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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 29, 2023 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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done in colorado, probably for pr , maybe they did it for a very liberal left-wing governor, but it’s just a shame for the whole world, i think it’s very bad for colorado that it was trump who got to start the clockwork under the device itself usa, it became obvious when the founding amendment of the state was first used against the former president. by removing trump from primaris, the colorado court has essentially already found him guilty of organizing the seizure of the capitol. the
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michigan court's decision appears reasonable. people often they forget that the government works for the people. the idea of ​​removing someone from the ballot for taking part in an insurrection when trump has not been charged or convicted of such insurrection is absurd. even before the election, trump is already stirring up historic divisions. now there is a debate in the united states about what the founding fathers meant and does this apply to trump himself? this fourteenth amendment was passed to prevent civil war officers from participating in elections thereafter. how they led a rebellion against the united states. it is simple and clear, never was used the way they are trying to use it now. this is an attempt by the radical left to kick trump's name off the ballot. and this is just the beginning. thus, according to maine law, the decision on the list of candidates on the ballot is generally made by a single official, the secretary of state. even before the decision was made , trump's lawyers demanded that shena belous recuse herself, accusing the democratic supporter of hostility and bias in advance. to
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the former president, the current 2% margin in trump's favor could mean much more given the swing states where supporters democrats are moving en masse to the republican camp, especially against the backdrop of news coming from the southern border, which already sounds like reports from a natural disaster zone. over the christmas weekend , more than 35,000 migrants entered the united states, already a quarter of a million in december. at the same time, joe biden and his family go on a beach vacation to... the island of santa cruz in the caribbean, the president's new year's vacation announced by the white house looks like an escape from another record-breaking column of migrants who are now moving from mexico to the united states. the last caravan may consist of 15 thousand illegal immigrants. where is biden? sipping pina colada on a tropical island. he had just returned from his christmas holiday and was now heading off for another week's holiday. biden is not able to fully enjoy his caribbean vacation. investigation against his son, now
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the republicans are demanding from the white house also correspondence between administration employees and hunter, suspecting that the staff is consulting the president’s son before testifying, or rather, before hunter refused to appear at the hearing in the case of impeachment. they are trying to reveal the fact of cooperation between the white house and hunter's lawyers in order to reach joe biden, that's why they need correspondence. people are talking about how the house of cards in american politics is shaking. two main victims of cancel culture: actor kevin spacey , who played the role of frank underwood in the acclaimed series, accused and acquitted in a sexual assault case, in an interview with tucker carlson, portraying his character, compared the current state of affairs in the white house to a children's room where there are no adults, at the celebrities who fell under the liberal agenda turned out to have a lot in common. you know, you and i have something in common. oh yeah, we were both fired from the tv station. true, but...
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one of the parties will definitely not like it. the justices of the us supreme court will have to give a clear answer on whether or not an individual state, in this case colorado, can keep trump from its ballot, and this despite two opposing decisions from local courts. the deadline is january 5, when colorado will complete its list of candidates for republican primaries. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. a strong storm left without power.
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houses in the uk, heathrow airport canceled more than twenty flights, in scotland ground transport is difficult due to snowfall, some highways are blocked. some coastal areas will experience gusty winds. reach 35 m/s. it is also reported that a mini-tornado and a downpour swept through manchester. local media publish footage of destroyed houses and the consequences of water spills. a similar picture is observed in the netherlands. local residents have already started build dams from sandbags to secure their homes. in bavaria, heavy rains caused reservoirs and rivers to overflow. german authorities warn that bad weather could hit six more federal states. and in budapest because it’s warm. weather, the danube overflowed its banks, causing most of the streets of the hungarian capital to be flooded, weather forecasters predict an increase in the water level in the river to 7 m. the central election commission registered a list of vladimir putin’s proxies for the presidential elections, this is
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346 people, including yuri bashmet, larisa dolina, yaroslav dronov, known under the pseudonym, yulia baronovskaya , sergei bezrukov, igor butman, irina,
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individually and simply listening and analyzing all these citizens’ appeals when meeting with vladimir vladimirovich, we will, well, i and my co-chairs, we will convey the orders of the residents to make what - there may be changes to the election program of vladimir vladimirovich
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, well, in the future, the next presidential term may be based on these orders from residents, some new bills will be developed or changes will be made amendments to existing bills. a walk around moscow, a tour of the government house, a guitar and a railway station, almost like a real one, gifts that the participants of the “wish tree” charity event received from the prime minister today. head of government mikhail mishustin took part in it. more details, anastasia efimova. when making a wish, they, of course, could not even dream of this, but the new year is a time of miracles, and now makar sokolov from the kostroma region, and irina volkova from perm, are sitting in ministerial chairs, trying. in the role tv cameramen, that's it, makar is on the second camera , you see, mom, you see, yes, they are drinking tea with the prime minister, hello, i know, you are irisha, yes, hello, and you are makar, yes, hello, formulating wishes for six-year-old makar,
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apparently, there is still work to be done; on the ball, which the head of government took from the christmas tree, there was simply written a railway station, exactly the same as in his home village, nikola poloma. i know you have a train station nearby, and even dad works there, but do you still watch the trains? yes, makar, i took it when the ball was with yours wish, then i was surprised that you dream of a railway station, although it is next to you, but you didn’t ask about the train, but what about the train, would you like to have a train with it? yes, that’s what they decided, ten-year-old irina, due to her age, is already a more experienced dreamer, learning to play the guitar, and therefore asked: you can play your own instrument, well, she ’s a new player for me, but i’m sure you’ll play, however, prime minister always thinks one step ahead, and therefore did not limit himself to the guitar, this is a microphone for you to sing a real connection, a real system,
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you will sing, now, well, now, now you can without a microphone. of course you can, especially if you sing in chorus. not only in winter, but also in summer. and desires are an off-season phenomenon, especially since many, like fifteen-year-old muscovite alexandra, dream big and plan ahead. it’s very good, well, it’s a great desire to get acquainted with aerobatic teams and take part in the parade on red square as part of the junior army box, a serious dream that only can be fulfilled minister defense is good, if it shows up , then of course we’ll see, but you need
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to join the squad together, but as for the aerobatic team, then when they are here, they will fly, we’ll try to introduce them to show them, those living in cuba near moscow , by the way, very close to the airfield, denis and kiril sychevaya dream of attending a football match, the head of the investigation took the wish off the tree... it came true, as did alena’s wish, here it is
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, a real two-wheeled bicycle tied with a ribbon, and, of course, tickets to the football the match, however, with a condition. i’m handing you this talisman that you will take to this match, yes, but so that spartak wins. with such parting words, the football club definitely has no chance of losing, especially since, as thousands of children across the country now know for sure, anything is possible. if you are not afraid to dream. anastasia efimova. news. russian anastasia badnoruk won the world rapid championship. this is the so-called rapid chess, a type of game where the time to think about the next move is limited. for the entire game the player has from 10 minutes to an hour. bodnarug beat her opponent from india in tiebreaker, and the athlete from china came third. but four more of our compatriots made it into the top ten. the championship was held in uzbekistan.
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our consolidated team, primarily the ministry of culture, the film fund
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of our producers. 28 billion, russian films have never collected so much in their country, at most half, 91 million tickets were sold for them in a year compared to 40 in the twenty-first year, every fifth moviegoer comes with their relatives, the leaders are family films cheburashka pushchuchyu command, created with the support of the russia one tv channel and a breakthrough project, a challenge, the world's first film. filmed in space, we are asked for such films, we are often asked to have more films, so that we can take the older generation, grandparents, come to the cinema, spend the weekend together with the whole family. the most important beautiful tool for supporting the industry, when the viewer himself votes for a movie using budget rubles, the pushkin card, it brought the industry 4 billion rubles or almost 3 million visits. the country is now open and operating 2.278. there are 5% more theaters than after the pandemic, 35 of them in new territories, and fifty more will open there soon. we hope
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to continue to help and be useful to our new regions in re-equipping their halls, i am sure that we will continue this work until the number of cinemas in these regions corresponds to the national average, and then together we will increase this figure for our entire vast homeland. posters for flagship film events, the highest grossing period is the new year holidays. currently scheduled for 3 years ahead, in a few days the bremen town musicians and halop-2 will be released, the next new year is finist - the first hero the wizard of the emerald city in 2025 cheburashka 2. now other significant dates are being signed, which means that russian cinema will update records again and again. ivan kudryavtsev, vitaly poretsky, inna zolotareva and olesya shempel. news. he's getting better and better. up to 16% per annum on deposits, the best interest rate is in zber.
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deposit with a favorable rate. apply literally with one button in the mobile application. on your side, only at alfabank, order a free debit alpha card, spin the reel in the application and receive super cashback every month, order a card in december and are guaranteed to receive 30% cashback on equipment. not just profitable, alpha profitable!
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you can fly wherever you want with 5% cashback by paying for tickets on the aeroflot website or app via sbp. but first , register on and there you will find great deals on the mir card. yes, we have a goldfish, but we fulfilled the dream of our own home ourselves. all wonderful thing that happened in the past.
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high floor, signal interference , in order to have good mobile communications in the house, you must first get a cat who will teach you how to use wi-fi, with vowifi technology , use mobile communications even where there is signal interference, you can leave the cat, beeline on yours aside, all the best, just like alpha business. internet banking and business applications. everything in one button, counting payments. accounting and lawyers. alfabank is the best bank for business. you have a cough. take ambral renival. bromhexine renival. we trust renival. we choose renival. my
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business is small so that everyone can smell the new year. and my job is for everyone. warmed up with its warmth and saw its magical shine, our job is for you to continue to believe in miracles and create them yourself at home. every year, entrepreneurs help create a festive atmosphere, little by little, vtb supports them, we help businesses with deeds. credit. this is your business card for banks, if it is damaged, a new loan may be refused, so it is advisable at least sometimes you can check your credit history, where and how to do this, we will tell you in 5 minutes in this issue of instructions. credit history is the main tool that helps the bank understand whether you are a bona fide borrower or not. it includes all
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information about debts, not only loans, debt collection by bailiffs for unpaid communication services, housing and communal services, information about elements, everything will become part of the credit history. it is stored in the credit history bureau, the financial institution is obliged to send the information there within three business days, and large lenders must send information about borrowers to at least two bureaus. or it may turn out that there are loans, but there is no credit history, not in any bureau, and what should you do in this case? mandatory requirements. providing a credit history, at least in one bki, without obtaining the consent of the borrower, appeared on july 1, 2014. before this, the bank could transmit information to the credit bureau only for those people who. for this permission, then it’s really worth writing an application to the bank or microfinance organization with a request send loan information to the credit bureaus . if we assume that the bank did not
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fulfill its obligation and did not transfer information about the loan to the bki, then it is necessary to write an application to the bank demanding that the error be corrected. lenders can accept such requests remotely within 10 working days; the creditor is required to conduct a check and send the data to the bki. but it may happen that the bank or financial organization does not... do not agree with your arguments, in which case you can send an appeal to the central bank or decide problem through the court. but don't let this confuse you, there is an easy way to request all stories at once through government services. on the portal, open the service for obtaining information about storing your credit history , click start. then check the correctness of the data that is pulled from your personal account. send a request, a response from the bank of russia will be sent to your personal account. the formal waiting period is one working day, but in practice it is 10-20 minutes. open the response you received, select a bureau from the list and go to
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his website. register and request the story itself. each office's registration process and requests are slightly different, so follow the instructions on the websites. and now pay attention, in russia at the time of the creation of this instruction there were six bkis operating, all of them were included in the register of the central bank, the regulator can. to take this list, check on the official website, however, if you follow a link from government services, you are already insured against errors, you can send a request on the official website of the central bank of russia, the request can also be submitted through credit bureau, microfinance organizations and credit cooperatives or notaries. it is important to know that this can be done free of charge no more than twice during each calendar year, and no more than once on paper . for example, by using the bank of russia’s service for providing information about bank accounts that store a citizen’s credit history for government services, you will receive a link to the official website of each bank account in which
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your credit history is stored. so, bki is obliged to provide a report upon request to electronically free twice a year, on paper once, then the service becomes paid, but the number of requests is no longer limited. some bureaus offer a subscription, according to which they send the history regularly and... can even warn about each new loan issued. you've got your credit history, but how do you know how good it is? bki will evaluate everything for you. the rating is based on the likelihood that you will be more than 90 days late on your payments. each bki has its own set of data on loans and the actual calculation methodology. that's why ratings may vary. what to do if you realize that you are in a bad story. do not rush into the arms of scammers who offer to improve your credit history; of course, it is not free. there are not
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many legal ways to correct your credit history. well, firstly, debts, and if there are any, they must be repaid, and without resorting to bankruptcy, it will have a bad effect on your rating. secondly, the loan can be refinanced, that is, take out a new one and pay off the old one at its expense. this shouldn't ruin the story. if they don't give you a large amount, you have to start off. repay small loans on time and thus restore the confidence of banks. what if your credit history is damaged through no fault of yours, that is, an error has crept into it? submit an application for amendments or additions to the bki. within 20 working days, the bureau is obliged to conduct an additional check of the information, that is, request it again from the bank. you must be informed of the results in writing in case of refusal. credit history can only be obtained through the court, for example, if the source of data on the credit reasons, unfortunately, is sometimes contested no longer exists, that is, the organization
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was liquidated. what should you do if there is a loan in your bank account statement that you definitely didn’t take out? urgently write a statement to the bank and demand an internal audit; if your passport was stolen, be sure to attach a copy of the police certificate; the lender’s experts will conduct an internal investigation and may write it off. debt, if they find evidence that scammers took the money; if not, you will have to write an appeal to the central bank or go to court. let's repeat the most important thing is that the bank needs a credit history to assess the reliability of the borrower, so you need to make sure that it is in order. the history includes not only overdue loans, but also your other debts. it is stored in the credit history bureau, and you can request an extract, for example, through government services; they should give it to you twice a year. completely free, if in electronic form, in paper form once, if there is an error in the credit history, inform the bureau about it, additionally request information from the bank,
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have any questions, do you want? understand how act in extreme financial situations, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will definitely find out from the experts and tell you about it in one of the next issues of the manual. one young lady got drunk with the hussars and asked for wine for fun. stole a cannon from the regiment and shot into a peasant ’s hut with her own hands, miraculously didn’t kill anyone, what’s the difficulty, her mother is an important person at court, everything is fine with my daughter, she’s a normal girl, just like everyone else, you’re a girl, she repents , it seems, we went to paris,
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oyster, one could forgive it, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, yes, i’ll cut out your tongue now , we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it, so i’d tear you apart with horses , where are you going, drown yourself, there’s a concept the deep state, the authorities change, and the deep state... the gentlemen who actually own the land and finances are always in place. there are elections in the united states, ukraine is interfering with biden's elections. this is problem. it cannot last forever and you cannot invest forever in a self-conscious enterprise - a crazy idea. a powerful push to negotiations, which, as you understand, is unacceptable for ukraine. there are no negotiations, the russians
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are moving forward, there is a spiral in ukraine.
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a global increase in military production and the same large-scale modernization of enterprises. the head of the state corporation rostec, sergei chemizov , reported to vladimir putin on the implementation of the defense order. the production of ammunition for small arms and multiple launch rocket systems, for example, increased 50 times, tanks seven times, and this in just 2 years. however, the statistics on civil projects are no less impressive, and these are the latest domestic aircraft, unmanned vehicles and electric cars. which companies are the leaders here and
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what are our components already? not just replaced, but yes...


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