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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 30, 2023 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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neural network is the most fashionable word of the year - artificial intelligence. who walks the planet, is there any reason to fear the digitalization of our lives, and the 2024 election year, charisma is the most important thing for a politician, what to expect from the new elite, immediately after the advertisement, about this and more in the final episode of the international review program, we are waiting for you we're holding trains, but it's not necessary, another half hour. let's go
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, let's warm up, at least he doesn't tell anything about himself, they're not interested in what i do for a living, if you ask, you'll be offended, that's right, you'll be offended, i always miss you very much, it's so hard to hear from you leave, warm your loved ones with warm words, a delicious winter combo, period. my business is small, so that everyone can feel the smell of the new year, and my business is that everyone will be warmed by its warmth and see its magical shine. and our job is for you to continue to believe in miracles and create them yourself at home. every year, entrepreneurs help create a festive atmosphere. it's just a matter of supporting them. vtb. we help businesses with action.
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"i don’t need a seven-flowered flower to make my wishes come true, my dreams this year i i achieved it myself, everything wonderful that happened in the past year was done by you, so mark yourself, not the dates on the calendar, scooter, holiday - it’s you, only at alfabank, order a free debit alpha card, spin the reel in the application and get super cashback every month. order a card in december and are guaranteed to receive a 30% cashback on equipment, not just profitable, alpha profitable, a ray of golden sunshine bremen town musicians in the cinema from january 1, from christ. chernogolovka with
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new year's mood inside, personally charged santa claus, at vtb the interest rate on a savings account is 16%, save up for a wedding faster, cool, everything will work out at vtb, the draw of two billion from the russian lotto is already close, hurry up and get your tickets. “it seems to me that my grandfather is hiding something, fuss, fireworks, a little new year’s light, he lights the lights, a magic staff, grandfather, and we have something tasty at home, we can conjure something, he knows how to do magic”? snowman courier: it has been proven that
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my grandfather is santa claus, everyone can create miracles on new year’s eve, from the bottom of their hearts for those around them, happy new year, wizards! hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today on the program is an international review. events of the week, chronicle, facts, comments. digitized fears from networking to artificial intelligence, should humans be afraid? the future of european
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politics, charisma as the basis for success. who do people trust? economic sanctions. does it even work or not, reporting from iran. buster keatonton, the man without a smile, cinema's greatest comedian, the idol of the roaring twenties. the film our hospitality was released on
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screens exactly 100 years ago, in 1923. the plot is always relevant. irreconcilable long-term feud between two families. her first reason. no one remembers anymore, but the enemies are unable to stop. 2023 flew by quickly because it was oversaturated with events. compared to its predecessor, the twenty-second year, the year is not so explosive, but there is no smell of calm. the processes that began at the turn of the twenties are unfolding according to their own logic; there is no point in guessing where it will lead yet. one thing is clear, our twenties are no less roaring than century. ago, only then it meant the frenzy of feverish fun between world cataclysms, and we have them right in our yard. in 2023, the popular russian portal gramotaru
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chose its word of the year for the first time, using various methods, from big data to a survey of linguists and sociologists. the neural network won by a large margin. in second place, in fact, it is gpt. artificial intelligence technologies, to which both concepts belong, have been talked about on any occasion, from increasingly advanced drones generated interlocutors, to a diploma written by a machine and business scandals, behind which either money or fear of losing control over innovation. only this week there are two news at the tesla plant in texas. the robot grabbed the engineer with its iron claws, leaving a terrible bloody trail on the workshop floor, the guardian columnist shares her everyday amazement, she couldn’t understand that it was her husband, suddenly he began telling the children such intricate bedtime stories, it turns out
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he mastered gpt. according to analysts at international data corporation, expenses artificial intelligence systems, including software, hardware and specialized services, will exceed $150 billion, which is more than a quarter more than last year. in 2023 , dozens of new network models appeared every month in the world, simulating the work of the human brain, capable of solving a whole range of problems for life, work and hobbies, and popular services received high-quality updates, graphics, text. meanings, for example, the famous botchat gpt not only sorts data, but also puts diagnoses, composes poems and songs, writes diplomas and scripts for films. in may , a strike of thousands took place in the united states. hollywood actors and screenwriters have spoken out against
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the use of artificial intelligence in the film industry. it is now much more difficult to distinguish the work of a neural network, although still the same. the footage immediately went viral online and gave rise to dozens of memes, and before that , a series of photographs appeared in the news in which the arrested donald trump fought with police officers and served time in prison. virtual model aytona lopez also looks very realistic and posts photos of his ideal artificial life on instagram. in early
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december, spanish artist alicia freimis created an ideal hologram husband for herself, who was trained to resemble her former lovers. the couple plans to get married twice this summer. published a report saying that last year the number of job postings related to neural networks increased across all sectors of the us economy. in july, the speed and scale of the spread of artificial intelligence was discussed for the first time at the un security council. according to secretary general antony guterres, the consequences of the interaction of intelligence with nuclear weapons, biotechnology and robotics are of particular concern. to separate the meaningful grains from the hype chaff, we invited
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the most knowledgeable breeder, alexey paevsky, a wonderful journalist and popularizer of science, lesh, hello, hello, this is the noise around artificial intelligence, what is this, this is fashion, this is business, i don’t know, this is real recognition of changes, what it is, you know, it’s all together, that is, i promised not so long ago with one of... horror story, he says, this has always been a journalistic horror story, on the one hand, on the other hand , indeed, we cannot deny that modern artificial intelligence has taken quite serious steps, but not seriously enough to be strong, as we call it, then there is a weak intellect that solves some specific problems, which are like us, but this type like us is still very, very far away, well, it seems to me,
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well, that is, these episodes, which are increasingly talked about when there , i don't know on in production, a robot attacked an engineer, this is not because he is evil, but because there is some kind of technical glitch, a technical glitch, poorly programmed, it may also be, again, they were trained incorrectly, it may also be because, in fact, all the power and co. .. for the use of artificial intelligence in diagnostics, there for tomography, for everything else, now there are many services,
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there are many companies, programs that diagnose this, this, this, there using tomography and for some other reason, and there is some of these services work, some of them do not it works, some of them even diagnose, but in principle it can be implemented to some extent, but it won’t make people feel any better, i remember, remember what this is? regarding training, just the other day there was a very interesting lawsuit, in my opinion, even the new york times filed against the company this ai, artificial intelligence, and open ai, that they are illegal. use their materials, thereby violating copyrights for training artificial
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intelligence, that is, it turns out that this is , generally speaking, a purely manipulative thing, what do you use, what do you get , and yes, moreover, there is now another interesting legal conflict emerging, sometimes, especially neurosi, which type draw pictures, but produces some kind of visual result, it does not draw, but simply from the fact that she has what she is trained on, she finds the perfect one, says... this is my work, and this is not her work, well, i mean, so the question of copyright also arises in this regard, that is, here many people have long said that copyright rights need to be abolished, maybe artificial intelligence will contribute to some kind of issues that are talked about a lot, that this will cause collisions that are unsolvable for the human, so to speak, human tradition, but if you say: that , in fact, we have not yet advanced that far, then , probably, this is not so relevant, it seems to me that we have everyday collisions
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that are associated with ourselves, that is, in fact, the ethics of artificial intelligence, well , solves the same issues that human ethics solves, who is to blame for the accident, yes, then well, there is the most standard, most frequently used model situation, which already exists in the case of artificial intelligence, the autopilot is driving, but the autopilot hit the person, who is to blame, the one who got into the car, the one who turned it on, then... programmed it, he is there his car , i sold the car, well, such questions are also already arising, yes, there were such people or someone who violated the rules while crossing the road, and this is also an option, yes.
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people don’t live as long as they want, this doesn’t exist yet, and it’s not clear, yes, that is, the issue of aging, okay, there’s the issue of fighting diseases, that’s it’s clear, we have already won some of them, well, that is, at least we know how to solve, treat, there may be a question of money, a question of some technologies that need to be developed, but this seems to be solvable, even the same the cancer is actually already there, plus it’s unclear , we don’t know about alzheimer’s. what, what this is, still needs to be decided, but with aging, there’s nothing at all yet, and although there are some progress here, here, here, but they are so small, and we are still locked on our planet, and well, that’s the maximum we can fly around the solar system, then it’s even in the nearest the star has been there for these decades, this is also not there yet, so there is something to dream about, well, nevertheless, this is something that has already been dreamed of for a long time,
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no new dreams, qualitatively new ones are arising, well, yes, strictly speaking. but we are people, why? well, god knows what’s going on in the world, the exacerbation of all kinds of contradictions: geopolitics, military-technical rivalry, economics, and so on and so forth. in the scientific field, first, is this also true, second, is there still room for cooperation in this world of international cooperation? yes, there is a place left , of course, of course... the international situation is affecting science a little, well not to the same extent as everything else, first of all, it is affecting because it is difficult to buy any device there, yes, which is produced in the west, it’s very difficult to buy it, so now we are all focusing on the same china, or now we are developing our own, so i’m actually very pleased with the fact that over the last 2 years
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we have had such a movement from below, when it was created... maybe kick it article if you work in mipt, for example, american physics , well, the journals are fine, well, there are still a large number of journals that work normally, but the personal contacts of scientists are still at a normal level, and there are many collaborations, even with the west, it is clear that sometimes they are there, yeah, and most likely even these same ones, even there the guys
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have to do it quietly there, but it’s work. the exchange of ideas continues, it hit hard on some instrument things, yes, that is, there, for example, on the one hand there, well, we know the story with the hardware spectrum of the rg, rentgen ha, when the germans simply took and turned off their device, ours is working, our device is ours, and the germans turned off their device and the local scientists are introducing, again they made their own mars rover to send it to mars with us on our platform, they refused to rebuild a new rover , look for a new platform. there , again, it hit the local guys more, although ours, of course, are also not very pleased, but let me emphasize, well, just yesterday a good article by russian neuroscientists came out on brain aging, and there with a british author scientist, originally from kiev and
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the collaboration continues, that is, the cancel culture is here... several technology giants control everything we watch, listen to, think, consume. the problem of power gained by artificial intelligence and algorithms
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built on data is very acute. geopolitics and someone’s specific interests are penetrating the digital space, which is supposed to be free and independent. the views of a small group of corporations shape the world, and this is the biggest risk. according to the company's idea, the artificial intelligence portrayed a girl named tay. she was supposed to learn natural human speech and communication while exchanging remarks with twitter users, but in less than a day , the bot switched from phrases like “hello, world, everyone is cool” to openly nazi and russian statements. began to use obscene language liberally and write posts of a pornographic nature. microsoft disabled the bot and erased most of its statements. one of the users hastened
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to remind: artificial intelligence is just a mirror that reflects the vices of society. previously, obscene expressions were learned by the ibm artificial intelligence supercomputer otson. to teach him the intricacies of the english language, the developers connected him to an online dictionary. which contains about 7 million english words, including jargon. so, along with clericalism, watson learned profanity, and also adopted some bad habits by reading wikipedia. a team of 35 people programmers weaned the computer away from foul language. in 2018 , a virtual assistant was launched for participants in the computer game dota-2. artificial the intellect had to analyze the behavior of the players and promptly point them to...
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evaluate it using phrases: this is bad, this is good and this is acceptable. before this, the bot was trained by scanning an array of data on the internet, including comments and discussions of users of the social network reddit. there, according to the developers, the delphi bot absorbed a lot of hatred and began to reflect the cruelest prejudices of humanity. the responses showed traits of racism and outright homophobia. for example, one of the users.
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not only in terms of price, but also in how much people will be able to consume what they want, and without the world of data-driven artificial intelligence taking precedence over human feelings, it will contribute to the improvement of our lives, and not replace it. god willing, human culture arises and unfolds in play,” said the outstanding dutch philosopher and cultural scientist johan huizinga, author of the treatise “man playing.” and if the game is always with you on your smartphone, invented using artificial intelligence, and even purely original, success is guaranteed. from iran, yousaf
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jalili. iran is no exception here; it keeps up with the times, not only as a consumer, but also as a video game developer. just 10 years ago, iranian fans of playing games on a mobile phone could not imagine that one day they would...
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spends an average of $28 on mobile games, out of the country's 82 million population , almost a third of the population have smartphones, so popularity and profitability the local industry is constantly growing. our audience is interested in games of our own production. iranian gamers want to play iranian games, they like films from local film studios. we analyzed the market using online applications and came to the conclusion that iranian teams are doing well today, the market is growing all the time. despite its high potential in the world market, iran still lags behind. the country's mobile gaming business generated about half a billion dollars in revenue this year, which is low compared to competitors like china. the root of almost all problems is western sanctions, which block iranian applications from entering international online platforms. and also interfere with the supply of equipment needed for development. positive
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effect, they helped us get on our feet and become independent, due to the bans, the domestic market awakened, and the interest of the local audience in iranian games grew. as they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. according to iranian developers, despite everything, they are staying afloat and doing everything possible to gain a foothold. iranian online products have already been released on international platforms, but due to sanctions, the names of our developers are in games are not mentioned, yet they receive very good income. russian developers, facing similar pressure from the west, share the difficulties of their iranian colleagues, as in other areas, the two countries joined forces, seeing the solution to problems in closer cooperation. last year i visited iran.
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deputy minister of information technologies of russia, bella cherkesova, she got acquainted with the activities of the fund and we decided to establish a mechanism for regular meetings of activists in the field of computer games in the two countries. in summer in the format iranian and russian computer game developers held video conferences. about 40 companies from russia and iran took part in this meeting. the parties agreed to cooperate in the development and release of games. analysts say. total revenue from iranian mobile games will continue to grow annually by approximately 7%, bringing the local market size to $800 million in 2028. under pressure from the west , young iranian technology specialists do not intend to give up. oxford university press too
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determined. year, among the finalists there was a prompt, a request or an instruction for a neural network, and it was about the same thing, but something else, human, won, about this after the advertisement, only in alfabank, order a free alpha debit card, spin the reel in the application and get.. order a card in december and you are guaranteed to receive a 30% cashback on equipment, not just profitable, alpha profitable, fly wherever you want, with a 5% cashback, i pay for tickets on the aeroflot website or app through sbp. but first pass register on and there you will find profitable ones.


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