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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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there was five times more energy from me , this is a complexly staged film, the audience leaves the premiere feeling rested , the emotions are certainly overwhelming, in fact, but i have no words, the main goal of this movie is to create the mood before the new year, a little so to speak , to take a break from some kind of thoughts, which of course are enough in real life, i really liked the film, we even wipe away a few tears, there is nothing better in the world, a ray of golden sunshine, oh my poor! troubadour, we are robbers and other immortal hits of gennady glodkov and yuri entin is heard from the screen again, but this time from the big screen in cinemas. director alexey nuzhny prepared a real gift for the youngest and the oldest, bringing to life in films characters who are impossible to forget or stop loving. new bremen expands the universe of the legendary twenty-minute cartoon, while remaining a film about love, friendship and, of course, about the music that brings people. laughter and joy. the bremen town musicians
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is an important film in a cultural context, because the bremen town town musicians connect six generations. the distance between a twelve-year-old boy and a six-nine-year-old grandmother is gigantic, simply gigantic, it will grow. and the bremen town musicians are the material when we unite all people, of all ages, with song. the new bremenskies provide an opportunity for viewers. look into the soul of each character, understand him, be it a troubodour or even a king, he is still such a paranoid father, that’s because he still replaces her mother, accordingly , he worries about both of them, that is, for his mother dad, this is his mother’s papacy, that’s why he’s afraid of everything, he doesn’t just blow away specks of dust, he protects her as best he can, thereby, of course, harming her.
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alexei nazhny's tour is constantly faced with a choice, that is, if the cartoon troubador is initially noble, everything is wonderful for him, that is, here the hero's line is of course expanded a little, he fights first of all with himself, with his childhood memories, he is constantly faced with a choice, very often makes mistakes, but as a result, it seems to me, he comes to the right decision, the first viewers, of course, did not just watch, as they had seen in childhood. thank you very much to the film crew, a great film, yes, emotions, a million, of course, the bremen town musicians and holob 2 in all cinemas in the country from january 1, ivan kudryavtsev, vera alyonushkina, vitaly poretsky , inna zolataryova and olesya shempel. news. today is 40 days since the death of our colleague boris maksudov. on november 22, he filmed a report in the zaporozhye region about shelling of civilians. residents by the ukrainian
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military himself became their target, although the operator attack drone clearly saw that it was aiming at the unarmed, in memory of our correspondent, special report by daria goneeva. being where it is most important for the country to be now, he asked to be presented on air as a special correspondent, he believed that in war the main people are, and it doesn’t matter what they call you, it’s important to show people.
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presented by a war correspondent of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company, this is also his award to our bori. he gave his life to his calling. 40 days have passed and we remember. they say when loved ones leave people, then usually more. you mourn yourself
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for having lost this friend, comrade, and it seems to me that this is true, i have lost a good friend, comrade. with whom there were so many plans for old age, it seemed that projects, business trips, trips would finally end, and you could talk enough, seemingly endless fields around, of course, you want to quickly get to some kind of shelter and it’s already quite cold in zaporozhye, sub-zero temperature, therefore... there are also adjustments to the battle tactics now, the last one is stand-up comedy, somewhere on the front line of part-time work in zaporozhye region, the last one he managed to submit to the editor. on november 22, boris maksudov filmed a report about the shelling of civilians by the ukrainian armed forces. i interviewed
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russian military men in the dugout, who also did not dream of being in a combat zone, i saw in them ordinary people who love their fatherland, be it a cook or a school director from a small dagestan... village borya never edited this report i had time, i, too, am a journalist, i was also in hot spots at one time, and i was there in new territories, that’s what bori did, it’s very easy there, when you see when peaceful people die, it’s very easy to accept this hatred of yourself and bring it into your reports, uh, but i watched borya’s reports, this is good excellent journalism, exactly where a person belongs there, at least , i didn’t see it, this is journalism with a capital j, he did not do propaganda, but reports, real reports that anyone can watch, and it’s just the truth. drop from a drone, explosion, the first report of a seemingly non-fatal injury was given hopefully, the doctors performed a complex operation in the field, fought for the life of our
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colleague for several hours, but could not save him. on the morning of november 23, boris maksudov passed away. another magazine. with my andryusha, now borenko, i ’ll look after everyone just like a mother. he could listen to rock, chanson, papal classics, and with equal empathy make warm, humane reports about oil production, academic music or life in the arctic circle. everyone
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knows well from the soviet hit that this north is in vain called the extreme, but one thing it's quite another thing to hear it, to feel it yourself. we're beyond the arctic circle, let's go. just imagine, there are 86 people in this orchestra, which means 86 musical instruments, the mistake of one is a failure for everyone, this despite the fact that one half of the orchestra does not speak the language of the other half, they have never performed together before. boris maksudov went to the combat zone from the very beginning of the special military operation, and the fact that he ended up there for all his loved ones and people who knew him, it was rather some kind of, well... or something, well disharmony, fighting, war , as he liked, it seems to me that all his life he tried to show everyone that he was a man, that he could,
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that he was capable, and this was to some extent out of all appearances, that was the opportunity to convince himself myself. everyone around him that he is not a coward, that he understands what he is doing, that in any situation he can, bori believed that talking about a war hundreds of kilometers away is cowardice, he broadcast live directly from the spot shelling enjoyed great respect among the fighters, with borey we met in the summer of 2022, directly at one of the sites of shelling by ukrainian militants in the city of donetsk, then... directly covered the circumstances taking place here in donetsk, here we are military researchers of the investigative committee of the russian federation, directly recorded all the facts of criminal actions by the armed forces formation of ukraine. donetsk is still under fire in the petrovsky district, which this
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morning was shelled not just by artillery, but by a ballistic missile that hit the building, one of the vodokanal buildings, in fact, here is the evidence: a fragment, it’s hard to call it a fragment, a ballistic fragment. a rocket that exploded here at 4 am and simply left no stone unturned from the building, which was located on the site of this huge crater, 30 m in diameter, perhaps four human heights. depth, but later, throughout his business trip, including with his group, we directly worked, uh, i can say that we did one thing, one job, we recorded these facts of criminal actions, and borya told people about them directly in his stories, and at the same time he did not consider himself a military officer, he said that he was of little interest and even frightened, quote, all these guns, guns, tanks, planes and other toys for killing, the most valuable thing in war and at the same time , what is devalued are human lives.
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the artillery crew is now preparing for combat work, the geotsin long-range gun is up to 20 km, now the target is away from us, and it really grew and developed and the materials became more interesting, became deeper, and he could pull off completely different formats, he was interested in it. before his fateful business trip, boris moved from news to our special reporting department. wanted to make big documentaries, in the fall he released a half-hour material southern sector , in which he brilliantly revealed the character of the defenders of the homeland, well, in general, it so happened that his last big special report came to me, after editing, when he and i had already corresponded, when the material was ready, asked to blur out some landmarks there, when your face wrote to him here... he said, well, a face is hardly a good guide for guidance, literally 2 weeks later we
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all received bad news, fighting, as many know, he is a man of a deep worldview, so he sees the situation very deeply , the picture that was happening, and his main goal here was... this is exactly where bore studied, he came in
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the fifth grade from the city, to my class, and somewhere, probably, all the teachers of that time probably feel some kind of guilt, well, probably, because what we invested in children, probably not always, probably not always close...
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at the end of october, before that very last business trip, borya went to his homeland, he wanted to show his wife olga armyakova and introduce the city of his childhood to his relatives. borya shot and edited this video himself. he organized a spontaneous meeting of graduates and at the same time went to the tashkent film festival, being essentially on vacation, and filmed three reports about it. ken film festivals are, of course, on the one hand , a slight nostalgia for the past; the soviet legacy is well remembered here, but an attempt
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look at the uzbekistan of the future. this is all he is, hardworking, inquisitive, a person of great empathy. i’ve never seen him out of mood, he was always in some kind of mood, he was always so cheerful, and he always gathered the boys there to play football, for example. and he was always a judge, and he always organized it all, so - i never heard him discuss anyone, he united us all in a telegram and he was always... the first to give us topics to talk about, he was such a motivator ours, he always wanted for live communication, he always wanted us to record videos, we all corresponded there, but he wanted, no, come on, friends, let's write a video, circles, let's do this one, record it, he always
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showed it himself, that's it it’s so easy, but we are not used to the camera, we write, look at borya, we are used to seeing him always on the screen. a strange, as it seemed to me, arrogant young pseudo-intellectual guy, plus for some reason i could not remember his name, due to the consonance of his last name, for some reason i tried to call him maxim, but then we started working closely together, i remembered his name was boris bakhtiyarovich, especially with such a rather atypical middle name, and we developed such a... well, what can be corrected here, because i knew for sure that boris will never lie. in 2011, he reported from the flooded krymsk, where more than a hundred people died, from start to finish, and built olympic facilities in sochi on air. that is, the best stories are always there, borina is the stand, yes, the famous one, behind
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my back, yes, always behind his back excavators were embroidered, built, towered , ships flew there, and then bullets whistled, unfortunately, but always his reports and how much later we followed his entire career, all his stories, and always watched with great pleasure, these are people. as a reporter, tvc was already filming the referendum on the return of crimea to russia, after which he stayed on the peninsula, then moved to our tv channel and moved to moscow. he was the soul of ours. modest or not modest sochi journalistic community, then a person i went higher up to the state television and radio broadcasting company and got a job and i, as a person who worked on federal channels, was wildly pleased and i felt proud that
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here was the person who was walking next to me, knock-knock-knock-knock up the steps and i think... i've reached the pinnacle of any journalist. boris had a rare gift, no matter where he moved, to maintain close relationships with everyone and constantly maintain communication. his friends from the krasnodar region knew that when they came to moscow, they could stop cleaning. when february twenty-two arrived, then many of their projects were scrapped, that is, this is still a completely abnormal situation, and many there are still plunged into some kind of anxious state, like many russians, according to polls, and what did he come up with. he started a group on telegram bori says: add your friends, friends, friends, he just united us, this is probably one of the legacies that he left us, our relationship, when we met, how we remembered him, well, he’s just with us until now, this group in circles, this is bor, he always loved to unite, he always
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saw us something good that we ourselves did not see, this photo of boriya, which now stands in a mourning frame, was taken by cameraman dmitry vlasov during their business trip to yakutia. boris and i went on an amazing expedition to neerngred yakutia. we filmed the forces of siberia project there. that's the first time we met him there. and the man really works for me on them. because firstly, he is clear, he knows what he wants, purposeful, with a sense of humor, savvy in the topic, he has never swam, he was in it, that is, with him the work was simply pure pleasure. that is, you understood that you need to film this , film this , stand-up, let's go, smile, joke, let's move on, the man is a holiday, he was not afraid to seem funny and ridiculous, he always found words of support if he saw a colleague on the screen, right there took a photo, sent it with the same compliment, willingly answered all comments on his blog, he was never shy about asking questions,
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because any answers give you knowledge, expand your horizons, and he was above this, and this also such an iconic quality , he has always been studying for the last five years , he has tried very hard to pass on his knowledge what he has learned, he has tried to teach others, i am a television reporter, a reporter by vocation, a teacher by profession, i graduated from the relevant faculty of sochi state university, he began to teach journalism to others , how to get on television, two words, how did you come? i worked for several years to my detriment and that’s all. he was the author of an intensive course on war reporting. the military correspondent school brought together correspondents different tv channels that operate in donbass.
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and he came from moscow , and worked with the guys, and i saw how he was enjoying himself, there is no such thing that you have to be there for 12 hours
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at the workplace, there is a duty, yes, you can come there plus or minus, you have to be always ready to be called upon, mentoring students, he said that it is important to keep a cool head and treat any news with a grain of salt, you get an assignment, depending on which department it concerns, you either go to a group of cities, either in the international world or in... until the very end, he believed in professional journalism, that it was not dead, that it exists, and it seems to me that the most important thing that he taught them was to question everything , ask a lot of questions, read, think, in essence, this is the same critical thinking, without which a journalist is not a journalist, then, having found answers to questions,
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boris was left with many unrealized plans, filmed materials, never released stories, documentaries. boris's last report will be completed by his wife, our colleague, olga armyakova, and we will definitely show it on our broadcast.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people , we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give a recipe in general, that’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you have completed the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change in any way?
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russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia.
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they struck at exactly midnight on january 1st. on new year's eve, the mtr shelled donetsk. four people were killed and 14 were injured. new shelling in the belgorod region, under shibekin’s fire, one person died. in belgorod itself, the central areas that were at the epicenter of the attack on
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december 30 are being restored. a series of powerful earthquakes in japan, tens of thousands of people were left without electricity, a tsunami threat has been declared along the entire western coast of the country in the russian far east. russia takes up its duties as chairman of brix. what does moscow see as its task for the current year and what changes await the international organization. what to watch in the cinema during these new year holidays, there are two long-awaited premieres at once. in cinemas from january 1, serf-2 bremen town musicians. who needs a third world war, which will write off everything? for what purpose is a ritual image of a hero artificially created in ukraine. this is the release of the author's program nikita mikhalkova besagon tv. watch on our broadcast in just a minute. everything about the elections in russia. we’ll tell
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you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient.


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