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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 31, 2023 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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what happens? don't know. the border guards, of course, do not believe a single word of the detainees, but there is no eternal evidence. the poachers managed to get rid of the large asitres and threw them overboard. you shouldn’t expect anything more from poachers; this is their standard excuse. in fact, they go out purposefully, they have means of navigation, which they throw out first, since there are points there. with places where nets are established from the island of chechen, most poachers come from this coast of the island of chechen and kezlyar bay. it is likely that they followed exactly that direction after poaching activities. the idea that holds the state together is the same as it was in the ussr; we are building a new world and a new person. over
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the past year , thousands of people, doctors, builders, and teachers have come to new regions of russia. just a few years ago, this man was one of the most influential people in the astrakhan region, and his power was legendary; he could solve any problem, in a word, with one stroke of the pen. his gaze they were afraid and tried to be seen as little as possible . meet the former head of the organized crime department.
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according to investigators, the head of the regional ubop was involved in the murders, so, according to the materials of the criminal case, rinat salikhov organized the murder of moscow lawyer evgeniy zamoskovichev, astrakhan lawyers igor rosenberg and sergei zhalilov. in addition, the investigation considered renat salikhov.
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involved in the murder of cossack otaman vyacheslav belonenko. on june 3, 2010 , the astrakhan regional court stripped renat salekhov of the rank of police colonel and sentenced to life imprisonment to be served in a special regime correctional colony. according to our fellow journalists, even the unbridled leaders of regional organized crime groups, the tatar club, and the russian trade union. supposedly maintained diplomatic relations with the colonel, they either go to prison with us, as he says, or they are shot, this is the fate of all these criminal authorities, there, say, kulagin, the leader was, he was shot, the datashev were imprisoned, fedot pavlenko, he is sitting with with the whole group, uh, then that means... russian
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club, goverdovsky, he was also shot, the tatar trade union, also an attempt on the representatives, the head of ubop salekhov knew the entire poaching fraternity of the region, from ordinary sturgeon catchers to the bigwigs of the caviar business. everyone in the region was afraid of him and wanted to deal with him. forty crime fighter.
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the isolation of the police colonel was to the benefit of absolutely everyone. representatives of the regional investigative committee considered salikhov an authoritative leader of certain people. convicted lifer, former head of the regional ubop rinat salikhov, excellent knows how the criminal market of the astrakhan region works, who is behind the largest mafia clans overseeing the illegal and indigenous business. the links in
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the shadow chain include fishermen, buyers and organizers of the unimpeded delivery of an expensive delicacy from the shores of the caspian sea to the central regions of russia. the former... colonel recalls how he and his subordinates lived and worked in the old days: chases, shootouts, hostage releases, and he paid special attention to the fight against caspian smugglers. today in prison he says no hastily, briefly, for a moment forgetting that in front of you sits a former police colonel, sentenced to the most severe punishment in our country.
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the criminal activities of astrakhan poachers occurred at the end of the nineties of the last century; the fishing and bark business was supervised by criminal clans. the first who, due to the nature of their service, stood in the way of the root mafia were employees of the astrakhan department for combating
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organized crime, under the leadership of colonel renat salikhov. did you win right away? no, the point is that operational work is the work of information, and then the implementation of this information in a certain period of time, we received this information, but we received it, in addition, our unit interacted closely with the fsb, that is, we and the fsb mean the collection of operational information was shared with the fsb. the convicted police ex-colonel salekhov still does not admit his guilt, he is sure that he was, as they say, framed by representatives of the caviar mafia with whom he... fought mercilessly, almost everyone got involved in poaching, the main a problem arose with us, this is exactly the fifth year, 2006, this is when a group came, a volgograd group , they came, and this is the so-called kadinskaya
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group, yes the kadinskaya group, they came and , in fact, lawlessness began, at one time the employees of the unit.
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that’s all, but when you have a task from moscow, the head of my department directly assigned me the task of working and going nowhere.
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convicted of the murder of belonenko, this second person, and the attempted murder of a cossack. i don't have a shadow of a doubt that this is deserved punishment by a fair sentence. reference. the mass extermination of beluga and ositr, sevruga and sterlidi in the caspian sea
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lasted for several decades. in the early seventies , 29. tons of sturgeon were caught in the soviet union. then the volume of fishing began to decline sharply. in 2001, four countries of the caspian basin - kazakhstan, azerbaijan, turkmenistan and russia - introduced a temporary ban on industrial fishing of sturgeon species. the moratorium was lifted and reintroduced several times. today, all caspian countries, including iran, have adopted the ban. the problem is actually very acute; the situation is not only not improving, but by and large it is only getting worse. and indeed, this is the poaching pressure that is being carried out, and it, well , in fact, is not declining, and we expect that it will only increase; to restore the number of sturgeon
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in the caspian sea, fighting against poachers alone is not enough, it is necessary to artificially breed endangered fish species. the program itself for the restoration of sturgeon is very long-term in nature, because sturgeon is going only at neres after 7-8 years, that is , maturation occurs quite late and... indeed, the volumes that are now being artificially reproduced are still insufficient, in general, in the russian federation we now produce about 35 million pieces annually. the volga delta is the village of ikryannaya, 40 km from astrakhan. they say that peter ii himself tried fish soup from asitr here. in soviet times , a large kolkoz farm was built in these places - volga, the fish farms were engaged
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in the extraction and processing of fish, now about only memories remain of the famous enterprise throughout the country. there is little work, many local residents work in the regional center, just as their ancestors went to the river, because the volga is fed, although not in the same way as before. there were fewer, much fewer, of course, carp and pike perch there, not enough, of course. mikhail amosov has lived in ikryanoye for all his 55 years, has been fishing since childhood, catching carp, pike perch, and the rare stellate sturgeon, here for some reason he calls it red and doesn’t even remember it. the poaching freedom has done its job, the unique breeds of fish were exterminated by the barbarians, local organized crime groups. i come across these poachers, yes, and they also throw nets, everyone disappears, this is generally
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barbaric, mikhail nikolaevich is getting ready to go fishing, puts on boots, prepares tackle, fishing rods, hooks, bait, lowers the boat, at the expense of the fish , so we basically live here, caught, cooked, caught, treated someone. identifies the carp, you see, here is the carp, please, little carp, let's put it in the net, a few more hours on the water, but mikhail nikolaevich's fishing luck seems to have turned away from him, before just imagine, there are reeds like that , you want to go there in the reeds, there are fish there in the reeds, they even walk like that, and now there is no such thing. to see how
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the russian sturgeon is saved, we went to the bius scientific center, the only sturgeon breeding plant in russia . there are several divisions here. this is where fish are bred, live food is produced here, and scientific research is carried out here. sterlik, first of all, is the most fastidious fish among us. tolerant to many factors, in particular to temperature, to feed, so it is used in terms of commercial cultivation, bester was first proposed by professor nikolyukin, now in 1968 it is still considered the first object for commercial cultivation, thorn is one of the types of native fauna
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of the caspian sea, the population of which is, in principle, at on the verge of complete extinction. currently here in the pools - this is the largest fish, it was offered to us in order to try how much it can exist in our fish-breeding area, this is the fish that we had acclimatized to us in the soviet union, brought back to russia from america, it has taken root very well here, russian sturgeon, we believe, is the most important fish of the caspian sea, a population that has always produced large numbers on an industrial scale. big catches, so to speak. reproduction of fish is a technically complex and costly matter, just like heating water in giant pools. for example, here are 5,000 small fish, ready to be released into the sea, each weighing from three to 5 g. how many of these small fish are there?
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are fish castes released annually? well, last year about 30 million were released. experts say this is a drop in the ocean, but not even in terms of quantity. the main thing is to give the fish at least a few years to swim, as their theologians say, to get some exercise. fish grows for quite a long time before maturation. beluga - this is in conditions of cage rearing, without heating the water, without intensifying production, this is from 15 to 18 years. shotor is a simpler fish, but excuse me, 12 years old. this is also that long period from 8 to 12 i take males and females yes first maturation, that is, for 12 years you just need to invest money, just invest money, feed and wait
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, in addition to border guards, the police are fighting poachers, in the astrakhan department there is a special department that controls the situation on the approaches to the caspian sea, in numerous canals and creeks. the police have small boats that can work in shallow waters. the facts of poaching are most widespread in our country, this is in the lower regions, in the slope part of the caspian sea, this is primarily the voldarsky district, astrakhan region, kamuzyavsky district, ikryaninsky district and limansky district are those areas that have. exit to the caspian sea and through which we have so -called canals, where there are a lot of channels where you can hide, including in the reeds. at dawn, together with the police, we go out to the baktimir river. motor boats, rowing boats, inflatable boats, wooden and plastic boats,
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apparently, invisible. everyone fishes with a line within populated areas, as required by local law. but for some reason, at the sight of a police boat, many fishermen they grab their mobile phones, the police explain, this is how fishermen warn friends of poachers. a police boat flies through the water, an hour later we approach the coastal village of sergievko and moor to the shore, waiting for messages from the second group of operatives who, on an ordinary boat, pretend to be fishermen and are observing the situation. an hour later , a prearranged signal is heard: we are heading downstream. the police detained two young people,
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residents of the same village of trutfront. it was still dark, they went out at the head and trying to seem unnoticed they began to set up a net. why were you detained? i was detained for swimming. for what, floating, what is this? mesh, mesh? yes. whose mesh is yours? my grid. amir u telegov is a professional sailor; for several months a year he sails on fishing vessels in different regions of russia, catches fish, and the rest of the time, apparently, he is engaged in poaching. you know that it is now forbidden to fish, i know, that is, you understood in advance that you were breaking the law, you knew, yes, yes, why are you doing this, well, you have to live somehow, you also think, you don’t steal, i think that i don’t steal, the other one steals, also everyone, everyone, everyone is doing this, well, everyone, i mean, the whole village, of course, what else to live on, what to live on? amir is trying to hide his face from the lens of our
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video camera, apparently he doesn’t want the whole village to point a finger at him, especially since the young man has a wife and children, but his partner yuri lebedev behaves differently, you’re a little ashamed, no, no , i’m not ashamed, why, why should i be ashamed? listen, you're breaking the law, you actually got into my pocket, now, you understand, here’s to the guys who are around, you also got into your pocket, maybe someday you will understand this, probably, probably, the main thing is that it’s not too late, while the police investigator is drawing up an arrest report, the operatives are clearing motor of the poaching boat and loads it onto the uaz, pending a court decision on this property. in the department of internal affairs.
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let's return to black caviar. that is, there are all the signs of poaching origin, then the question arises, where is this fish, what technological chains did it go through, or caviar, where it was made, and as you understand,
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it is impossible to make poached caviar in civilized conditions with all these sanitary requirements, it will be made there according to grandfather’s methods , handicraft, and it would be young and not so bad all my life, so to speak, barely yes, but because it cannot be brought in legally. transported illegally, illegally - this means, without observing the temperature regime, without observing the storage periods, in reality it could turn out to be, so to speak, dangerous, yes, poachers in the astrakhan region has become significantly smaller, but there have not been any more sturgeons. over the years of wild hunting for valuable fish, the biological resources of our country have suffered severe damage, and if we do not seriously take up the restoration of sturgeon breeds... with government support, then sevruga and beluga will remain in the photographs in books, and let's not forget that by buying poached
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black caviar from sturgeon carcasses in the markets, clients become sponsors of poaching and powerful criminal clans in the caspian sea. the village of ikryannaya continues to live with the volga and memories of the former abundance of the great russian river. following an old habit, local
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resident mikhail amosov returns. he’s ready to devote all his time to fishing on the water, and if he’s lucky, he’ll bite.
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this is how we saw the fight against poachers in the caspian sea, this was our investigation from the astrakhan region and moscow, only you can draw conclusions, see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
8:00 am
the number of victims of the terrorist attack in belgorod is growing. as a result of the kiev shelling , dozens of buildings, apartment and private, were damaged. houses, schools, lyceums and kindergartens. immediately stop the attack on civilians; the un condemned the attack on belgorod. our permanent representative said american and british consultants were involved in the terrorist attack. real january frosts. on new year's eve, the temperature in central russia will drop sharply by more than 10° in a few hours.


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