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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 30, 2023 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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yes, well, very good boys, they shoot , yes, yes, they are no strangers, the company in which the squirrel has been serving since the summer of this year, the most combat-ready unit, as mentioned above, the company carried out tasks in the zaporozhye direction, under work, and anna quite often came to the soldiers on the front line, oh, this is it, little lights? hello everyone, call sign rimbaud, squad leader cavalier of the order of courage , the hardest battles in my opinion are here at this moment at the moment zaporozhye region work verbovoe, novopokrovka, here since they launched a large-scale offensive in june, that is, absolutely everything was flying, they even hit the landings with missiles, we were recently withdrawn because we were withdrawn.
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for additions, for staffing, we are also preparing, we are preparing new reinforcements, we repeat ourselves that we know what we don’t know, well, we try to share our experience from the old-timers with the newcomers, call caesar, mobilized, platoon commander, awarded the order of courage for the fact that the detachment under his command held the defense for 5 days against many times superior enemy forces, caesar’s group handed over positions to replacements, left without... were you surprised when you found out that the political officer would be a woman, a girl? honestly, yes, because we then went out with a combat mission, yes, we stood there, rested, waited for the next mission, the commanders arrive, and well, a girl gets out of the car, and there’s the uniform, we were very surprised, everyone’s jaws dropped, here they introduce yes, there is an officer there, a deputy commander for political work back and forth, well, honestly at first we thought that we wouldn’t work well together. it’s like a male
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team, there’s a girl here, but no, first opinion it was wrong, but then on the contrary, we were very glad that she appeared in our lives here in combat, but among those who arrived, also like this, the boys are actually good, very smart, everything works out for them, victory will be ours, yes, i was very surprised because i met him for the first time so far...
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in advance, the soldiers who serve in the unit together with belka say that anya was eager to go into battle and came to positions, even at the moments when the heaviest battles were taking place on the zaporozhye front. we scolded her very much for this, because that we take care of her, she is the only one we have, she is like a fighting sister to us, many times she rushes into battle with us, but no, we don’t allow this, we are better off there ourselves, and let her worry about her here... we repeat, in february twenty-two
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, and the mother and son, at that time a freshman, for obvious reasons, dissuaded anna from going to the recruiting station, but not so long ago her son put her before. damn, that’s it, i burst into tears, the hardest thing is that i work with the guys myself, they are the same children, many of us, we have guys 19 and 21-22 - these are still children, this is me, to be honest, ramba
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knows, i have never cried before, i cried for the first time, now it will be open. the terrain must be quickly ascertained as much as possible. twenty-year-old nastya kaygorodova now serves as sezampolite’s assistant in the volunteer unit of the ministry of defense, the don cossack brigade. the brigade carries out tasks in the kherson direction, or rather holds positions on the kinburn spit. i wish you good health. great! hello, hello, brother, is it quiet, everything, quiet, bye, normal, normal, normal, together with the political officer we... are driving around our positions, well we inspect our battle formations there, communicate with the soldiers, deliver them fresh correspondence so that they are aware of what is happening in general in the world, in the brigade, in the corps, we make such small video sketches, photographs, this is all history,
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this is all a chronicle, of which we are a member, our 20 nastya is a knight of the order of courage, from the very beginning of the north military district she worked as a military correspondent, first on lugansk television. this is what the building of the main city sports complex looks like, literally the other day thousands of children were playing sports here, and then she reported from the front lines for the famous online publication ridovka. in january 2023, during filming in solidar, nastya was seriously injured. there is a shooting battle going on next to us; they were filming a report about the liberation. of this settlement, this is the village of sol and the railway station, and this was a very important report, i was preparing for this material, and well, let’s just say, this is how it happened, yes, i received a gunshot wound to the maple joint,
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worked as a sniper, an enemy sniper, just like that, although it was all perfectly noticeable, that there is a group of journalists, yes , that is, i can say here that - a sick patient, so i did not have the opportunity to move, well, after a series of interventions, i had three operations, so i slowly began to develop my leg, in principle, we now have a very good result, i recovered quite quickly, this is due to the doctors who saved
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my leg, well, probably still willpower, and i have a certain one, because i had a goal, and i have to walk. myself with my own feet, and i want to get back on track. in august in 2023, when the president awarded the journalist the order of courage, at the ceremony nastya met the cossacks, among whom was the commander of the don brigade with the call sign yasau, he invited nastya to serve in their volunteer unit. the fact that i signed the contract just literally got out of my hospital bed, yes, it’s true. in fact, when i was wounded, i had only one thought: i’m alive, i’m alive, this is the most important thing, and that means i will be useful. at that time i did not yet know my prospects regarding health, whether i would to go in general, i had different thoughts about
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getting involved, maybe volunteering there , maybe being a social activist there, and getting involved in social activities. the volunteer cossack brigade don is fighting in a very turbulent direction, kherson, or rather kinbursky. spit, where art duels go on around the clock and where the ukrainian armed forces regularly try to send sabotage and reconnaissance groups. however, a twenty-year-old girl, after being seriously wounded, visits the fighters’ positions almost every day. let's watch for now, yeah, what are you, when did you start, today? well today , yes, yeah, today is a normal day, the weather is good , the cossacks welcomed me warmly, very warmly, because in fact it is very motivating when... here is the girl next to you in the trench - a girl, a child, because
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i in principle, i’m suitable for everyone there as a daughter, or even a granddaughter, i’m 20 years old, between working as a military correspondent and serving as an assistant to the political officer of a brigade, of course, there is a noticeable difference, it’s been several months since staff duties appeared in nastya’s life, well, since i am an assistant political officer of the brigade, i also have a certain share. it is called by her profile, she sometimes writes notes in the cossack newspaper,
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you have a cossack newspaper, that’s right, but tell me a little about her? this is the pika newspaper, a news agency, the first cossack news agency, in general, in this newspaper you can read news about the cossacks, you can read news in principle about the cossack brigades that are part of the volunteer assault corps, this, by the way, is fresh in front of you release. correspondence from our front line , i must say that it’s really nice for the soldiers, when they write about them, when perhaps some small note comes out, and there ’s a call sign, even if there’s a photo there in a balaclava , and there from afar, where nothing is clear, but he knows that it is he, the serious injury that nastya received, of course, did not leave its mark on her health, nevertheless, all the long and painful months of rehabilitation were completely... the young girl was thinking about how to quickly return to duty and came back and
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not just military officers, but a military serviceman who performs tasks on a very difficult dangerous sector of the front, i want to be useful in fighting the enemy, not with a microphone with a camera in my hands, but i directly want to become a fighter, but well, of course, i ’m not there i go into attacks, i don’t fight back. attack by enemy drgs, well, at least because i’m a girl, i’m weak and fragile, but i still bring some benefit. women in the northern military district zone also serve in combat positions, that is, directly on the front line. for example, an fpv drone operator. call sign rodistka, her unit performs tasks in the donetsk direction.
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flew, her family was from central russia, before the northern military district, she had nothing to do with the army and lived an ordinary civilian life, worked, thought about the future, about what would be created... a new unit of society, here is a family, but in the end life worked out just so that i had to choose this direction, you can even say so, we chose each other, i actually did a lot of things, and was interested in many subjects, that is, foreign languages i had everything, but i studied in the construction industry, and then i worked in the construction industry, so... for a short time, art, playing the
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piano, yes, even this happens, for a year and a half now, the life of a young girl with the call sign rodistka, these are positions, trenches , dugouts, this is a dugout. yes, well, it looks decent on you, very much so. this is a residential part, it’s better to take off your shoes here , we try to be clean and tidy , we must not forget about this either, my mother’s thoughts about going to fight in the donbass appeared back in 2014, but then she just couldn’t force of age. in 2022, the mother-in-law quit
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her job and came to the dpr to volunteer. everything doesn’t last long, and you can sort of turn it around and come back at any moment, but then the realization just came to them, they are naturally nervous, worried, every time there is an opportunity, we call them up and write to them. the native became a uav operator this year, first she learned to operate
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the mavik, a tactical- level civilian drone, which is extremely useful at the front , and was engaged in reconnaissance and target adjustment when on the front line... from my colleagues, it was already possible to distinguish what was flying in the sky, that is, either this, or a mavik, or an fpv, or, accordingly, an enemy woman-ega, this was all different, after which i sort of recognized it as one of the training schools, so archangel school and decided to go there
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to study. fpv drones are a universal weapon of destruction, they work both against equipment and manpower of the enemy, the advantage of fpv is in their cost, relatively speaking, a drone for 50.00 rubles destroys equipment worth several million dollars, but an fpv drone difficult to control, in which there is no automation. no, well, initially, when you put on the glasses for the first time, you made your first flight, as if even on a simulator, if you take it like that, otherwise you get very dizzy. first , but this is unusual even for the body itself, for vision, for perception, and this is like trying to discover something new for yourself, then, accordingly, you get used to it, operator school, fpv drones, my mother graduated this fall and started in a couple of weeks to combat work, she does not give her name
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and gives interviews in balaclava for a reason, given the effectiveness of fpv drones, their operator... anxiety for what you should be able to naturally, there is some degree of hiding correctly, but don’t show it yourself, not to give yourself away, first of all, of course, well, we cause inconvenience, because for the enemy the priority goal, well , no enemy ever wants his opponent to be ahead of him in something, let’s say achievements in some.
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well, you can say they are silent in shock, i’m not i know what else to call it, but in principle they don’t ask such direct questions. what, and how so, and why? well, because you understand perfectly well that this is quite possible. and then, when you
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show the fact of your work, well, they treat you as equals, just like a fighter. first of all , the family member really doesn’t have any discounts for the fact that she is a young girl. she performs exactly the same combat missions as her colleagues. and i have a birthmark. i’ve known for probably four months now, i myself manage a mavik, a reconnaissance baplaa, and rodiska is a very bright, good person , that is, of course, i admire her courage , because she came here herself and the young guys who not so long ago stormed the border crossings of the neighboring countries have a lot that she has... in less than a year fpv drones have really changed the battle picture a lot. drone crews, taking into account the range, now on average 7 dashes 10 km,
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work either very close or directly on the front line. the war has long ago taken a new direction, it has become more technologically advanced, afivedrones , which she controls very effectively on the battlefield, hits... do you remember your first hit target, well, something significant, yes, i remember, it was
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an enemy dugout, and that was the moment, too, of course, exactly at that our moment was approaching, and it came to me. actions in the conditions that i made a blow, a couple of guys approached exactly to the dugout, so they finalized everything there, after that we met with them, there was a very large number of the enemy there, the next day we met with them at the point, that’s clear even by accident they were also taken out, and we were with such simply human joy, pride... of a friend, that we were alive, healthy, fulfilled, shook hands, that it was simply indescribable, this feeling that, as a united united organism,
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a team, we worked in one direction , this was important, now at the forefront the crew of the family works both autonomously against identified targets, and in conjunction with assault brigades, call sign bit, attack aircraft of the first army corps, we have known each other for 3 months and have been conducting combat work, that is, they are before the advance of the assault groups works artillery, then we move out, and during the movement they lead us through interaction, communications are worked out, that is , if there are any in shelters, in dugouts. serious ones, where we cannot get through with assault groups for a long time, they help us, hit us, and of course, this is very effective,
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so i would probably equate it with artillery, artillery is the god of war, uavs, i would equate to artillery, because they bring a lot of benefits during battle, namely the defeat of enemy equipment. defeat of dugouts, something that is strongly fortified at them. the work of fpv drone operators, as well as the work of other frontline fighters, is, of course, very dangerous and risky. so the radio operator’s crew regularly comes under fire. when you saw that the operator vp vedro, who was assigned to combat missions, that she was a girl. are you surprised? of course i was surprised. to be honest, this is the first time i've seen a girl. composition of a combat unit, because this girl, she goes into position, and has come under mortar fire more than once, and so too... enemy drones
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have recently hit one position per half an hour there were seven arrivals , well, thank god everyone was safe, but this girl was also there with us, you don’t have to be a psychologist to notice that the mother really feels in her place, now all her plans, both immediate and distant, are connected with the army, i dream of coming to victory, so that...
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a peasant hut, miraculously did not kill anyone to death, what is the difficulty, her mother is an important person at court, everything is fine with my daughter, she is a normal girl, just like that's it, and the girl repents, it seems, let's go to paris, we’ll eat an oyster, one could forgive it, but according to the law, siberia is supposed.
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siberia, siberia, yes, i’ll cut out your tongue now , we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it up, i’d tear you apart with horses, where are you going to drown yourself, two, we’re used to watching videos online, it stopped working, we install, open, watch, all russian channels tv series, movies and cartoons. educational programs and documentaries, free of charge, without registration, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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this is russia 24, we continue to talk about most importantly, today. a hotline was launched in belgrade to collect reports of victims damaged during an attack by the armed forces of ukraine; according to updated
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data, he died. and hello, colleagues, yes, indeed, now after the missile attack by the militants of the kiev regime, well, there is such a heavy, oppressive atmosphere in the city, you really get scared by the various loud sounds that are on the street, after what, of course, happened, that is explosions were heard, well, in the central part, in many places, on many streets near...


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