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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 31, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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it works, but there are a lot of negative people. everyone who brought something new into this world, as a rule, was burned at the stake, so they still treat me very differently. until you are in your place, the universe does not work the way we want it to. tired of endless personal consultations, christina created her own institute, where she promises to teach how to unravel the source code of love, prosperity and, of course, financial success. how many? you can earn money by being a numerologist, well, if you look at my path, i earned zero at the beginning, and then to me 700 people signed up for a consultation in a day, the consultation cost less than one and a half thousand and i earned a million rubles in one day, i had such a phenomenal story after an advertisement from just this girl blogger, after that i realized that in addition to numerology there is marketing, there is advertising and that you also need to pay attention to this, then i began to create my own courses and began to earn money. more, how many
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do you have now, how long do these course launches last? now our launches reach 50-100 million, but we do them rarely, we have the main thing, the main trigger, why everyone wants to go to school, because we rarely do launches, we do only two launches a year, the rest of the time we teach students, those who come to learn how to earn money, they earn 100, 200, 300 thousand a year a month, because now is a time that... people, well, for about four years now, such a time is super active for everyone who deals with psychology, numerology, astrology and so on, when all people absolutely want to understand themselves, you have forgotten who you are in fact, you forgot why did you come here , to understand who they are
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? you can, well, of course they can, the most money code for a person is his code of success, in order for us to compile it, write your date of birth in full, draw an asterisk like this, as soon as i started showing that look, there is a beautiful life, it there is thanks to this method, this is marketing, this is ordinary marketing , there was immediately a boom of people, but because this is your destiny, here you are... and you are very far from it, i have a lot of marketers on my team, of course they are following this whole story , when they give me free will, we always have zero sales, just zero, we are in a hard minus, because when i go out, i always try to tell people, well , some kind of philosophical stories, some kind of scientific discovery that i i read it, but no one is interested in it, people go to their own problems, they see that someone is doing well , they think that means they can learn something from this person, yeah. the sweeter your
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apple, the higher your monetary potential, in your head, your brain is not afraid of the fact that you have some kind of global goal, it sees small goals and understands that, well, in principle, you can tolerate this crazy thing. a beautiful life, competently highlighted by experienced marketers, a promise to teach the author’s method of making wishes come true and attracting love, success, now 1,500 people are in business, they paid from 170 thousand to million. to get closer to the best version of yourself, happiness is a commodity, the sale of which is highly monetized, no magic, simple arithmetic. today all our students made a numerological wish map and launched their wishes into 2024. the consulting company iforce published the results of a study in which they took part.
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a representative of a small medium-sized business, a managerial position, turned to such methods when making a decision. according to respondents, isoteric practices will help increase profits and the number of clients build a successful personal brand. the most popular among those who have used it is the astrological forecast of the situation. 90%. a document released at the end of december by the commission to combat the false science of...
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astrology helps to navigate, take very precise, correct actions, not act blindly, but see the complete structure, both retrospective and prospective, which allows you to have a completely different quality of life, a different result from your actions. this is how her astrological navigator shows the way russia in 2024. the leadership of the ruble may not be in the form in which... it may be digital, it will begin to generally increase, and naturally, interest in science, completely new forms of discovery, breakthroughs, new forms of energy, which in principle apparently exist, but not available, they will have to
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open, the end of april, the beginning of may looks very interesting, when there are many formats of the economy, agriculture, nature.
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therefore, in my opinion, the benefits of astrology are not to guess, not to surprise, to allow a person to get your bearings, to live correctly through times that, perhaps, for some would be more difficult, and sometimes critical. svetlana is often consulted by business representatives, the same 30% who believe that with the help of astrology you can build an effective team, find a reliable partner and minimize risks. history knows the most famous. bankers and famous people in the world environment, for example, john morgan, well-known, then he had an astrological name angelina adams, who helped him become a billionaire, everyone knew about it, there were very scandalous stories, cards, money, two tables, tarot readers are an absolute trend at new year's
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corporate events this year, sales of tarot cards on marketplaces have also increased, demand has been growing hundreds of percent for the second year. actress. it was public, because i am an actress, i was still very embarrassed to talk about it at all in the theater, i worked in a small armored theater, and it seemed to me that i have such a serious profession, i will talk like that and not speak seriously, because of course the critics of thoreau, there is a lot of esotericism in society, but in at some point i stopped and realized, i’m 304 years old, life is so short, why should i waste my life on self-importance. by the way, tarot layouts also help maria in her relationship with her husband, and she doesn’t hesitate to tell those who come to her online school to study about this. ace of pentacles, powerful arcana, minor arcana - this is
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incoming material energy, which most likely will not come from your efforts, but this is the help of higher powers. i'm...super proud of my family, probably my biggest achievement in life is my family, that i managed to come to this with my difficult character, wild and sometimes aggressive. the deck helps a lot, i do an almost daily layout, there i pull out the card of the day , something like that, if a tower falls out, most often i understand, yeah, it means that somewhere i’ll start to storm, and i’ll want to create a scandal right here, then somewhere... then in the middle of the day, i suddenly feel that something inexplicable is approaching and tearing me apart from the inside, i remember about the tower, look at my husband, exhale, go there to do squats, push-ups, run to yoga, what?
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people who categorically do not believe from the series, this works, you must do it, i am absolutely not ready to take responsibility for myself, and moreover, i am not ready to waste my life force, i am interested in developing with those in this direction who have already lasts, this is the first, the second is important to understand, of course, there is still some mystical moment here, let’s say, not fully explained, but besides the mysticism for me, why... tarot works, it is, first of all, a conversation with oneself , here it is for me
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this is exactly how tarot works, and this is not a scientific method, naturally, so looking for some kind of scientific methods, well, i’m just not interested, because i don’t see the point in it, it works at the level of faith, at the level of connection, at the level of what draws me to this is, choose card 1, 2, 3, 4, those who chose the first card. seven of wands, struggle, disputes, showdown, maria decided to share her knowledge with everyone who is also drawn to the energy of the arcana, a course in the basics of fortune telling with tarot cards costs from 10,000 rubles to 300,000 rub at the vip rate. i get a kick out of teaching, even now i specifically put some kind of fabulous price tag on my personal consultation, and i taught at the shchepkin theater institute, i was always preparing my classmates with exams and i like to structure information, i like to convey it, and i know that i
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can do this, i feel my skill and determination in this, who chose the third card, ten of cups, maximum well-being, joy of being together, family, abundance, completion of cycles, so we decided to try the first course, did it, received super cool reviews just because it helped people find , first of all, not...
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suggests finding the shortest path to yourself through magic and witchcraft. a charismatic woman heads an empire of the strongest witches and the hogwarts international university of magic, which is located in ivanteevka, moscow region. the empire of the strongest is growing and developing, as is the industry of perfection of the great, there are jobs, and there are no problems with employment. it will be here there was a sign for the international university of magic witchcraft, this room is also privately owned, which means that on the left side there is a store of these occult souvenirs, on the right side there is just this hall where these trainings take place, so to speak, gathering these witches and these courses are being held, but at the moment there is also a registration sign, everything is closed, we got the sign closed. everything there is usually symbolic , these kind of dolls, brownies, but her books
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are sold there, her paintings are sold there, the public chamber of ivanteevka has dozens of complaints about the witch wormwood, there is a private sector here , a small cottage community, here, too , private property was recently acquired by mrs. wormwood, this house is in her ... rabbits, she calls it the witch’s house, which means it is it serves to receive guests of its adherents, it sells such a course as initiation into shamanism and training...
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note that there is literally a kindergarten nearby, that is, parents most likely do not even know or understand what is next to the kindergarten it’s located in the garden, there’s basically an entourage, these tambourines, feathers, masks, everything else, but then i think that there’s just some kind of circus, theatrical performance going on there, and people who aren’t initiated into it, well, they believe in it they pay money, yes, what is the main thing being done for? to the fact that here you are, a superman, you definitely have abilities, definitely, just pay , we will teach you, we will definitely reveal these abilities in you, over the years of existence the empire of the strongest witches has thousands of graduates, she immediately gives feedback on her channel,
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she says: oh, just think, they closed the sign, the university, well, i never said that i have... a university, i never said that i sell some kind of educational services, i sell a gift to a person, and a gift is always energy, whether a person can use this energy , he cannot, it depends on the person, energy , after all, it’s air, in principle, if you shorten this logical chain, it says, i sell air to a person, what’s crazy is that in the modern world is there some more.
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i say: you have a license educational, we don’t need it, a huge sect, it has different names and churches of satan, an empire of witches, 460,000 people belong to this sect, the horror of what’s going on, you can imagine, these are some kind of middle ages, in the black worst version, here - state duma deputy milonov
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began to fight with her several years ago, she intimidated him, filed a lawsuit against him, which means, by the way, she won...
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i will file a lawsuit against her, i will now try to initiate a criminal case for libel, in court for sure i'll give it to you, well, that's what i'm saying, it's boorish an arrogant, cynical boor who is used to living like this, she intimidates everyone, i start digging further, i understand a huge number of companies, they don’t pay taxes, everything is for cash, they accept it, in general, in short, it’s terrible what ’s going on, alena herself from she refused an interview with our channel, although she had a lot of questions about paying taxes, and about the content of her courses, and about voluntary forced donations to her account, that is, the cost of the course is a voluntary donation when you come to her to register, and her to you already... they individually announce how much it will cost, the most interesting thing is that no receipts are issued upon payment, but a paper is issued where it is stated that i am such
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and such, making a voluntary donation, that is, the person is not even registered it is documented that he made some kind of payment for something, that is, in this regard, she is also insured, well, voluntarily donating no fraud, during his studies at the ministry of magic named after alena polyn, he paid about 250,000 rubles. empire of the strongest witches, the name doesn't suit me at all i was embarrassed because, in principle , i have a normal attitude towards the word witch, i don’t find anything so scary in this for myself. therefore , i didn’t bother anything, i thought, well, it’s great that at least someone dared to call it like that. she is truly charismatic, a person who really knows how to present herself correctly. she is a good speaker and an interesting personality. it took natalya 5 years to realize that a good speaker and interesting personality, alena polyn, is also a tough authoritarian leader, for whom power and money are
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the main thing. you will have to swear an oath of allegiance to me, not only to me, but also to the empire . if i go against alena’s will or against the empire, then the forces will punish me, even, well, something like that. everyone was shocked, how, why, such words, as it were. along with tickets to webinars and lectures on magic, each student also received the status of being chosen, because they were given a unique opportunity to learn the craft from alena polyn herself. she is very jealous if someone, god forbid her presence there, she finds out that you are visiting someone else, somewhere else you study, she immediately excludes you, because then this student is not worthy to be in the empire, because there is no one better than me, no one cooler than me, and well, lastly. yes, when i had already decided to leave, she had already said that she was a god, natalya made the decision to finally leave the empire of the strongest witches after one day the powerful witch
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ordered all graduates to generously share with her, if you want to practice, you must understand, that you should give 90% of your income to the development of your capabilities, abilities, for the glory of your strengths, and we remember that you can only learn from her , accordingly , it’s easy to draw conclusions, that in theory you should give 90% of your income to her, now we’re starting work, a great day awaits us, then we’ll use intimidation, blackmail threats, she herself said in one video that if i need to go over my head, i will go, she just generally uses people as a resource, she manipulates, she intimidates with external force, so if you don’t, and she herself too attributes? there to them, and to higher powers, if you don’t do as i do to you i say, and we remember, yes, since i say , this is only true, then the forces will punish you, they will definitely take something away from you or
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something bad will happen to you, in order to straighten out after training in the witch empire, it took natalie 2 years of working with a psychotherapist, sessions with whom she discussed, among other things, the reasons why she so blindly trusted the black witch. leave, i began to really think somehow at the age of 28, when i realized that i want to understand that even if you are kind to someone, with an open heart and really believe in it, you don’t means that the other person is as good as you. we’ll tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail
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, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, how to vote on a smartphone, on sunday early in the morning during the absolute parade the children cried out, people, get up, let’s all vote, my mother said sleepily, let’s choose remotely, did dad support? we choose, said grandma and grandpa, i’m a father, i’ll go with you, on paper, ballots are loved in our generation, but the young generation is electronically modern, i’m not an opponent of progress, hold your granddaughter’s alarm clock, that’s all it’s quite reasonable, it can be done remotely, we ’ll go with you, choose your mother the old fashioned way, with our usual method, on the site, as usual, choose in the country freely, important, honestly.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are at the top peace, got up, dusted himself off, went, is russia ready to change?
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russia is a country of great achievements. right now we are making a discovery in science, our children are throwing open the doors of modern classrooms. we create new cultural spaces. and,
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of course, we are opening new routes to the point of attraction. discover the achievements of our country. come to the forum russia exhibition. let's return to the information picture, a special board of the ministry of emergency situations delivered to moscow those wounded during the shelling of belgorod, that's 25 people, including six children. they were accompanied by doctors team of the spas center, psychologists and specialists from the ministry of health. according to doctors, all the victims survived the flight well. the plane landed at zhukovsky airport, where three ambulance helicopters from the moscow aviation center and more than 20 ambulances were already waiting for it. they, accompanied by traffic police vehicles, transported the victims.


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