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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 31, 2023 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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new data on the consequences of the ukrainian armed forces’ attack on belgorod, the number of deaths as a result of shelling of the city center by the ukrainian military has increased to 18, injured to 111 people, this is information from the ministry of emergency situations. there are children on both lists; russia has already called the incident a senseless, brutal terrorist attack and a gross violation of international law, since the attack was obviously carried out only on civilian targets. 22 apartment buildings, commercial buildings, and more than 100
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bili cars were damaged. the authorities of the belgorod region are now they will do everything possible to help the wounded and those who have lost loved ones. many other russian regions also offered help. a temporary accommodation center is being set up in belgorod and five information centers have been opened where you can find out everything about the situation and seek help. all festive events in the city are officially cancelled. our own correspondent, alexander korobov, reports from belgorod. belgorod continues to recover from the terrorist attack of the ukrainian armed forces. behind. two missile strikes were carried out on the city per day and now the last one, of course, was the most severe , a large number of victims died , doctors are fighting for their lives, now it’s too early to talk about any results, shrapnel pierced the car door and wounded him in the legs, i don’t know anything yet how strong, but he the phone is here, well , now it’s not there, he doesn’t know anything, they did an x-ray, but they did the surgery, they took him away for surgery, and there are still shrapnel on my legs. it’s
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still unknown how seriously everything was damaged there or the bones, the city was very badly damaged, especially its central part, ammunition from ukrainian missiles scattered over a fairly large area, many damaged houses, broken windows, cut facades, operational services are all in place, special attention, of course, now to craters and landing sites, sappers are working there, inspecting the territory for unexploded ammunition, because the most important thing is safety for residents, so that they can return to their homes, and generally visit some areas, because some streets are still blocked, power engineers are working on restoration of street lighting, everything is in its place, law enforcement agencies are patrolling and controlling the territory, a meeting of the security council chaired by governor vyacheslav glatkov just recently ended, a meeting of the operational headquarters ended, where all heads of law enforcement agencies spoke about...
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the consequences of a massive strike on those measures, which is adopted by each service to strengthen security, i sincerely offer my deepest condolences to all the families of the victims, realizing that there are no such words, which will console, this is grief, so i want to say that you and i, the enemy, of course, will not be able to escape retribution, about the decision to render? moscow authorities have already expressed support for the restoration of the city , many other regions are also offering their help, there is a lot of work , of course, in the city as a whole, and in the region as a whole , the year was not easy, belgorod is called the white city, this day was the most black for the entire 2023. alexander korobov, lead belgorod, well, here’s more footage of our colleagues from belgorod, governor vyacheslav. lotkov
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visited one of the damaged apartments. the room was destroyed by a direct hit from a shell. the consequences of the shelling in belgorod could have been more destructive, but most of the ammunition fired at the city was intercepted, the ministry of defense stated. according to the department, belgorod was hit with alha missiles with cluster munitions and czech- made vampire rockets. the ministry of defense believes that kiev is trying to provoke russia to... inflict indiscriminate combined attacks . today the kiev regime made an attempt strike on the city of belgorod, two alha missiles in prohibited cluster ammunition, as well as rockets from the czech- made vampire multiple launch rocket system. air defense systems, the alha missile is a large part.
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infrastructure directly associated with them. we will continue to do so. this crime will not go unpunished. vladimir putin was informed about the shelling of belgorod, said press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov. by order of the president , a team of the ministry of health has already been sent to belgorod, headed by minister mikhail murashko, as well as a group
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from the ministry of emergency situations to provide assistance to the victims. sergei sobyanin called the incident a great tragedy and promised to provide all the assistance necessary for the restoration of belgorod. he noted that he was from moscow. doctors joined the brigade of the ministry of health, but if necessary, wounded belgorod residents will be able to be sent to the capital for treatment. protests are already taking place across the country in support of belgorod residents. in rostov nadon , a huge banner was displayed on the facade of the football stadium. against the background of the tricolor large the line “belgorod, we are with you” runs in the font. previously, many regional heads had already expressed their support for belgorod residents after the tragedy. messages appear online about new attacks on targets in ukraine. an air raid alert has been declared in ten regions of the country. girani work in the kiev region, broadcast by local publics. eyewitnesses share footage of what happened. targets, according to media reports, include a hotel in kharkov where foreign mercenaries are believed to be located. not far from it is the ukrainian armed forces hospital. exact number of dead no militants have been reported yet. earlier,
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today it became known about the arrivals in odessa, and the governor of the belgorod region, vyacheslav glatkov, confirmed that the russian army is now hitting targets in ukraine. in his telegram channel, he wrote that... loudly, because the russian armed forces, quote, are working for the other side. in hersanes , metropolitan tycho illuminated a new domed cross for the st. vladimir cathedral. the temple was founded in 1861 to perpetuate the adoption of christianity by prince vladimir. the building is currently undergoing a large-scale renovation, which there is still work to be done when the cathedral opens its doors, yana shcherbat learned. in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. amen. stainless steel covered. the new gold cross of the st. vimir cathedral in hersanes is an exact copy of the pre-revolutionary one; it is illuminated before installation. this will be the cross of faith, victory, peace, prosperity and love. the historical cathedral was built on the spot
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where saint equal-to-the-apostles prince vladimir was baptized. we continue to slowly lower the cross, we are already lowering it at the base, there is still about a meter left. builder. like jewelers checking everything down to the millimeter, the 175 kilogram cross must withstand stormy winds. the victory cross is very important for all of our russia. so in the new year we will hope that everything in our lives will come to the victory of our lord. jesus christ, his truth, his justice, his mercy and his love. the temple is now being restored. builders are returning the cathedral to its historical appearance. this is what the dome looked like before the great patriotic war. after the building was destroyed, now
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the mosaic has been restored according to historical documents. the germans, retreating, blew up the building and restored it only at the beginning of 2000, but instead of mosaics they did a painting. now everything is being brought into line with... the heating has been partially completed on the facade, manual cleaning is now being carried out, everything inside the building will be mosaic. the cathedral will open its doors after renovation next year, and prayers will begin to sound here again. yana shcherbata and andrey terentsev, lead
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sevastopol. russian chess player valentina gunina won the world blitz championship, which was held in samarkand. about success russians at the final chess tournament of the year in the material of stas. russian chess players ended the year in royal fashion at the world rapid chess championship in samarkandi and the russians won four blitz medals - two gold, silver and bronze. we have never won medals at the world championships in rapid chess and blitz, not only have we never had such a result, that is, if we take such an unofficial team classification, well, there is no doubt that the russian team, despite everything, is there the obstacles that we have, that they put in front of us, we are the best, that is, once again, it means our... the guys showed the strength of the domestic chess school. total dominance in women's chess.
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anastasia bodnaruk won the fast tournament, and valentina gunina skated in the blitz skating rink. in the final seventeenth game, gunina defeated one of the strongest chess players in the world, ukrainian anna muzychuk. the match ended with unsportsmanlike behavior on the part of the ukrainian. she refused, contrary to chess etiquette, from shaking hands. after 11 years valentina gunina the lightning blitz queen is back on the board. the russian woman demonstrated not only skill, but also outstanding fortitude , gunina is struggling with a severe autoimmune disease, i am undergoing treatment for repulsion, and in general it’s quite difficult for me to play, so i can practice, but i also have problems with concentration, that’s why, that is, for me this victory is more valuable, because this is how it turns out to be double efforts, i’m rapping about not yet...
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the unconditional leadership of the russian chess school. stas ridikultsev and karen melikyan, lead.
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when engaging in extreme sports , take precautions, there is a concept of the deep state, the authorities change, but the deep state , the gentlemen who in reality own... the land and finances are always in place. there are elections in the us, ukraine is interfering with biden’s elections, this is a problem. it cannot last forever and you cannot invest crazy amounts of money in a dubious enterprise forever. a powerful push for negotiations, which, as you understand, is unacceptable for ukraine. there are no negotiations, the russians are moving forward, the screws are being tightened in ukraine hence the protest. result: we didn’t notice ourselves waiting, the flag of the dpr and russia is flying over
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the city of mariupol, but i wasn’t in the frame, i wasn’t included, when we went out onto the upper street, two soldiers are running, they run up, who’s older, i say, i’m older, they look girl, well , we were surprised, they were shooting, yes, yes, women in the northern military district zone are serving directly on the front line, now. you’re open to the terrain, you need to get as deep as possible quickly, in fact, it’s very motivating when a girl is next to you in the trench, i wish you great, great, hi, hi brother, i had to show in practice that i can not only do girly things, over the past years thousands of people have come to new regions of russia, doctors, builders, teachers, i myself came from
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kazan, but now my city mariupol , what struck me most was the spirit of unbroken people, an oncologist, a doctor of medical sciences, i ’m on vacation now, for months, so i came here for a month, i came from nizhny novgorod, here in mariupol there is a special energy, i i would probably stay here, i’m from moscow, but my husband is from kiev, every night i wonder if i will wake up tomorrow. in general, well, i just sort of chose for myself that i really want to serve god, people, this is our rehabilitation center, we are now, we have 12 guys who are up and starting to walk. you don’t regret that you came here, now it’s more necessary, one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, and
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asked, for the sake of peace, to steal a cannon from the regiment with her own. siberia, siberia, yes, i’ll cut out your tongue now , we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it up, i’d tear you apart with horses, where are you going, drown yourself, you’re used to watching videos on the internet, i’ve stopped
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work, install, open, watch , all russian channels, tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, free, without registration, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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magic oval, the audience of online schools teaching esoteric techniques, has grown 19 times this year. now our launches reach 50-100 million, but we do them rarely, and we have estimated the annual turnover of magicians, sorcerers and other wizards.
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faith, at the level of connection at the level of what draws me to this. why do we believe in all these matrices of fate and why is magical thinking dangerous? they call me.
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says: i was the same as you, but in the end , due to numerology, i believed that you have a chance, and in my 25 years of practice, i have a lot of cases when a person disagreed, for example, with the forecast that i gave him, there were cases when they simply slammed the door, but nevertheless they came, that day will come, that hour will come, the person convinced that in fact the numbers are never wrong, here is the magic of numbers, in clara’s numerological layout there was a sign... of a fortuneteller, everything she needs to read a person is his date of birth, a unique code in which, as numerologists believe, the life program of each of us is encrypted. leopold kronniker
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, he was a mathematician, he said such a thing, god invented integers, the rest is the work of human hands, because numbers are never wrong , what date was she born, well, as you say, now not later, now we’ll see right away, june 2, 1992. you should wear red, red color gives energy to engage in practices to gain energy. magic refrain, numbers don't lie, we will hear more than once, but for now a story in which the famous burgundy tie of mikheil saakashvili and the personal happiness of the star numerologist are unexpectedly intertwined. it was back in 2008, at the height of the conflict in south ossetia. journalists asked clara to make a layout for mikheil saakashvili. my forecast was given in august. in september, i calculated the days, remember, when he chewed the tie, i said about these days back in august that 3 life-threatening days awaited him when he chewed the tie. most likely, clara
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got confused over the years, but in fairness to saakashvili i was chewing my tie just in august 2008. well , what did the arguments do? the headline was such a well-known numerologist in russia, says that if saakashvili is not shot in september , he will be sent to prison in december. well, naturally , i started receiving threatening calls, but when my apartment was robbed, naturally i... after marrying clara, i also became an adept of numerology, the entrance ticket to the guru’s office was a mandala written by vladimir according to his date of birth, he blessed us in general - then,
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of course, meeting such a great man, a man of peace who brings peace, compassion to all humanity, and volodya, yes, i taught him numerology, and he is really so talented that he surpassed me, his teacher, i am a former... athlete, businessman, what kind of spirituality is there, well, this they just say fair play, there is an honest business there, but there is no honest business, that is , the brains were already so sharpened for victory, but whatever it is, the main thing is the result, yes, it showed me in this life, well, it led to spirituality. vladimir, as a former entrepreneur, works with great interest with business inquiries, a conspiracy was uncovered in one bank, a conspiracy by it specialists, when... i thought, i say, why did these people get together? i say, they are some kind of swindlers, yes, the security service began checking them, they were preparing information for leaking, can you imagine? on the one hand
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, resorting to such consultations means laying a straw somewhere for yourself, on the other hand, it can turn into such a shifting of responsibility, when you yourself do not make a decision, but rely only on a forecast based on a combination of numbers, and when in consultations, i always say: guys, here you go, decide for yourself what advice you will give? i say: i don’t know, i never give advice. how do you react to criticism, here is your address, not specifically yours, addressed to numerology, addressed to your method, does it hurt you? you know, at first it was offensive, now i’m a little abstracted on this topic, and i say: well, well, the person hasn’t studied it, doesn’t know. acting out of a feeling of spiritual abundance and a desire to teach, vladimir first founded his own science, vito mathematics, and later an academy. i'll do it again i want to say so that you don’t get the impression that i’m some kind of crazy, yes, this is my vision of the world, i laid it out, showed it, systematized it, go and study it, after
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that. answers many questions that interest us in everyday life, we can see what will happen ahead, make assessments of why we didn’t succeed then, vito-mathematics is based on tibetan numerology, it allows you to use numbers to calculate a person’s psychological portrait, improve relationships and health , understand your purpose, find out how to attract your life is money, what is the money code if you don't raise it? a person changes, his life changes, even if so, but people believe that if the psychological state changes, is it really
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bad? together with professor of the higher school of economics, anthropologist andrian vlahov, we figure out what’s wrong if a person trusts his destiny to numerologists, tarot readers, astrologers and other pseudo-scientific ologists. i don’t really know if we can talk about this in terms of good and bad, well, it’s like a half-truth instead of the truth, well, that is often it really becomes a business, even if it is so harmless that a person, excuse me, this word...
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comes to us from above, which we could not influence. apartment city, weekend in paris with a view of the effel tower, fashion show at fashion week, shopping in dubai, expensive gifts, once again expensive gifts, numerologist kristina yagiozarova in her forbiddengram broadcasts the life of a dream, everything according to the canons of infocyganism, you look and think, i want the same , where to take the money? and here you and i live and don’t even understand that we are living, the most important thing is precisely
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conquer your brain. he's very lazy with us. even 5 years ago, christina worked as a lawyer in krasnodar, became interested in numerology, with the help of which she learned her true destiny, to become the first after pythagoras. there is tarot, there is fortune telling, and this is the story when a person connects to the flow with a strong third eye, reads the field of people, but numerology - it does not read anything, that is, there is no need for extrasensory abilities. we take a date, we look at statistics that i didn’t come up with. using a special system, also developed by christina, you can gain access not only to a person’s fate, but also to see the future of the country and the world. the forecasts that came true were, well, from those that i gave in an interview, this is 2022, yes, the beginning of a special military operation, and these are the earthquakes that happened in turkey and these other serious cataclysms.


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