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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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on the coast of a country in the russian far east. russia takes up its duties as chairman of brix. what does moscow see as its task for the current year and what changes await the international organization. what to watch in cinemas during these new year holidays, two long-awaited premieres will start in cinemas on january 1. kholop-2 and bremen musicians. who needs the third world war, which will write off everything? for what purpose is a ritual image of a hero artificially created in ukraine? this is the issue of the author's program nikita mikhalkova besagon tv. look in our live in just a minute. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient. what is a newsletter? my sister and i spend the whole day.
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they put out a ballot, wrote down the candidates, didn’t forget mom and dad , very cleverly put in a lot of layers of security , took colored markers, made watermarks , let’s go vote with it, choose mom and dad, but mom said, honey, your ballot is beautiful, only digital counting, your ballot will not pass, because in russia they mark ballots better than money, they are very carefully protected they have the most powerful protection. your cunning will not work, people choose honestly, but dad and i are very glad that we are your candidates, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, dear friends, i welcome you to...
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i cannot but rejoice. now, regarding our release, what would i like to talk about? i would like to talk about war, not modern war. i wanted to talk about the war, in principle, using the example of the patriotic war of 1812. i would like to remind you of an excerpt from our episode, which was shown in 2015 . napoleon, when he was informed about the first fires, did not pay much attention to them.
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saw a raging ocean of fire, the emperor turned pale and silently looked at the fire for a long time, and then said, what a terrible sight, they themselves are setting the fire, what determination, what people, napoleon’s huge army, victorious, greatest, all of europe under its heel , so to speak ... here are the fantastic, legendary victories there, here, with everyone, an absolutely devoted army, beautiful warriors, this protracted pause with empty villages, burned, burning moscow, pstaya, it would seem that everything is yours, but it was not so, this is exactly what is very difficult for a central european person to understand.
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this is the ability to sacrifice, the ability to give in, to give for a while, now, for now, but to preserve that power, internal energy, strength of spirit, which then arises from this flame as a crushing, exterminating force, this is a completely different war, this is a completely different relationship , this is a completely different mentality. and it does not fit in with what seems so understandable, clear and natural for, so to speak, a european person. napoleon says that the army is faced with abandoned villages, empty villages, burned barns with bread, and so on and so forth. and, probably, for some military commander, this is a triumph, this is a victory, this is a sign of the enemy’s cowardice. his
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reluctance or inability to engage in resistance in single combat, probably yes, for many, but not for napoleon. we know how the war of the twelfth year ended, we know how... condemning, discussing, accusing,
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specialists, politicians, political scientists, lamenting what was done wrong, must it was possible to do it this way or another way, or maybe like this, or the other extreme, such violent... critics, homespuns, who disparage the army from head to toe, from soldier to general, accusing it of lack of birth, of mediocrity, of senselessness and so on and so forth. i don’t want to say that everything is perfect, that there were no or no mistakes, not at all. i want to say that a clear mind, fearlessness to face the truth, is exactly that. only this is the basis for a future victory, you know, at one time civilian cadets were contemptuously called shpak or shtafirka, remember the excerpt from our sunstroke, i order you, i order you as
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a colonel, what place are you, colonel, where are your shoulder straps, colonel, where are your shoulder straps, who are you, what kind of colonel are you? and now the sword , the civilian sword, the saratsk shtafirka, these sofa shtafirkas, they, in principle , do not solve anything, but they instill doubts in people, the temptation to assume that something may depend on them at the front, they plunge people into panic, i want to quote you the words of military correspondent vladlen tatarsky: let’s get out let’s come to the bible, repentance is when a person sees a way out and returns to god, with a satanic feeling of guilt, this is when judas goes and hangs himself, then if you really want to hang himself, it’s from satan, i understand that,
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but there is a way out from god , that's all, i want to tell you one story from my personal life, i once returned home, after... a terrible hut council about my picture from my relatives, where they gave me 117 amendments, i was terribly upset by everything and what was happening, and what my colleagues said, and my mother was at home, she was knitting something, i came i began to complain to her very hotly and in detail, passionately, telling her how terrible everything was and how everything was getting worse, my mother listened to me for a long time, then, without raising her head and without taking her eyes off her knitting, she suddenly said, so this means...
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we are looking for the reason and the culprit, when we ask why, we are looking for a way out of the situation, in the first there is little hope, in the second there is all hope, now i want to go back to 1812 to read to you a letter from one enemy to another, this is a letter from emperor napoleon bonaparte, to his enemy, the general field marshal, the prince. mikhail kutuzov. listen. prince kutuzov. i am sending one of my generals to you to negotiate many important matters. i want your lordship to believe what he tells you, especially when he expresses to you
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the feeling of respect and special attention that i have had for you for a long time. having nothing else to say with this letter, i pray to the almighty to keep him. events headquarters, respect for the enemy, for the enemy. i don’t want to compare those people with these, but these comparisons involuntarily arise, they are discouraging. here is a very recent living example. look at the reaction of the permanent representative of ukraine to the un, dmitry kislitsa after the security council and the reaction to the speech of the russian representative von. he shows his middle finger and says: listening to a russian colleague is one of the most terrible duties, listen, this is
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a top-level international diplomat, how many of the 193 countries that are members of the un do you think have condemned this phenomenon, or at least somehow- then they assessed him, publicly, no one, the deputy general representative, vasily, said that... barh someone expressed bewilderment about the action of the representative of ukraine, listen, the thought arises , maybe the world community really already treats ukraine like a dead person, that is, either good or nothing, but how can this be assessed differently, they have simply erased all the boundaries of decency, not only respect for each other has been lost, respect has simply been lost for... human life, for example, the life of a ukrainian,
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in principle, its value has been reduced to zero, i will try to prove this, you understand, for the ukrainian authorities, the life of a ukrainian soldier for a simple resident, it has no meaning, the loss of a person is not grief, not a tragedy, no, it’s like a ritual, look at these shots, this is a cemetery in ukraine, it’s not just... grief for a murdered compatriot, look, pathos, flags of nazi organizations, a huge number of flowers, but there is no feeling that we are dealing with some completely new phenomenon for christian legal consciousness, that this is not honoring the dead, glorifying the cult of death, listen to what our very respected journalist thinks about this andrey medvedev. here what is he writing? western technologists have created a cult of a dead hero for the whole of ukraine. the death
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of ukrainians is a prerequisite for the life of a great, beautiful and divine ukraine. cult involves sacrifice in the name of an idol. in the ukrainian version, the idol is the nation ukraine itself. therefore, the loss in the ssu, many people in ukraine subconsciously accept them as a sacrifice for the sake of an idol. hence the decoration of cemeteries as pagan temples, hence the torture, the killing of prisoners, this is the sacrifice to an idol, hence the mockery of the dead, and the joy of killing children, this is some kind of physiological pleasure from the death of another person, and it doesn’t matter, someone else’s or one’s own, from here comes the opportunity to shoot unarmed, prisoners, who have only surrendered... into captivity, in the same way calmly shoot civilians, only on suspicion of , that they
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sympathized with the russians, the pleasure of torturing an unarmed person, an orc in the original packaging, alive, bitch, alive, close it, this is an opportunity to shoot your own to intimidate others, to finish off your own wounded in order to... not to give them the opportunity to surrender, the opportunity to leave the dead on the battlefield, without even committing them to the ground. we are burying ukrainian military personnel who were taken from the front line, negotiations took place with the ukrainian regime, the negotiations did not result in anything, the ukrainian side refused to take them, so we are burying them on our own in the city cemetery. no, but most importantly, behind this there is no feeling of sin, no shame, no.
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to commit suicide, this terrible sin, suicide, is also mixed in, because it is not knows what he’s doing, they saw a ukrainian soldier near an armored personnel carrier, they started shooting at him, he didn’t even feel it. it’s a free show , the so-called bass, a combat anesthetic, that’s what they use and many times our fighters, in particular, i came across the fact that they run with crazy words, crazy eyes, even at tanks with machine guns, just, yes, we have drugs there they got along, but why did the bulls smoke grass, did the bulls snort the bachi, then the drug
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of tethys, volunteers supplied it to him, where they are encouraged to strive for him, good welcome to hell, how can you explain , say, the menu in a ukrainian cafe, with such dishes, dead russians, high spirits, tears of russian mothers, tell me, this makes us feel hatred, no,
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anything, surprise, amazement, desire... leading the marine corps into battle, these are just fantasies, the point is that russia initially did not want any of this, that’s why they are conducting a military special operation, do you really think that the russian general staff needs all
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this, which i i’m telling you now, no, but why, because this is the russian general staff. they don’t want to bomb ukraine, they went to the same schools together with ukrainian officers, they were friends since childhood, they went to the same military academies, they served together for the first years, even when ukraine split, they called each other in the evenings, told each other army history, friends, they will go to war against each other, it is not so simple, many americans do not understand this, the decisions that are being made now could only be made now, why because?
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i personally regard the ukrainians in general as non-humans, that is, to abandon the memory of their ancestors, their language, most of them do not speak ukrainian, who is fighting against us, to take gay parades to the streets, to deliberately consider themselves third-class people, in comparison with the poles with someone, for this to massively kill people who share the same faith, language, and all that with you, for me these are not people, but they have an ideology, a fascist ideology. the ideology is anti-russian, anti-human, the ideology is moronic, that they dug up the black sea, but there is an ideology and it works, you see , man is a gregarious creature, even in ancient times why there was a banner, so that all warriors would roughly understand where to push, it is important to show a person where to break, they showed where to break, kill the russians, for they will take you to europe, and even such
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a moronic goal works, but we don’t have a goal, we started the war in ukraine under what slogan? denazification, demilitarization, you cannot fight with the goal of taking away weapons from the enemy, but you will take away his machine gun, he he’ll go, the second one will take it if he wants, the third one, europe will help him, bring him, that is, it’s absurd, which means it turns out that we have a lack of ideology, i want to tell you, now it’s just ironclad, without a clear ideology that would unite , if not all, then the overwhelming majority of healthy forces and... the fact that there will always be a moment when you realize that a dead man does not need money, many may not understand the obvious, the war that is going on now is a war for the very existence
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of russia. i want to focus on motivation, she maybe from different things, from fear , from love, from hatred, but without it it is impossible, it is very naive to assume that the real motivation for a russian soldier can... be money, like for a mercenary, no, there must be something more, but what? the most important motivation for a person at the front is the awareness that behind his back the country, the people, think the same as he does, know what he is fighting for with all their might, they help him, i understand that history does not tolerate the subjunctive mood, that it would be if . but involuntarily we return in memory to to what was happening, listen to what on november 20, 2013, a month before the euromaidan,
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a member of the ukrainian rada, oleg tsarev, speaks from the rostrum of this very rada: on the territory of our state with the support and with the direct participation of the embassy of the united states of america.
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none of this would have happened, nothing, damn you poroshenko, your children are down to their knees, damn you poroshenko, mom mapal, but what happened, and this is what happened, we just stepped on the same ones again.
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this evening official kyiv announced that does not intend to implement the minsk agreements and conduct direct negotiations with donbass. this happened just 20 hours after the joint press conference of macron and zelensky, at which it was stated that now ukraine will definitely begin to implement the agreements on which the solution to the issue of war and peace literally depends. and then the truth. russian pranksters, lexus and vavan, which i think should get. promotion in the foreign intelligence service for completing the most difficult tasks, and with such brilliance, one with a click they simply split this pompous turkey petro poroshenko, president of ukraine from 2014 to 2019, speaking to him on behalf of the former ambassador of the united states to the russian federation, michael mcfaul.
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look, first, us and eu special operations poured about $19 billion into ukraine, excluding arms supplies. according to the latest information, nato countries have supplied more than $40 billion worth of weapons to ukraine, which exceeds defense spending.
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such a country as france, the ministers of the armed forces of nato countries are already saying that they do not have enough funds for their own weapons, the republicans demand to find out where these weapons are going. i call for an audit of every penalty that was sent to ukraine, including aid, money and any other funds that were provided to the ukrainian government to protect its national security. this must be done as soon as possible for the american people. they deserve transparency and they deserve to know where their money is going. but really, where do the funds go? aimed at ukraine, where do they go after these weapons are sold on the darknet? all this equipment passes through the border, and then as if something happens, only maybe 30% reaches its destination. look, ukrainian oligarchs are buying
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real estate in switzerland with... money, he wants the proceeds to continue, yes, president zelensky is the real queen of american beggars, and if you want to know where all this money is going, then i spent a couple of weeks in europe, so people say, that ukrainian officials are buying real estate in switzerland, here ’s how to hide it all, well, here’s how to do it in such a way as to write off all sins, debts and so on, it’s very simple, for this you need a third world war, how to achieve it, but you need...
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maybe be a russian rocket, it changes something, it doesn’t change anything, it didn’t work out and it’s not necessary, another time, but the fact that the world was one step away from the start of the third world war, it doesn’t seem to matter, you know, it’s a matter is that i have the feeling that before our eyes a worldwide, universal scale is taking place block 95, listen, i promise... next year we will return crimea, i of course have little faith in this, well, as president, i am obliged to instill confidence in you, faith in the future, blah blah blah all sorts of strangers, but what isn't this block 95? we will definitely liberate crimea, we will return this part of our country not only to the all-ukrainian space, but to
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the all-european one. and everyone.


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