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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 31, 2023 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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the death toll as a result of the ukrainian armed forces’ attack on belgorod has risen to 21 people, including three children; according to the latest data , 110 were injured, including 17 children. the governor provided new data. the shelling became a flagrant
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violation of international law, since the strikes were targeted at the city center, and therefore at civilian objects and the civilian population; 22 apartment buildings and commercial buildings, more than a hundred cars, were damaged. doctors are now doing everything possible to help the wounded. both moscow and many others offered help russian regions. with the latest news from belgorod, our own correspondent alexandrov. belgorod continues to come. in november, after a terrorist attack by the armed forces of ukraine, two missile strikes were carried out on the city in one day, the last one, of course, was the heaviest, a large number of casualties died, doctors are fighting for their lives, now it is too early to talk about any results, shrapnel pierced a car door and wounded me in the legs, i don’t know how badly yet, but he has a phone here, well, not now, he doesn’t know anything knows, they did an x-ray, but it was for surgery.
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the city was very badly damaged, especially its central part, ammunition from ukrainian missiles scattered over a fairly large area, many damaged houses, broken windows, cut facades, operational services are all in place, special attention, of course, now to craters and landing sites, sappers are working there , they are inspecting the territory for... unexploded ordnance, because the most important thing is safety for the residents, so that they can return to their homes, and in general visit some areas, because some streets are still blocked, power engineers are working to restore street lighting, all law enforcement agencies are in place patrolling and monitoring the territory. just recently, a meeting of the security council chaired by governor vyacheslav glatkov ended. the meeting of the operational headquarters has ended.
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the moscow authorities have already announced their decision to provide support in the restoration of the city; many other regions are also offering their assistance, work a lot, of course, in the city as a whole, and in the region as a whole, the year was not easy, belgorod is called the white city, this day for him was the blackest in the entire 2023. alexander korobov, lead belgorod, well, here are the shots.
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proving that ukraine is targeting peaceful areas. a belgorod resident covered her children with herself during a missile attack. in the first minutes of the shelling, she shielded the baby in the stroller and hugged the older child close to her. the moment was caught on cctv cameras. the consequences of the shelling in belgorod could have been more destructive, but most of the ammunition fired at the city was intercepted, the ministry of defense announced. according to the department , belgorod was hit with alha missiles from cassette b... and czech- made vampire rockets. the ministry of defense believes that kiev is trying to provoke russia into similar actions, but emphasized that our armed forces only attack military facilities and infrastructure associated with them. today the kiev regime attempted an indiscriminate combined strike on the city of belgorod with two missiles alha in prohibited cluster ammunition, as well as rockets, a salvo rocket system.
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vladimir putin was informed about the shelling of belgorod, said press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov. on the instructions of the president, a ministry of health team led by minister mikhail murashko and a group from the ministry of emergency situations was sent to belgorod to provide assistance to the victims. sergei sobyanin called the incident a great tragedy and promised to provide all
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the assistance necessary for the restoration of belgorod. he noted that moscow doctors joined the team of the ministry of health. wounded belgorod residents will be able to be sent to the capital for treatment if necessary. all the guilty ones. shelling of belgorod, including those who gave criminal orders to strike, employees of the investigative committee will establish, and a criminal case has been opened. on behalf of the head of the department , criminologists and experts from the central office were sent to the site. belgorod was shelled by ukrainian armed forces. as a result of the incident, people were killed and injured, including minors. department investigators have opened a criminal case. for providing practical assistance. civilians, including those who gave all persons guilty of crimes in relation to criminal orders to shell
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civilians and infrastructure. the actions of each person involved will be given a legal assessment. protests in support of residents are already taking place across the country. in rostov nadon , a huge banner was displayed on the facade of the football stadium; against the background of the tricolor , the line “belgorod, we are with you” runs in large font. previously , many regional heads had already expressed their support for belgorod residents after the tragedy. on there are reports on the internet about new attacks on targets in ukraine. in addition to the ten regions of the country, the air raid alarm now sounds in the zhytomyr, vinnytsia, rivne and khmelnytsky regions. girans work near kiev, local publics report.
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articles, he collaborated with television, including our television channel, hosted the replica program, in which he commented on current events in the country and the world, began a career in business, and even then became widely known as one of the founders of the new style of russian journalism. over the years, he also worked
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for izvestia, many other popular newspapers and magazines, and published in online publications. maxim sokolov died at the age of sixty-five , his colleagues at rionovosti reported this.
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well, in the following footage from the checkpoint on the border between ukraine and poland, due to the tightening of rules , about 40 buses with passengers have not been able to leave square for more than a day, and new ones... so, the attack of the ukrainian armed forces on belgorod is
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a deliberate act of terrorism aimed at civilians citizens. russia will give even more tough answer. this was stated by russia's permanent representative to the un vasily nebende at today's meeting of the security council convened at the request of moscow. so, our own correspondent in the united states, valentin bogdanov, is now joining our broadcast. communications, valentin, tell us more about the statements of our permanent representative about the reaction of the un security council to the new brutal attack of the ukrainian armed forces on russian citizens? yes, well, as we know for certain, during the barbaric attack of the ukrainian regime on the russian city of belgorod, weapons were used one of the nato countries, in particular the czech republic, used ammunition for rocket systems for...
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where are these people today, representatives of eu member states, who are asked in packs and crowds at a meeting of the council for ukraine to read out their sore feet on camera. where is the representative of the czech republic, whose missiles produced killed civilians in belgorod. we tried to invite the czech representative to speak to us today, but he cowardly declined to participate. where is the representative of poland from yesterday? told us the one that flew over her territory, a missile that
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500 soldiers of the territorial defense forces of the lublin voivodeship were looking for and could not find. where are the representatives of the european union? don't create illusions and don't pretend. brussels, along with washington and london, as well as most countries of the european union, are accomplices in the crimes committed by the kiev gang. well, our permanent representative refers to...
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the kiev regime, in particular, vasily nebendia drew attention to the very sluggish reaction from the united nations, which itself did not... condemn the attack on bilgorod, here it is also necessary to note that right during the meeting the data on the dead victims was updated, that is, it began when the official number of dead was 18, it ended when it was already known about twenty -one dead, that is, the scale of this tragedy can be said in real the time
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has changed and nebenzya specifically provided the participants with links to the meeting. on the part of the west, which exists, with attempts to sponsor the kiev regime in terms of the supply of weapons, it will still not be possible to do anything, because russia continues to move special military operation and all its goals one way or another.
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here the nationalists are no longer interested in the usual shelling; they would save their lives by filling up combat positions with the corpses of unprepared recruits. but in the kharkov region, especially closer to the russian border, the situation is different, or rather, different for now. of course, we will correct it. as we have already stated, one of the tasks of our special military operation within the framework of the demilitarization of ukraine is to eliminate threats emanating from territories bordering russian regions, including including those who became part of russia after the beginning. the more these threats create for us, the tougher we will act, i think this should be clear to everyone. during the high week of the general assembly here in new york , polish president duda said, he then compared ukraine to a drowned man who, clinging to everyone, pulls everyone else to the bottom, and vasily
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nebezya once again warned, first of all , the western sponsors of the kiev regime. from trying to help him further, because in the end, following this metaphor of dudi, dudi may befall them, a sad fate, that is, kiev is dragging with it to the bottom all those who contribute to it and help it, yes, valentin, thank you, valentin bogdanov, meeting of the un security council, convened at the request of the russian side after the brutal attack of the ukrainian armed forces on the measured population of belgorod. the idea that holds the state together is the same as it was in the ussr; we are building a new world and a new person. your monetary potential surrounds us with our quantum field every second. over the past year , thousands of people, doctors, builders, teachers. “partial success,
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this is exactly what the quite predictable reaction of propaganda to the liberation of the village of maryanka by the russian armed forces looks like, we’ll tell you how they are trying to use victory reports for outright hatred and other deceitful training manuals, we’ll tell you right now in the stop fake program on russia-24.” so, a new temnik was released on the air of the endless ukrainian telethon, where the marinkas of the dpr are still not under the complete control of our army and the predators are still there.
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emphasis on the word ruins, that is, everything is presented as if the russians, for no apparent reason, took and wiped the city off the face of the earth, plus, in a similar vein, another rather resonant material is presented, according to which the houses turned into dark spots, and the streets into dirty silhouettes, which is important to call even in street battles, it’s hard to call it street battles , there are no longer entire houses here, we have positions, there are a lot of trenches, trenches, this is no longer a battle in the city, it’s like in plantings, in short, you look at this and you might think some kind of barbarians without causes.
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only on this score, in particular, a long time they insisted that the initiative was on their side and that they easily repelled all attacks, then they would go on a counterattack, or even managed to take
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russian units in a pincer attack, again , familiar back-and-forth dreams that always end the same way, everything developed more and more a less typical scenario, that we will not surrender this city, then somehow gradually this topic began to be hushed up, then people in military uniform appeared and... they said that you know, not everything has been surrendered yet, the city is under our control, these are russians, everybody there they distort when such a story is heard that any city will hold out until the last, this means that the city will fall, well, such a sign has already appeared for ukraine, however, now professional liars are forced to work out another narrative, they tell tales about the absence of marinka calls the city of strategic importance: literally a small acquisition, the capture of which, according to their version , will change absolutely nothing, but it is not at all difficult to verify the opposite, just look at the map. first of all, access to the borders of the neighboring village
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marenkoy georgievka will significantly increase the effectiveness of counter-battery warfare during shelling of donetsk, because the distance to enemy artillery positions has been significantly reduced. at the moment it does not exceed 10 km. as for further offensive prospects. among the options is krasnogorovka, from where it will be possible to take the desired village under fire control. first and, accordingly, shut up the ukrainian guns located there. another potential direction to the village of pobeda with subsequent advance to konstantinovka and novomikhailovka, where a large enemy contingent is deployed. and finally, the third route leads to kurakhov. this is an important logistics hub, used by the junta to supply coal, as well as to cover roads to zaporozhye. moreover, now it is kurakhov who is being painted as the image of another indestructible fortress. propagandists cite mainly british intelligence. she seems to think little.
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the only thing we hope is that the ukrainian army, well, it’s also leaving marinka for a reason, and apparently, they are already... experiencing problems with ammunition or reinforcements - these brigades that have been there all this time, well, kurakhov will be lucky, if these problems are really serious for them, they will have to leave this city earlier than after a year and a half of hostilities . next to the traditional section of virtual victories, one of them was composed by trukha, popular among the banderaites, its author was supposed to be the exact one. ukrvayak's strike on a ship repair yard in sevastopol, although the photo, upon closer examination, turned out to be dated back to the seventeenth year, when the enterprises transferred the usc, and
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of course, there was no talk of any damage either in those years or now. the enemy provides us with a picture, a photograph that was taken back in 2017 at the time of the transfer of the shipyard to the oisk structure , and this picture, which we all have already forgotten, they are trying to present as... information and that supposedly we are not we will be able to find the first source, but thanks to modern computer technology and search engines, we can simply use this photograph and in any search engine to find that very first source, at the moment when a huge amount of information falls on you, many simply forget to do fact-checking, here is another similar case i trusted with the supply of information dumps like, which hurried post on your website footage of the supposedly shot down... there are two important nuances here: firstly, the original of this photo first appeared on the internet more than a year ago, and secondly, the original source was some kind of resource registered in
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the american state of texas. hardly? pulls on an authoritative publication with verified content, which means the bomber crash is not only old, but also not a fact that it took place. this is such a typical example of how they create content for their internal consumer. it is clear that in war anything can happen, but in this particular case everything was sewn with white thread. and most importantly, what is their task: to post a photo, to lighten the mood a little, but no one can do it. double-check, no one can say whether this was or was not that, that is, such a flow information that even if a fake appeared somewhere out there, we will attribute it to the fog of war, but not everything is so clear, not everything is so simple, sometimes they go even further, coming up with special sophisticated schemes, say, they refute the so -called russian fake about f-16s destroyed in odessa, supposedly some russian media talked about a precise strike on an american plane, although the ukrainian air force has not yet received them at the disposal of the russian one.
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of course, the enemy in this case tsypso urgently needs to discredit the russian telegram channels, russian sources is that they provide lies and fakes, and for this they create those same fakes, yes, that is , they pretend that they are distributed by russian telegram channels, russian information sources, and then by themselves they are being refuted, these photographs actually existed a year ago, a year ago, many russian telegram channels refuted the fake, they said that it was not true, that it was
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winter, and there was green grass... meanwhile, the security service of ukraine presented its new dubious pride is the fast maritime drone mamay, which is said to be superior to its predecessor magura b5 in all respects. now ukrainian security forces are already looking for a suitable target for this unmanned boat, an unmanned boat. it is positioned as a formidable weapon with a powerful explosive load, created without the participation of foreign sponsors, by the independent efforts of ukrainian developers, but who will believe it? we must understand. that now all the developments that are underway are supervised by american or british advisers who give them technology, give them developments, but can they produce all this there, maybe the guys sat there, soldered it, made it, now they have some kind of drone, but where did they get the components from, they brought it to them, because that all production, all industry has been stopped, that is, the entire ukrainian economy, including
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the salaries of teachers, doctors, and even the military, it all comes from foreign budgets, nothing of our own is left, but i want to discuss the efficiency of the floating unit, according to knowledgeable engineers, mamai is a six-meter vessel with an acceleration of up to 110 km per hour, and its hull, as we have spilled, is made of polymer armor. if everything is really so, then the reliability of the boat is a big question: high-modulus polyethylene can only stop pistol bullets of 9 mm caliber, so... from a heavy ship’s machine gun , a cliff, not to mention a thirty-millimeter cannon, will be fatal for a sea drone, so its operator all that remains is to rely on secrecy, but modern russian radars are able to detect such drones at a distance of about 6 km, therefore, even at maximum speed, mamai will most likely be discovered a full 3 minutes before his attack and shot in advance, so far we have seen that they are often detected in advance
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, they seem to be destroyed, they are quite ... noticeable, so, of course, how the weapons won there, but this is to put it mildly, everything is very exaggerated, yes, they do not occupy, are not the main danger for the black sea fleet there or objects in the crimea, here rather, this victory is due to the fact that they were at least able to organize the assembly of at least something, because in terms of the military-industrial complex they have, let’s say, very little success. now to a curious example of ukrainian delight in everything western. the american company wistinghouse, as it became known, is planning to build a new reactor at the khmelnytsky npp. and then the emotions of the fake-throwers began to go wild, fantasizing either about energy independence or about the transition of the independent energy system to a fundamentally new level. moreover, they boast without hesitation that there is nothing comparable to this project even in europe, but in fact it’s for it.


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