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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 30, 2023 9:30pm-10:00pm MSK

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cubes with the mazobrick endless photo constructor. order mazobrick with discounts on wild beres. new year's discounts in a magnet. cole cola fancy street 999. at vtb the interest rate on a savings account is 16%. and save up for the wedding faster. class. and everything will work out. vtb. the heavenly office kept the intrigue until the very end, so what kind of weather should we expect for the new year, rains and thaws or frosts and snowfalls, we will talk about this in the next 20 minutes, here are some other topics we will touch on: cold, dampness, a feeling of complete hopelessness, weather will help dryers celebrate the holiday in a special atmosphere. by the way, why... the ina
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trenches are so different from ours. the hegemon found the bottom. the americans announced the appropriation of a million square kilometers of shelf in the arctic. where do such appetites come from and how legitimate are the territorial claims of the united states? and neuros got to the weather forecasts. is artificial intelligence capable of revolutionizing meteorology? you are watching the main weather program. zavodchenkov, hello! forecasts for the new year changed until the very last days of december, and the weather fever, which turned into storms, blizzards and freezing rains in different regions of the country, only fueled the main intrigue: what kind of weather will surprise russians in the first days of the new year 2024? we will definitely tell you about the most striking cataclysms of the outgoing december. at the end
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of december, russia was gripped by a weather fever; throughout the second half of the week , cyclones dominated the european part of the country, making the weather extremely changeable. the southern regions of the country were at the epicenter of the disaster. these the footage was filmed in dagestan, where a strong storm arose, roofs were torn off houses, and in total more than 100 thousand consumers were left without electricity. and the wires fell. and this. a blizzard raged in the orenburg region in the south of the urals. in orenburg itself , almost a quarter of the monthly moisture norm fell in just 12 hours at the local weather station. sometimes, by the way, the precipitation turned into rain, because the temperature rose to +1°. the most difficult situation was on regional highways; the movement of freight transport had to be limited on the roads to ufa and saratov. in those areas of the south.
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in the urals, where the snowstorms stopped , on friday they observed a winter rainbow, a barren sun, while the temperature began to drop, residents of the sverdlovsk region and the perm territory encountered the same optical effect that usually appears in frosty weather, where in the morning the air in some places cooled to - 24-26, in omsk, due to a thaw on the eve of the new year, skating rinks, slides and ice towns were closed. utility workers had to remove melt water from the roadway. and for this they used a technique that, as a rule, is used only in the warm season. only the south of european russia remained an oasis of relatively calm and warm weather. in crimea, kuban and other southern regions , before new year's eve, flowers bloomed and green leaves appeared on the trees. such unusual weather conditions were provoked by a powerful flow of atlantic heat making its way deep into the continent. as a result , in the majority. regions of russia at the end
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of the outgoing year the climate turned out to be warmer, and the most significant anomalies were recorded in traditionally cold regions in the urals and siberia. here are the thermometers rose 10-15° above normal, and in some places even recorded maximum temperature records. the atlantic conveyor could only be stopped by a blocking anticyclone near the borders of eastern siberia. by the way, it was he who caused the frenzy of forecasts. on new year's eve, this block was supposed to be broken, and it was assumed that this would happen in the southern part, where... not so cold, and therefore heavy, air is concentrated, but something happened that supercomputers could not calculate, an energy impulse the cyclones were enough to push ochak into the arctic, which enclosed its region in the yakut cold, and from here a fragment of the icy
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anticyclone began to make its way to the west, trying to freeze the russian plain. on new year's eve the temperature here is extreme. contrasting in the epicenter of stuzha in the north-northeast of european russia , in places the thermometers are below -30-35. in the northwest, thanks to the proximity to the baltic sea, frosts are noticeably weaker, down to -10-15. in the center the night temperature is -1-6, in the thaw zone only the lower volga, don, southern regions and chernozem region. in the subsequent new year holidays, weather contrasts with... remain almost the entire northern half of the russian plain will be covered by an anticyclone, so abnormal frosts will hit here mainly without precipitation, but the southern part of the region will be protected by cyclones, bringing with them clouds, precipitation and warmer air masses ,
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having gained a foothold in the south of russia, the atlantic warmth will try to make its way to the north of the country by the end of the holidays, for example, in central russia in the coming days the frosts will... intensify, already after january 2 in in moscow in the morning the thermometers will show -20-23, at noon only -15-18 , only on the eve of christmas the sky will be covered with fields of snow clouds, and powerful warming will begin in the afternoon on january 7 to -2. cyclones raged all week in the ied zone. the weather, let’s say , is severe, rains turning into sleet, impassable mud, a piercing icy wind, all this, of course, could not but affect the morale of the already demoralized armed forces of ukraine, especially considering the inhuman conditions that reign
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in the ukrainian positions , well, what kind of gifts are in quotation marks, of course, the heavenly office is preparing the enemy for the new year, let’s ask the military meteorologist evgeniy. shkovets. evgeniy, what are your forecasts? vadim, they definitely can’t count on a festive atmosphere at krovayaki’s. the weather in the nwo zone was difficult for almost the entire month of december. the ukrainian trenches quickly sank into the mud, along with their inhabitants. frontline hospitals are overcrowded. in addition to being wounded, the dry-haired people received hypothermia and frostbite en masse. hiding from russian artillery and drones, ukrainian soldiers themselves report high casualties. positions, here like this, every day for 13, we got hit like this again, the fields became soggy against the backdrop of the thaw and turned into difficult-to-pass swamps, because of this
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, any operations using armored vehicles were essentially curtailed in sow , cars stuck in the mud are an easy target for artillery, so for example, ukrainian militants are unsuccessfully trying to pull him out of... there is even a russian bathhouse, everything is neat and thought out. why can’t ukrainian militants do the same at home? they probably don't see the point in this. the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine understand perfectly well that ukrainian soldiers live on the front line is 3-4 days, so they can sit in the mud for a while. and then, why equip
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trenches if tomorrow they will be under the control of the russian army? well, the money allocated for their arrangement can, in the end , be put into your pocket. judging by the forecasts, ukrainian. the militants will have to flounder in trench mud in the first days of january. already on the second of the month, the north atlantic cyclone attacks the north atlantic cyclone. flash rains will add another 5 liters of water per square meter. meter of already waterlogged chernozem, but on january 3, intense precipitation will be added another unfavorable weather factor is wind, gusts of which will reach 10-15 m/s. such weather conditions impose restrictions on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles with guided munitions. it must be said that for the armed forces of ukraine such weather is to some extent even favorable; you can always attribute your failures to it. on other topics, the americans decided to grab a huge piece
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of the continental shelf in the arctic, no more or less, 1 million km of seabed. how did the united states motivate such a hasty expansion of the borders of the shelf and how such machinations are consistent with international law, we will tell you in our material. arbitrariness on an unprecedented scale has been announced in the united states. about the expansion of the continental shelf in the pacific and atlantic oceans, the bering sea, the gulf of mexico in the arctic. in total, this territory is about 1.2 km, that is, the size of two states of california. the us state department emphasized that the continental shelf is a continuation of the country's land territory and does not cause territorial disputes with russia. however, to resolve possible issues, washington plans to hold talks with canada, japan and the bahamas. the states simply come and say that you know, this is now ours, because we want it so, that is, in this regard, they act as such
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a legal nihilist in international relations, and pointedly ignore the interests of even their closest neighbor canada. according to the established procedure, before declaring any territory part of the continental shelf, the state is obliged to provide scientific evidence. americans claim that they have been collecting data for 20 years, but they cannot share it with the commission. since they have not ratified the law of the sea convention, the states are essentially being asked to take their word for it. others, including those in our own country, may complain that state boundaries are being expanded without consideration by the un commission on the limits of the continental shelf. but since our maritime borders with russia and canada are quite well coordinated, the us claims to expand the shelf are convincing as long as someone with rights and reputation, will not challenge them. the first attempts to delimit the shelf were made. 55 years ago, after the adoption of the geneva convention, they agreed to limit the shelf to areas of the bottom no deeper than 200 m. after
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the advent of technologies that made it possible to extract natural resources from great depths, they decided to adjust the criteria. now the boundaries of the shelf or exclusive economic zone extend up to 200 miles from the coast of the country or further if the connection of the bottom areas with the main part of the mainland is proven. these restrictions were enshrined in un convention on the law of the sea in 1980. the second year, it was ratified by both russia and the european union, and another hundred and fifty states, but the united states did not sign. years of arctic exploration, studying underwater soil, analyzing crustal movements, and even developing a geodynamic model that describes the evolution of the lithosphere over the past 60 million years. all this titanic work accompanied russia’s submission of an application to define and expand the boundaries of the shelf. thanks to her, we received the right to install a russian one on the lomanosov ridge. flag, apparently our achievements in the arctic prompted the united states to take hasty action. this step, if
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you look at it from an economic point of view, is probably a kind of foundation for decades to come, to provide the potential for strategic superiority or strategic advantages for the united states in these territories for decades to come. according to bloomberg, the declared areas of the continental shelf contain a huge amount of important resources for industry. besides. large oil and gas reserves, the volumes of which are still to be clarified, there are about 50 different minerals, including rare and extremely in demand in microelectronics lithium, used in energy and car production telurium, and this is not counting sixteen rare earth elements, although there is one thing: extracting resources on the shelf is expensive and very difficult, but one day it will become technologically possible and economically profitable, the americans are already trying to stake out the rights to the tasty morsels.
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of the ten main scientific breakthroughs of 2023 two at once relate to weather and climate. the list of scientific achievements was published by science magazine in december. in an honorable second place in the top are studies confirming the weakening of the atlantic meridional overturning circulation, that is. this is a system of surface and deep ocean currents in the atlantic ocean. in the surface layer. well-warmed water from the equator region to the pole, where this flow cools down to a depth and returns back to low latitudes, i will give a vivid example, part of it is the gulf stream and immediately the important role of this mechanism in the planet’s climate becomes clear: the current system provides a quarter of the total
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volume of heat received by the northern hemisphere; on the other hand, sea water is... the greatest absorber of carbon dioxide, capturing about 700 million tons of carbon annually. and now scientists have found that due to the melting of sea ice and desalination of the ocean, the overturning mechanism is disrupted, so that in the coming years the circulation system may change irreversibly. and another scientific breakthrough, according to science, is related to artificial intelligence, not all this managed to predict the weather, or rather the most advanced hydrodynamic models, can machine learning change weather forecasting forever, let’s ask pavel toropov. pavel, is a neural network revolution coming in meteorology? vadim, two of the strongest scientific publications on the topic of artificial intelligence, which were published in
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2023, truly turned out to be revolutionary. what is the essence of the breakthrough? now for the compilation of quality. weather forecasting requires supercomputers to correctly calculate how atmospheric conditions will develop processes require colossal computing power, because a huge number of parameters are loaded into the forecast model, and satellites play an important role in modern weather forecasts ; without them, the quality of the forecast would drop by half, rolling back half a century. the main problem of weather forecasting is the limit of predictability of atmospheric processes. an outstanding geophysicist, mathematician and meteorologist pointed this out back in the middle of the last century. edward lorrens. a physically based weather forecast cannot be made more than 2-3 weeks. and these are the most complex computational problems that require supercomputer technologies. only developed, rich countries can afford such things. to increase the accuracy of forecasts , so-called ensemble calculations are needed, that is, a whole family of forecasting procedures, which is extremely expensive. this is where
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the revolutionary idea of ​​using artificial intelligence arose. it is noteworthy that the first weather forecast using. east used the results of calculations of the european center for medium-range forecasts model weather for 50 years around the globe. this is a huge amount of data and subjected it to unprecedented statistical analysis. it turned out that with such a gigantic volume of information, a new computer program can, figuratively speaking, be taught to make a weather forecast based on existing information.
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moreover, the forecast turned out to be even slightly better than that of the model on the results of which the neural network was trained. a however, despite the revolutionary nature of the development, classical numerical weather forecast models still will remain in the arsenal of meteorologists and climatologists, and will undoubtedly be needed. it would be a delusion to think that we can now discard all the models, weather forecasts that were considered, are now considered online every day, yes, discard them and replace them with artificial intelligence, this is an illusion, if you read those same articles in science nature, then you will see for yourself... the authors admit that these results that they obtained would have been impossible if not for physical models, why? because this is the very data on which they were trained these neural networks are not just measurement data, these neural networks are trained on the so-called reanalysis, reanalysis is a certain mixture of measurement data from these
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mathematical physical models, space exploration, the emergence of supercomputers in the middle of the last century gave a powerful and... pulse to the development of meteorology, well today we are apparently experiencing a neural network revolution in meteorology. and at the end of the issue, our traditional section: space weather forecast, which we compile together with our colleagues from the space institute wound research how did the sun surprise astrophysicists in the outgoing year and will our star come out at maximum? results of solar activity for 2023. 12 flares of the highest rating, that is, on average, one per month, 360 weaker ones. as for magnetic storms, which many are interested in, there were 40 days with magnetic storms this year, that is
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, approximately, well, somewhere around one storm in about 7 tier 10 days. we had the largest storms, as i already said, in march and april, that is, these were the largest storms of this year and this cycle at the moment, that is, larger ones. there hasn't been one since then. throughout the year, the sun gave out rather contradictory signals. the year began very stormy, already in february the largest flare in many years occurred, and in march-april there were large magnetic storms. and there was a feeling that the sun was almost at its peak, but from the beginning of may the activity began to fade and in the summer it went almost to zero. at the same time, the number of sunspots increased. some of them reached enormous sizes, to the point that they were the peak values ​​of the previous one have been broken.
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having exhausted the energy, it went into hibernation, although not for such a long time, the end of the year we met with a new increase in solar activity, the largest flare in recent years occurred, two or three magnetic storms occurred every week , although usually quite weak, we are here analyzing all these. now the sun is another calm, therefore, according to short-term forecasts, the new year holidays from the point of view of solar activity will be calm, without magnetic storms, the situation will change only in the second half january that's all, enjoy the weather , whatever it may be, goodbye, only in
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where, as a result of shelling of the city center by the ukrainian military, 14 people were killed and 108 injured. there are children on both lists. according to the authorities, only civilian objects were damaged: 22 apartment buildings, commercial buildings, and more than 100 cars. the authorities of the belgorod region and other regions of russia are now doing everything possible to help the wounded and those who lost loved ones.


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