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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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one piece of fabric can take a whole week of painstaking work. russia was one of the first to celebrate 2024; it was celebrated in the easternmost regions, kamchatka, magadan and sakhalin. anastasia ponko will talk about new year's festivities throughout the country. happy new year russia. the main street stage of vdnkh, bright, beautiful, greeted with songs. new year as many as 11 times
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across all time zones of russia, we’ve just heard so much about this exhibition that we’re already thinking, no, well, we should still come and look at it, how it really is it looks, well, we are completely delighted, very beautiful, everything is colorful, everything glows, that is, the feeling is simply indescribable. every hour , santa clauses from different russian regions took turns congratulating residents of the entire country on the new year 2024. did you make a wish? ask grandpa ice cream for the best thing this year will definitely come true, the street stage of vdnkh united residents and guests of the capital, first everyone sang along with the familiar hits of russian performers, then everyone together watched the president’s video message from the stage, we were counting down the seconds until the new year. working for the common good has united society; we are united in our thoughts, in work in battle, in everyday life.
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everything is a real holiday here in moscow. hot tea, entertainment, gifts for spectators, everything for a magical atmosphere, and of course, photo sessions at the main attribute of the holiday. the main christmas tree at vdnkh, a place of attraction for residents and guests of the capital. a twenty-meter tree was brought from the kaluga region and, in fact, it was decorated by the whole country. each region made a toy to represent it. all of them can be seen here on this bright, beautiful christmas tree. the new year was celebrated throughout the territory. huge country, holiday
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wishes flew in from every city, we wish everyone a happy new year, good mood, and that everything is wonderful, i wish everyone good luck in the new year, happiness, love, all the best, happy new year 2024, we wish you happiness, health, so that your dreams come true all the best to you, we congratulate all residents of the republic on the new year 2024. today we celebrated the new year not only on the streets, but on the internet, it all starts with a dream, so called the new year's holiday of the movement of the first , which took place in an online format on a platform on social networks, a performance by artists, the fulfillment of the dreams of the participants of the action, a tree of wishes and kind words, all this was broadcast and the movement of the first, the most important thing:
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it seems to me that this - a holiday is a dream, no matter how old you are, every new year you and i turn into children, and we dream - to be healthy, to be... i, with all my heart, wish you new achievements, the implementation of the most ambitious projects, success in any undertaking. words our soldiers at the front, those who are on the front line during the holidays, receive gratitude and congratulations on the new year, their
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resilience and heroism shown on the battlefield, noted russian defense minister sergei shaigu. our army has once again shown its invincibility, its ability to defeat the enemy in any conditions. contrary to all hopes of western help. all the enemy’s plans, thanks to your courage and selfless service to your homeland, went to waste. the core of unbending determination and the will to win has always been soldier of the russian army. the traditionally massive and atmospheric holiday was held in an unusual way this year as a sign of solidarity with the residents of belgorod. new year's programs and folk festivities were abandoned in many russian cities: rostov, izhevsk, tambov, magadan. moscow, st. petersburg, krasnodar. the country celebrated the new year as a family and modest holiday, remembering the tragic events that occurred in belgorod. anastasia panko,
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dmitry korsakov, nadezhda nefedova and khalit tankiev, lead. meanwhile, in belgorod , the central areas are being restored, which found themselves at the epicenter of the ukrainian attack. information from the governor, from january 2 they will begin installing windows and repairing facades. there are already agreements with the builders. as for documents that were damaged or burned during the shelling, they will be replaced in an expedited manner. this is the decision of the ministry of internal affairs. it is planned to complete the examination of damaged vehicles in a maximum of 3 weeks. meanwhile , the parents of children who suffered as a result of the ukrainian attack on belgorod went to moscow. as authorities reported.
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golden collection of the author's program nikita mikhalkova and besagon tv. in this issue, the author proposes to talk about why this is a surprise to the world. society became the defense of the russian world, who is responsible for the manifestation of national traitors on the air. dear friends, i am pleased to welcome you to our new episode of the besagon tv author’s program. our short ones are over. holidays, not in a hurry, we managed to miss you, but whether you missed us, i doubt it, because during this time reruns of our programs were shown on the russia-24 channel
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from the gold collection, these were repeats of issues from the twentieth year, the nineteenth year, and the eighteenth year. spots and even the fourteenth year, and you know that i was really, well, honestly, pleased and amazed that... without youtube without a telegram channel, only on the russia 24 channel, these episodes gained about 32 million viewers, this is so amazing for us digital, moreover, these are reruns, these are not new programs, and of course this inspired us a lot, rather. start working further, i want to remind you again, don’t give in and don’t be fooled by fake
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accounts, of which there are a lot, here on the screen you see our real besagon tv account, this is us, everything else is someone else, our program today will be called that, if god is for us, who is against us? i think you will understand why we called our release this... phrase from scripture, where would you like to start today's conversation? there is one thing that really irritates many people, in our country, the liberal community, and in the world in general, an unusual thing, even for us an unusual thing, but this is that the russians began to defend the russians
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, everyone knew about it, everyone understood it, but on the other hand, not only indifference, but some kind of forgiveness was in the air, well, why, but what, but will dissolve, besides, we know very well how diasporas in our country, and generally abroad, protect, stand up for each other, do not allow themselves to be offended and... it’s not a matter of betrayal or indifference, this is part of our genetic
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code, oh well, well, it’s kindness, why get involved, well, it’ll grind, flour it will happen, everything will pass, resolve, and so on and so forth, on the one hand, this is the generosity and forgiveness of a huge people - this is its wonderful quality. on the other hand, this is also a huge drawback , suddenly, unexpectedly, the russian people said on february 24 of this year: no, it won’t be like this, we won’t abandon our own , a whole wave arose, a whole wave that united people, just remember an excerpt from our... one of the previous programs, how football fans reacted at
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the super cup, when team b2 was supposed to perform in front of them after the end of the game, come on from here, come on, from here, come on, come on, come on! uranus, remember how our guys in donbass reacted to this, how important it was to them, what exact words were spoken, remember, to the core, outraged by the fact of being invited to such a grandiose celebration of a rock group that had previously disgraced itself in omsk. fans of both teams reacted correctly to the situation and gave a fitting rebuff to these traitors. dear men, fans, thank you very much. that support us and do not listen to these scoundrels and chameleons, dear friends, fans,
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we want to express our deep gratitude for not listening to the traitors after the super cup match, while we are fighting here for you, you are fighting there for us, we are united, victory will be ours, the question is, is everyone fighting? well, okay, the fans expressed their point of view, but there were also those who invited these... musicians to the concert, and what’s more, despite the indignation of the fans, this concert that did not take place in full was mourned, but how do people who feel solidary? with those who are now in donbass may not be offended by this internal betrayal, here inside, and we continue to treat it in exactly the same way, in general, have a condescending attitude, nothing special, well, well, let them play, let them amuse themselves, but it’s not all that harmless, it seems to me that
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he writes about this very accurately in his essay, lawyer pavel ostakhov, listen, in this story...
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there are three post-soviet societies, and the front line runs over the heads of people, not only in donbass, kharkov, zaporozhye, kherson, nikolaev regions, it runs through kiev, it runs through moscow , by st. petersburg, yekaterinburg, other cities of russia, and it also passes through minsk, and it also passes through almaty, and it still passes through riga, tallinn and narva. precisely because brains are the most important front line, this is precisely the specificity of the civil war. century, it is for this reason that i consider, for example, the concert of valery miladze the most successful counter-offensive of the ukrainian armed forces over the past month and a half, and even a very important counter-offensive, a successful counter-offensive of the ukrainian armed forces will be the appearance of these people, for example, in the blue light, which will be released on new year's eve from 22 to 23, and
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any public concert not only of these two comrades, but of other people who clearly and unambiguously... expressed their position at the very beginning of a special military operation, this there will also be a spit and a knife in the back of our soldiers, who today are fighting for the future of our country, for that future that is not determined in washington and london, but is determined by the people of our country, not only milaje, but mr. galkin’s wife returned to russia, well, it came back and came back, i just honestly didn’t understand why it was immediately deprived of it. i have the right to be a person , firstly, i never said a bad word about her, and secondly, why did she use a fragment from my film slave of love, a wonderful film, a wonderful director, where did the wonderful person disappear, nikita sergeevich mikhalkov ? gentlemen, gentlemen, you are
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a beast, you will be damned. or the country , the heroine olga voznesenskaya in a tram that rushes without a driver, being overtaken by the secret police, says the words, you are animals, you are animals, you will cursed by their country, why does mrs. galkina insert this passage, apparently identifying herself with this heroine, with olga voznesenskaya, mrs. galkina’s comparison of herself with olga voznesenskaya is incredible.
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comparing yourself with them, it’s vulgar, it’s unfair, because they were traveling from death, from prison, and these were leaving in order to preserve their wealth, their real estate, you see, this is a big difference, the only thing that can be similar between olga’s destinies voznesenskaya and mrs. galkina, that olga voznesenskaya from... they used her, they used her without her knowledge, and mrs. galkina was used with her consent. olga voznesenskaya was truly a slave of love, that’s what mrs. galkina was and is a slave, in general it’s not for me to judge, here again
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according to our tradition, she may think that this is nonsense, well, so what, one came, the other left, this is not true , the point is to understand that if here inside the country... “we won’t win this fight, we won’t win it in the donbass, and if we don’t win this fight in the donbass, we will lose russia, maybe i’m alone in what i think, but i think so, if you think about it, just think about it, this is resistance within the country, a special military operation, what is it, what is it? this is a fight for peace, this is global pacifism, this is compassion for those who are there in
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the donbass. why didn’t we feel this compassion for 8 years when our people, our compatriots, were killed there? how many times has this question been asked, and how many times has there been no answer? but it seems to me that this is pacifism, which is based on fear, not on the fear of war there, on the fear that those whoever is there, they will return, they will not be at all interested in telephone law, they will want to look eye to eye to those who did not want to help them. this is really scary, that’s why i so want this at least some kind of peace, i don’t know a person
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who doesn’t want peace, i hope there are no such people, but just some kind, not just any, these people i just talked about, they are ready for any world, for any, the most humiliating, but only so as not to destroy it. the structure in which they lived for so many years, warmed themselves, earned money and enjoyed it. moreover, this internal sabotage, it extends to the most subtle and imperceptible details, how else can you understand that an officer dressed in an officer’s uniform is not allowed into the magadan restaurant in moscow when he arrives. on their mother's birthday and they ask you to go through the back door, what is that? this is how pavel , immediately after completing his official assignment
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, hurried to congratulate his mother on her birthday. pavel told us over the phone that he, a russian army officer, was allowed to enter only through the back entrance, and for this he needed i had to go through the bushes and flower bed. with a proposal that they take me through some kind of back entrance or through some kind of flowerbed or through a gate, he did not specify exactly. and... so that i don’t go into the establishment itself, so that i somehow go around the back and join my family. by the way, on their official website they also don’t have any information about draskod, as such , these restrictions are not written down anywhere, what happened was absolutely unfair, it’s like a russian officer who came in uniform for his mother’s birthday is asked to go through the front door. damn, what feelings do you think this
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event aroused in the soul of this officer, but you know what the horror is, that this situation did not arise now, not in the nineties, no, i want to read you an excerpt from... the document, this document is more than 100 years old, it was written in 1906 by mikhail osipovich menshikov, a russian publicist, philosopher, public figure. remember the huge state affair, the war with japan of 1904-1905. we had sufficient means for war by education, in general, we are not inferior to japan, we have six or seven military men alone academies and military experience, it seems, was enough, but military eloquence, more than enough, was lacking in honesty, only honesty, i assure you, one.
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our fleet was superior to the japanese, this was written more than 100 years ago, when we shamefully lost the war to japan. by the way, we said many times in our programs that at that time the russian intelligentsia sent enthusiastic, congratulatory telegrams to the japanese emperor, congratulating him on his victory over the russian fleet. what now? do we...
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destroy banks, they are destroyed by raiders with protection of courts and so on. in order to destroy a defense enterprise, it takes literally 2-3 days, because as soon as the bankruptcy court decision comes into force, a bankruptcy trustee immediately appears and the first thing he does is sell the machines for scrap metal. the question is, why does this happen? the answer is very simple, the fact is that a significant part of the russian liberal elite has. in the west there are houses, their families live there, well, maybe second and third families, that is, there are mistresses, second mistresses, third mistresses, children from them, and so on and so forth , first wives dream of trips to western resorts, and so on and so forth, and for all of them, but i can assure you that here the work is carried out individually , unlike the russian bureaucratic machine .
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it is said, guys, if you want to save it, you need to do this, this and that, and first of all destroy, and then the list of what exactly needs to be destroyed, i just know for sure that there are some unique enterprises, alternatives that do not exist, which they are now trying to eliminate, and after listening to this, the question arises, and if indeed this phrase, which has already set teeth on edge, that if... the lines are crossed, we will strike at the center of decision-making, the question arises, if this threat really comes true, will it turn out that this blow will fall on the next office, where these decisions are made , it’s like the old prosecutor’s joke that when investigating a case, the most important thing is not to expose yourself, but what can we talk about when in a university that trains personnel for...
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regional, federal ministries, for large companies, for cultural activities , and so on and so forth, we talked about this a lot, what can be said if teachers in these universities are recognized as foreign agents and are under foreign influence. in this case, i mean the russian-british, private moscow higher school of social and economic sciences , or among the people shani, we are also talking about it. here is the information that among its sponsors are the world bank, the european union, within the framework of the tacis program, as well as the soros, open society, ford and macarthur foundations, which is especially important that shanenko is a long-time partner of the russian academy of national economy and public administration under the president of the russian federation.


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