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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 31, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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in prison for decades, some of those who worked there for decades, when they saw all this, in prison they call it an order, they said that they had never seen anyone punished for this before, i was sent to prison for my words, and then for my words they put me in prison inside a prison, and you know, while i was there, i talked a little with people there, they all said the same thing: listen, olen, we don’t like what’s going on with is happening here with you, but the orders come from the very... above, in this the prison has problems not with us, you, even while you are here, have problems with the people above, and i want this to be known, no one has ever heard of people being sent to federal prison for offenses, no one has heard of that before i had to be taken to a separate building to make calls, where i thanked people for their letters, and i don’t know why they decided to make an example of me, because i only told the truth and said it straight to their faces when i could, but so i... we
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urgently need prison reform in our country. not only me, but many people in that prison should not be there. and there are many more political prisoners than we can imagine. if you speak out against corrupt lawyers, judges, insurance companies, and corruption in the health insurance system, they immediately put you in jail. i just couldn't believe it when i heard some of the stories and while i was there, the department of corrections wanted another $2 billion. our country has a prison industrial complex, our department of justice is not focused on justice. exactly. so, violent criminals remain at large and act as a militia for the ruling class, intimidating and weakening the population. and the thoughts are criminals, those who oppose the authorities.
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end up in prison, that's how i see it, i believe that it is, and i don't want to talk about it, but it is so, and people should know about it, i am a person with convictions, and i consider myself a brave person, although telling the truth is shouldn't take courage from you, but tucker, i want to be honest with you, in this interview, when i wrote the book, while i was in prison, i am now afraid that...
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the masses could sometimes come to my window, but for the first 25 days, that is, almost a month of my imprisonment, i was given only three walks a week, monday, wednesday and friday, i there were 15 minutes to take a shower, that’s all, i didn’t have access to a kiosk until about the thirty-fifth day, that is, i was forced to eat prison food, which many prisoners don’t eat at all, because it’s terrible, they feed...
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force, i hope it doesn’t come to that, but it’s quite likely, maybe you’ll get screwed i won't go to jail, try me federal prison for nothing, for misdemeanors, maybe the whole point of this event is that you are a public person and it will make everyone else afraid to tell the truth. it's actually even worse,
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i've been under the radar of the federal government since 2010, all i did was talk. everything i did, i didn't harm anyone, i didn't break a single law , all i did was talk, but because i talked about corruption in the state, i talked about corruption in the establishment, the federal government is after me, and yes, tucker, it's become a joke, but there's some truth to it, that i guess i should have joined the leftists in attacking cops, vandalizing, burning down buildings, throwing bombs at cops, and then... ..
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this is all, your conclusion, talk of insurrection, at least some of this convinced at least one person in our country or abroad that the elections were not stolen. do you think this all helped propaganda? it's funny that in the indictment they indicated that i had not repented of my beliefs. i apparently had to give in to joe biden and the department of justice and yes, i have not repented, but here's the thing, tucker: they can throw me in prison for... a month, two months, a year, 12 years, but it's not will cancel the facts, it will not cancel the fact that donald trump drew 40-50 thousand people at each rally, sometimes three times in a day, and joe biden could not even fill a pod, it will not cancel the fact that donald trump sold millions of caps , what i think is funny, and i've
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never heard of joe biden's caps, is will in no way cancel the facts stated in the documentary 300 mules, where they showed all these stuffing. michigan, and then at 3:30 midnight, all of a sudden there were all these hundreds of thousands of votes for joe biden, just enough to give him the edge. they can lock me up forever, but that won't undo history. ithaker, i would like to give this analogy. i think it 's appropriate, i'm sure you heard about that great home run thing in '98 when mike mcguire and semi sosa both broke the home run record, well that's not normal, then we discovered why this happened, they both used steroids, that is , in other words, they both cheated, here
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's an example, we just had a presidential election where both candidates broke the record, do you really think that this is normal, you do you really believe that joe biden got more votes than...
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a year, here they are, the mines are fine, the mines are good , they fly well, we need more, more, more, we never have enough, two 120 are cooking, fire, over there, a tropyl bomb lying around, yes, i can’t find it here only during the clearing, there are sappers here haven’t worked yet, listen, this is not our ammunition, no, no, not ours, not ours, that’s why these carbs are theirs, they’re right there, the trophies are here. maybe 400-500 meters away, the assault is underway, the enemy has already retreated, hello, i’m
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the director, vladimir burtk, i’m from st. petersburg. i would call the idea of ​​this program, and what in that sense, a person gets a hangover as a result of thinking. or after a sincere conversation with a friend who knows everything, amazing ideas come to mind to change, well, well, something, for example, your life, but what, and that he is there like this, and i, a person begins to change it, the same thing happens with nations, and often, you think, i will talk about ukraine, i will, but later, first... something else comes to mind, for example, catalonia, i’ve been there
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more than once, well, let spain crack, but what happened, independence, thousands of people on the street, how can you live under the heavy rule of the spanish king, but you can’t forget the inquisition, who was the chief inquisitor, here... king james of scotland vi became the first king of england and ireland, in 1707
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the kingdom of great britain was formed, after which a single parliament began to sit in snister palace in london, but the united kingdom turned out wonderful, but why get a referendum after 400 years. on scottish independence, but it didn’t pass, the scottish government is announcing a second referendum on the country’s independence, what is this? i heard that california is thinking about independence, and that we are some godforsaken state of iowa, we ourselves, so what are serious nations, and what is thriving? but secretly, what is being inspired? and completely
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other people sitting in ministries, parliaments, and who came up with this? but if it all ended there, alas, no, these people sitting in ministries and parliaments, in turn, are controlled by completely different people who do not even know where they are sitting, but who need big changes in the world.
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the most influential people in the world sometimes gather in strange, small societies, for example, a society of witnesses that the earth is like a suitcase, or a society of bird watchers, people gather, sit in nature, watching birds, and at the same time leisurely exchanging opinions, i’m not kidding, this is a very important society. everything is decided there, and the world is changing, also in the usa
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, although we say the washington obcon, this is because the central committee is in london, london is the center of control of the western world, well, get the result, the ukrainian ocho has happened, but you and i do not agree with this , and we are at war. with whom? with ukrainians? ukrainians since what date? ukraine has been in russia since 1654. kiev 350 years old, russian city. in 1708 kiev became the center of the kiev province, the russian empire, in 67 the st. andrew's church was built, in the eighty-fifth year kiev was led by the city duma, in 1806 the kiev theater house was built, in the ninth the kiev men's gymnasium was opened , in the seventeenth the contract house was built, in the twenty-eighth the hospitable house was built, the thirty-fourth
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the imperial university of st. vladimir, thirty-fifth, a temporary research committee was founded. the second kiev gymnasium was founded, the thirty-eighth kiev institute of noble maidens was opened, the 39th was opened kiev botanical garden, the fifty-second vladimir imperial kagensky corps was opened, the fifty -eighth the kiev steamship company was opened, the sixty-ninth the kiev commodity exchange was opened, the seventieth kiev passenger station was opened, the southwestern railway, 78 from the then kiev women's courses, 87 the sugar industry was founded in kiev. syndicate 89 built the building of the administration of the southwestern railways, ninety-first opening of a horse-drawn tram, ninety-second opening of a steam tram, ninety-third the opening of an electric tram, in the ninety -seventh year the kiev polytechnic institute was opened, the existing one is given in 1901 , the opera house building was built, 904 the kiev art-industrial scientific museum
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was opened, 905, the opening of a funicular, the twelfth besarap market was built, so
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the authorities rejected even the possibility of any negotiations with russia. well, people in ministries and parliaments began to think. the possibility of negotiations exists when there is uncertainty, the pros and cons are equal, but 2/3 of the population of ukraine is unshakable we are confident that the offensive continues and develops. consequently, for them negotiations are, in principle, nonsense.
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unfortunately, these realities are not in favor of mr. zelensky. moreover, the current state of affairs means accepting the conditions of russia. now i will fantasize, but maybe there could be something behind these fantasies, there are elections in the usa, this is a problem that worries
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america, the democratic party and mr. biden, much more, the fate of pan zelensky, and ukraine in general, ukraine is interfering with the elections. biden, the issue needs to be resolved, but in principle, ukraine is the affairs of europe, but the united states kicked everything out of europe, and the german foreign minister, german pistorius, told ukraine a murderous phrase: we are not your allies, guys, think, a powerful push for negotiations, which, as you understand, is for ukraine unacceptable, as soon as... the existing government sits down for negotiations, with a promise never to go to them , the maidan is inevitable, clouds have gathered over mr. zelensky,
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for him there are two options, either lose the elections and pump them to warmer climes, or, well, not zelensky is different, it's true reformatting of all political power, but what won’t you do? if life demands , in this case, however, theoretical negotiations are possible, but the russians will not negotiate, but the russians will not negotiate without taking crimea out of the picture, and what will happen to any ukrainian government that forgets about the peninsula, maidan again, and any maidan leads to the loss of territory, here the war can end.
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that is, actual surrender, so i, not being clothed, imagine our demands, in any case, i would like this i wanted it, so what? how to achieve all this? on the battlefield, of course, but you can greatly help yourself with the help of the maidan, how to do this?
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usa, regrouping of the ukrainian army and another counter-offensive in the spring. well, we’ll probably contain it, but next fall we’ll find ourselves in the same position. and this is what our society, russian society, i mean, despite its passivity, may no longer tolerate. consideration will begin, with possible troubles, so . it’s better to hurry, really, china is behind us, let’s remember ssia’s visit to moscow, 4 hours about what?
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dear, under your leadership , the world has been discussing the chinese plan for years, the official chinese plan is understood by the young chinese, but there is also a secret one, what is it? but let’s sit further, visit biden for 4 hours, about what? our bloggers are screaming about the betrayal of china, the betrayal of russia, wait, what followed this? nothing. which would allow us to assume that before our eyes, my friends, a redistribution of the world has occurred, my assumptions that i think it looks like this: the united states is allowing china to get taiwan peacefully, china, normal conditions are maintained trade and economic relations, europe in the orbit of the united states, russia reinforces china, although...
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well, we know that it is tripolar with russia, who doesn’t know, let them watch the reception of our president in the uar, but what?
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where were you before, why have i never seen you? i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love, there’s no way around this, i’m with you, the tempting vaults of palaces will never replace freedom, it’s gone, call your sons, accepted, grab them, the fairy tale you’ve been waiting for, donkey, me, dog ,
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cat, cockerel, they called themselves bremen musician, i actually sing too, bremen town musicians. let's look before everyone else, let's meet, veronika pavlovna vosnetsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse with a blunt trauma to the skull, vasnetsova, always one step ahead, four, let's sign up, let's see, i'm you. i’ll shave your head
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off to intimidate her, i’d tear you to pieces, you need to try really hard, and we’ll burn you , let’s say i really went back in time, but why the hell come here, holob2. on the eve of the new year, vladimir putin congratulated the commanders of the military groups. the president spoke with them by phone, about this was announced by the press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov. according to him, we are talking about all groups; they work in the central, southern, western, eastern, as well as the kherson zaporozhye directions. the ukrainian armed forces' attack on belgorod became a new type of terrorism, not only state terrorism.


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