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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 28, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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these are investors, well, remember, yes, at first hundreds of billions, so to speak, appeared in these in this discourse, then tens, then just billions, now there are hundreds of millions, well, somehow it’s not unreasonable, yes, so to speak, from the point of view from the perspective of this large-scale project , but it is obvious that it is being curtailed , most likely they will freeze it, make such canned food, for later, in order for the preservation to be of high quality, you need to give them a little now so that they do not die accidentally, by the way, did they die? another important detail: all these crumbs from the table are after all, it’s not a new weapon, it’s something that was literally collected from all available warehouses, and in general , what condition it is in, the gunmen are not afraid that unfired, shells and cartridges lying around will cause more damage to them than to russia, it would be worth thinking about it, because the west will not bother with such questions, they are soldiers. in ukraine it is
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the cheapest consumable material. now there is a short advertisement about what will happen next on our broadcast. the united states is unable to check how ukraine spends its money. the state department is looking for where they disappeared multi-billion dollar tranches from overseas. will washington really stop military supplies to the kiev regime?
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the best loyalty program for business. we pay 3,000 rubles. for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. fighters of the lebanese hezbollah movement today again fired dozens of artillery shells and ammunition on populated areas in northern israel, which in turn led to bursts of fire into lebanese territory from the idf position. the consequences of these mutual attacks have not yet been clarified. well, in the gas sector, according to the local ministry of health , over 50 civilians died in just less than a day. although the israeli army still claims that hamas military targets are being targeted. reporting.
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mechanics and electronics engineers, electronics, mechanics, armor, chassis, when a tank damaged on the battlefield arrives at a special base in the rear, specialists of all profiles immediately begin to work on it, this is done quickly and clearly, so
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that after a few days or even a few hours the car is back on the road. if heavy equipment returns to service, then the loss of personnel is irreversible. helicopters every day. armored ambulances deliver the wounded to the rear. most of the fighters injured in the gas, depending on the severity and degree of injury, are admitted here to the ashkelon parzilai hospital, through the hands of surgeons and orthopedists hundreds of israeli army soldiers have already passed through. surgeons at major israeli clinics are working in emergency mode. today we see a large number of fragmentation storages from various.
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2100 people and this figure is growing every day, the number of dead residents of the enclave has exceeded the day, so many were killed that they have to be buried in such mass graves, in this one there are 80 bodies, we were not able to identify any of these people, but we will photograph them to identify in future.
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should not leave the hospital, even if we are afraid of bombs around us, we should not be afraid for behind me and we are all on target, what can i say , refugee camps... only a long-term truce will help, say the countries mediating between the parties to the conflict. there have
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already been many attempts to convince hamas and israel of this, but so far they have all ended in nothing. according to egyptian media, the israeli knesset today discussed a plan for a peaceful resolution of the conflict proposed by cairo. its first stage provides for a two-week truce. in exchange for stopping the fighting, israel will receive 40 hostages from among those held by hamas. will this deal be accepted? tel aviv, unknown yet. news from egypt. he asks to come up for a personal conversation, but is ready to discuss preliminary conditions over the phone. an interesting audio recording, as stated, is a conversation between the odessa military commissar alexander okhremenko and his friend, who asked to excuse his relative from serving in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. do you have a coupon, what did you decide to do? no, no, the ticket hasn’t been written yet. would like to check by hour.
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at this busy hour, well, just before ten exactly, it’s right away, well, it’s clear that 6 8, 10 are not potential meeting hours at all, but a potential fee of thousands of dollars for the privilege of avoiding cannibalistic mobilization, how many similar clients even one individual soul catcher has, one can only guess, against such a background, is it worth surprising at the declassified report of the us state department, which, as it turned out, lost track of the multi-billion-dollar tranches allocated... boris ivanin will reveal details about the kiev regime. no matter how much you invest in the kiev regime, you still won’t
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get dividends. ukraine, like a corruption decider, in whose pockets they disappeared there multi-billion dollar tranches from overseas that even the american state department cannot find. here's his inspector general's year-end report. the findings are startling. remember how they pumped kiev with western weapons. now it turns out that there was no real control over this, as there was over humanitarian aid. the us embassy employees, who were supposed to monitor its distribution, failed their mission, being afraid of the fighting; the americans also don’t know whether the equipment reached the front line, they weren’t there, they relied on vague photographs that provided them by the ukrainian side, naive people, corruption in ukraine is a variant of the norm, this is a national idea, to divide, disassemble, steal everything, this is the result we see today, no one in the usa intends to invest money in defeat, no one intends...
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billions dollars, that is, in less than 2 years, the kiev regime, look, received almost the same amount as before for 8 whole years, but that’s not all. recently, the united states has resorted to emergency injections as many as 44 times, by order of joe biden, the pentagon reserves were opened, the total amount there over 2 years exceeded 23 billion dollars, these 23 billion dollars are a bonus to those tranches of the state department, and compared to last year, as you can see, the amounts have doubled. it’s no wonder that with such spending overseas, high hopes were placed on a counter-offensive in the ssu. but it failed,
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partly also because the weapons were simply stolen on the way to the front. this is a link from the same chain as the scandals in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine with the purchase of products at inflated prices, which, let me remind you, is involved above the leadership of the ukrainian ministry of defense, only here the level lower. there is also, well, more or less grassroots corruption in the defense departments in ukraine, this is the senior officer corps. which sells weapons, stew, ammunition, ammunition, but where in the world now do so many weapons appear on black markets, through? of course, from ukraine, this trade is often carried out, not by senior officials, but by mid-level commanders, well, who are allowed to these military warehouses. tracking military spending in ukraine, generally speaking, is a disastrous task; money and equipment from the united states arrived in a variety of ways helicopter and boat pilot programs for some
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, javelin and artillery ammunition for others, anti-tank systems in general for others, millions of dollars are hidden everywhere here. and if arrears of as much as 6 billion were revealed in the pentagon, when purchase prices were inflated there, what can we say about ukraine, a black hole, and this is clearly visible in the state department report itself, there are black lines on almost every page with hidden information , inscriptions on sensitive documents data, this is how helplessly washington signs that failed to create an effective control mechanism. i think that both the inspector and the current government of the united states of america find it.
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total corruption in ukraine led to the states temporarily turning off the financial support tap; a new aid package worth $61 billion has been stuck in the capitol for several months. during his last visit to the states, congressmen demanded from zelensky a detailed account for every dollar. the state department was able to confirm expenses of only one and a half billion. where is everything else? question for who is in charge? the kiev regime throughout its financial pyramid. that is, the corruption of the kiev regime has become obvious. even for its western curators, and if so, then after the cessation of financial support , political support will soon dry up. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. where the dream ends, reality begins. in ukraine there are not enough places in cemeteries for neo-nazis. the new ones want to turn the graves into
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decided to ask the townspeople’s opinion on how the authorities should attract ukrainian men into the army. odessa residents speak out very unequivocally: no one is on the death list of their own free will, forced mobilization worsens the situation even more, because there are often cases when a conscript is kidnapped right on the street and immediately sent to the front line. and, of course, there is an opinion. that the kiev regime openly lies to citizens, for example, hides losses, do not deceive people, but tell them the truth is that there are losses , that there are moments, many go there, they don’t even know where they will be sent, well, however, it is unlikely that knowledgeable authorities are able to openly admit what exactly awaits the men who are not lucky enough to join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, so what officials say footage taken in ukrainian cemeteries, where places are simply running out, but what creative solutions have they come up with to correct the situation?
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the author of the video, a resident of kharkov, walks along the graves and does not turn off the camera, the crosses still do not end. more and more behind the scenes sobs and lamentations for those who died because of zelensky. it is no longer possible to hide the truth from people, ukrainians, under every new video from the cemeteries of the high school soldiers, with dozens of them writing where their relatives died, that the army of the dead is already more than a million, ask zelensky to stop the massacre, but it’s not enough for him. just recently, these people were saying that this is a war with the aggressor, that... we need to go mobilize, and we are fighting for europe, for european values, we see some kind of insight, understanding that ukrainians are not fighting for their homeland, not for
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ukraine, they are fighting for some european values. those who promote such narratives receive the same western money for it. the lvov city council admits that there are almost no places in cemeteries for the armed forces of ukraine. then they immediately propose voting in favor of exhuming the remains of soviet soldiers. and... they destroy and desecrate the graves of red army soldiers, among whom, of course, are natives of ukraine, that is, they mock the graves of their own grandfathers, or is this another mocking step of decommunization, within the framework
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of decommunization, that is, to show that they they abandon the entire soviet past, including the graves of our soldiers, who liberated the territory of ukraine, like the entire territory of the soviet union and european states, so they naturally destroy that connection with our true history, for them it does not matter. the most important thing for them is just to make room, they will increasingly, with their mobilization, throw their citizens to slaughter, so of course they will have to release, especially since the armed forces of ukraine are losing about 300 militants per day, such classified information that has become publicly available, shared the nazi nardev maryana bezuglaya , she provided statistics, saying that every 5 minutes one armed forces officer is wounded or killed, just what is the use of this information, the people's revolt will not rise yet, the civilians themselves could... be put under the gun, the tactics were based on this, that is we exchange time, well, let’s say, human lives, this meat, and so on
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, for a while very actively. they lost people in bakhmut, there really was a bakhmut meat grinder, there were simply incredible losses, it changed to meat tactics assaults, when so-called small groups tried to get somewhere, but in fact they just lost people wave after wave , well, there’s not much hope for some kind of social explosion, here, like in nazi germany, they will most likely fight until the very end . the very end, and no matter how many ambulances are transferred from private hands to the general use of the armed forces of ukraine, as ukrainian commanders do, the losses are unlikely to decrease. the ukrainian nominal authorities do not mind human resources as long as they have money. russia is the country we proud. we are proud to bring light and warmth around the world. we look forward with pride, forging new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. we are proud
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of our successes. but we never stop there, discover the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition.
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promise me that you will sing from the bottom of your heart, i promise, temporary musicians, this is my group, this is the same boy who charmed everyone with his songs, tough!
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multiple increase in military and civilian products at large russian enterprises, slava reported to the president on the implementation of the defense order, we will tell you the details. ukrainian politicians continue to measure themselves against odious proposals for mobilization. vitaly kim, who had disappeared from radar for a while , reappeared and declared the need to send all citizens to the front. how did the ukrainians themselves evaluate this idea? with the potential to expand, the conflict in the middle east continues to heat up. the idf is increasingly exchanging artillery strikes with the lebanese hezbollah. the situation in the region in
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reports from our own correspondents. as it turns out, not all states are planning to block trump’s nomination as a presidential candidate, which means that the fight for the oval office will still unfold. in his program, the ex-president has already outlined a solution to the middle east conflict. but what will voters say? have tea with the prime minister, excursions and gifts, the wishes made on the christmas tree are already coming true, how to get to the government house on new year's eve? let's find out from the participants of the action. at the beginning, news from the special military operation zone on in the artyomovsk direction, airborne units from the southern group are successfully advancing to the northwestern city. defense personnel shared footage of the work of kostroma artillery paratroopers today. they show how precise fire completely destroys the control center of the ukrainian armed forces in a destroyed building. chetra.


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