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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 30, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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attacks by the armed forces of ukraine, according to updated data , 10 people have already died, including one child, and there are casualties. this afternoon, ukrainian troops shelled the city center. now alexander korobov is in direct contact from belgorod, he will tell us about what happened. alexander, greetings again. so, what is happening in the city now and what do you know, perhaps , about a more accurate number of victims, killed, not killed. and the dead, and hello, colleagues, yes, indeed, now after a missile attack by militants of the kiev regime, well, in the city it’s like this - heavy, oppressive atmosphere, but you really get scared by the various loud sounds that are on the street, after what, of course, happened, that is, explosions sounded, well, in the central part in many places, on many streets, about the dead it turns out from
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updated information out of ten people killed, one child and nine adults, it is also known that the number of victims has already increased to 45 people, they have all been taken to the hospital, they are receiving all the necessary medical care, of course the city received numerous...
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he said that we have a pre-holiday atmosphere here, but after such an attack, of course, there’s just no holiday now, so a hotline has been opened where people can contact to report various damages, so all city services are at their workplaces, well i’ll note once again that there is a lot of damage, even i’m now on the main street, of course i can’t see here, behind me there are our buildings...
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the tv company here also had a lot of windows broken, it’s good, of course, that it was a saturday, so there are no people in institutions it was, but in any case, of course, it is very unpleasant and for many residents whose windows are broken, this is also a difficult situation, while it persists in the border area itself, so at least people are being asked without much need. do not go out into the streets and stay close to shelters, colleagues, yes, alexander, the news is really not festive today, thank you, our correspondent, alexander korobov, was in direct communication from belgorod. russian troops repelled nine enemy attacks over the past 24 hours, the defense department reported. most active the fighting took place in the kupinsky direction, the ukrainian armed forces made six offensive attempts there. however, units of the western
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group forced them to retreat to their previous positions. in addition, russian aircraft, drones, missile forces and artillery carried out more than a hundred strikes on targets in various areas. operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery, groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation in the area of ​​​​the settlement of libtsy , kharkov region, destroyed the launch installation. alha multiple launch rocket system. in addition, the storage sites for fuel and lubricants and missile and artillery weapons at the starokonstantinov airfield in the khmelnytsky region near the village of chernobaevka in the kherson region, as well as enemy manpower and military equipment in 118 districts, were hit. an air raid alert was announced today throughout ukraine. this is evidenced by the data from the online map of the ukrainian ministry.
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digital transformation, the first alarm sounded in kiev, kharkov, dnepropetrovsk, cherkasy and ternopil regions, then it spread to all other regions. reports of explosions came from dnepropetrovsk, kharkov and khmelnytsky regions. in kherson, controlled by the armed forces of ukraine, damage to an infrastructure facility was reported. ukrainian air defense systems cannot hit russian bombers. forbes reports this. according to journalists, the american mzr system does not have enough range. observers have come to the conclusion that kiev now has almost no serviceable and effective denite-missile missiles. complexes. ukrainian civil servants, including diplomats, receive salaries from foreign countries, the zelensky regime has nothing left of its own, ukraine itself is now nothing more than a private military company in the hands of western countries, whose task is to inflict maximum damage on russia.
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this statement was made by the permanent representative of our country vasily nebendya at the un council. the military plans of the kiev regime have suffered a total fiasco, so expect it in the very near future.
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cnn writes that the main sales agent of ukraine tired, that’s what journalists from the democrat-controlled media called zelensky. however, in london, despite the failure of the counteroffensive, they promise new supplies of military equipment. we continue to support ukraine's defence, which is why we are sending hundreds of air defense missiles today to equip transferred uk air defense systems capable of shooting down russian drones and missiles with amazing accuracy. the new tranche included 200 short- range air-to-air missiles. initially they were created for launches. but combat aviation kyiv never received it. the missiles were converted to use the ground, making the equipment more modest. at the same time, telegraph observers note that the electronic warfare tactics of russian troops have long turned the situation on the battlefield in their favor. the excalibur shells, which washington
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secretly transferred to kiev, deviate en masse from the target, and the hymers regularly miss , causing more damage to the ukrainians themselves. the situation with tanks is no better. head of the special headquarters for ukrainian issues. at the german ministry of defense said that about half of the eighteen leopard-2 tanks delivered to kiev are out of action, and , according to german operating rules, the ssu is simply not capable of maintaining and repairing the equipment. artyom korasulin, alek komarova and evenia zemtsova. news. vladimir putin's election headquarters reported that more than 500,000 signatures have already been collected in his support throughout the country. according to the law, the required minimum is 3000. for a self-promoter, it is in this capacity that the current president is going to the upcoming elections. today his headquarters volunteers from the moscow region brought the first batch of subscription sheets. today , the first part of the collected signatures from the moscow region was brought to the central headquarters; from
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january 5, other regions will begin to bring their documents here. according to the latest data from regional headquarters across the country , more than half a million signatures have been collected in support of presidential candidates. russian federation of vladimir putin, now our lawyers will check all the necessary documents. now volunteers across the country continue their work collecting signatures in support of our candidate. all absolutely votes will be taken into account, we do not want to deny people the right to sign, support our candidate , and over time, all this data will form the basis for updating the database of those people who support the candidate. in serbia , re-voting in the parliamentary elections has begun in more than... polling stations, these are the polling stations where on december 17 they could not approve the results or cancel them. in total , more than 1,900 people can exercise the right to vote. in addition, three sites in belgrade are hosting
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repeat elections to the city legislative assembly. meanwhile, supporters of the pro-western opposition, which demands the cancellation of the election results, set up chambers in the center of the capital. several dozen people, mostly students, stayed there overnight. russian chess player, won the world women's blitz championship held in samarkand. the russian started the tournament with seven wins in a row and managed to maintain her lead until the decisive round. as a result, in seventeen rounds valentina scored 14 points. for gunina this this is the second tip of this type. she won her debut victory back in 2012. but i note that previously a representative of russia also became the world champion in rapid. bortka, a view
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hello, i am the director, vladimir burtka, i am from st. petersburg, i would say the idea of ​​this program, but what? person as a result reflections, sometimes with a hangover or after an emotional conversation with a friend who knows everything, amazing ideas come to mind, cool... to change, well, well, something, for example, your life, but what? and that he is there like this, and i, a person begins to change it, the same thing happens with peoples and often, you think, i will talk about ukraine, i will, but later, first something else comes to mind, for example,
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catalonia, was - more than once , well, spain, at least crack, but what happened, independence, thousands of people on the street, how can you live under heavy the power of the spanish king, but the inquisition cannot be forgotten, who was the chief inquisitor, that’s why the ash is knocking, but the basques are not the same, here it’s principled.
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best of all, perhaps, but what? there is a concept of the deep state. the authorities change, but the deep state, the gentlemen who actually own the land and finances, are always in place. they decide what they, these
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gentlemen, need and what they don’t? well, for example, 300 families have owned england since 178, a thousand years, so it doesn’t matter who sits in the government, in parliament, an idiot or indian, the main thing is that he does what is necessary , it is not the king who walks, he walks like a king, so they walk, the most influential people in the world sometimes gather in strange, small societies, for example... a society of witnesses that the earth is like a suitcase, or a society , bird watchers, people gather, sit in nature, watch birds, and at the same time, leisurely exchange opinions, i’m not kidding, this is a very important society, everything is decided there, and the world
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is changing, also with... ukraine since 1654 in russia, kiev 350 years, russian city, in 1708 kiev became the center of the kiev province, russian empire, built in 67.
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thirty-ninth - the kiev botanical garden was opened, the fifty-second was opened by the vladimir imperial cagen corps , fifty-eighth - the kiev steamship company was opened , the sixty-ninth was opened by the kiev commodity exchange, the seventieth was opened by the kiev passenger station, the southwestern railway, the seventy-eighth was opened by the kiev women's courses, eight the seventh sugar industry syndicate was founded in kiev, the eighth ninth, the building of the administration of the southwestern railways was built, ninety -first, the opening of a horse-drawn tram, the second , the opening of a steam tram, in the ninety -third, the opening of an electric tram, in the ninety-seventh, the kiev polytechnic institute, the existing one, was opened. 1901 the opera house building was built,
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904 the kiev art-industrial scientific museum was opened, 905 the opening of the funicular, the twelfth year the bessarabian market was built, in 200 years, who did and built all this, what language did the cadets speak among themselves? vladimir cadet corps, noble mottos in their institute, students of the university of st. vladimir, in what language did they read the newspaper kievskie vedomosti for 100 years, in what language were plays staged in the theater, in what language did clerks in stores speak with clients, transactions were concluded on the stock exchange, in what language language spoken by the pilot nesterov aircraft designer sikorsky, i am not a fan of strong expressions, but looking at the so-called ukrainians who have filled the city of kiev in large numbers,
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for more than a quarter of a century, where my son was born, where there were my friends, and friends of friends, their friends, who all, you hear everything, everyone spoke russian, but let's return to london, having looked carefully at the birds, the gentleman needed to divide the world differently, a black swan arrived in the form of ham. a crisis arose, and this required the transfer of interests to another part of the world, the wish was conveyed to people
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sitting in the ministries and parliament, and they decided that for this it was necessary to make peace in ukraine, but why? but before that, the emotional ukrainian leadership rejected even the possibility of any negotiations with russia, well what about the people in ministries and parliaments? began to think that the possibility of negotiations exists when there is uncertainty, the pros and cons are equal, but 2/3 of the population of ukraine are unshakably confident that the offensive continues and develops, therefore, for them negotiations are, in principle, nonsense, it smells like the maidan, moreover, in july zelensky squeezed out an ultimatum to russia. until russia leaves, leaving crimea and donbass, he, zelensky, will never sit down at the negotiating table with russia, and if
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the damned mordar does not leave, then pan zelensky, in in a short period of time, 1-2 months, he will carry out a counter-offensive that will liberate the indicated territories, and he will drink champagne in crimea. well, he issued an ultimatum, but there was no answer.
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however, the united states kicked everything out of europe, and the german foreign minister, the german pistorius, told ukraine a murderous phrase: “we are not your allies,” guys, think about it. a powerful push for negotiations, which, as you understand, is unacceptable for ukraine. as soon as the existing government sits down for negotiations, they promise never to go to them.
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pump it out to warmer climes, or, well, okay, not zelensky, another, it’s true that for him there are two options: either lose the elections and reformat the entire political power, but you won’t agree to that if life demands it, in this case, however, negotiations are theoretically possible, but the russians will not agree... to negotiations, without taking crimea out of the equation , what about negotiations, but the russians will not agree to what will happen to any ukrainian government that forgets about the peninsula, again the maidan, and any maidan leads to the loss of territory, here the war may end, but there is no need to negotiate, cancel elections continue fight, beg for money. but
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this goes against the wishes of those who watch birds, and this is unacceptable, besides, if you don’t negotiate, you are blocked, the war cannot last forever and you cannot forever invest crazy amounts of money in dubious enterprises, which means ukraine will receive barely, so as not to die, and if the russians look at this, they will go forward.
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what was not won in the donbass, point two, deprive ukraine of the black sea, odessa and nikolaev and advance to transnistria, point three - unfasten the west of ukraine, point four - there is no nato in the rest of ukraine, but demobilization and denazification, that is, actual capitulation, so i...
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possible disadvantages for us from the current situation are time and speed, a variant of the development of events - sluggish movement at the front. an example is avdeevka, which has been taking for 2 months already, the worst forecast, the slow movement of the front and the receipt by the ukrainians of the promised billions of the united states. regrouping of the ukrainian army and again.


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