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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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on the eve of the new year, vladimir putin congratulated the commanders of the military groups, the president spoke with them by phone, the press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov said. according to him, we are talking about all groups, they work at the central one. not only state, but also collective, this assessment was given in the state duma. the performer, as the deputies noted, was ukraine, and the political and economic sponsors were the united states and great britain. however, russia has extensive experience in combating terrorism, so the response will be effective and strategic. let me remind you that the latest data is the number of deaths as a result of terrorists. the attack
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of the ukrainian armed forces on belgorod increased to 24 people, more than a hundred were injured. more than 2.0 people were involved in eliminating the consequences of the missile strike all last night. rescuers, utility workers, volunteers, and damaged houses will begin repairing them on january 2. from the belgorod region, reporting by alexander revunov. belgorod was cleared of broken glass, the burnt bodies and cars were taken out, but the whole city was in craters, warning tapes were filmed windows, volunteers worked, they even came from... neighboring regions, more than thirty people came to us, but there are still guys there who are going to constantly drive up, ukrainian militants purposefully hit the peaceful city, the streets and squares, knowing that in the pre-new year bustle here there will be a lot of people. one of the ukrainian shells exploded in the very center of belgorod, on the cathedral square, next to the children's skating rink. there were a lot of people inside at that moment; traces of the scattering of fragments are visible, and that’s the damage they caused. children's skates and stroller so there was a spontaneous
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memorial at... the path of the eternal flame, the townspeople were bringing flowers and children's toys, but inside everyone our city was subjected to such a terrible attack, trouble came to us, it was on the threshold, now it is here, bringing flowers is a small share what we can do. this is footage from dmitry voronin’s video recorder, the beginning of a terrorist attack on belgorod, he stopped the car and rushed to help. the cars were on fire, yes, they tried to evaluate the batteries, but that was nothing. the best we could do was turn off the ignition when i lowered the seat and began to pull him out through the rear passenger compartment, then we pulled him out, the ambulance team had already arrived there, there was mutual assistance, because people began to approach anyway, there were many who tried to put out the car , the first one was given help, still no people stayed by, terrible a tragedy, but belgorod residents are holding firm, local self-defense is on duty in the streets, keeping order... these guys were among the first
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to find themselves in the epicenter of shelling, helping to evacuate the wounded. someone was crying, someone did not understand what to do? naturally, in in such critical situations, people, people need help, those people who at least understand where to move and how to get out of the shelling zone. the whole country is ready to help belgorod; rescuers and medical specialists were sent from the capital. among the victims , many suffered from mine explosion injuries and shrapnel wounds.
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after consultation, a decision was made to transport 25 patients to moscow on an il-76 plane of the russian ministry of emergency situations . the regional governor said that soon their parents would be able to be delivered to the little patients. we we will try, by gathering everyone who has suffered or been injured, to solve those problems that they will not come with: rehabilitation, sanatorium-resort treatment and other problems. once again, medications. operations are something that the government will do for free. full assistance will be provided to the region in restoring destroyed houses and social facilities . the presidential envoy to the central federal district is now in belgarad. on instructions from the president , mihalberich assessed the situation in belgorod as anything other than a war crime and a terrorist attack cannot be designated. vyacheslav vladimirovich and i walked around all the impact sites. and
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almost all of them were located in residential areas, at busy intersections, they were near social facilities, there were no military targets there. our belgorod alexander yarovoy is among the dead. again , a colleague, a veteran of the radio broadcasting service , sounds over the city, a siren sounds, apparently there is a missile danger, we are now in the city center and are trying to find some of the bomb shelters. we find shelter in a neighboring house, yesterday people were taken from the street and hidden in a cafe, shops, restaurants, those that were closest. they bandaged the wounded while they waited for the ambulance to arrive. we immediately began to call all the wounded who were brought in, and at the same time we began to call 1.12, here we have so much, here we have water. among the damaged buildings , the belgorod branch of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company
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detonated two shells a couple of meters from the main entrance. the façade was cut by fragments and the windows were broken. with their own efforts, belgorod state television and radio broadcasting company employees have restored order and continue to work. i came to the city to support my colleagues and all belgorod residents. help in setting up our company, in fact, our main branch, since the belgorod company is a fighting company, it is a front-line company, and we will do absolutely everything both for our employees here and to ensure that the residents of belgorod always
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feel the support of television. belgorod residents have already learned to withstand the blow, but are grateful for the sympathy of people from different regions of our big country. the regional government website has details. all donations will be sent to the belgorod fund to support military personnel and their families. the money will go to help the families of the injured victims. alexander iunov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shun. news belgrade. dear friends, i invite you to our next episode of the besagon tv author’s program. of course, i want to quickly reach some shelter. to create one cut. fabric can take a whole week of painstaking work. dear friends, i am pleased to welcome you to
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our new release of the author’s program besagon tv. our short vacation is over. well, we managed to miss you, but whether you missed us, i doubt it, because during this time on the russia 24 channel they showed replays of our programs from the golden collection, these were replays of issues from the twentieth year, and the nineteenth, and the eighteenth, and even... the fourteenth year, and you know that i was really very, well, to be honest, i was pleased and amazed , that without youtube, without a telegram channel, only on the russia 24 channel
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these episodes gained about 32 million viewers, this is such an amazing figure for us, moreover, these are reruns, these are not new programs, and of course, this is very us rather inspired start working further, i want to remind you once again, do not give in and do not be fooled by fake accounts, of which there are a lot, here on the screen you see our real besagon tv account, this is us, everything else is someone else, today’s is ours the program will be called: if god is for us, who can be against us? i think you will understand why we called our release this - phrases from the holy scriptures. where would i like to start today's conversation? um, there is one thing
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that really irritates many people in our country. country, the liberal community and in the world in general, an unusual thing. even for... an unusual thing, but this is that the russians began to defend the russians, the russians began to fight. for the russians, unexpectedly, however, we remember how much misfortune the collapse of the soviet union brought, how many people, russian-speaking, russian-thinking, russians, simply found themselves outside of russia, how they were, and are still being persecuted, so say, humiliation and so on, and somehow everyone knew about it. all they understood this, but on the other hand, not just indifference, but some kind of
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forgiveness was in the air, well, why, well, well, it will resolve, besides, we know very well how diasporas are in our country, and generally abroad , protect, stand up for each other, do not let themselves be offended, and it’s not a matter of betrayal. or in indifference, this is part of our genetic code, oh well, well, it’s good, why get involved, well, it will grind, there will be flour, everything will pass, resolve, and so on and so forth, on the one hand, this is the generosity and forgiveness of a huge people, this is a wonderful quality, on the other hand... uh, this is also a huge drawback. and suddenly
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, unexpectedly, on february 24 of this year, the russian people said: “no, it won’t be like this. we will not abandon our own.” and a whole wave arose, a whole wave that united people, just remember an excerpt from ours, one of the past programs. remember, how our guys in donbass reacted to this, how important it was to them,
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what exact words were spoken, remember, they were deeply outraged by the fact of being invited to such a grandiose celebration of a rock band, which had previously disgraced itself in omsk, fans of both teams reacted correctly to the situation and gave a fitting rebuff to these traitors. dear men, fans, thank you very much for supporting us and not listening. these scoundrels and chameleons, dear friends , fans, we want to express our deep gratitude for not listening to the traitors after the super cup match, while we are fighting here for you, you are fighting there for us, we are united, victory will be ours, that’s the question, is everyone fighting? ok, the fans expressed their point of view, but there were those who invited these musicians to the concert. moreover, despite the indignation of the fans, this concert, which did not take place in full, was
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mourned, and how can people who feel solidarity with those who are now in donbass not be offended by this internal giveaway here inside, and we continue to do this for sure the same generally condescending attitude, nothing special, well, well, let them play, let them amuse themselves. but it’s not all so harmless, it seems to me that it’s very accurate lawyer pavel ostakhov writes this in his essay. listen, what is much more dangerous in this story is that the decision to allow this, not to allow it, to accept it or not to accept it, is made not by society, not by human rights organizations, or even by the court, but by certain officials in large offices who themselves decide these issues according to... .at his discretion, imagine how they say, briefly into a tube, and that
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the people, but don’t care, people will make noise, make noise, and forget, and people, outraged by the appearance of national traitors on the air, at concerts platforms in russia, they will never even know their names, this is called the separation of power from the people. now listen to what journalist and blogger yuri podalyaka says about this. i think this is very serious. now what is happening in ukraine is simply just one of the fronts of a protracted large civil war within post-soviet society. moreover, the front line passes over the heads of people, not only through the donbass, kharkov, zaporozhye, kherson, nikolaev regions, it passes through kiev, it passes through moscow, st. petersburg, yekaterinburg, through other cities of russia , and it also passes through minsk, and it also passes through almaty, and it still passes through riga, tallinn and narva, precisely
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because brains are the most important front line, this is precisely the specificity war, civil war of the 21st century and... it is for this reason that i consider, for example, valery miladze’s concert to be the most successful counter-offensive in the ssu over the past month and a half. and a very important counter-offensive, a successful counter-offensive of the armed forces of ukraine will be the appearance of these faces, for example, in the blue light, which will be released on new year's eve from 22 to 23. and any public concert, not only these two comrades, but other people who clearly, unequivocally expressed their position at the very beginning. not in washington and london, but determined by the people of our country. and milaje is not the only one. but mr. galkin’s wife returned to russia. well,
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she came back and came back. to be honest, i didn’t understand why she immediately deprived me of the right to be human. great film, great director has a wonderful man disappeared, nikita sergeevich mikhalkov? gentlemen, gentlemen, you are a beast, you will be cursed by your country. the heroine olga voznesenskaya, in a tram that rushes without a driver, is caught up by the secret police, says the words: “you are animals, you are animals, you will be cursed by your country.” why, mrs. galkina inserts this passage, apparently identifying herself with this heroine, with olga voznesenskaya,
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mrs. galkina’s comparison of herself with olga voznesenskaya incredibly went wrong. olga voznesenskaya is being persecuted by the secret police because she helped terrorists. and who was pursuing mrs. galkina? those we are talking about, no one expelled them. they self-exiled themselves, they left on their own and try to compare themselves with those who were published in the twenties, great minds and talents who did not agree with the authorities, to compare themselves with him. it’s vulgar, it’s unfair, because they were traveling from death from prison, and these were leaving in order to save their accounts, their real estate, you see, this is a big difference, the only thing in which there can be a similarity between the destinies of olga voznesenskaya and
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mrs. galkina, that olga voznesenskaya was used and... used without her knowledge, and mrs. galkina was used with her consent. olga voznisenskaya was truly a slave of love, that’s what mrs. galkina was and is a slave, in general it’s not for me to judge. here again, according to our tradition, people may think that this is nonsense, but so what? one arrived, the other left, this is incorrect, the point is in the understanding that if we don’t win this fight here within the country, we won’t win it in donbass, and if we don’t win this fight in donbass, we will lose russia, maybe i’m
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alone in what i think, but i think so. that this is pacifism, which is based on fear, not on the fear of war there, on the fear that
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those who are there will return, they will have absolutely no interest in telephone rights, they will want to look eye to eye to those who did not want to help them, this is really scary. “that’s why i so want this at least some kind of peace, i don’t know a person who doesn’t want peace, i hope there are no such people, but just what kind? not everyone, these people, oh whom i just said, they are ready for any world, for any, the most humiliating, but only so as not to destroy the structure in which they lived for so many years, warmed themselves, earned money and enjoyed themselves, moreover, this internal sabotage, it extends to the most subtle
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and imperceptible details, how else can you understand that an officer dressed in an officer’s uniform is not allowed into moscow, in the magadan restaurant, when he came to his mother’s birthday and... they are asked to go through the back door, what is this? in this form pavel, immediately after completing his official assignment, hurried to congratulate his mother on her birthday. pavel told us over the phone that he, a russian army officer, was allowed to enter only through the back entrance, and to do this he had to go through the bushes and flower bed. with a proposal that they take me through some kind of back entrance or through some kind of flowerbed or through a gate, he did not specify exactly, but that i should not go into... into the establishment itself, so that i would somehow go around behind and joined his family, on the website, by the way , they also have no official information about
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there is no draskode, as such , these restrictions are not written down anywhere, what happened was absolutely unfair, it’s like a russian officer who came in uniform for his mother’s birthday is asked to go not through the front door, but through the back door for... after 100 years, this wrote in 1906 by mikhail osipovich menshikov, a russian publicist, philosopher, and social activist. remember
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the huge state affair, the war with japan, 1904, 1905. we had sufficient means for war, and in general we are not inferior in education japan. we have six or seven military academies alone, and military experience. "are we ready for war?" - the country asked, noticing a cloud creeping from the east, are you ready? answered the authorities.
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the minister of war, sent to port arthur to check whether the fortress was ready, drank champagne in the city square in honor of the genius of those places, admiral alekseev, who created the indestructible fruit of russia, when the japanese attacked port arthur, it turned out that this... fleet could take with bare hands. the higher authorities asked: do we have a fleet? they answered, of course, there is. on on paper, our fleet was superior to the japanese. this was written more than 100 years ago, when we shamefully lost the war to japan. by the way, we said many times in our programs that the russian intelligentsia sent... to the japanese emperor, congratulating him on his victory , enthusiastic congratulatory telegrams over the russian fleet, and what are we doing now...
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with the protection of ships and so on. in order to destroy a defense enterprise, it takes literally two to three days, because as soon as the bankruptcy court decision comes into force, a bankruptcy trustee immediately appears, whose first thing he does is sell machines for scrap metal. the question is, why does this happen? the answer is very simple. the fact is that a significant part of the russian liberal elite has houses in the west. their
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families live there, well, maybe second and third families, that is, there are mistresses, second mistresses, a third mistress, children from them, and so on and so forth, the first wives dream of trips to western resorts, and so on and so forth , and to all of them, and i can assure you that the work here is carried out individually, in difference from the russian bureaucratic machine, it is said, guys, if...
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ministries, for large companies, for cultural activities, and so on and so forth, we talked about this a lot, what can we talk about if teachers in these universities are recognized as foreign agents and are under foreign influence. in this case, i mean the russian-british private moscow higher school of social and economic sciences, or popularly shaning, we also talked about it. here's the information.
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among its sponsors are the world bank, the european union, within the framework of the tacis program, as well as the soros, open society, ford and macarthur foundations, which is especially important that shanenko is a long-time partner of the russian academy of national economy and public administration under the president of the russian federation. the rector of shanenka, mr. zoev, is the creator. and the permanent director of the institute of social sciences on the basis of the presidential academy, universities have a general program, teachers and even diplomas, and several teachers shanenki, victor vakhshtain, ekaterina shulman, boris kogorlisky, they are now recognized as foreign agents, but is this a small victory for the agents of the west, the education of senior management personnel in
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the country. happens with the money of those who supply weapons to ukraine, with the weapons that kill our soldiers, with the money of those who recognize same-sex love, with the money of those who agree with the marches of the sss division, with the money of those who destroy our monuments to our warriors, well, what about the money of those who? agrees with the rewriting of history, with the money of those who agree and support the marches of the baltic ss division, this is their victory, moreover, shameless, only for money, this is a victory for those who can allow the ukrainian ambassador to kazakhstan to say this with impunity.


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