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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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on the eve of the new year, vladimir putin congratulated the commanders of the military groups, the president spoke with them by phone, this was reported by the press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov. according to him, we are talking about all groups; they work in the central, southern, western, eastern, as well as the kherson zaporozhye directions. ukrainian armed forces attack on belgorod. has become a new type of terrorism, not only state, but also collective, this was the assessment given in the state duma. the executor, as the deputies noted, was ukraine, and political and economic sponsored by the usa and great britain. however, russia has extensive experience in fighting terrorism, so the response will be effective and strategic. let me remind you that the latest data shows that the death toll as a result of the terrorist attack of the ukrainian armed forces on belgorod has increased to 24 people, with more than a hundred injured. elimination of consequences. rescuers,
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utility workers, volunteers, and damaged houses will begin repairing them on january 2. from the belgorod region, reporting by alexander rebunov. belgorod was cleared of broken glass, burnt car bodies were removed, but the entire city in the craters, warning tapes, film on the windows, volunteers worked, they even came from neighboring regions. more than thirty people came to us, but there are still more guys who are going to be coming all the time. ukrainian militants. they purposefully hit the peaceful city, the streets and squares, knowing that in the new year's bustle there would be a lot of people here. one of the ukrainian shells exploded in the very center of belgorod, on cathedral square, next to the children's skating rink. there were a lot of people inside at that moment, traces of scattered fragments are visible, that’s the damage, which they inflicted. the children's skates and stroller were left at the entrance to the eternal flame as a spontaneous memorial. townspeople bring flowers and children's toys. it's inside everyone that our city has risen up. in such a terrible attack, trouble
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came to us, it was on the threshold, now it is here, bringing flowers is a small part of what we can do. this is dmitry voronin's video recorder footage of the beginning of the terrorist attack on belgorod. he stopped the car and rushed to help. the cars were on fire, yes, they tried to evaluate the batteries, but nothing this is the maximum that we were able to do was only turn off the ignition when i lowered the seat and began to pull out. through the rear passenger, then we pulled it out, the ambulance team had already arrived there , there was mutual assistance, because people started to come up anyway, there were many who tried to put out the car, the first one was helped, still no people were left by, a terrible tragedy, but belgorod residents are holding firm, local self-defense is on duty in the streets, keeping order, these guys were among the first to be in the epicenter of shelling, they helped evacuate the wounded, some were crying, some... didn’t understand what to do,
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naturally, in such critical situations , people, people need help, those people who at least understand where to move and how to get out of the shelling zone , the whole country is ready to provide assistance to belgorod, and rescuers and medical specialists were sent to the capital; among the victims there are many with mine explosion injuries, shrapnel wounds, concussions, then how they receive help, and what else needs to be done, was observed by someone who came to the city on behalf of ...president, head the ministry of health noted that all medical assistance was organized in the shortest possible time, i want to work flawlessly, do their work clearly, harmoniously, and in a timely manner, so the saving of lives that medical workers provided today is maximum. after consultation, a decision was made to transport 25 patients to moscow by il-76 aircraft. the russian ministry of emergency situations and
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the regional governor said that soon their parents will be able to be delivered to the little patients. we will try to gather everyone who suffered, got injured, uh, solve the problems they will come with. rehabilitation, spa treatment and other problems. once again, medicine, surgery is something that the state will do for free. assistance to the region, restoration of destroyed houses and... social facilities will be provided in full. the presidential envoy to the central federal district is now in belgarad. on the instructions of the president , mihalbercic and i assessed the situation in belgorod, which cannot be described as anything other than a war crime and a terrorist attack. we went around with vyacheslav vladimirovich all the hit points. and almost all of them are located in residential areas, at busy intersections. it was
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near social facilities, there were no military targets there, in total, as a result of the terrorist attack on the ukrainian side , 24 belgorod residents, old people, women, children were killed, our colleague was among the dead. a siren sounds over the city again, apparently there is a missile danger, we are now in the center of the city and are trying to find one of the bomb shelters, we find shelter in a neighboring house, yesterday they took people from the street and hid them in a cafe, shops, restaurants, those that were closest, bent the wounded while they were waiting for the ambulance to arrive , we immediately began to lower all the wounded who were brought in, and at the same time began to call 1:12, here we have so much, here we have water, among in the affected buildings, the belgorod branch of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company detonated two shells in the vicinity of the main entrance. the façade was cut by shrapnel, the windows were broken, but belgorod state television and radio broadcasting company employees restored
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order on their own and continue to work. the leaders of our company came to the city to support the colleagues of all belgorod residents. all journalists vgtrk, all the employees of vgtrk are one family, and today we are... together with you, together with belgorod, and we all came to say these words of gratitude and to say that together yesterday the building of our belgorod company was badly damaged , we will restore it very quickly, in a matter of days, everything related to technical, technological assistance, arrangement of our company, in fact, our main branch, since the belgorod... company is a warring company, it is a front-line company, and we will do absolutely everything, and for ours employees here, and so that belgorod residents always feel the support of television. belgorod residents have already learned to withstand the blow, but are grateful for the sympathy of people from
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different regions of our big country. the regional government website has details. all donations will be sent to the belgorod fund to support military personnel and their families. the money will go to help families. i welcome you, dear friends, to our new episode of besagon tv. it will be called unexpectedly, ikhvi bezagon. then, i
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think you will understand why it is called that's exactly what it says in german. well, the first thing i wanted to say is to express. and for us this is very important, in addition, a huge number of comments, 44 thousand comments, this is a lot, and for us it is a great joy and a huge responsibility, after our program began to gain a sufficient number of viewers, they began
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to contact us with offers advertising, here i want to say the following, maybe this is a mistake, maybe... maybe this is a delusion, but i am always haunted by a feeling of some kind of lack of freedom when advertising appears, no matter it may be a very worthy advertisement , a worthy product, but still there is a feeling that everything is somehow not very true, and the trust of the audience is, in my opinion, simply the most important thing, for which we actually work, i express my gratitude, our gratitude. who offers us their advertising services, but we are forced to refuse them, we remember how many disputes there were about vaccination, chipping, that these are fakes, that this is
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conspiracy theory, and so on and so forth, but as it turns out, everything is not so simple and such these are fakes. and conspiracy theories. i want to give you an example, look at the resistance that all actions related to the bill and melinda gates foundation cause. in germany as a result. italy is opening up to holidaymakers amid a scandal of unproven mortality specifically from covid, and what’s more, there are quite harsh speeches in parliament about this. the figures provided by the ministry of health indicate that 96.3%.
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rothschöld reproaches trump for interfering with the new world order, this a combination, quite interesting, of a pandemic, isolation, masks, social distance and so on, and a new world order. let's look at this a little, there is one very interesting photo that shows a certain addiction of bill gates. from the money he received from the democratic government under obama. well, now i
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’ll explain to you why our program is called their besagon. the fact is that it turns out that the besagon virus is spreading not only among those millions of people who looked at us, but goes away, so to speak, beyond the borders of our homeland, uh, for example, to germany. their wit is lawless, uh,
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mr. gates, who is not a doctor, but a billionaire , according to software, concluded that the world should refrain from the usual long-term drug trials, regarding certain side effects, they themselves will ensure that while the vaccine is in his in the hands of his extremely influential foundation, no one on earth could recall dr. gates’ syringes with the vaccine, all...
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so, on april 14, judging by the advertising information in bill gates’ daily publication, the money he requested for the covid-19 operation appeared in his account, everything can now start as planned in detail. it is especially sufficient to approve this mission, appointed by dr. merkel without democratic approval, by the president of the european commission, ursula von laen. will we listen to our former minister of war? the european commission is mobilizing €1 billion for the global coronavirus response. donor countries donated 7.4 billion euros to fight the pandemic. in just a few hours we collectively raised this 7.4 billion for vaccines, diagnostics and treatment.
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use it as it is used by those who understand that there is a deformation of human consciousness, how can it be used in what is called the birth of a new world order, moreover , this is not a figure of speech, this is the official formulation, a new world order, what is it?
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discovered an outbreak of a new virus in the city, the new york times quickly published an article that trump rallies are an ideal environment for the spread of a new virus, and washington post also citing health experts, everything is as it should be, but at the same time, on june 5, a letter signed by more than... 1,200 doctors was distributed, it said in black and white, as public health representatives, we do not condemn these meetings as dangerous for the transmission of covid-19, do you think this is about - the trump meeting, this is about those protests, about pogroms, about lawlessness, about vandalism, this is
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about supporting this. what was the catalyst for all this madness? this is the murder of george floyd.
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some kind of church not made by hands, spiritual, miracles happen, what is this? the clergy
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suggest that he clean up the clique of saints and send a letter to the pope, what is this? this is picked up by our independent brothers, they propose to rename bender floyd square, maybe bender square should have been renamed... but not floyd, they are demolishing monuments, monuments to those who built america, who created it. paranoia is a pandemic of paranoia, already in great britain they are trying to demolish the monument to churchill, in france, for some reason they are desecrating the monument to degaulle, what are you saying? how do you feel about the fact that slave owners are depicted on dollars? it’s generally a good idea. so that on paper it would be floyd, such a normal murderer, counted among the clique of saints , they are banned, removed from the platform, the great
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films that made american cinema great, blown away by the wind, because there is a disrespectful attitude towards blacks, pogrom, looting, murder, chaos . this is a man-made movement towards a new world order, this is a controlled chaos that can become uncontrollable to the surprise of those who think that it is controls, and look how people's consciousness changes. excuse me, hey excuse me, i work for black lives matter, i'm i'm sorry, i work for black lives matter, i'm sorry that i scared you, but since i work for that
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company, my ceo has told me to come out today and to bring you on your knees because you have white privilege, so if they see that a white person is getting on their knees that shows solidarity for the situation, the situation, and could you just please apologize for you, for your white privilege? just apologize, i am, i'm trying to think of the right words to say cuz that's a that's a big thing to say it's big comes from it's so it's large in this country i'm incredibly i'm incredibly sorry that you know with this country we have that president donald duck that clown in office you know he's brought a lot of bigotry and you're not a part of it right no and so you know okay you have a great day she doesn't even have the desire to give i dig this boor, she apologizes, says that i should leave already, sorry,
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i can no longer stand on my knees and admit that i am guilty and that i am white, let's remember what was said 1700 years ago by the great anthony, nine sick people will come to one healthy one and say that he is sick because ... he is not like them, this is it, this is it, serving evil, the antichrist, the destroyer, satan, the demon, now they will tell me, again, this is what is orthodox nonsense, liberals tell us all the time, let’s whatever i don’t want to immediately, suitcase, airport, new york, get on the plane right on my knees... in case maybe an american company, maybe there is a colored conductor, a stewardess or a pilot , so on his knees and for 12 hours there is no desire? even
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chadayev, at that time a very serious liberal, who argued with pushkin, said the following: russian liberal, a senseless midge, milling about in a ray of sunshine, the sun is the sun of the west, under this sun, which is shining so brightly in the west today, you want to go bask, just imagine, for our consciousness, for the consciousness of people living in our country, living difficultly, living hard, with many problems, we can imagine that we can be brought to our knees, an attempt to bring us to our knees in a global sense was in the constitution that was adopted in the nineties. now let's return a little to the previous
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program. we received a lot of correspondence related to the fact that you talked about a single register, and you and a lot of people, security officials, people’s artists, and the president just signed it, so what? well, you understand, we understand that the president’s responsibility to his country and to the people is it’s huge if he sees that he makes sense and does... this, he is responsible for this, and we must trust the president, yes, we have questions, but i really hope that this is not a finished solution, it is unfolding for years, it has its own movement, perspective, during which correction can be made, we want to know how dependent we will be. from
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the number, how much our data will be protected, where is the line between what is useful to us and what is harmful to us, we also talked about this, when the world develops the way it develops in technologies, so to speak, with a goose pen and a cart, we will not go far, but this does not mean that we abandon the questions that we asked, they remain, and i am sure that we will get answers to them. it’s hard for me to imagine that the head of state is interested in seeing what is feared happen. the second question that we were also asked was how is it possible, you talked about greef there, the president met with him, and you know, in general, can you imagine that some television program could influence for the president to change his plans and not meet with the person he is supposed to meet with. i saw this meeting and...
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a diploma of graduation from an educational institution will die by 2025, a system of scientific journals and citation standards, an author's textbook, by 2035 a comprehensive school, a research university will have to die, text, book, article, as the dominant form of knowledge .
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disintegration and collapse of the country, and even the dates are indicated: 2022-2027, and we focused our attention, and yours too, on what this means program, it doesn’t contain anything that should preserve the unity and sovereignty of the country, and not, so to speak, an outsider’s view, that it’s such a pity, you know, such a good program, suddenly it falls apart on you.


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