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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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because it’s not he who lives with her, but she lives with him , and he agrees, well, okay, but this is, so to speak, madness on an everyday level, but the horror is that it’s gradual, this is getting into a trend, it’s starting to touch more serious things, for example, religion, for example, in australia, the steps to the temple are painted in lgbt colors, and this...
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someone agrees with him, well, okay, well, that’s it , well, what could it be the crowning glory of all this hassle, this shenanigans, this stinking, self-satisfied stupidity, what? well, of course, book burning, that is the destruction of at least some kind of normality that is stored in these books in order to completely free ourselves. from reason on may
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10, 1933, the world witnessed how books were burned in munich, nazi germany, in 2022, ukrainian volunteers burned russian literature, 11 million books in russian, burned tolstoy, chekhov, bunin, pushkin, lermunt, burned everything. what to this day is a storehouse of wisdom, humanity, philosophical thinking, explanations of the laws of life, answers to all questions, life, death, they burned all that, what makes a person a person, and 189 years ago, in 1834, the great german writer heinrich hein said, where...
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theater director, josephel gos, here he is giving an interview, someone attributed to me a phrase about those burned in odessa the house of people's trade unions, which no one can confirm with a reference, this is an absolute lie, absolute, and about the sky becoming clearer - this is complete nonsense. i have never been any kind of oppositionist, i love my homeland very much, i was brought up in russian culture and devoted my whole life to the development of russian theatrical culture. how are we we see, he... i can’t say that he
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said this, but i can’t help but believe the actress tatyana vasilyeva, why would she tell a lie, but she says this. i probably wouldn’t have gotten into this if he hadn’t said that they would still bring you your children in coffins. and i will be happy, oh well, he said that, yes, probably, here we can say that she was confused, this is not true, i will also insist on nothing, well, here are the facts that make it possible to doubt everything that mr. rachel says gaus, this is what he says about the participation of the rada deputy goncharenko in the events of the second... may in
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odessa, all the stories and tales and ideas about odessa, including the entire now formed story about the trade union house. a lie, an absolute lie, we came up with the idea that a certain goncharenko would photograph someone, bullshit, that’s a lie, here’s a document, here ’s alexey goncharenko inside the burnt trade union building, taking a photo with the bodies of the dead in the background, here he is reporting from the scene of events in odessa, this is the entrance to the building of the regional committee of trade unions of the odessa region, now i’m translating with a camera. it's the remains that are burning separatist camps, i don’t know if you saw them near the waders, on the waders field, you know, many justify the departure of their colleagues by saying that they are leaving because of a special operation, that they are tormented by the fact that
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people are dying, that they are against war, they are pacifists , that we are aggressors, they cannot come to terms with this, precisely... this justifies their actions, but i do not agree with this, they never loved those who loved them, they never related to where they lived , as if you were a relative, as if you were one of our own, and the most striking confirmation of this, in my opinion, is this fragments of an interview with actress chalpankhamatova, which she gave to the writer, journalist, mikhail zygor, listen, putin is standing there. who smiles and just looks down, he just quickly scanned what i’m wearing, i think, and in general, just listen, what’s the difference,
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i think, but at that moment it ’s like, you know, like this is genetic memory, aka grandmothers and grandfathers who passed through stalin’s time. somehow it still runs like lightning along the spine and to this day since then, these photographs mean: me and lenin, her and putin, you want to somehow overcome all these people, who and somehow convince or destroy those people who would give you a gun, yes you want. but this would be too easy a death, i remind you that chelpan khamatova is a people’s artist of the russian federation, she is a twice laureate of the state prize, she is a laureate of the nika award, the golden eagle award, the tefi award,
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the crystal turandot award, the golden mask, and is also the founder of a charitable foundation give life, moreover, she accepted. participation in a video in support of putin when he was running for president. vladimir putin has never remained indifferent to all the requests of the foundation to give the lives of the doctors whom the foundation supports. all promises made by vladimir putin to the gift of life foundation have always been fulfilled. therefore i will vote for him. from this interview, i personally can draw a conclusion. that she lived with such hatred all her life, and as soon as the opportunity arose, she splashed it out and choked on it, but there is no need to blame the artists, the creators, among us, for everything.
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for example, there are deputies who use artistic images in order to express their attitude to this or that, for example, a member of the communist party of the russian federation
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in those years when the reforms of our education began, everything comes from there, back in 1826 alexander sergeevich pushkin , answering the question:
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if you shoot at the left target, then this machine gun will throw out a metal ruble, which you will take for yourself and spend it as you want. if you hit the right target, then this counter will throw a ruble here, and this money will go to general cool things. i'll leave now and the bell will ring, after the bell it will light up.
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class finds itself in a conflict situation, his guys, his class, his comrades, supposedly everyone is shooting at the left target, these are 16-17 guys who have made the line, supposedly they are shooting for their own benefit, i ’ll leave now and after the signal you will work, okay, yeah.
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i would like to congratulate you, despite our experimental tricks, your class survived. tests, most of the guys turned out to be collectivists, so
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we can probably be happy for the younger teenagers, because in the conditions when they are given make a special installation against the team, 80% pass the tests and step over our installation, i can’t say, well, of course, this is out of fear, this is the soviet system, fear of being punished and so on and so on, no, this is not true, because he sees that everyone did this, he completely calmly dissolves into the masses who made such a decision, but he makes it absolutely the opposite, and the majority did so, how to explain this, that is , he acts contrary to the majority, he prefers to remain in the minority.
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my beloved subscribers, this is all for you who subscribe. those who i subscribe to will receive my car, or money, they are brought up that way, we talked about this, remember ivan didenko, in our society for 30 years, since the nineties, the ideology of the superiority of the personal over the collective has been implanted. for 30 years
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, heroes have been created in our cultural space, films have been shown, and nurtured in every possible way. this was written in the summer of 1941, listen, yesterday i bought two literature for the ninth grade, seeing how extensive program, i decided to start reading right away, i started with turgeniev, fortunately i have him, now i’m reading rudin, here are extracts from there, there is
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nothing more painful than the consciousness of the stupidity i’ve just done. after all, this is also a kind of calculation, a person has put on himself a mask of indifference and laziness, and maybe someone will think, look at the man, how many talents he has ruined in himself , take a closer look and there are no talents in him, deny everything, and you can easily to be known as a smart girl, and now let's move on from 1941. in 1896, this is what he writes in his diary schoolgirl olga dolgova, i am writing this diary not so that anyone will read it, but so that when i grow up, i can know what a fourteen-year-old
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out-of-the-ordinary girl thinks and does, and then find out ... how true it is i then judged similar subjects, such as, for example, the character of some people, good and evil, mutual relationships, and so on. now they will tell me, well , do you remember the smolny institute, tsarskoe selo, no, listen to how the children who first came to mcdonald’s in the nineties talk, listen, it’s amazing here this is all the purity and beauty. people are good sellers, they don’t swear , they don’t shout, thank you, please, everyone is so kind , smiling, it’s nice to just walk, not even to buy, but just nice to look at, before, when i was little, i thought that they’re all like that, i just think that i’m launching nuclear missiles, actually no, they’re not that warlike and on the contrary, they did a good job that they opened
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here in the soviet union, here’s a restaurant, i’m talking now not that even they they say, look at how they speak, and now compare with what and how they say today, listen, but i think that the people who somehow left some kind of creative mark on history, they did not, they did not aim specifically at they did something to leave a mark, somehow they managed to leave a mark, that is, i think everyone has a chance to leave this mark
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. let me remind you, here is the education program 2030, here is the section, the death of formats, for this the plan must die. by 2025, a diploma of completion of an educational institution, that is mr. gref's dream of destroying
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exams is coming true, one of my personal goals is to kill exams. the system of scientific journals and citation standards, the author's textbook, will have to die by 2035, secondary school, research university, text, book, article, as the dominant form of knowledge communication. a book, that is, a gigantic, centuries-old culture, book publishing, culture, books. i'm not even talking now. about holding a volume of pushkin or tolsky in your hands is not about that now, in general in itself the culture of reading a book, everything depends on the screen
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and the mouse, de-medication, de-life, de-life of the word, the printed word, who is behind this program, big business, entertainment of medicine. children's products, progressive universities, ngos, reformers, conscious parents, regulators, education as an instrument of foreign policy, who is for, who is against, organized religions, regulators, domestic politics, the academic elite, the teaching corps, parents, conservatives.
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you can be self-sufficient for yourself if you you don’t have this experience, and this is exactly the same separation, the same loneliness
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that you get used to at the computer, i’m not against the computer, i’m against it not becoming a killer for people who, as a result, will be deprived of immunity in communicating with... facing any problem, find yourself alone, one on one, because they have no experience, communication, understanding, education, and so on. in february of the twenty-third year, a monument to the wonderful teacher and educator, konstantin ushinsky, was unveiled in connection with his bicentenary. that's what he said back then ushinsky. listen, it seems to me that russia is prosperous. therefore, the happiness of its monarch does not lie in imitation of western transformations, in the independent development of the state, people
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's organism, arising from the consciousness of the real needs of the people, and not from a childish desire to keep up with the west, amazing words were spoken more than 100 years ago, today. and it is absolutely not necessary to chase foreign models, because they can be no matter how brilliant in their own area, but on our soil they do not always give us what we need
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shoots, now... i want to understand, we are opening a monument to the wonderful, great teacher and educator ushinsky, because it is the 200th anniversary of his birth, or because we believe we hear his words and believe in the justice of these words. why do i have such doubts, they cannot help but arise. listen to what the public lawyer says. and i would like to note that the national security strategy already says that , quote, the implementation of reforms in the field of education without taking into account the historical traditions undermines the foundations of statehood, namely this is how we should evaluate the reforms related to the digital transformation of all levels of school , imposed on us by international structures ; through the digitalization system , the consciousness
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of our children is directly reformatted, these are the issues with... these are very interesting questions, now i would like to devote a couple of minutes to just these very conversations about the important, which raises more and more questions in terms of purpose. firstly, we believe that this is a fundamentally incorrect format, why? because you can’t teach children to love their homeland in an hour, it’s necessary to inculcate subject teaching, namely teaching moral values ​​and love for the homeland, must be formed through the russian language, literature, through history, even math assignments can be formulated in such a way that the child and the homeland. will love, well, the second point is that we have already seen the repeated inclusion of destructive information in these lessons, in november there was a lesson we are different, we are together, many places in russia, which means it was timed to coincide with the day of tolerance, we saw that this was expressed in coloring lgbt flags and the like, look at what unesco is promoting, if we focus on their very tolerance, they have just prepared, together with the who, standards for sex education in europe, of an absolutely pedophilic nature,
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which invite children from the age of 4 to learn: about relationships between representatives of the same sex, about different concepts of family? 2023 has been declared the year of the teacher-mentor, so i want to understand how truly protected a teacher is today, how much in reality, and not formally, and this profession is respected by students of the state and local authorities. we talked about this too, remember, you know what a soviet teacher is, kids, if you don’t understand the second time, stay after lessons, they gathered us for a meeting and told us to forbid additional assignments for the teachers, the teachers broke it as much as possible, to him with one the parties gave a small salary, and also programs that do not provide opportunities for the teacher himself.
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salary is 117, then bish, count 120, a teacher in a village should be a highly respected citizen, this is important, a russian teacher is like some kind of cementing value, yes, radically, yes, unexpectedly, but it seems to me that it makes sense to think about it, i want to be understood correctly, i understand that a lot is being done, and i also understand that you can’t change the system that has been developing for decades with a snap of your fingers , i also understand that a huge number of teachers who teach children today, they have already studied from sorus textbooks, it is difficult for them to change their minds, i understand all this, i feel all this, i understand the meaning of this introduced lesson, conversation about the important, but then at the same time, turning again to the words of pushkin, education reform is more important:


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