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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 30, 2023 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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in its districts of the kherson region , critical infrastructure facilities were hit, and ukrainian media also reported explosions in the khmelnytsky and kharkov regions. at night , an air raid alert was declared in seven regions. according to the ministry of defense, over the past week russia launched one massive strike with high-precision weapons on the territory of ukraine in 50 groups. on friday, a series of powerful explosions shook kiev, kharkov, odessa, lvov, sumy, dnepropetrovsk and other cities.
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our fighters are pushing back the enemy and liberating new territories, which until recently were under the control of the ukrainian armed forces. the initiative is maintained in all directions of the front line; our correspondent nikolai dolgachev visited the field positions of the legendary 123rd guards motorized rifle brigade. the only way to get to the forward positions is on foot in the dark, so there’s a better chance of getting there. that's how we live. and those
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positions that the enemy still had a week or two ago are now in the hands of our fighters, they have dug up, settled down, now they are preparing tea and moving forward again, the fighting continues, the intensity does not decrease, the most important thing is - this is the attitude and fighting spirit, our unit has advanced in some places up to 3 km, in some up to 5 km, so we are encircling the enemy , the advance is constant, our birds.
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every time something new appears, now attack drones based on drones are very widespread, they have shown themselves to be a very serious and formidable weapon, the landscape of war has changed very much, roughly speaking, again here is a video , a video has been distributed, it has become cheaper, that is, cameras are everywhere they stand, that's all. greatly influences the course war, the enemy is trying to counteract it using similar technologies, so ours heard the buzzing of an enemy drone. the drones even ram each other in the air. recently ours received large trophies in working order, only one blade broke off. an enemy drone with a bitbul over our positions, our soldiers call it baba ega, well... it buzzes, as if
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something was flying, some kind of evil spirit, aerial reconnaissance was carried out, i saw this monster on the thermal imager, so i had to take it to ram him, as ours were in nightmare positions, the boys asked for help, on this section of the front the offensive is being carried out by the 123rd brigade, famous in the battles for severo-donetsk and the frontier, for other cities and towns, which is formidable for the enemy, the situation in our country is always consistently tense, in this... the most important thing , that the most important thing is that we have the initiative, and not the enemy, if everything is of high quality , everything is developed in detail, everything is thought out in detail, calculated, minute by minute, second by second, distributed according to the enemy’s means of destruction, according to the actions of personnel, stable communication between the control of assault groups, then success is guaranteed; experienced fighters are on the front line in the trenches, where the mud is wet.
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normal, alive, healthy, not sick, eating normally, unit interaction is being honed every day, our soldiers are conducting offensive operations on a wide front, marines and motorized rifle brigades, special forces akhmat and paratroopers, all together bringing victory closer. nikolay dolgachev, nikolay pyrkh, andrey ostashev, lead lugansk. in the border areas of the belgorod region , the consequences of massive shelling from on the ukrainian side, at night , the ukrainian armed forces hit the village of the urazovoluysky district with hail-fire rocket systems, fired 12 missiles, as a result , fifty households, farm buildings, six
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cars, several shops, and social facilities of opora lep were damaged. by this hour, power supply had been restored; eight districts had been hit within 24 hours. in belgorod, when a shell hit a private house directly.
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in the lviv region. officially in kiev , the reason is not given; eyewitnesses say that just the night before, they went to a neighboring country they stopped releasing men who were previously allowed to leave. now, every ukrainian is required to have a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office. the restrictions also affected drivers of buses and passenger vehicles, and according to some reports, even disabled people cannot cross the border. ukrainian air defense systems cannot hit russian bombers. reports this. forbes publication. according to journalists, the range of the petriot systems is several times less than the flight altitude of missile carriers in the russian army. at the same time , the publication emphasized that right now in kiev there is a complete lack of serviceable and operational anti-aircraft missile systems. the topic will be continued by alek komarov. the chief
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sales agent of ukraine is tired. this is how the cnn article ruparodim of the us party called zelensky. according to journalists, now the prospects for kiev look gloomy, the counter-offensive has failed, and help from... partners is coming less and less, only old, time-tested friends remain. in the uk, continuing boris johnson’s work to scale up the conflict, they announced that they would supply a new package of military assistance. we continue to support ukraine's defence, which is why we are sending hundreds of air defense missiles today to equip transferred uk air defense systems capable of shooting down russian drones and missiles with amazing accuracy. the new tranche included 200 short-range air-to-air missiles, initially they were created for launches into... aircraft, but the desired aircraft were never given to kiev, so the missiles were converted for launches from the ground, making the equipment more modest, but there are difficulties here , as reported by the publication dai or telegraph, the electronic warfare tactics of the russian troops have long turned the situation on the battlefield in their favor. excalibur shells, which washington secretly transferred
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to kiev, are massively deviating from the target. hymers regularly miss and cause more damage to the ukrainians themselves. the hopeless situation in kiev was discussed at a meeting of the un security council by the postpret of russia. organized by vasily nebenzya. the reality today is that ukraine no longer has the resources to not only achieve a turning point, but even to maintain situation on the line of combat contact. there is only one conclusion from this, and for our enemies it is disappointing. the military plans of the kiev regime have suffered a total fiasco, so expect the worst news for you from your ukrainian proxies in the very near future. the diplomat added that now... ukraine survives only thanks to huge western subsidies, however, they are already prepared for the worst news. a german general , as part of the european epidemic of spianamania , said that the russian military-industrial complex can use light bulbs in refrigerators for military purposes. alek komarov, lead. and the footage that we
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just received delivered the first batch of signatures in support of his candidacy in the presidential elections to vladimir putin’s election headquarters. volunteers brought them from the moscow region. me: let me remind you that as a self-nominated candidate, vladimir putin needs to collect at least 3,000 signatures, and as reported today, much more has already been collected at headquarters across the country. today the first part of the collected signatures from the moscow region was brought to the central headquarters; from january 5, others regions will begin to submit their documents here. according to the latest data from regional headquarters across the country, more than half a million signatures have been collected in support of russian presidential candidate vladimir putin. and now our lawyers will check all the necessary documents. but nevertheless , let me remind you that the minimum required for registration with the sec is 300,000 signatures. despite this. now volunteers across the country continue their work collecting signatures in support of our candidate,
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absolutely all votes will be taken into account, we don’t want people are denied the right to sign in support of our candidate, and over time, all this data will become the basis for updating the database of those people who support the candidate. a suspect in the murder of roman ligoyd, the father of journalist and church leader vladimir ligoyd, was detained in the moscow region. the twenty-five-year-old man had already admitted his guilt, as he... said, during interrogation, the pensioner agreed to give him a ride to the store, the criminal got into the car, showed a knife for the purpose of robbery, a fight ensued, the attacker hit the victim several times cold steel, left him to die on the side of the road. some of the stolen money was found at the suspect's home during a search. in eastern moscow, a driver rammed 13 cars when he tried to leave a yard. after that , he fled the scene of the accident. the owner of the damaged cars called the police.
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a man in... the ton gulag and says that at the congress building he was simply doing his journalistic work, nevertheless he ended up in solitary confinement, after his release, shroer gave an interview to tucker carlson, why even the mafia, americans can trust more than to the ministry of justice and our country in our joint project with the youtube channel carlson tv. watch after the commercial. vtb savings account rate is 16%, buy for a wedding faster, great, everything will work out at vtb, a ray
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of golden sunshine, the bremen town musicians in the cinema from january 1, it seems to me that my grandfather is hiding something, vanity, fireworks. turn on the new year's light, lights the lights, magic staff, grandfather, and we have something tasty at home, we'll conjure something, he can do magic, snowman courier, proven, my grandfather - santa claus, on new year
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's eve everyone can create miracles, from the bottom of their hearts for those who are nearby, happy new year, wizards, we keep prices low, deli pate number 1,299, pyaterochka helps out, we take you, megaski. will you make such a profit? xiaomi redmi 10c smartphone for only 7.999 20% cashback in emvidio and eldorado, whoever you are, a comedian , a worker, an engineer, a wizard, an achiever or achiever of peace, businessmen choosing their own path or the ruler of the world for those who always wanted, even if he didn’t want to or wants to want nothing, for any of you, for any of your selves. there is a bank where you can go without going. for the present, the present, there is a bank
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for the present. psb is a bank for the present. a sparkling blackhead with a new year's mood inside, charged personally by santa claus. and how do you like it in heaven? now i will show you real paradise. holob 2. and cinema from january 1, fly wherever you want, with a 5% cashback, paying for tickets on the website or in the aeroflot application through sbp, but first register on and there you will find great deals on the world map. the feed has everything for the new year. and even a pineapple costume or dragon wings. receive mixers, a gift for purchases in stores at the checkout and with delivery of your order, and create funny characters. collect, mix, play. my business is small so that everyone can
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smell the new year. and my job is for everyone to be warmed by its warmth. i saw its magical shine, our job is for you to continue to believe in miracles and create them yourself at home. every year, entrepreneurs help create a festive atmosphere. case little by little, support them. vtb. we help businesses with action. there is a serious fear in washington at the moment that if democracy is allowed to work and that if the presidential candidate who is now leading in the polls is allowed to win in '24, then we will get fascism, because he will put his political rivals in prison, which will change forever america,
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democracy will die and we will become an authoritarian republic, and not even a republic, a junta. however, we don’t even need to wait, because this is exactly what has been happening for the last 3 years, especially after january 6 of twenty-one, on a day when, as we now know, there were 200 undercover fbi officers in the crowd, but this, of course, was not a setup, much less an order, and what happened after, well , more than a thousand people were arrested, the largest bounty hunt conducted by the fbi in history. and after the demonstration, almost all of them behaved in...
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47 days in federal prison, just listen, for offenses, has anyone ever been sent to federal prison for offenses, we never did found, by the way , he spent most of this time in solitary confinement, he has already been released from prison, but he is still under supervision and now he is joining us, he is shroyer, thank you very much for coming, it is an honor for me to be here, tucker , it is an honor for us to return from prison, everything that i said at the beginning, i hope i did not miss any facts from your... matter, which in itself is incomprehensible to the mind. tell us, in your own words, why you were sent to federal prison. well, it is obvious that january 6 was the occasion that the ministry justice was used to put me in prison, despite the fact that my article is just an offense. i think this situation needs to be dealt with from the very beginning,
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since the persecution that i faced as a journalist and as a talk show host has actually begun. back in 2019, when, as you remember, the democrats staged this whole circus with the impeachment of donald trump, i just then spoke out against nadler’s speech on impeachment, i said that it was all a lie, that the people chose trump, and that trump is innocent, all this took about 60 seconds, after listening to the majority and the minority is betraying our country, you had to confirm.
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so, this was the first time i was persecuted for politics, a month later there were 40 or 50
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anti-trump protesters demonstrating inside the same capitol building, and in order to show the double standards in our country, i decided to go to the same place in the capitol, where these 40-50 protesters were speaking, i came to the same place, i on... censorship, since i was banned from all major mainstream social media, and i was arrested for it and spent 36 hours in a washington gulag. as a result, when the case came to court dokitu, he, of course, canceled everything. so, tucker, i think it was worth telling this backstory because people need to know that this is discrimination, this is harassment, not just of me, but in principle.
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it is imprisonment, there is no smell of justice there, and i am a shining example of all this, everyone knew that i had no place in prison, even when i was under investigation by the fbi, washington judge farooq directed a warning to the ministry of justice, which said, hey , wait a second, you are probably violating the law here, which is true, because when they accused me as a journalist, then according to the legislation signed by obama, they had to follow...
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description, it’s hard to believe that all this i am very grateful to you for such a detailed truth, but it is all so consistent and detailed, and it is all so shocking. so, a couple of questions: you are a journalist, many people say they are journalists, but you get it. you pay your salary, health insurance, you are a journalist, did any of the journalists come to your defense, all these committees of journalists, pan america, did anyone from the journalistic community, the community of white house correspondents, come to your defense? no, i have not heard of such a thing; on the contrary, the new york times has been writing articles for a long time about how i am being silenced and censored. yes, in some alternative media there are people who... supported me stood up for my defense, i remember how you, back at your previous place of work, talked about me, but very
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few, incredibly, you said, yes, usually, when we talk about this, we say they did this, they did that, but could you name the names of those who committed all this injustice over you, do you know those who are behind this, which judge signed all this, who was a prosecutor? who are these people? the judge in my case was timothy kelly, he had a lot of cases before january 6, and he was very harsh in his decisions, and i am sure that his intentions were definitely not related to justice. and this lady, the us attorney, who spoke at my hearing, and her name was kimberly pascal, you know how they act very friendly at first and assure you that they are being honest. they want to figure everything out, but after the verdict i don’t think so anymore, by the way, during the trial it seemed to me that i heard music from twilight, while kimberly pascal
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said that of course, it’s not what he said schroer, but this is what he said, and you can look at the minutes of this meeting, where tucker, she literally says that it's not what owen schroer said, but this is what he said, and this was repeated repeatedly, and even in the indictment provided by the prosecutor, out of thirty pages of conclusion 27, about what i said, and not even on the sixth of january, about what i said on my show before and after, in my opinion, that’s where you... are accused of spreading quote " election misinformation." disinformation does not mean that what you said is incorrect, it is not the same as a lie or untrue, it simply means that the information is inconvenient for those in power. how can the government even publicly admit that sends you to prison for disagreeing with the elections and continues to call itself a democracy. it's funny, isn't it, because
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even though i'm not that old, i... the reason i gave away all the phones and answered all the electronic data requests that the fbi sent, and also because i spent many hours talking with them , where my testimony and, probably, other testimony, as well as information from my phones and other information they requested, were compared, this is all to prove my innocence, and not only mine, but also the innocence of everyone else, no one that day wanted it to turn out this way, but let me ask, innocence of what?
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they will demand imprisonment, that is exactly how everything was presented to us, but then they tried to hide me for 120 days, and it seems to me that this was not a decision of the us attorney's office, but of someone occupying a higher position in the department of justice, if not the highest , maybe it was mary garland who tried to put me behind bars and make an example out of me? yes, there is more trust in the mafia than in our ministry of justice, i would like this it wasn't like that. but that's exactly how it is. so, what was it like in prison? i'll tell you what. i think, and i didn't think i'd be talking about this in this interview, but i think so. i believe, tucker, that god wanted me to go through all of this. i am a deeply religious person, and i believe that everything that happens in our lives happens for a reason. and i believe god wanted me to go through this for more than just
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an obvious example. and can be used against any journalist, which makes me worry not only about me at the moment, but for the future victims, they will now be afraid to speak, to continue to work as honest journalists, but there was something else that was revealed to me in everything that happened, that the ministry of justice... and their intention to imprisonment is all wrong. of course, i can tell you how everything was there. it was pretty terrible, tucker. i spent most of my time in solitary confinement. i was taken from solitary confinement to a special building to make calls in which i thanked people for writing me letters, people who had been in prison for decades, some of those there are dozens.


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