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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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so, 2024 has come into its own. according to tradition , vladimir putin congratulated the citizens of the country on the new year. the president noted in his address that we were united by common goals. in 2023, we defended our national interests and values. a separate head of state addressed the soldiers who are defending their homeland in the zone of a special military operation. working for the common good
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has united society, we are united in our thoughts, in work, in battle, in everyday life and holidays, showing the most important features of the people of russia, solidarity, mercy, perseverance, i want today to appeal to our military personnel, to everyone who is at a combat post, at the forefront of the fight for truth and justice. you are our heroes, our hearts are with you, we are proud of you, we admire your courage, i know that now you feel the love of your closest, dearest, dearest people, the powerful, sincere support of millions of russian citizens, the support of the entire people. we have proven more than once that we can solve the most difficult problems, and we will never retreat, because there is no force that can divide us. make you forget
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memory and faith of the fathers, stop our development. new year's festivities took place throughout the capital, red square was closed to the public, the main part of the celebration took place in moscow parks, famous artists performed there, and you could spend a magical night of the year at the journey to christmas festival site. to celebrate 2024, many muscovites and guests of the capital went to vdnkh, one of the brightest new year's locations. at the exhibition russia prepared an entertainment program “eternal values”. interactive performances, congratulations to santa clauses and a new year's ice show. circus performers performed a theatrical performance. and after midnight, the crowd was entertained by djs, singers and musicians.
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residents of sakhalin were among the first to celebrate the new year in yuzhno-sakhalinsk; this year they installed the tallest main christmas tree in the far east. this time, mass celebrations and fireworks were abandoned, but the city was festively transformed. many city locations were decorated with illumination for children, and slides and ice towns were installed. a for residents of vladivostok, even bad weather did not become an obstacle to new year's festivities. many people said goodbye to the old year...
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local residents began bringing flowers, candles, toys to the memorial immediately after the tragedy in belgorod, the ukrainian armed forces launched a missile strike on december 30. meanwhile, in belgorod itself , they are restoring the central areas that were at the epicenter of the ukrainian attack. according to the governor, from january 2 they will begin installing windows and repairing facades. there are already agreements with the builders that concerns the documents that were.
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were wounded, according to information from the joint control center, the ukrainian armed forces fired at least seven rockets from rocket systems into the city, and the kalinin and budenovsky districts came under fire. and sirens sound in the center of israel; this night hamas launched over twenty rockets at israeli cities. the main blows occurred in the southern and central regions of the country. several shells hit residential buildings in tel aviv. now the firefighters are trying. to cope with the fire, there were no casualties, as reported in the media. and in gaza sector celebrates new year, hiding from shelling. several civilians were killed and dozens wounded as a result of israeli airstrikes in different areas of the enclave. the injured are being transported to the hospital
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by numerous ambulances. the palestinian red crescent reports killed and wounded in khan yunisya. fierce ground fighting continues in the city center. golden collection of the author's program nikita mikhalkova besagon tv, how the events currently happening in the usa are interconnected, the un plans to form a new world order and some articles of the russian constitution in 1993. about this and other topics, watch right now.
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this is both a great joy and a huge responsibility, after our program began to gain a sufficient number of viewers, they began to contact us with offers for advertising, here i want to say
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the following: maybe this is a mistake, maybe this is a delusion, but i am always haunted by the feeling some kind of lack of freedom, but... when advertising appears, it doesn’t matter, it can be a very worthy advertisement, a worthy product, but still there is a feeling that everything is somehow not very true, and the trust of the audience is, in my opinion, simply the most important thing, for which we actually work, i express my gratitude, our gratitude to those who offer us their advertising services , but we are forced to abandon them, we remember how many... there were disputes about vaccination, chipping, that these are fakes, that this is conspiracy theory, and so on and so forth, but as it turns out, everything is not so simple, and not so these are fakes and
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conspiracy theories, i want to give you an example, look at the resistance caused by all the actions related to... the bill and melinda gates foundation in germany, as a result of mass demonstrations, merkel was unable to pass a law on compulsory vaccination against covid-19. italy is opening up to holidaymakers amid a scandal regarding unproven mortality specifically from covid, and what’s more, there are quite harsh speeches in parliament about this. figures provided by the ministry.
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the pandemic, how controversial it is. rothschöld reproaches trump for the fact that trump interferes with the new world order. this is the combination. well, our program is called their besagon, the fact is that it turns out that the besagon virus
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spreads not only among those millions of people who looked at us, but goes, so to speak, beyond the borders of our homeland, for example, to germany, their bezakon e po in translation means i we, bessagon, please look at our colleague,
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mr. gates, who is not a doctor, but a software billionaire, has concluded that the world should refrain from of the usual long-term drug trials regarding certain side effects, they themselves will make sure that while the vaccine is in his hands in the hands of his extremely influential foundation, no one on earth would be able to recall dr. gates’ syringes with the vaccine. the whole world, each of us on the globe, must make himself available as a guinea pig for the sake of the idea of ​​one single man, the man who...
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will we listen to our former war minister, the european commission will mobilize 1 billion euros for the global response to coronavirus. countries donors donated 7.4 billion euros to fight the pandemic. in just a few hours , we collectively raised this 7.4 billion for vaccines, diagnostics and treatments. and all this money will help launch an unprecedented global collaboration. i thank you all. the welfare state strives.
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to the pediatrician you are legally entitled to read the consent form before you sign it, just think for a minute what they put in that crap? show me what kind of toxic crap you put in these vaccines they give to babies, children, adults, women, men, all this then gets into their blood, prove that it is safe, where, where, where? look how
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this rhymes with what we talked about in the past, beskogo. yes, yes, a vaccine, yes , of course, but a domestic vaccine , developed here, with every right to understand what is included in it and what its consequences are, it must be national, developed here, as well as many other things, which we will talk about a little lower, let's look at...
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you we are dealing with a virus that has a completely opposite political color, and works in a completely opposite way, on society, the consciousness of people, on the priorities of some over others. god, we apologize to our black brothers and sisters for the years and years of racism. what was the catalyst for all this madness? this. the murder of george floyd , a man with six walkers, a criminal, a bandit who was killed by a police officer, despite the fact that in 2018 alone, among those killed by police there were 229 black people, and nothing arose, there were no protests, here
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pandemic. it’s just a pandemic, and as we understand , it’s absolutely controllable, it comes to absolute, utter absurdity, a golden coffin, the mayor of the city is on his knees sobbing in front of the coffin in which a bandit lies, a proposal to create a scholarship named after floyd, he is taken around cities, stagnation. moreover, in the place where he was killed, a church arises, not made by hands, spiritually, miracles happen, hallelujah! what's this? the clergy propose to canonize him and send a letter to the pope, what is this? this is picked up by our
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independent brothers propose to rename bender, floyd. maybe, probably, bendery square should have been renamed something, but not floyd. monuments to those who built america, who created. platforms, great films that made american cinema great, blown away by the wind, because there is
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disrespect for blacks, pogrom, looting, murder, chaos, this is a man-made movement. to a new world order, it is a controlled chaos that can become uncontrollable to the surprise of those who thinks that he controls him, and look how people's consciousness changes, work for black lives matter, i'm sorry, i work for black lives matter, i'm sorry that i scared okay, but since i work for that company , my ceo has told me to come out today and to bring you on your knees, because you have white privilege, so if they see that a white person is getting
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on their knees, that shows solidarity for the situation, the situation, and could you just please apologize for you, for your white privilege, just apologize? i am, i'm trying to think of the right words to say cuz that's a that's a big thing to say, it's big comes from. it's so it's large in this country , i'm incredibly, i'm incredibly sorry, with this country we have that president donald duck, that clown in office, he's brought a lot of bigotry and you're not a part of it right , no, and so you know, okay, you have a great day.
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evil, antichrist, destroyer, satan, demon, now they will tell me, again this is orthodox nonsense, liberals tell us all the time, let’s do whatever it is, and i don’t wish it right away, suitcases, airport, new york, getting on the plane right on your knees, just in case there might be an american company, maybe there might be a colored conductor there, a flight attendant, or drinking. like this on my knees for 12 hours, no desire, still chadaev, at that time, the most serious liberal, arguing with pushkin,
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said the following: russian liberal, a meaningless midge, hovering in a ray of sunshine, the sun is the sun of the west, under this sun, which today... shines so brightly in the west, i don’t want to go warm up, just imagine, for our consciousness, for the consciousness of people living in our country , who live difficult lives, hard lives, with many problems, we can imagine that we can be brought to our knees, an attempt to bring us to our knees in a global sense was in the constitution that was adopted in. .. and you and a lot of people,
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security officials, people’s artists, the president took it and signed it, so what? well, you understand, we understand that the president’s responsibility to his country and to the people is enormous, if he sees that he makes sense and does it, he is responsible for it, and we must believe the president, yes, we have questions. but i really hope that this is not a complete solution, it unfolds over the years, it has its own movement, perspective, during which correction can be made, we want to know how dependent we will be on the number, how much our data will be protected, where is the border between the fact that it is useful for us
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and that... the second question that we were also asked is how is it possible, you talked about greef there, the president met with him, and well, you know, can you even imagine that some television program could influence the president to change his plans and not meet with the one with whom he should meet, i saw this meeting and saw that president putin, talking with the head of sberbank, was satisfied with his work as a bank..
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.but i have not seen or heard the president approve the 20-30 education program, i cannot believe that the president can approve such a program, here is the section: the death of formats, according to this plan the graduation diploma should die in 2025 establishments, system of scientific
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... my year, and we focused our attention, and yours too, on the fact that this program does not contain anything that should preserve the unity and sovereignty of the country, and not , so to speak, an outside view , what a pity , you know, such a good program, suddenly everything fell apart on you, to hell, but by the way, if it comes to that , it can only fall apart precisely because of this
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program? because it is she who divides people into pure and unclean, into the elite, which must have a manual education and other digital workers, isn’t this division, isn’t it dangerous? here is the point of view of political scientist sergei mikheev: no one elected them, no one even appointed them, and i mean the population, but nevertheless, how do they...


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