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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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read to thank you, because our previous program on channel russia 244 on channel russia 1 on youtube in the telegram channel was watched by more than 12 million viewers, of course for us this is great joy and pride. today i want to start our conversation with this: you all know very well that on april 2, 2020, third year of this year, the whole country, and i think not only our country, was shocked by the news of the absolutely horrific murder of a wonderful man, vladlen tatarsky, he was a writer, he was a warrior, he was a blogger, he was a journalist, the murder was committed by a twenty-six-year-old girl, daria trepova, you see how she walks into... walks into this
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cafe, in her hands she carried a box in which there was a small bust of the tatar himself, as if a gift to him for his activities. the cafe hosted a creative meeting of the famous military correspondent and veteran of military operations in the donbass, vladlen tatarsky. there are dozens of people in the hall. the meeting lasted about an hour, after which a girl approached the journalist. oh, now i brought you a sculpture as a gift. he says: yes, well, take it. she says they told me. you’re still not there, suddenly it’s a bomb, so i left it there, well, everyone here laughed, well, i’ll say so, go ahead, she came, brought this box, went forward there, that means to the stage, gave him the information a week ago, a box with a figurine, in which an explosive device was probably embedded, was brought to the cafe and handed to vladlen tatarsky by twenty-six-year-old st. petersburg resident daria trepova. vladlen tatarsky died on the spot with varying degrees of injury.
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appears here a woman for whom the crime had no personal interests, a personal place, a woman who with her crime connected the struggle for an idea in the name of someone who was only her brother in the misfortune of her whole life. the jurors almost cried when they listened to alexandrov's speech, to thunderous applause as a result. zasulich was acquitted and released from the courtroom; she soon left for switzerland. the acquittal of the zasulichs in russian society, and not only in russian society, caused a storm of enthusiasm. the russian intelligentsia is probably just that the intelligentsia, who then wrote congratulatory telegrams to the japanese emperor in connection with... the russian fleet,
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perceived this event as a grandiose victory of liberal thought, democracy, freedom, and so on and so forth. newspapers in france, germany, and england covered this process with delight and expressed their approval of the court's decision to acquit the terrorist who committed the attempt on the life of the st. petersburg mayor. in fact , the event of january 24, 1878 gave russian terror a free hand; just 3 years later there was emperor alexander ii was killed by a bomb, which was thrown at him by the terrorist ignatius grenevitsky. four people were killed, including the emperor and...
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the killer himself, and more than twenty people were wounded from the emperor's convoy and from passers-by who were on the street at that time. well let's go back to the present day. let's see what headlines appeared in the european media after the murder of vladlin tatarsky. an activist was arrested in st. petersburg, a pacifist was arrested. russia accuses dissidents of killing right-wing blogger. russia arrested an anti-war activist and so on and so forth. and there is not even a hint that this is a crime, that this is a terrorist act, that this is murder, that is, with all their might, all the media are leading the reader and audience away from
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the idea that this is a crime, that’s all that anything, just not a crime, but really, why not write? what western serpents write, when we can hear this in russian, from a person who lived most of his life in russia, the murder of fomin, this tatar, it absolutely legitimate according to military rules , according to new military rules, if this had happened a year and a half ago, and the ukrainian special services blew up some pro-putin person in st. petersburg, this would have been crossing the red line, in our case. no crossing of the red line happened either with dugina or with fomen, or when our other compatriots, two comedians: alexander dolgopolov and garik aganesyan, made fun of this monstrous event,
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tragic, murder of a person and injury in front of the berlin public more than forty people who don’t trust anything, this is really a statue, thank you. thank you very much, thank you, okay, let him stand here, again, okay, one speaks from israel, others perform comics in front of their compatriots in berlin, but what about us? look, look carefully, a people’s memorial dedicated to the fallen tatars was organized near zaryady park.
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do you think this is accidental or not, who was bothered by this spontaneous memorial, which was created by people of condolences, people mourning this crime, this murder, because
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it was probably possible to simply gather those who created it and dismantle it, if it interferes with order in the city, probably these people write down the number, the number of days that have passed since the murder, every day this number changes, and they do not clean up flowers and photographs are not removed, and this is much closer to the kremlin wall, why? i want to be understood, i am not against the existence of such
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a memorial to boris nemtsov, although on the other hand, in december 2013, boris nemtsov supported euromaidan, this. here's the beginning chanting the revival of the bandera movement. nemtsov came out to the ukrainian embassy building with a ukraine poster.
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people, a murderer, and tell me how , how can it be that in one and the same society it is
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possible to combine this mockery of the mother of god with the sanctimonious defense of the abolition of the death penalty, i will repeat again and said a long time ago, the death penalty is reluctance to kill, the death penalty, is an opportunity to make it clear to a person that the border beyond which oblivion awaits him, but terror must be compensated, at least by the fear of understanding that you are coming for an act that could end your life too, but is this wrong, any terrorist attack against our country is generously paid for, and there is... evidence of this, please, the anti-corruption fund, fbk, which, judging by its name, very noble
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goals, the fight against corruption, this is what we read in the rt investigation: after the death of the tatar military commander, the fbk organization received the largest donation since the beginning of the year; on april 20, 3.81 was received in the bitcoin wallet of alexei navalny’s comrade-in-arms, leonid volkov one hundredth of a bitcoin is equivalent to $110,000, which is approximately 8.8 million in rubles, this is the largest inflow of funds into this account since the beginning of the year. in addition, according to available data, from the beginning of the svo, in ukraine to september 2022, navalny’s team received $840,000 in cryptocurrency in rubles - approximately 67 million rubles at the current rate, which is
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more than for the entire twenty-first year, that is, thus, fbk finances extremist cells in russia through cryptocurrency, and daria was a member of one of these cells trepova, recruited precisely to commit the murder of the tatar. i want to remember the words of publicist thomas. carlyle, he said, every revolution is conceived by romantics, carried out by fanatics, and inveterate scoundrels enjoy its fruits. look, this is a special caste, this is what lev tikhomirov said about vera zasulich, he is a russian public figure, a member of the people's will, by the way, she was a purebred nihilist in appearance, dirty,
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sincere, but you get an image, after that i read, dirty, unkempt, ragged, in torn shoes or barefoot, but with a beautiful soul, pure, bright,
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which exploded, and what else do we learn about it? she is a vegetarian, she is a feminist, she is an eco-activist, a creative person, and she has a suitable husband, dmitry rylov, he is a political activist, a member of the libertarian party of russia, at first he hid in georgia through mobilization, well , somehow everything is the same, right? well, look, what a connection, she’s a vegetarian, she has compassion for animals, she doesn’t eat meat, she’s an eco-activist, for clean air, she’s a creative person, a feminist, completely calmly, consciously brings a bomb to kill a person who did nothing wrong to her, and on top of
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that injure almost 50 people, well , isn’t this... a romanticization of abomination, now we read on the internet and collect money for a vegan kitchen so that she can eat what she is used to, that is, we constantly come across a hidden increase in evil, due to the fact that part of society betrays crime. for noble intentions, impunity and romanticization of abomination - this is a sign of our times today, a transgender person who opened fire in an american school for no reason, it turns out that his rights were violated, a shooter from
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kazan who killed children, by the way, received a life sentence, but how much have we read. comments, what a pity, handsome boy, remember, now there are comments from women on the networks about the kazan shooter, in this regard , i would like to quote the very respected mikhail shakhnazarov. bullying is a terrible thing, in fact, i experienced it myself, but i did not stoop to such a level, there’s no excuse for him, but you can understand him, damn, he’s beautiful, it’s a pity that. he did such a stupid thing, he did a stupid thing, he’s so handsome, one more comment, and he ’s handsome, but he did something terrible, it’s a pity for the kids, seriously, it’s a pity, yes, but he’s handsome, he feels sorry for the kids, he looks so kind, and he is cute, i would never have thought from his appearance that he was capable of such a thing, this is absolute insensitivity
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towards the grief of others until the moment it concerns...
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lust, lies, base feelings, it’s easier with them to control, for those who manipulate them, they are predictable, they cannot evaluate their actions, cannot analyze them, which is why today in the schismatic ukrainian church, in the church itself, inside, in the altar , such a coven is happening, look. and everyone is silent, it’s amazing , it’s simple, the civilized world doesn’t want to believe that
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the nazis rule the country in ukraine, no one wants to see that for no reason, for no reason, the property of the monasteries of the russian orthodox church is taken away, the churches of the russian patriarchate are burned, they are beaten. culture, language and so on, and the tool in this struggle is the romanticization of abomination,
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how many times have we talked about the brilliant government of fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, but how was it possible to see the future like he did in demons, look at the excerpt from the series that... filmed by vladimir khotyanenko based on the novel demons, we will penetrate the very people, ours are not only those who cut, but burn, but make classic shots or bite, i don’t understand anything without discipline, a teacher laughing with children at their god and at their cradle , already ours, a lawyer defending an educated rich murderer, already ours, schoolchildren who kills a man to experience our feelings, our administrators, our writers have many, terribly many, they don’t even
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know it, nowadays everyone has a different mind, the russian god has given up before the cheap stuff, people are drunk, mothers are drunk, children are drunk, churches are empty, let a generation grow, let a generation grow, one or...
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i will give only excerpts from the results of this study. this is a map, a map of the yeltsin center, where very indicatively borders, in particular crimea is part of ukraine, as well as abkhazia and south ossetia are part of georgia. the yeltsin center was created in 2015. moreover, the name.
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among the gifts there is a special gift, this is a sweater, a gift to boris nikolayevich yeltsin from nemtsov. the gift was made in 2005, at which time nemtsov was an adviser to ukrainian president yushchenko. we know what processes took place in ukraine at the end of 2004, beginning of 2005. so. an orange sweater that sucks, its orange color a hint of what we are missing in russia now, well, apparently, because...
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nemtsov’s memorial has been located near the walls of the kremlin for so many years, since an orange sweater is on display in the eltincenter, a sign of the color revolution donated by boris nikolaevich nemtsov. the entire history of russia is the history of a totalitarian past. the enslavement of the people by their own rulers, not someone who enslaved them, but not their own rulers who enslaved the russian people. camps, this is not in nazi germany, this is here, genocide of entire peoples, not deportation of peoples, genocide - this is very binding concept, genocide is the destruction of peoples on the basis of blood. well , look, these are precisely the theses used by separatists who are abroad and call for the collapse of russia, for example,
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akhmat azdoev. the leader of supporters of the independence of ingushetia, here he spoke online in the european parliament in january 2023, listen, our decision to proclaim a declaration of independence of ingushetia is connected not only with today's events, but also with the previous experience of two centuries of being under the occupation of russia, the russian empire, then the ussr, and now the russian federation, all these centuries the ingush people have been subjected to. on the part of russia, oppression and repression, regardless of who led it, the tsar, the secretary general or the president, and look at how terrorist acts are covertly justified when it is proven to us that the murder of the tsar was his fault, because he retreated from freedoms, reproduction of unfreedom both under nicholas, and under alexander, under nicholas is...
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what in this example


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