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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 30, 2023 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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senseless, brutal terrorist attack: 14 dead , according to preliminary estimates, at least 108 injured, both lists include children. the authorities of the belgorod region and other regions of russia are now doing everything possible to help the wounded and those who lost loved ones as a result of the ukrainian military’s attack on belgorod. on the instructions of the president , a brigade from the ministry of health led by mikhail murashko and an operational group of the ministry of emergency situations flew to the region. fmba specialists are also involved in providing assistance to the victims. and again for direct communication.
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now our correspondent in belgorod is alexander korobov, alexander, what information do you have at this moment about the consequences of the shelling, about the condition of the wounded, about the actions of the authorities? dmitry, hello, well, belgorod continues to recover after the terrorist attack of the ukrainian armed forces, if you pay attention, we are now working not on the street, but in the building, because some time ago again... there were loud sounds, but then the information came through , that our armed forces are working, but there is no point in losing vigilance, here we are in a draft, if it’s clear that behind us there are also broken windows, as a result of a nearby explosion, some of the windows in the building of our television company were blown out, but of course they have not yet had time to eliminate all the consequences. let me remind you that
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in one day there were two missile strikes on the city , the last one, of course, was the heaviest, a large number of casualties, according to the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of defense , 12 adults and two children were killed, and 108, including 15 children, were injured injuries, all the victims are now in the hospital, they have...
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of course, now there are craters and places of arrival, sappers are working there, inspecting the territory for unexploded ordnance, that’s because the most important thing is safety for residents, so that they can return to their homes, and in general they are visiting some territories, because here are some streets for now they still remain closed, power engineers are working to restore street lighting, in general, everything is in place, law enforcement agencies. yes, it patrols and controls the territory, just recently the council meeting ended security chaired by governor vyacheslav glatkov. the meeting of the operational headquarters has just ended, where all the heads of the security forces reported on the consequences of the massive strike on the measures that
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are being taken by each service to strengthen security, as of today we have 108 people wounded, of which 15 are children, of which five children are in serious condition, 12 adults are in serious condition, as of today, 14 people have died, three of them their children, children, i from... sincerely offer my deepest condolences to all the families of the victims, i understand that there are no words that will console, this is grief, so i want to say that you and i, the enemy, of course, will not be able to escape retribution, about the decision to provide support.
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the moscow authorities have already announced the city resolution, many other regions are also offering their help, there is a lot of work, of course, in the city as a whole, and in the region as a whole. the year was not easy, you know, our belgorod is called the white city, this is the day for it was the blackest in the entire 2023. colleagues, thank you, together with you, we continue to monitor the incoming information, alexander korobov, about the situation in belgorod, where now all forces are being thrown to help those injured as a result of the shelling of the city by ukrainian troops, to support the families of the victims. and i will add that according to updated data, there are already three among the dead. children, according to the mayor of belgorod valentin demidov, the city is now setting up a temporary accommodation center ; five information centers have already been opened where it will be possible find out all the latest data on the consequences of the attacks and the situation in the region, and also seek help. all festive events in the city are officially cancelled.
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the consequences of the shelling in belgorod could have been more devastating, but most of the ammunition fired at the city was intercepted. this was stated by the ministry of defense. military. the department clarified that belgorod was hit with alha missiles with cluster munitions and czech-made vampire rockets. the ministry of defense believes that kiev is trying to provoke russia into such actions, however, stressed that our armed forces only attack military targets and the infrastructure associated with them. today, the kiev regime attempted an indiscriminate combined strike on the city of belgorod with two alha missiles, which is prohibited.
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to the city of belgorod. as a result , 12 adults and two children have so far died, and 108 people have been injured. in the case of direct with cluster munitions throughout the city, the consequences would be immeasurably more severe. kyiv regime, causing indiscriminate attacks on areas and by committing this crime, he is trying to distract attention from the defeat at the front, as well as provoke us to similar actions. we emphasize that the russian armed forces operate only on military facilities and the infrastructure directly associated with them. we will continue to do so. this crime will not go unpunished. vladimir putin was informed about the shelling of belgorod, said press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov. on behalf of the president, she was sent to belgorod a team from the ministry of health led by minister mikhail murashka, as well as a group from the ministry of emergency situations to provide assistance to the victims. sergei sobyanin
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called the incident a great tragedy and promised to provide all the assistance necessary for the restoration of belgorod. he noted that moscow doctors joined the ministry of health team of wounded belgorod residents if necessary. may be sent to the capital for treatment. in connection with the shelling of belgorod, russia requested a meeting of the un security council. it should take place at midnight moscow time, that is, already in less than 3 hours. the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova , stated that our country demanded the presence of the permanent representative of the czech republic at the meeting for explanations regarding the supply of ammunition to kiev, which was used to shell the city. the terrorist attack in belgorod will become a subject. elections in the un security council, russia requested a meeting of the security council. behind the terrorist attack in belgrade is britain, which, in coordination with the united states, is inciting the kiev regime to terrorist actions and understands that a counter-offensive by the armed forces of ukraine failed. london, as representatives of bankova recently stated, forbade the kiev
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regime to negotiate with the russian side, betting on the so-called victory on the battlefield. and in the absence of the slightest chance to improve the deplorable situation of the ukrainian armed forces on earth, the anglo-saxons. switched to the tactics of carrying out terrorist attacks against civilians, but the states of the european union also bear responsibility for the terrorist attack, which continues to supply weapons to kiev terrorists, and they, in turn, use, including cluster munitions against civilians. all those responsible for today's shelling of belgorod, including those who gave criminal orders to carry out strikes, will be identified by employees of the investigative committee. a criminal case has been opened. on behalf of the head of the department, forensic experts were sent to the site. and an expert from the central office. belgorod was shelled by ukrainian armed forces. as a result of the incident , people were killed and injured. among them are minors. department investigators have opened a criminal case. to provide practical assistance, chairman
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the investigative committee of russia, alexander ivanovich bastrykin, sent investigators, criminologists and experts from the central apparatus to belgorod. the head of the department ordered to identify everyone. persons guilty of crimes against civilians, including those who gave criminal orders to shell civilians and infrastructure. the actions of everyone involved will... be given a legal assessment. there are reports online about new attacks on targets in ukraine. an air raid alert has been declared in a number of areas. mayor of kharkov talks about at least five explosions in the city, local publics write about seven. eyewitnesses share footage of what happened in telegram channels. earlier today, it became known about the arrivals in odessa, and the governor of the belgorod region , vyacheslav glodkov, confirmed that the russian army is now hitting targets in ukraine. in your telegram channel. he wrote that he was in belgorod. loudly because the russian armed forces, quote, are working for the other side. on january 1, 1959, cuba
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was freed from the dictator batista, and the revolutionary government of fidel came to power castro. in the new series of the program the world in the palm of your hand, we will recall what the batista regime was like, which was supported by the united states, why the cubans hated it. january 1 is a national holiday in cuba, liberation day, celebrated on this day in 1959.
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it was legal to sell within the united states , they were exported to cuba and
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there the law was not written for the american elite, most of the population, i’m not talking about the elite here, did not receive any profit from it, in general, all the money was taken out of the country, infrastructure was not built , schools, hospitals, the cuban dictator battista, we usually remember him...
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the united states of america, and its population served the interests of the elite and the criminal elite as well, that is , the mafia, all income was again washed back into the united states of america, numerous american employees and their families.
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all american businesses were nationalized. martial law was introduced throughout the country and general mobilization was announced. fidel castro made a radio address.
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and it was then that fidel castro announced socialist character of the cuban revolution, but under battista it was a kind of paradise for relaxation and for... american business, which once again felt very painful in cuba under battista. battista's regime was so bloody and cruel that even us president kennedy spoke about it, who called batista the embodiment of american sins. in general, this battista came to plasti several times, that is, this is such a not entirely
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consistent process. and the united states was ready to turn a blind eye to any internal political issues.
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on average, 10 people every day either disappeared or were summarily executed . batista's brutal regime naturally aroused popular anger, but the help that washington provided to batista allowed him to rule quite confidently for some time in cuba. a record figure of 40%. havana has been transformed into the las vegas of latin america. american firms controlled more than 2/3 of the economy, including. 90% mining, 90% electrical and telephone firms, 80% utilities, 80% consumption
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fuel, half of the sugar cane crops. of course, all this created the basis for, on the one hand, anti-american and anti-capitalist sentiments, and on the other hand, the basis for starting an armed uprising. served the interests of the united states of america , the state, client, vassal , which suited the political elite, the population , of course, did not, all this became a natural prologue to the start of the revolution, and its most noticeable...
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and it, of course, caused a shock among ruling circles in washington, despite this, we know the fact that subsequently in venezuela the rise to power of the ugochavis was also characterized by the slogans of bolivarian socialism was largely the same since the indian revolution in nicaragua.
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transnational corporations, american monopolies on their land. i think that washington's policy in this area ended in failure. immediately after the victory of the cuban revolution, washington began a full-scale economic blockade of cuba, which continues to this day. american business, it had very serious interests in cuba, there are many different statistics are given. including a very large share of the banking sector, export-import operations, cuba was tied to the united states of america, that is, the united states was a priority partner in
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the infrastructure industry, in exports, in imports for cuba, and the more painful and sensitive the sanctions and the subsequent embargo that the united states imposed on cuba after fidel castro came to power, but here it must be said that the soviet union supported the cubans, and we, for example, concluded with them an agreement on the purchase of sugar, this is the main export item of cuba, they provided political and economic assistance to cuba as a friendly state, well, chagiwara himself came to moscow, was greeted as a hero and generally enjoyed very wide fame , great popularity, like fidel castro, well, actually, cuba was seen as... a lot of our influence in the latin american region and more widely in the western hemisphere. the americans, i must say, then, like
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batista, in my opinion, became more sophisticated, yes there, we got into a mess. well, you never know what kind of rebel movements there were, what kind of riots there were against other dictators of latin america, well, they overthrew this one, another one will come, we’ll come to an agreement with him, and here, of course, an unpleasant surprise awaited them. since it was not possible to come to an agreement with either castra or chegivara, and i ’m moving a little away from the batiste topic, the americans , of course, made a big mistake, instead of trying to establish some kind of compromise with these guys, they decided to break them by force, that is, they stopped buy cuban sugar, but they introduced sanctions, well, as they usually do, trample underfoot, so to speak, but unexpectedly. the soviet union absolutely extended a helping hand, economically, militarily, and well, since then cuba has been called the island of
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freedom. your monetary potential surrounds us in our quantum field every day. flag of the dpr and russia. is developing over the city of mariupol, but i was not included in the frame, the idea that holds the state together, such as was in the ussr, we are building a new world and a new person, there is the concept of a deep state, the authorities are changing, and the deep state, the gentlemen who actually own the land and finances, are always in place, there are elections in the usa, ukraine is interfering.
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