacecraft satellite communications, this year we we are growing again, growing by... as usual in march, but now we can say that we are growing at the level of 35-40%, last year the revenue was a little more than 90 billion, this year we are of course significantly significantly we leave there for over 120, so not everything is finished yet, but the results are really good, unfortunately, this year the holding had tragic events, in july of this year our partner, friend, founder of the x-holding left us. like-minded person, anton cherepeinikov, he was only 40 years old, a great, great patriot of our homeland,
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a unique entrepreneur who really did it in the shortest possible time, iolding turned only 5 years old in december, that is, for such a significantly short period of time, we can really talk about unique achievements of all group, all five companies that form the isholding, well, now we will continue our ideas, moving even further, do you have numbers? what market share do you occupy if we are talking about the it sector in general and specifically in your main areas that you listed? as i already said, a rather unique group, because we are engineering companies, yes, that is, it as a segment is everything, these are services that are around us, many companies from the traditional sector are now becoming it companies, and in general now it’s quite difficult to measure what market shares it measures, we clearly understand that we occupy first place in the segments of... information infrastructure, yes, this is a server, data storage systems, what the largest organizations and companies
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in our country operate on, again after all, for us it’s not even so important to measure these tens of percent, arguing 30, 40, 50, 60, for us it is important to see that the largest companies, organizations of our country trust us, but trust was probably the key thing, which is not enough in the interaction between domestic developers, manufacturers and largest consumers, it is no secret that... for many years the attitude towards russian technological products, we are talking, of course, about the world of real, say, hardware, hardware, the so-called, yes, has been slickly lenient , we really started much later than our international competitors, global leaders, and of course, over the past 2 years the situation with mutual trust has changed dramatically, so we see how this is reflected, among other things, in our results, even when taking into account the stabilization of the situation this year, we still continue to grow multiple times more than the market. likewise, in the segment of satellite security, especially for telecommunications infrastructure, our
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companies occupy far-reaching positions there, but if we talk about low-orbit satellite communications, about the company bureau 1440, which is part of the ex-holding, then in this segment we are the only russian company that conducts such development, the project is of course still in the stage development and testing of cool experiments , but when it is launched, it will be the only domestic company, well , we will talk about it later, now i... i want to return to, as you said, international companies that left our market, and you have already partially said what effect this had for you, are you growing? and if we talk in general about the pros and cons, what did this give or vice versa, what disadvantages did it bring for you, and is it possible to develop - it companies only within the country or only within a few countries? but indeed, these kinds of events
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are shocking for the market, on the other hand, they provide, of course, a huge number of opportunities, as i already... said that the situation we are faced with creates unique opportunities for ambitious companies to develop and gain the trust of consumers and grow. it so happened that initially, when we created companies, for example, a company that exists in 2014, we were guided by multiple surveys, yes we made some several significant investments, such as the senior construction of a plant, long before... absolutely absolutely correct, if this had not been done, then of course in such a short time it would have been simply impossible to adapt to a multiple of the increased demand, of course, in the same way we we cannot help but
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note the presence of international development centers in russia, it just so happened. well, everyone knows that russian engineers are one of the best in the world, yes, the russian scientific school has been creating them for decades, but unfortunately, earlier russian engineers created products , advanced products not for russian companies, yes, that is, tens of thousands of advanced specialists in their industries, worked in the country, sometimes even often left the country, as if yes, making a career in international companies, of course the current situation allowed we deserve to prove it. to these specialists that a career in a domestic company is possible for them, so the number of the holding has grown multiple times over the years, yes, that is, now the holding has more than 7,500 employees, of which 80% are engineers, and significant growth, this is about more than three thousand specialists, these are those international-level experts, our compatriots
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who have joined us in recent years, of course, the disruption of supply chains has generally broken down some such international model. he also contributed , brought his influence, but it cannot be said that this situation is only of the last 2 years, yes, that is, it all started with the covid epidemic, which we remember, back then in the twentieth, nineteenth year there was a global change in the supply chain, when those suppliers who it would seem that they have been tested for years, there were working relationships, for one reason or another they began to fall out, there is an epidemic, factories here are closed, no one is working, so initially those companies that were determined to quickly adapt to...
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prove this with products, with their technological leadership, success, but further, of course, is impossible without expansion, yes, that is, any technological champions of their countries deservedly occupy leading positions in international markets, because these are competitions and there are so many countries as well countries have the competence to create advanced technological products. what stage are you at now, gaining
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technological leadership within the country or are you already aiming at the international market? combine different ones. stages, of course , we continue to develop within the country, we still have a huge number of important technological problems that we have not yet solved, that is, a modern national champion in the world of technology is a company that must have a large amount of competence, and in various areas, technological fields, these include microelectronics, radio electronics, and product design, artificial intelligence, the use of robotics, telecommunications, communications, space communications for development. all these technologies take years, we are moving forward, probably at a record pace, and even when comparing ourselves with global international leaders, it is difficult to find similar references when the company has developed so quickly. therefore, we solve all the problems in parallel; in some markets we actually already occupy a fairly large, significant leading position, in some segments we understand that we are just learning, we
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are just creating, for example, the project that we are currently implementing to develop base stations, operator-class television equipment, this is an elite club, just over three companies in the world have such products, and such products are an inevitable success factor not only for the company. or for the country, and for the people, of course, we all want to use advanced modern communications, master these technologies, create such a development - this is usually a decade of work , yes, that is, we go around, stations say at what stage the project is at, when will we see them already in action, now we can already say that about 30% of the employees of the yadro company are engaged in this large-scale project, that is, about one and a half thousand engineers are already working on the creation of base stations. to understand the complexity of tasks, for example, yes, this is the software that forms the stack of the base station itself, we are creating it from scratch , it already contains about 20 million lines of code,
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for example, if we compare some tiktok-level defeat, well, everyone knows what tiktok is, yes, a fashionable social network, then there are only 15 million lines of code, that is, if we wanted to create tiktok, we would do it a few more months ago, that is, this is an extremely large-scale task, we have to develop independently both radio modules and digital... part of the hardware. this, as i said, is already a very large-scale project indeed. we set ourselves a goal in the twenty-fifth year to begin, in fact, serial production of base station hardware to gradually reach the target state. our ambitious goals are to achieve the target level of functionality starting from the twenty-seventh year so that our equipment on operator networks has completely competitive characteristics with world leaders. and what is most important, for example, when developing a station. 5g is technology in terms of chips, i don’t know, for example, but again , do we have them, either they are people, yes, or they are brains,
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tell us about it, you know, the most important thing - these are, of course, people, the foundation, yes, because our world of technological developments, it does not exist without engineers, over the past decades it has turned out that there are a lot of... developers, programmers in the country, we see what a massive demand there was for this created by quite successful online companies in the country, and as i already said, many even companies from the traditional sector become it companies, they create a huge demand for developers, but we need engineers, engineers - this is a very unique layer of ae specialists who are able to create products - of the real world, solving not some degenerate problems, but the very problems that are most relevant, and specialists. in the telecom industry , these are absolutely unique people, now, of course, we are doing our best, together with our leading
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universities we are launching general education programs, in total we already have about 15 of them with 12 universities, but engineers of this class are not created in a year, not two, but three, this is work that will take years, but the actual formation of such an examination, i will repeat again times, we need to create a lot of bricks from scratch. there are industries where borrowing is possible, where technology transfer is possible, but there are industries where it is necessary to have all the elements of this expertise in order to create further products, so of course, all issues related to the supply there and certain kinds of components or parts, that’s all can be solved when you have people who know how to create a product, develop a product, change a product, so the main thing now for us is simultaneous... work in all directions, be it microelectronics , software, radio parts, hardware and harmonization of commands among themselves, in order to truly create operator-class equipment, and this
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equipment is extremely technologically complex, because base stations can operate in different conditions, the far north, and where - in the desert, they must serve subscribers even in a metropolis, when there is a huge amount of interference, all this is still the most advanced technology, this is truly an extremely ambitious task, but... it is impossible not to solve it, you also produce equipment, it equipment, i mean the core company, what are the production and financial results, who are your main partners, and well, one of the key events of this year, of course, on april 15 - twenty-third year we launched the first production lines of our large-scale production in dubna, jadrof dubna, this is our very large investment project, a unique production. throughout our country, more than 4000 square meters, about a thousand highly qualified specialists, the highest level of detail in production; what is unique
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is that this is a full production cycle. equipment, that is, this is not some kind of assembly , yes, no matter what kind of large-unit, not large-unit, we really start from the very, very basics with the production of printed circuit boards, as it were, surface mounting, production, equipment testing, and this equipment is the most high-tech , the equipment on which all the services we are familiar with work, which we encounter every day when we use the services of online banking, we log in for government services, we call somewhere on the phone, in fact, in every aspect of our life from issuing a plane ticket, we are faced with online services that operate on equipment, data centers, in fact, this is our equipment , therefore, our customers, our partners are all those who are the largest users of such systems in our country, this is the organization of the financial sector, the telecommunications sector, the transport sector, retel, of course, including the public sector, that’s all of them our consumers, a large number of products have been released this year in the field
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of data computing... communications throughout the country, not only not only the country, but it’s absolutely true, in fact, bureau 1440 is a completely logical , expected, inevitable step, because when we we look into the future, we understand what the technology of the future is, well, what we will not be able to live without in 10-15 years, well, the answer would seem to be obvious, unmanned vehicles, artificial intelligence, robotics, absolute mobility, and digitalization of everything services, even now we
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cannot live without a telephone even within a metropolis, but we are further...
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no type of communication, we held a video conference, then we still have many, many experiments ahead, this is a rather complex project, so expect something like this systems of this kind are made in a year, in two, in three, well, no, our goal is the start of a commercial service in the twenty-seventh year, indeed , these kinds of services cannot be only within one country, they provide a unique opportunity for a global coverage, well, it is impossible to deny that in a country like ours, we are simply obliged to have our own group, our own service connection. this is, as you say, coverage, it seems that 76 countries sanctions will not affect this, coverage will be global in any case, it does not depend on laws, it only depends on the laws of physics, everything else is determined by the possibility of work, but we we look at it this way, but it is clear that the situations in the world are now changing the world, and there is a demand for multipolarity, some countries are on the contrary
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are drawn to alternative technologies , alternative services, we have already begun interaction, we need it to obtain frequency permissions, to be able to operate legitimately in different countries in the world, we see that countries with very large populations, measured in hundreds of millions of inhabitants, are not that they do not refuse, they are looking forward to the arrival of this class of services. again, it is important that this kind of service is, in its own way , a kind of truly elite club, because in order to create such a grouping, it is necessary space technologies, telecommunications. microelectronics, radio electronics , you need to know, have a large number of competencies, you need to have a really powerful rocket and space industry, because just imagine putting a thousand satellites into orbit, this really is a unique chance for the rocket and space industry, that’s how many satellites you have will be, and in order to provide the given coverage of the earth, we will need about 900 satellites, while the first stage is...


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