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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 29, 2023 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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twenty-third year, here they are, normal mines, good mines, they fly well, we need more, more, more, we never have enough, two 12 are ready, fire, over there, there’s a tnt block lying around, yes, i can’t find anything here only when clearing , the sappers haven’t worked here yet, listen, this is not our ammunition, no, no, not ours, not ours, so it’s theirs, you see the ship right here. here they are, maybe 400-500 meters, the assault is underway, the enemy has already retreated, we look before everyone else, four children, ex-husband, endless stress at work, vosnitsova, why from you all? subscribe
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, look in the regions of south siberia , there are widespread warnings about snowfalls and blizzards on new year's eve, meanwhile, in the european part of the country a sharp cold snap is predicted, we'll talk more about this with the leading specialist of the fbs centers evgeniy tishkovets, these shots are from the orenburg region from the orenburg-orsk highway, in the minnogorsk area there is a natural snowstorm, the road is blocked, limited traffic on some highways and was also noticed in the tyumen region of bashkiria and the chelyabinsk region. in those areas of the southern urals, where the snowstorms have stopped, are observed today. a winter rainbow,
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a naked sun, while the temperature began to drop, with the same optical effect that residents of the sverdlovsk region and perm region usually encountered in frosty weather, where in the morning the air in some places cooled to -24-26. and in omsk, due to a thaw, skating rinks, slides and ice towns were closed 2 days before the new year. utility workers had to remove melt water from the roadway, for this they used equipment that is usually used only in... during the warm season, well, in crimea this is how they prepare for the new year, in yalta it’s sunny +13, in kuban and other southern regions, before new year’s eve flowers bloom and green leaves appear on the trees. in yalta, all the next days there will be no precipitation, due to partly cloudy weather, the air temperature during the day will change slightly, in the range from +7-9 to +11:13. on new year's eve, cloudy with clearings without significant precipitation and a little... the forecast map shows that on
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new year's eve almost the entire middle zone russia will be in the zone of influence of the cyclone, which means it will not do without small mosaic precipitation in the solid phase, but real snowfalls will take place in the pre-urals in the southern urals, where in some places up to half of the monthly norm will fall into the temperature gauges. residents of the capital of bashkortostan are waiting for weather swings. the next 24 hours will be cloudy with clearings, light snow is moderate. -7:10. on december 31 , the temperature will reach a peak of -10-12, but then the temperature will begin to rise rapidly on new year's eve and will rush to zero. warming will be accompanied by intense charges of snow, and then the weather pendulum will swing in the other direction. and after the thaw , thermometers will again show -10. the first night of 2024 will be marked by a growing arctic invasion. the wedge of icy air
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will spread from the northeast and the minus will reach the south of chernozemia to the epicenter of the cold in the komi republic to -35-40 in the volgovyad region and perm. it will be from -20 to -30, in the vologda region in the middle povozhye -15-20, in central russia 10:15 frost, between the volga and don about zero, well in the south russia from zero to +5. the capital region is still on the verge of a thaw, today the temperature will rise during the day and the thermometer will fluctuate around zero, there will be sleet at times, tomorrow it will warm up to +3°, there will be snow and rain, and on december 31... a sharp transition will begin from spring to winter, the temperature during the day will drop from +1 to -4°, by new year's eve it is already -11:13, on the first day of 2024 in the capital there will be partly cloudy weather without significant precipitation and frost down to -10°. i would like to emphasize that
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the forecasts will still be updated, and the full clear weather on new year's eve will come this weekend. all the best is simple, like alpha business, online banking and an application for business, all in one button, counting payments, accounting and lawyers, alfabank is the best bank for business. in the sportsmaster, prices are half the price, intended and sports brands with a guarantee of the authenticity of the goods. win when you create special moments, order on a scooter with we don’t know which cucumbers will make the new year’s olivier perfect, but we
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. to the fact that they wanted to cross out russia altogether, as a country, as a culture, as a civilization
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, nothing worked out for anyone, we survived and not only survived, because all attention was focused on the fronts in our fraternal ukraine, which we are liberating from nazism, and will definitely liberate, the capture of both artyomovsk and marenki, literally, just a few days ago, this is not only a very important strategic... what i emphasize is not so much a tactical, but a strategic result, but also a kind of turning point in that very counter-offensive, about which there is a lot they said, which they frightened us for a very long time, and which turned out to be nothing, moreover, we see that now in the so-called collective west , unrest of vacillation is slowly growing, because they understand that huge amounts of money have been pumped in, and they need to pump in more, they are asking very... . a simple question, but citizens asked it a long time ago, ordinary citizens of european
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countries and even the united states, but the leadership is already thinking, looking for why, and did not feed the food, because everything that will happen next depends only on russia, and russia has demonstrated that in a kind of competition between gunsmiths and the military potential of the nato bloc and russia, russia wins, russia wins its economy. with its military-industrial complex, and most importantly, it wins with the heroism and determination of our soldiers , honor and praise to them, in this regard, this is probably the main result, that we have survived and that we are already seeing the beginning of a turning point, which is early or later will lead to victory, of course, we want it as early as possible, but here, too , this is already such tactics and strategy, we we take care of our people, unlike mr. zelensky, who... on the recommendation of his western masters, is ready to fight until the last
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ukrainian soldier, for what? if they say that they are independent, independent, but let's see, they are absolutely puppets, they are controlled by the west in everything, without the west ukraine will not last a day, it will simply collapse as a state, and many... are beginning to understand this, therefore, probably the main result is what we put forward, if we talk about our party, then based on the results of the work our faction, we again occupy a confident second place, despite the fact that we are the third largest faction, we are in the middle, we occupy second place in the number of bills introduced, in the number of laws adopted, in the number of introduced ones, well, it’s not surprising if talented we have lawyers, you...
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russia has also started almost the same project and is doing it right, because here are the deputies, a huge army of deputies, let ’s march over the families of the participants in the special military operation, but here we have specifically we, for example, i have one family - the family of a deceased participant in a special military operation, two families where the wounded have already received disabilities,
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participants in a special military operation, and one family where a soldier is currently fighting. he is an ordinary person, yes, so i help these families and will continue to help, that’s how every deputy of ours tries, and this is very important, very necessary, they feel that they, yes, the state helps, but again, even those payments that are due according to the law, but sometimes you have to push those or bureaucratic structures so that people get what they are entitled to by law. 2024 will be a very interesting year in every sense, there will be presidential elections, a fair russia party. for the truth you supported vladimir putin in these elections, why was such a decision made, what kind of interaction do you expect? well, let me remind you that in 2018 we also did not nominate our own candidate, but supported vladimir vladimirovich putin. we are consistent, but now in the international situation, in conditions when our president, our national leader has understood
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and the need to truly defend the national. and build a real multipolar world, we want to lend a shoulder to our national leader, we don’t want to portray this democracy, nominate our own candidate, promote some of our ideas there, we are preparing people’s proposals for the program of our candidate vladimir vladimirovich putin, and such proposals have been received there are already more than 10 thousand, we are accumulating them, and we will naturally transfer all this to the main headquarters of our candidate vladimir. vladimirovich putin, we we are taking part in the collection of signatures, we joined the initiative group to support vladimir vladimovich putin as candidates for the president of the russian federation, and we did this consciously, we are absolutely convinced that in these conditions we must demonstrate solidarity and unity with our national leader, at the recent congress , where we
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unanimously supported the nomination of vladimir vladimirovich putin as a presidential candidate. but we set the task to ensure a high turnout, so that our candidate will win he will win with a very large result there at 80%, i have no doubt, but it is very important, the whole world will be watching, and how many people came and voted, in other words, turnout, and many people here argue like this, but he will be elected anyway, well why do i have a lot of things to do here, in this regard, i need to take my neighbors as a member of the family, come and vote, because the whole world will watch very carefully, because how they want to undermine us , how they want to sow confusion, how they want we started having unrest, they were we are sure that when sanctions were introduced, that the people would explode, that the economy would collapse, and the entire russian economy would fall like a grain of corn, the people would become agitated, the people would rally around our president, this
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unity must be shown on march 17 at the election of our president ... so that no one doubts that the choice of the president is the choice of the entire multinational people of russia, and we will not allow anyone to dictate to us their own conditions, their own traditions, or their own rules. russia - this is a country of civilization with a thousand-year history, and we ourselves know how to live, what we want to achieve, and what values ​​we profess, so this will be very important. aspect of our work in the 20th year during the presidential campaign is to ensure high turnout, i am encouraging all of my party colleagues to do this, probably only vladimir putin, such a strong leader, in such difficult times, can lead such a big one, he he, you see, he wasn’t afraid to take himself responsibility, he understands that he is responsible
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not only for the russian world, he is responsible for the entire multipolar world, this... he demonstrates what will soon become the norm, this will not be a polar world with washington's so -called avkom, there will be a real multipolar world , one of the centers of this future multipolar world, of course russia, as a great country of civilization, and our national leader, vladimir putin, he takes responsibility not only for the multinational people of russia, but once again, for the whole world. you mentioned proposals that you accumulate for presidential candidates. tell us about what important proposals fair russia plans to make in the election campaign, what, from your point of view, is important to pay attention to in this company, well, let's get started. our suffering pensioners , of course, we will insist that indexation for working pensioners has become the norm, we
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amended the constitution in 2020, and now it says that pensions are indexed to the russian federation at least once a year year, this is exactly what is written in the constitution, and it does not say what pensions we are talking about, for working pensioners, for non-working pensioners, all pensions must be indexed, our government, unfortunately, takes... and indexes pensions only for non-working pensioners, we mr. silanov was given calculations that show that those hundreds of billions of rubles that need to be spent on indexing pensions will come back as an old man, because now there were 15 million working pensioners, now there are less than eight, where are the rest, that they have stopped work, no, they went into the shadows, they don’t pay taxes, they don’t pay any fees, so if they come back, then... due to what they pay, a large amount will come back, but i hope that mr. syulanov , minister of finance, they know how to count, let him calculate the debit with the loan and understand that
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our proposal is not populism, but this is , firstly, justice, and secondly, this is a benefit for the budget, this is the first, second, of course, the demographic situation, we have a whole package of laws that relate to large families, but it’s great that the president declared the year... 2024, he has already given instructions that finally the federal concept, the legal definition of what a large family will become the norm, is interpreted differently in each subject of the federation, somewhere around three children, where -sometimes four, and somewhere only five, but there should be a single, yes, a single standard, and most importantly , a common understanding of what social protection is for this large family. and we have prepared a whole package of proposals. the next block concerns our education and healthcare. it is no coincidence that, leading to
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state council, the result of the year of the mentor and teacher, the president asked the government to systematically solve the problem of teachers' salaries, because what was set back in 2012 has not been fulfilled, yes, because we believe that teachers' salaries. really should be much higher than the average salary for any other public sector employee in this region, but today it is not, and this is key, just like our doctors. we have been saying for a long time that doctors, and all doctors, or rather all doctors, all teachers, educators, even preschool, even anyone, in terms of status, salary level , social protection, they should be transferred to civil servants, they do not need to fill out declarations, these restrictions are unnecessary, but... they must adequately receive money, because these are the key structures on which all our state, but here we definitely cannot forget about the workers
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of our culture, in this regard , we are also preparing this block, a separate topic is migrants, and we are convinced that there is a danger, including a danger to the national security of our country, if we do not let's start control these migration flows. firstly, the creation of enclaves, when already in moscow there are areas where practically only newcomers live, they try to establish their own order, their traditions, ignore the traditions and customs of those whom they came to visit, in this regard, we we are absolutely convinced that measures to limit, for example, the hiring of emigrants in various professions, by the way, are already eight in several subjects of the federation. such laws were adopted, yes, because these are definitely initiatives from below, they understand what needs to be done order, a ban on the creation of such enclaves
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, a mandatory requirement that if any of the migrants committed a crime, he must first answer to the full rigor of the law, but we propose, let’s make a mutual guarantee, the entire clan, the entire family must immediately leave the territory of the russian federations, let them answer, because... today they buy a patent for 2,500 rubles. not intending to work anywhere, they come because they have brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts here, they gather there somewhere for matchmaking work, the majority are idle, play the fool, and from idleness they very quickly end up committing crimes, in this regard, the family must understand that one of you will commit a crime, there will be no one here in the russian federation, and here... there is no need - to think that oh, we will offend someone there, we must think about our citizens, people are screaming, any deputy will tell you how many letters he receives about what
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is happening. what outrages are happening in these enclaves where migrants live, this is the next package, and of course, support our soldiers, participants in a special military operation. our idea, we held a large round table, a council for veterans' affairs, and we put forward the idea of ​​a revolutionary certificate free of charge for a participant in a special military operation, it will be paid either from the budget or from the defenders of the fatherland fund, each participant in a special military... operation, here i will emphasize that each participant, regardless of whether he was injured or concussed, each participant after victory will be forced, he will need rehabilitation, at least social, and sometimes psychological, and sometimes medical , will also be needed, in this regard, our idea is very simple, each participant in a special military operation is issued a special revolutionary certificate, he himself chooses
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any institution, and he doesn’t care.
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with vladimir putin, the president said that an idea is being considered to create a separate government agency to regulate these migration processes, do you think this is advisable, this is very advisable, this is our long-standing proposal, we proposed, well, either a ministry or agency for migrant affairs, because if we are talking about national security issues, this is exactly how the question is posed, they must be guaranteed and... a structure that is constantly dealing with, well, you know the recent sad example from my hometown of st. petersburg, where he was detained an official who illegally issued 100,000 citizenship documents for absolutely illegal, this is corruption, listen, this is madness, yes, this is a man who simply betrayed his homeland, he is a traitor, besides, he will receive criminal punishment, yes, but
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i just name the substance. he is a traitor to the national interests of a great state, our multinational people, in this regard, the creation of such an agency or ministry is the call of the time, i am sure that it will be created in the near future. in conclusion, sergei mikhailovich, what would you wish for our tv viewers in 2024, an interesting year, we have declared 2024 the year of the family. most importantly, i want to wish everyone good health. and i want to wish you faith in yourself, faith in our great homeland, russia, and faith in our president, vladimir vladimovich putin, who, i am absolutely convinced, will ultimately make our russia fair, so be it, thank you very much for these wonderful words, for your time, thank you again, thank you.
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in ukraine this evening , an air raid warning was announced again, sirens sounded in kiev, as well as in chernihiv, zhitomir, vinnitsa, and cherkassy. gradskaya, nikolaevskaya and odessa regions, as well as in parts of zaporozhye and kherson regions controlled by kiev. earlier today in ukraine one of the most powerful attacks occurred. reports of explosions came throughout the country. power supply was disrupted in four regions. the russian ministry of defense stated that over the past 7 days , 50 group attacks were carried out in one massive attack by high-precision weapons by drones. during the period.


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