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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 28, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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love in an interview with dmitry kiselev. the head of the russian foreign ministry believes that in the past year our country has become significantly stronger, the people have rallied, opposing the west in the hybrid war it unleashed. predicting once again, following obama, who did this in 2010, the gap in our economy in klochya. now they are observing the opposite effect of their policy on the weakening and even... dismemberment of russia, which many idle pique vests abroad also began to talk about, as a result of this hybrid war, everything the collective west against russia, which was unleashed with arms, bodies and all other components of ukrainian society against us, using the most modern western weapons, as a result of this russia has become significantly...
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stronger this year, and the unity of our people has increased significantly. i am sure that they did not want this, they wanted just the opposite, disunion of the country, opposition to a special military operation, sanctions should have agitated the people, they should have raised waves of protest, they achieved unity country, unity of the people. weather conditions, as well as crew error, could have been the cause. serious air accident in yakutia. the an-24 plane landed off the runway, landing on the kolyma river. the crew has been suspended from flights until the inspection is completed. our correspondent in yakutia, vitaly prokopyev, has all the details. today in yakutia, in the village of zyryanka, srednekolypsky district , an an-24 plane landed off the runway. it is reported that the crew and passengers were not injured; people were promptly evacuated. crew
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and the passengers were not injured, they were evacuated, the sakha commission of the yakut race of aviation, employees of the yakut investigative committee of russia on transport and the management of the polar airline flew to the scene of the aviation event. according to preliminary information, the cause of the aviation event is a crew error in piloting the aircraft. in this regard, the yakut transport prosecutor's office organized an investigation into this fact and coordination of the activities of law enforcement agencies. specialists named the preliminary cause of the incident, this. an error in piloting, the plane was flying from yakutsk via zyryanka to srednekolymsk and back to yakutsk, but it turned out that it deviated to the side and landed on a sand spit of the kolyma river. now an investigation into this fact has been organized by the investigative committee of transport. the yakutsk investigation department for transport, the eastern regional investigation department for transport, the investigative committee of russia are conducting a pre-investigation check. by characteristics crime provided for in part. first
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article 263 of the criminal code of the russian federation. investigators from the investigation department are carrying out a set of verification activities aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. the crew and passengers are fine; i repeat, they were almost immediately evacuated from the landing site. of course, we had to experience shock and walk several tens of meters, but no one was seriously injured. now a commission of investigators from the federal air transport agency and the airline management are working on the spot. vitaly prokopyev, sergey zaborovsky, leading yakutia. the russian central election commission has registered proxies and candidates for president vladimir putin. there are 346 people on the list, they were issued special certificates. among the authorized representatives of vladimir putin are conductor yuri bashmet, doctor leonid bakeria, artists vladimir mashkov, sergei bezrukov, larisa dolina, shaman, nikolai tsyskaridze, directors nikita mikhalkov and karen shakhnazarov. as well as coach irina winner.
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vladimir putin is running in the russian presidential elections as a self-nominated candidate. voter group in his support, was registered on december 20. co-chairman of vladimir putin’s election headquarters, chairman of the people’s council of the dpr artyom zhogo visited the regional headquarters in donetsk. he signed in support of the head of state. artyom zhogo also looked at how the work of the headquarters is organized. talked to. with visitors to the public reception and answered calls coming to the call center, he promised that the requests of the residents of the dpr would definitely be passed on to the president, our country is very big, there are a lot of people, everyone has their own problems, some everyday, general, individual, and simply listening and analyzing all these appeals from citizens, when meeting with vladimir vladimirovich, we will, well, me and my co-chairs, we will bring it to your attention.
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the engineering and sapper unit sent a robot to him, he did not find any explosives, the enemy uav was destroyed with an overhead charge. i
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always miss you very much. warm your loved ones with warm words, a delicious winter combo, period. we don't know which cucumbers will make the new year's olivier perfect. but we know which bank will make the whole year profitable. ural sibs. at sportmaster, prices are half the price for global sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. win when you create special moments. a reason to get together when you give joy to your loved ones, order from a scooter, sbermarket and megamarket and win 10 million rubles and other incredible prizes. only at alfabank, order a free
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series and lawyers. alfabank is the best bank for business. let's take it! do you see such a benefit? smart tv tova for only 39.999. order green peas from 69 rubles from the lenta store. sbermarket delivers the holiday. russia is a country of which we are proud, we are proud to bring light and warmth throughout the world, we look forward with pride, paving new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. we are proud
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of our successes, but we never rest on our laurels. discover the achievements of our country, come to the exhibition. now personnel from the presidential press service, let's start with the state defense order, yes, that means i would like to literally briefly say that... after all, corporations continue to take part in solving national problems to
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ensure the technological sovereignty of our state and, of course , priority we were left, which means the fulfillment of the state defense order is sent regularly troops, artillery, armored vehicles, tanks , military aviation, small arms, drones, ammunition, and so on, for if we... to be honest, if we had not carried out a global modernization of our enterprises before the twenty-second year, i think that there would be an increase times the production of products that happened last year this year, it’s unlikely that we would probably be able to accomplish it, uh, i can give an example, for example, ammunition for small arms rszzo, we increased production 50 times, armored vehicles and pre-barrel artillery same.
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products, our main civil projects do not forget about the production of civilian ones - this is, first of all, of course, the production of civil aircraft for civilian use. this year we should already mass -produce and transfer six aircraft to aeroflot, and
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little by little we should increase the volume and by the twenty-ninth year we should reach 72 aircraft per year, which means that as for the super jet 100, pd8, yes, it’s already ready, that’s it bench tests have been completed, tests on a flying laboratory have been completed. will begin already final certification flights as part of the aircraft and, uh, we have to transfer 20 cars to the airlines in the twenty-fourth year; we will produce 20 cars every year - of this type , as for - well, engine building, we ’ve already talked about it, we ’re planning to do it in the twenty-fourth year obtain a certificate for the engine. vk650b is a helicopter engine, it will be installed on the ansati and k-226
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aircraft, today there are foreign engines there, but in the twenty-fourth year we, i hope, will have completed all the tests and we will receive certification. in general, many countries produce aircraft; engines are produced in five countries in total: the united states, canada, and great britain. well, in odk klimi - this is in st. petersburg, we have built a new design and production complex,
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in accordance with all modern requirements that are presented for the production of new engines, turbines, we have already begun serial production of the vk 2500 and tv3 117 engines. these are engines , which are installed on our mi-seventeenths, mi-eighths, mi-171, well. on this this series of helicopters on the k-62, k-52, on military engines too, helicopter manufacturing, which means we have already talked about ansad, we are in the twenty-fourth year, as soon as... we get a new vk650 engine, we will increase the flight range from 500 km to 660 km, with an additional fuel tank it will be up to 800, practically not practically, but we will replace all the imported components that are 800 km to 800 km with an additional tank, this is ansad, the engine
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is good, economical, economical, in general, it’s ordinary . without supplement it will fly up to 660 km, and speed? their speed is, well, somewhere around 250-280, that’s it, the kresser speed. in the twenty-fourth year we will complete the second stage with the certification of the so-called offshore helicopter, we did this at the request of rosneft, yes, that means the helicopter will be used to service offshore platforms, in addition it can land and do. well, if a forced landing is necessary, it can land directly on the water, there is a rubber ring inflated around it, the letters can sit down, we showed it in abu dhabi at an exhibition, and there was great interest, the molosians, therefore, have also shown interest, they want to purchase, and the arab countries too,
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and now we will carry out certification for the passenger search of a rescue helicopter based on this mi-170. a3 in the automotive industry , well, our enterprises are actively involved in the production of electric vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles, our drones have already been surpassed by kamas, and kamaz already has six vehicles on the moscow-st. petersburg highway, on the twenty- fourth we will launch 18, there will be 18 cars already plying - we have the same drone we'll launch it in 2024.
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right now a contract is being prepared for rostov and taganrok, that is, the number of cities that operate electric buses is growing and growing, there is demand, they just made a small car, kamaz made it, it’s called atom here in moscow, on the basis of a former enterprise, so we did production on this site. this electric car is an atom and i think that somewhere in the middle of twenty-fifth we will already deliver it, in twenty-four the prototype will be ready, and in twenty-fifth we will begin production release on an assembly line. our concern of radio-electronic technologies is actively working on the production of electric charging stations, we have already
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installed about more than 200 of these charging stations, we need to make a gas one, but we also have a gas one. you do , yes, of course, we do the same thing on kamaz, and we make gas engines, i also have charging and charging gas for liquefied gas, we also produce it, we have already shown at one of the exhibitions such a mobile filling station for liquefied gas, medical equipment too, yes, medical equipment, well, uh , regarding import substitution, i also want to say about kamaz, as soon as we left, we managed to get mercedes into the situation. during the year we replaced 2,300 components that we learned to make ourselves, and today the car that the k5 was made with the germans, it is already localized somewhere around 75-80%, next year we will completely replace everything 100%. , they did not just replace, but even improved
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the characteristics - of this car, let’s say, the engine has become more economical. if before there were 25-27 liters, now there will be somewhere around 22 liters per 100 km consumption, the noise characteristics have become smaller, it has become less noisy, and the service interval has also increased, before it was 120 km, now it’s 150 km, it’s the same well, our main competitors mercedes and volva produce their own cars, well, as for medicine and medical instrument making, we already have 150 items of various medical equipment and medical equipment registered with roszdravnadzor, this equipment is made including by our enterprises, and shvaby, and ruselectronics, and concern of radio-electronic technologies, this is the same creed, concern of radio-electronic technologies , it is known for allowing
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ivly during the covid period, and today, together with doctors and resuscitators, they have developed such a mobile mobile unit that can be conveniently used by doctors and for the patient, here it is now it is in great demand among us, we have now... already launched its sale. these were shots from the kremlin, a meeting between the president and the head of the rostec state corporation. president vladimir putin at a meeting with gazprom head alexei miller assessed the quality and pace of gasification in the country as excellent. and in kostroma , new consumers gained access to natural network gas. the boiler room of the district hospital was put into operation in the region. we launched the first infrastructure facilities in mantra. and neysky districts. in addition, the boiler room of the kindergarten was put into commercial operation and the first private house was connected. the command to connect was given by energy minister nikolai
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shulginov, first deputy governor alexey afanasyev and general director of gazprom mezhregiongaz, sergey gustov. natalia yusupov with details. energy minister nikolai shulginov solemnly presses the symbolic button. and the gas enters the new block-modular boiler room of the district hospital number one. it was decided to gasify the medical facility 2 years ago after the visit of prime minister mikhail mishustin. the hospital serves more than 260,000 city residents. today the wards have become warmer, patients say. you can now regulate the temperature yourself depending on the weather, and the heads of institutions have already calculated that savings on utility bills will amount to up to 40%. right next to the boiler house. a map of the region, it shows both gasified areas and those where blue fuel has yet to arrive. discussion of gasification continues in the regional administration. the regional centers of neya and
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manturovo are joining via video link. today is also a holiday here, gas has arrived in manturovo. now 33 boiler houses and 5,500 households can receive fuel. applications from residents for additional gasification are being accepted. gazprom will build a gas pipeline to the border of the land plot, which will be provided to the government region. rub, this money costs a russian boiler, a russian stove, a meter and the installation of a gas system inside the house, and for people this is savings. in addition, specialists from gazprom gas distribution kostroma connected the house of pensioner sergei suslov in neya to gas; in total, another 5,177 houses and 18 boiler houses will be able to connect to gas in the city. today it has been launched in the locality. in the twenty- second and twenty-third years, more than 25 such organizations switched to autonomous heating in the boiler room of the kolokolchik kindergarten,
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and so the savings for them alone amounted to several tens of millions of rubles, of course, when we completely move away from coal and fuel oil, the savings will amount to hundreds of millions of rubles. work on the implementation of the program for the development of gas supply and gasification of the kostram region in...
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dozens of famous russians came to vladimir putin, popular front journalists decided to sign, bloggers, pop singers, and athletes decided to sign their names. the mayor of moscow, sergei sobyanin, also visited the election headquarters. i have known for a long time, man, a great statesman, a courageous, brave person, i think that we are... lucky to have such a leader. construction of a new volleyball center has been completed in the saratov region. the first competitions will be held there this
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new year holidays. the arena will become the main training ground for the proton women's volleyball team, which this year became the bronze medalist of the russian championship. today , chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin inspected the new sports and recreation complex and met with his voters, who asked to complete the construction of the sports complex. center, which has been abandoned for 10 years. we have a team that shows good results, but it is possible.
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mushroom, the novgorod region has enormous tourism potential, and here , just a minute ago, grandfather triskon, the ancestor of grandfather frost, met everyone, master classes are held here for children, in this space, and of course a lot has been told about the novgorod region, for example, it ranks fifth in the national ranking of the investment climate that exists here...
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countries are interested in our experience and invite us to open branches of our colleges in the cis countries. and we have already moved to the stand of the vologda region, just look, here everyone is greeted by father frost, who came here from veliky ustyug. master classes are also held here, a lot is told about the traditions and crafts of the vologda region.
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for agriculture, the same apatite concentrate is an afk system that implements its bright , highly effective projects in the field of timber processing complex, in the field woodworking, there is also a lot about the stand of the vologda region, the silver necklace of russia, but it is also worth noting that today i was in the pavilion of the ministry of culture, and a new tourism marketplace, an updated travel portal, was presented. the travel portal, and this is a joint project, the government of the russian federation, the ministry of economic development and the moscow government, we are very grateful to our colleagues. we pooled our resources in two directions. the first is at the federal level, we have collected the entire database
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proposals, let's say. regions, routes, hotels, attractions, everything, everything that is in general in the regions and what is last.


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