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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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so, 2024 has come into its own throughout russia. the last to join at these moments was kaliningrad. last year brought serious changes, both for the whole country and for each of us. we are entering a new one with the confidence that we continue to move in the right direction, defending our national interests and values. the president congratulated the russians on the new year. in his address, vladimir putin noted that we were united by common goals and separately addressed those who are now...
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divided, forced to forget memory and faith fathers, stop our times in moscow, the new year was celebrated in all eleven-hour zones of our country, visitors to the international exhibition of the russia forum have this opportunity, vdnkh has prepared a rich program for guests, and we will learn more about what is happening right now at the large-scale exhibition from ...
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sincere thanks for your courage, hard work and support, we work with you as one big team, moscow continues to develop, make plans for the future, i am sure that the twenty-fourth year will bring... us new achievements of victory, i
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sincerely wish you health and longevity, may your children and grandchildren make you happy, may your loved ones and people who love you always be near you. happy holiday, dear muscovites, happy new year 2024, are you ready, well, we celebrated the new year in the wrong way.
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on this holiday it’s a dream, no matter how old you are, every new year you and i turn into children, and we dream of being healthy, being strong, we dream of going somewhere, you need to dream, wish for everything you want in the new year you want it to come true will definitely come true. dear guys, i sincerely congratulate you on the new year, you are not only our present, but our future. on new year's holidays , i especially want to believe that our world should become better and kinder, thanks to you. with all my heart i wish you new achievements,
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the implementation of the most ambitious projects, success in any endeavor, our wonderful, charming, shining.
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wonderful exhibition and we wish everyone a happy new year, good mood and... we've all heard enough about this exhibition that we're already thinking, it was wonderful , it’s just not so much anymore, well, you still have to come and look at it, how it all really looks, well, we are completely delighted, however , such mass events, such
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a large-scale, large-scale new year’s celebration were not held in all regions, many cities, as a sign of solidarity with the residents of the belogorod region, decided to refuse. in some places they simply canceled festive events and concerts, in others they decided to cancel the new year’s program, which will take place on january 1-2, about 30 regions decided to cancel from new year's fireworks, this year, for example, they decided to do this in ingushetia, saratov, tula, kaliningrad regions, st. petersburg, krasnodar, there were no new year's fireworks. in moscow, many regions morally support the belgogorod region in this way, and those regions where such mass celebrations do not take place ask residents to still stay at home, be with their loved ones, friends, family and celebrate the new year, in this way, because
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everything -after all, this holiday is traditionally considered warm and family-friendly. dmitry, yes, thank you, anastasia panko told how they celebrate the new year at the exhibition in the forum. russia at vdnh. next on air is a review of the government's work for the week. the government has extended the measure of support for large families in the primorsky territory until the end of 2025. parents of three or more children will continue to receive a lump sum payment to repay their mortgage in an increased amount - 1 million rubles. in the next 2 years, about 1.4 billion rubles will be allocated for these purposes. the funds will help support
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large families, which will be a good help for them to improve their living conditions. on the government will send wages to health workers. funds, according to preliminary forecasts, in 2024 , more than 9,500 more doctors will come to work in medical institutions across the country , almost 17
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rubles, rehabilitation means for the disabled. the government has allocated an additional 1.6 billion . we are talking about hearing aids, wheelchairs, speech synthesizers, prostheses, orthoses and other products that the state provides to disabled people. additional funding will make it possible to provide citizens with these funds in full . mikhail mishustin signed an order on providing a grant in 2024 to the state fund for supporting participants in the special military operation, defenders of the fatherland, created on the initiative of the president. the funds will be used for comprehensive support for military veterans and family members of fallen soldiers. including for social adaptation, paperwork, assistance in obtaining additional education,
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retraining and employment. in addition, for veterans who have become disabled, it is planned to provide means of rehabilitation and adaptation of living quarters for individual needs. the government has approved a state program for the restoration and socio- economic development of new regions. its main goals are the restoration of housing facilities. move. in particular, they are provided with assistance both with temporary employment and with starting
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their own business. also, these citizens may be sent for retraining. now to other topics, urgent messages are arriving at these minutes from donetsk. on new year's eve, ukrainian troops launched a massive attack on the capital of the dpr. there are arrivals in the city center, and also dead and injured. as stated, we are monitoring developments. well, the ukrainian armed forces’ strike on belgorod was called in the state duma a new type of terrorism, not only by the state, but also by a collective executor, as deputies noted, ukraine became, and the political and economic sponsors were the usa and great britain. however, russia has extensive experience in fighting terrorism, so the response will be effective and strategic. and let me remind you, the latest data: the number of deaths as a result of the terrorist attack of the ukrainian armed forces on belgorod
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increased to 24 people. there are more than a hundred victims. more than 2.0 people were involved in eliminating the consequences of the missile strike last night. rescuers, utility workers, volunteers. damaged houses will begin to be repaired on january 2. patriarch kirill remembered the victims of the terrorist attack in belgorod today in his new year’s service. the head of the russian orthodox church performed a service in the capital. in the cathedral of christ the savior, he prayed for peace, justice, for the defense of the fatherland and congratulated the believers on the upcoming new year. crimes committed in belgorod, even on this new year's eve, new year's eve, they cannot leave us indifferent. and our prayer to the lord for a speedy end to internecine warfare, of course, for the defense of our fatherland, of course, for peace. but about justice, because a world without justice is not a lasting peace,
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our prayer today must be raised for the head of our state, for the supreme commander-in-chief, for vladimir vladimirovich putin, for our army, for those who bear special responsibility for the preservation of the russian land . congratulations to the russians. happy new year, military personnel noted their perseverance and heroism shown on the battlefield. the minister also expressed gratitude to those who are helping the front. this support, as well as the courage of our soldiers and officers, is steadily bringing victory closer. the passing year will go down in the history of our fatherland with new pages of military feats and unparalleled courage of russian military personnel. our army has once again shown its invincibility, its ability to defeat the enemy in any conditions, despite all hopes of western help. all
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the enemy's plans, thanks to your courage and selfless service to the homeland, went to dust. the core of unbending determination and the will to win has always been the soldier of the russian army, i thank each of you for the steadfastness and heroism shown on the battlefield, serving at combat posts, performing tasks far from the fatherland, our comrades in arms who gave their lives for freedom and independence homeland, all heroes, they will always live in our hearts. words to the relatives of our guys, thank you for your support, patience and love, which so warms the hearts of your husbands, fathers, brothers, sisters and children. in the coming year, i would like to wish everyone the most important things: good health, family well-being, strong spirit and a speedy
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victory. dear friends, i invite you to our next episode of the author’s program besagon tv. of course, i want to quickly reach some shelter. it can take a whole week of painstaking work to create one piece of fabric.
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the tempting vaults of palaces will never replace freedom, call the strong man, accepted, grab them, the fairy tale they were waiting for, donkey, dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves temporary musicians, i actually sing too
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, let's look before everyone else, let's meet, veronika pavlovna vosentsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse with a blunt trauma to the skull, vosnetsova, always one step ahead, four, let's sign up, look, she'll shave her head off intimidate her, i wouldn’t ruin your situation, you need to try really hard. i’ll burn , let’s say i really went back in time, but why the hell am i here, two slaves, well
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, i’m from moscow, and my husband is from kiev, we met on the internet in march of twenty-two and... came to mariupol to live, this is a love story for which even the front line did not become an obstacle. when i was traveling to moscow on sunday, i passed this checkpoint, and the fsb, of course, sent me to check my document and phone numbers for a conversation. and they ask me, what is the purpose of coming from kiev to mariupol, are you now going to moscow? i tell them this story, they looked at me and laughed, they said, well, you can’t imagine such a thing, and they let me go. the history of choice between the benefits of steel. the story of searching and finding yourself and your calling. i myself came from kazan, but now my city is mariupol, to be close to such people, to help these people with something, to support them,
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it was important for me. over the past year , thousands of people, doctors, builders, teachers, journalists, have come to new regions of russia, but for the majority this is a short-term job. business trip, however, there are also those who left a prosperous life in the cities of central russia to move to donbass and call this place home. we welcome you to the concert program as part of the patriotic creative marathon , time of victory! all the children who took
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participation in concerts, they are from the lugansk , donetsk people's republics, that is, the purpose of these school concerts, in addition to, well , simply yes, is that our young performers have the opportunity to perform, to convey to their peers here, on the mainland, as they say there, but about the kind of life... difficult they live in, so that it comes at the level of feelings, at the level of the heart, look, heart, we prepared the arrival of these children, paid for, brought, our young performers here, now here we are with we are already in moscow on the red fresh air. 32-34 on ours humanitarian warehouse, and here, in fact , these boxes that you see are a response to our concert, now here you see, preparations are underway for cargo
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to be sent to donetsk, here are books, and an office, here we have cargo and for the fighters, these vugliches make individual sets, tea shops, and there are also exactly the same ones, only instead of tea, coffee, daria, the head of the charitable geography foundation, is in moscow... hearts came for a short time, just to collect and send humanitarian aid. native she graduated from izhevsk with honors from mgimo, built a dizzying career in the tax service of the podmurdian republic, rose from the very bottom to deputy head of the legal department, and then suddenly dropped everything and moved to live in donetsk. it’s just that in the fourteenth year there was a feeling that help was needed there first of all, so i went to where it was most needed because... i just felt, well, there comes a turning point when you just can’t sit it’s already calm, you have an internal need to do something.
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next time we will talk with daria over the ribbon, visit her donetsk apartment and find out what she was deprived of. choice in donbass and what did you buy? at 6 am we are in the courtyard of the st. alexei hospital, this is a unique hospital of the russian orthodox church. every week , ambulances depart from moscow from here to mariupol, donetsk, gorlovka, and severy donetsk. they carry post-treatment patients and medical volunteers.
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i have a very interesting companion, she’s an art student, dasha, here she is goes to mariupol to teach children drawing. for myself, i will get great, well, i hope, some kind of life experience. and somehow help people, we are glad to welcome you, we will help you go down, probably, let’s do it like this, healthy, sick, i had a hip joint replaced, thank you very much, doctors, wonderful people. the staff in general, well, i just, i don’t know, it seems to me that i couldn’t even imagine this, new, right?
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to see you that you have come here, for us the arrival of a volunteer is always a holiday, yes, i once also started as a volunteer, i came here back in may, and then i decided to stay here, here was located... a boarding school for orphans, then the azov residents were housed here, there was a base for the azov residents, it was later located here, we came here for the first time - it was in may of this year year, what struck me most was the spirit of unbroken people, those people who
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came to us here in the camp. such an incredible attitude, you know, that attitude that nothing can break, these are strong-willed people, being around such people helps to support these people with something, it was important for me, from the russian ministry of internal affairs for the rostov region, yeah, okay, we will attach this document, this is a petition. in the name of our lord, this is a vanometer, health , well-being, all the best to you, i worked in a construction company, and my job was, that is, i once came there, one might say, as a teenager i ended my career as a project manager, on the website of our metropolis of kazan, i found an advertisement that volunteers were needed here in mariupol, i immediately contacted this number
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phone, i was invited. we met with the manager who was responsible for sending the volunteer here, and i left literally 3 days later. sergei zhukov arrived for a week, but stayed for more than six months, lived in berdyansk for a month and a half, applied for a vacancy in the social department of the local diocese, and then returned to mariupol for a permanent job at the center of medical and social assistance of the russian orthodox church. and how do you help them in any way? we provide humanitarian aid, we also help with rehabilitation equipment, and there is more opportunity, they are taking us to moscow for an operation, well, thank god, thank you very much, this is a believer, god bless you, i have been suffering with this complaint for 25 years.
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well, i’m registered with high blood pressure, yeah, i have a card, ukrainian, show you , of course, yes, yes, it’s black, our apartment was on fire, yeah, that’s why it says here, i came here as a volunteer therapist for the first time, so i’m accepting the population , i examine them, give recommendations, my category of patients are mainly elderly with problems with pain in the heart, with angina.
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before the war, their lives fell apart before the war and after the war, so when you ask them about what they were sick with, how they were sick, all other things, they say, yes, the war was like that, now the houses are burned down, there is no documentation, and all this is necessary to disassemble, delve into, find out, of course, without having anything, it is quite difficult to make a diagnosis, there are a lot of people, but few specialists, well, therefore, to some extent, at least. my presence here provides benefits in these situations. since the beginning of the conflict, mobile diagnostic more than 18 thousand patients came to the complexes of the st. alexei hospital, several hundred were brought to moscow for treatment. i need to have eye surgery for cataracts, cataracts. so i went to one hospital.


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