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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 11:00am-11:20am MSK

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by a person, but from the inside, this is not a view from the outside , not from ukraine itself as such, this is written from russia or from some other country, from the inside, as osip manchelovsky writes , there is no people with such a name yet, in galicia there is only the ukrainian variety of the russian people, you understand, if i read this to you on my behalf. god forbid, or on behalf
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of some contemporary, then , naturally, it is completely understandable, the enemies are trying to humiliate the ukrainian nation, but this is written by a person who makes no sense to speak from the point of view of some other people, he speaks from the inside, he speaks on behalf of this huge russian root, listen, is it really what the historian manchelovsky writes? and the ukrainian people don’t relate to us in any way, haven’t we also been trying to be like someone for the last 30 years, aren’t we abandoning our root system, our history, our culture, our traditions, the same thing is happening here, maybe be in other sizes, haven’t we succumbed to the charm of the civilized world, didn’t it seem to us that if we were like this world...
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the great one, our genius, in a letter to his opponent to peter chodaev, although i personally am heartily attached to the sovereign, i am far from delighted with everything that i see around me, how writers irritate me, as a person with prejudices, i am offended, but i swear on my honor that i would not want to change my fatherland or to have a different history than the history of our... ancestors as god gave it to us. it is quite natural that those who accepted what was happening and went to defend their country are perplexed, listen, well , first of all, they have neither a homeland nor a flag, they are nothing at all, i am such people, i just don’t i understand, everyone is scared, everyone is scared, but if they announced mobilization, where would you run, your homeland is in danger, i can’t understand this with them, how you can run away with your own.
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but nevertheless, tens of thousands of people pouring across the border indicate that something doesn’t add up here. and in our society for 30 years, since the nineties, the ideology of the superiority of the personal over the collective has been implanted. for 30 years , heroes have been created in our cultural space, films have been shown, and confidence in people has been instilled in every possible way that each of them is a unique snowflake, that he is more important than the team, that he must do everything for himself. therefore, the system of values ​​that was brought up, brought up by the hands of the state, in our people, within the framework of this system of values , it is normal to run abroad, because all unique snowflakes protect themselves, they
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were taught that way, who should be blamed for the fact that people were brought up for 30 years in liberal values ​​as cowards who... do everything for themselves, they are now doing as they were taught, who should we ask for this, i don’t think they i think that if these people had lived for 30 years in some other cultural paradigm, then 90% of the people who left today would not have left, they would have remained to defend their homeland, but they were taught something else, which is what you want to accuse them of , look at our cultural figures, kirillrennikov. bogomolov, look, look what’s going on, who we raised, and this is really so, a shift in concepts has occurred, it has become fashionable, it has become natural, the denial of respect for one’s country in general, uh, the word patriotism, has become a mockery
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abusive, causing an ironic grin , sarcasm, we could imagine for some time... mothers of heroin, we treated this as heroes of socialist labor, combine operators, a given, but gradually this feeling of respect for a person who
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works with his hands was washed away , to the working man, and a new elite began to emerge, who gradually turned into this elite, the new elite became those who were heard, who were popular, and... note that the quality of popularity no longer mattered so much, it was important to be bright, apparently, this gave rise to the feeling that this is exactly what is true, this is what we need to follow, this is what we need to strive for, and that as a result, if in 1962 people congratulated yuri gagarin on the blue light, it was fantastic, this it was amazing from a point of view.
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i see yapping about alla , maxima, chulpanpan, zemfira who left, it was russia that left you asshole, because russia is them, not you, that is, in other words, after the elite left, some kind of worthless biomass remained, moreover , apparently, exactly like that i still think.
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about which this is what people who fight say. dear men, fans, thank you very much for supporting us and not listening to these scoundrels. and hamillions. dear friends and fans, we would like to express our deep gratitude for not listening to the traitors after the super cup match. while we are fighting here for you, you are fighting there for us. we are united, victory will be ours. and what? well, how can this be combined? people who are considered traitors at the front, as a result, are accepted in the rear, here. this. helps me courageously defend the interests of your country,
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if my country treats me like this, somewhere you are fighting there, and we will earn money here, but how can that be? and this is an accident, this is a global thing, in the last besagon we talked about the loss of the most important qualities of a person who helped to survive in the most difficult conditions, which helped to win a terrible, one of the bloodiest... warrior in the great patriotic war, the quality of sacrifice and patience, and what kind of sacrifice or patience can we talk about if we we see we hear this. just look at the reaction of some of our young people to the fact that their instagram was blocked. i'm trying to calm down, but i don't know what to do. what to do, i made money from blogging
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, it’s simple, it’s my whole life, it’s my soul, it ’s what i wake up and go to sleep with for fucking 5 years in a row, it’s really hard, because when something happens in your life, you don’t imagine how much this support is important, 23 million, almost 400,000 subscribers, i’m not afraid to admit that i don’t want to lose you. on instagram, go to fot, russia, well done, close the duma, not even sanctions against us , against you, you will do something like that, what a bad thing for you, stupid kids did it on instagram, people who will give me toilet paper for my birthday, or maybe four sheets of paper, why they banned litka, no, so , what will i eat, no lipton, no dooritos , no mcdonald's, you look, but this is,
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this is sincere, these are real tears, this is a misfortune, a tragedy for a person, yes, this is a sincere point of view about the incomprehensibility of celebrating victory day, i don't understand at all this victory holiday, which took place some 7.6 years ago, in my opinion, yes, and it is still spent on this year after year. millions are celebrating this, everyone is trying to do something, i don’t know, it’s some kind of clamps, maybe it’s some kind of thing, i don’t understand, i can’t blame these people here for fulfilling someone’s order, no, they’re like that, they have this idea that they are part of some greatest history, the greatest country, the greatest people has been lost, they talked about this a lot, but you can ban any ideology a thousand times, but people see, people they understand, this is what they are saying, they are appealing
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to the state, i work as a blacksmith with a hammer and a press, and at the same time i shoot videos of a humorous nature related to family and work, it is under the videos with work that we can find comments equating the working class with peddlers, i think this this will be my first non-humorous video, enough for... seething, for these youngsters, the younger generation, people working in factories have no goals in life, so it is for these contingents that i will now explain, while they are working factories, while turners, blacksmiths, mechanics and other specialists are working at them, while the metallurgical industry is alive, you, who have other goals in life, can sleep peacefully, because tanks are being made, forging ... crankshafts for submarines, and russian weapons does not stand still, as long
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as there is a working class, you can become bloggers, go towards your own goals in life, dear elite, how could you allow this, how could you make it so that young people consider ordinary workers, a simple working class, poor people, guys, maybe i’m wrong, but today i’m just seething with indignation all day long, the spit was that at this... international economic forum they invited, whoever you think, nineteen-year-old tiktoker danya milokhin, a man with a face, as a speaker. a generator that produces bastard, i can’t say it any other way , videos dressing up in women’s underwear, but the worst thing is that sber made him its youth face, you know, if you want, i’ll read out what’s written on sberbank’s website using a clip of the building sber supports milokhin the desire of young people to do what
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brings the joy of fulfillment, guys, as soon as i look into the eyes of my twelve-year-old son. who will tell me: mom, why am i studying? why am i trying to achieve something if i put on women's panties, and they make me the face of sberbank and i am invited to the st. petersburg economic forum. guys, what is this about? what are you doing to our youth, what are you doing to our country? well, okay, for some time you can live in some uncertainty, in this case, when imagining all flowers to bloom. you can think so, i agree, i understand, probably, but when a country finds itself in a military conflict, it can exist in uncertainty, but in a military conflict the country cannot live without clarity, without a clear attitude to
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what is happening, to the subject, and simply to person, you know, i... the last thing i would like to do is enter into a debate with the press secretary of our president, dmitry sergeevich peskov, whom i respect very much and know well, but i have questions, i want to ask these questions. for example, dmitry sergeevich says the following. there is and cannot be any tendency to confiscate books or erase the publicity of the name of akunin and other authors in russia. i want to understand this personally. sergeevich’s point of view is one thing, or he is voicing the state’s point of view, the point of view of the kremlin, since he is the president’s press secretary, then i want to understand how the adoption of a law in the state duma banning lgbt propaganda is combined with
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the continued existence on the shelves of the book about which we talked about summer at the pioneer gala. the knocks are absolutely obvious, not only is it vulgar literature, but this is obvious lgbt propaganda among young people. i hope that i will not let down anna yuryevna popova, the head of rospotrebnadzor, with whom i had a conversation, she told me that we can’t do anything, there’s a badge there, 18 plus, that’s it, and this is no longer propaganda among young people, laws there are none that can help finally stop this. listen, i, i’m not for draconian rules, i’m not for, i’m not talking about that, i just want to understand how you can exist in this absolutely obvious contradiction, with on the one hand, on the other hand, but how? and this is not an isolated case, for example, the writer mikhail zyggor, he was announced as an agent,
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not only are his books selling, they also soared in price five times after. how he successfully married like that and reported about it. he married a former altar boy at sretensky monastery, whom the parishioners loved very much and affectionately called vanechka. and with her new husband they even exchanged bracelets with the symbol of the neo-nazi azov, the proceeds from the sale go to the ssu, but is that normal? still in the top of boris's books akunin, dmitry bykov, dmitry glukhovsky, these people are declared foreign agents, but nevertheless, they bring them profit, although about our country, they think and say this. boris akunev. it will be difficult for all of us, because the name russia and the word russian are now defamed, and this will be for a long time. you and i have to live with this, we need to do something about it. but
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what dmitry glukhovsky says is that azovstal is resisting like a brez fortress. just think about it, nazis impaled with swastikas, killing civilians, children, entrenched in azov steel, are equated glukhovsky to the defenders of the brest fortress, that is, those who forever became heroes, the first to accept the horrors of the great patriotic war. and here is what dmitry beikov says: russia is a waste country with a hopeless population. most of the russian population is not capable of anything.


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