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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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dmitry glukhovsky, these people have been declared foreign agents, but nevertheless, they bring them profit, although they think and say this about our country. boris akunev: it will be difficult for all of us, because the name of russia and the russians are now defamed, and this will last for a long time, you and i have to live with this, we need to do something about it. and here’s what dmitry glukhovsky says: azovstal is resisting like hell...
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think about doing it, if you only dare to play these plays in your theaters, then the author’s plays, which you will have to pay me, i will translate either to the armed forces of ukraine or to kolinovsky’s battalion, you know, in this situation , mr. varupaev inspires respect in me, he at least honestly admits that if these plays are shown and he receives the author’s plays, then he will transfer this money to the ukrainian army, which will purchase with this money for.. .to kill our soldiers , explain to me how it all comes together, well, as i understand it, now they will blame me, how can this be, after all, the president himself spoke about cancel culture, about the impossibility of this, let us remember his words, even in the midst of the cold war, at the peak of confrontation systems, ideology and military rivalry , it never even occurred to anyone to deny their very existence.
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we care somehow or not, or we will exist in the paradigm of all flowers to bloom. we must understand that it is in such situations that people are extremely sensitive to any word spoken, especially said by those people who are vested with a certain amount of power. 80% of the population supports the president, the president himself says this. in the modern world... it is unlikely
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that you will be able to sit out, the sowing wind, as they say, will reap a storm, an ambiguous, unclear attitude towards the subject is precisely what the wind sows, which then turns into a storm, and if we formally approach this issue, then what dmit sergeevich said comes into direct contradiction with what the ministry declares culture, i read. those cultural figures who left the country in this difficult time, abandoned russia, who publicly spoke out against its rich culture, are absolutely logical, one after another, leaving our institutions and their posters. the ministry of culture of russia receives a large the number of requests from citizens who are outraged by the presence of such figures in information and advertising materials of government institutions. this request comes primarily from society, and we do not...
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“i, like many others, want clarity, the kind that a wonderful writer wants, and the poet, alexander prakhanov, in his essay, will also read a fragment. the russian elite was created by the west, conquered the country after 1991, on the product of the west, like coca-cola, jeans or broadway musicals, this elite fabricated by the west, destroyed russian industry. leading defense industries, this elite took away from the people many technologies, skills, abilities, this elite excommunicated the people from the age-old russian work, plunging them into continuous, base entertainment and dull
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consumption. this elite received the label of direction in the west, and rules russia, as it was ruled during the ig. in the hour of mortal war, such an elite is fighting on the side of the west. it is leading russia not to victory, but to defeat. this soft suede force dampens the energy of russian resistance, political cultural initiatives are drowned in it, striving for victory. in these words , alexander prokhanov is surprisingly precise and passionate. but as always. and indeed, one part of the so-called elite has subsided.
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the village is dying, compare, for example, factories were sold, agriculture collapsed, a tractor plant during the ussr and after,
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the goal was achieved, new formations began to emerge from the ruins of soviet civilization, one of them was called rusnano, it... was organized in 2007, a little information about the budget of rusnano, the total amount of state support for rusnano over 15 years has exceeded 405 billion rubles, of which 132.3 billion rubles were direct financing, another 20 billion rubles were allocated to a subsidiary fund for infrastructure educational programs, and 252 billion rubles. they provided state guarantees, but how was this organization useful, what did it do during this time? and today i want to pay a special word of gratitude to our partners, to the thundersky company, the company’s management welcomes you here, i would like to thank you for the work you
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have done together. today we realized that this technological product is a computer without silicon may have applications. in the field of education, and what we have prepared now is, in fact, there is a computer that is used to teach schoolchildren, today a complete set of textbooks in all disciplines for the sixth grade has been uploaded to it, yeah, and, but this is not just a set of textbooks, they are adapted for computers with hyperlinks, as expected, and with the support of the ministry of education, starting september 1, we will be testing a thousand of these samples in several regions. countries, i personally will never say anything more about the fate of these tablets i heard that the battery manufacturing plant started operating at a loss within a year and soon simply went bankrupt. how did the glorious existence of this mysterious organization rusnano end, and it ended with
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losses of about 100 billion rubles being revealed. mr. chubai fled, the ministry of finance allocated 9 billion rubles to cover it. debts of the organization, but it’s kind of about money, but if it’s not about money, you know, there’s a russian saying, you can’t wash a black dog white, why am i? i have great respect for margarita simonen, she is a talented, intelligent, perspicacious person, but still i have a question: look, here is mr. anton krasovsky, at some point he becomes one of the leaders of the state channel rt, nothing personal here, just a fact, in his programs , videos, interviews, so to speak, he is not distinguished by great correctness, he is sharp, he is definite, he is bright and so on.
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this is not your method, that’s why you are intelligent people, science fiction writers, and this is our method, i said directly that so to speak, and the muscovites occupied, you immediately throw it out in a river with a violent, stormy current, and every hut there is called a smoryakov’s hut, a smoryakov’s hut, they’re going to directly burn this smoryakov’s hut, after which, as you yourself understand, a huge scandal breaks out. by and large , it is impossible to come up with a greater gift to ukrainian propaganda,
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konstantin krosovsky is temporarily suspended from work, and he, in turn, apologizes, repents, so i won’t talk about the context of the statement, about the circumstances, this is all completely unimportant. i'm a fool, i didn't just cross the line. i didn't intentionally erase them the boundaries between right and wrong, between pure evil and retribution between us and them , the tear of every baby is my pain, my nightmare, i don’t wish death on anyone, i don’t ask you to forgive me, i ask you to understand me, to understand a fool. well, as a result , margarita simonovna, so to speak, calls for
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mercy. in our culture, in russian culture, in orthodox culture, there are other things that are obligatory for us. we are not recommended, we are required to forgive the repentant. anton has asked for forgiveness many times already and made a recording. i called myself a fool and an idiot and tried to explain why he said this, in general, this is fair when a person calls for mercy, for forgiveness, especially since the person repented, asked for forgiveness, i can understand this, but i have another question, and why didn’t mr. krasovsky repent and ask for forgiveness after what he said earlier, listen: the russian soviet union, they said that the whole world
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of the empire, which has been gone for a long time, is afraid of our enormity, in fact it is we who have become stupid from our enormity and we still can’t admit your own insignificance. do you know that in terms of population, we are 10 times smaller than china, despite the fact that we live in an area three times larger than china and generally three times larger than any other country that is in the second or third and fourth places. and i will carry this guilt with me, it will be in my
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dreams and sorrows for the rest of my life. with such modest repentance from this simple man. i want to write down this appeal to the residents of donbass, to everyone who endures the bacchanalia that is happening today, with back in 2014. please forgive me, i am not some unknown person, not a tv presenter, singer, dancer, not a showman, i am an ordinary person from zaporozhye. please forgive me for the fact that i did not understand you, i was able to understand only now. excuse me. margarita simyonovna suggests approaching the question of krasovsky from an orthodox point of view. i understand, but orthodox ethics, after all , includes quite complex, multifaceted, fundamental
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worldview things. but if you continue to think about the orthodox, these, these mr. krosowska's words. would have pleased the rijksfier sss, heinrich himler, who in 1944 said this: my own experience and knowledge of recent times have led me to the considerations and intentions with which i want to introduce you. how do we want to dominate russia and measure it if we again conquer large territories of russian soil?
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people there must have a religion or worldview and support it. and it would be wrong to revive the orthodox church again, since it has always been an organization of national unity. we need support every religious form and sect that will be a pacifist. don’t you think that the words spoken by the reich fuehrer ss, heinrich himbler in 1944, about the sect, about pacifism fit perfectly. into what the civilized world wants from us, and this demand is not only for us, it is a demand for everyone else, a demand for the destruction of any religious ethics, any confession, if it implies god at all, it doesn’t matter jesus christ or muhammad or buddha and so on, no, any, all these religious canons, they
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are erased even by the holiday of halloween, where it is glorified. stupidity , murder, death, satanism, where what is glorified is that which is, in principle, alien to any normal human feeling, regardless of religious affiliation, and people pay for this temptation; just recently, more than 150 people in seoul are dying, just dying out of the blue place, but not only that, even when we see the dead there, those who remained alive continue to celebrate, dance,
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remember, we said the opening of the gatar tunnel or the opening of this year's commonwealth games in birmingham, england, or a children's party in the united states, or the ritual of unbaptism in the united states in front of representatives of the church of satan. are you denying your baptism? yes, you reject any claims to your personality and your self.
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orthodoxy must return to its cradle in kievan rus. now you are already on the lookout for death. and we will help everyone, we will defeat everyone. slavayan, death. glory to the nation. death to muscovites. i will ride the dough. and if we know all this, why are we in our schools, here? in russia we celebrate this holiday of death? if we know all this, why then does sbermegamarket announce discounts specifically on halloween for monetary benefits, attracting people to this satanic holiday.
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and that we are at war with ukraine or is this a struggle of the world community for civilization, for justice, democracy, for the opportunity for all flowers to bloom, no, friends, we are dealing with a global fight against god. a sect that fulfills the behests of the nazis, using their methods, which is why i am sure that today, precisely today, all religious people, those who profess traditional religions must forget that if there is disagreement, we must unite, and not for each of our gods separately, we must fight, but for our common belief in the divine origin of man in general, regardless of his nationality.
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well, in conclusion, in order to somehow, perhaps, try to smooth out the sad or gloomy thoughts surrounding our program, i want to let you listen to one song, listen. i would like the wind to hear news in those fields from the outermost fields and birch trees into a twig, and in the early sunsets i would like dear bright yes towards. miracles of kindness, eternal miracles, and
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people, courts, the memory of years, i leaf through, you are russia, my destiny, where is the sweat of donetsk... blood, where is the will of lugansk again, among explosions, bullets of names, we are the people forever one, we are one, family forever, our everything, it’s you and me, the light. in the bright distances, we searched for a long time, preserving our memory, eternal true,
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rethought, motherland mat earth, to every warrior, we echo the courage, you come back. rakuna, faithful road with brothers, with the gods, we open the door home, our destinies are connected, all the words are told, over the great homeland. peace for many years, for the happiness of the warriors,
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who have become tailored, i wish in our will that the birch trees be light, bright. with medals, we have been looking for a long time, we preserve our memory, eternal truths, rethought, homeland, mother, earth, to every warrior, we echo with courage, you come back, back. on the right path, with our brothers and with god , we open the door to home.
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now answer yourself a simple question: could such a song be played during the halloween holidays? well, that’s all for today, because our swordman, the crooked hand, came and said, as always, we’ll leave one by one, if anything happens, we, that's right, geologists, i'm waiting for you at... until the next meeting.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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we will tell you all the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient, how to vote on a trip, 1 2 3 4 5 we are going to the village to relax, but our grandfather thinks that the vacation can wait, because he wants to days to vote, but his mother told him. the whole family is going to the village, animals, adults and children, to relax in nature and choose mobile, choose in the country, freely, important, honestly convenient.
12:00 pm
as a result of the morning strike by ukrainian armed forces militants in the shebekinsky district of the belgorod region , one civilian was killed. in belgorod , the central areas that were at the epicenter of the ukrainian attack are now being restored. according to the governor, from january 2 they will begin installing windows and repairing facades. there are already agreements with the builders. as for the documents that were


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