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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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treatment ends with passing military medical commissions, actually two, one of which determines fitness for military service, the second - the severity of the wound, injury, injury. eh, in essence, this is a commission review of medical documents indicating the degree of severity or suitability for military service. and today, if you look at the list of those guys with whom...
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the composition of the military medical commissions, there are three of them, these are of a therapeutic profile, a surgical profile, a psycho-non-merological profile. each commission is headed by a chairman commission, who is the leading specialist of the hospital and the head of the department. the commission consists of at least three people, the chairman leads the meeting after the patient has undergone a comprehensive examination, all his functions have been assessed, the chairman of the commission first discusses the disease with the members of the commission, then invites the commission, and in front of the patient the conclusion of the commission is announced to him and voting is carried out, by a majority vote, if everyone agrees, in any case, the work of the commission is established, established, we have guests no one leaves if the case is completed, if the patient has, say, a stage operation,
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what did they do? they fired from the heavy fire systems. this weapon is indiscriminate, hitting squares, and with this weapon they hit right in the center of the city, where people were walking. should we respond this way? of course we can. we can hit squares in kiev and in any other city. denis, there are children walking there, mothers with
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strollers, i understand, everything is in full swing for me, i want to ask you. do we need to do this, hit the squares? no i do not i say that this is due to the civilian population precisely because of the military, we are hitting with high-precision weapons, at the places where they make decisions, at places where military personnel and mercenaries gather, at other centers of this kind, at military targets, first of all.
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1600, these are not state secrets, in fact there will probably be more, and so on for almost every position, practically for every position, therefore, therefore, despite the fact that from time immemorial they have been setting such a task, to deal with russia, we we'll deal with them faster, it looks like ours the armed forces are becoming so capable and so...
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already better and better, probably better than anywhere else. as for the position of the west, as the president noted, it does not just help our enemy, but is itself one. how do you feel about the help of western countries to our enemies? the point is, alexandrich, the point is not that they are helping our enemy, they are our enemy. they solve their problems with their hands, that’s what it’s all about, it’s been like this for centuries, unfortunately, it continues now, that’s it ukraine is not our enemy, but those who want,
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want to destroy russian statehood, those who want to achieve, as they say, the strategic defeat of russia on the battlefield, and this is mainly in the west. its task, namely the task of fighting russia. russia, in the year of its chairmanship in the cis , which it begins today, plans to develop ties with friendly countries and international associations, including the eac, csto, shows, brix and ats. this
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is stated in the concept of the russian chairmanship in the commonwealth. its full the text was published on the kremlin website. another priority will be the development of military cooperation, special attention will be paid. patriotic education, among the tasks for the coming year are also strengthening the fight against illegal migration, reducing the consequences of sanctions, strengthening financial sovereignty. we will expand the use of national currencies in mutual settlements and create a settlement infrastructure independent of third countries. features of russia's migration policy and the reasons for the increase in crime among immigrants became one of the topics of nikita's author's program mikhalkov at besagon tv. we continue to replay its most striking releases. i welcome you, dear friends, to our next episode of the besagon tv author’s program. it will be called 11 friends of piggy, well, i think you
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will understand why it is called that. following tradition, of course, i wanted to report to thank you for your attention. our program, because our previous release was on the russia 24 channel, on the russia 1 channel on youtube in the telegram channel. bryansk region, back in the fourteenth year , together with her husband and child, she moved from
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donbass to russia, got a job, but then for some family reasons, she doesn’t write about it, she had to leave this job, in 2017 she received citizenship of the russian federation, that is, she is a citizen of our country. then here’s what she writes: in our area there is an agricultural holding, the mirator agro-industrial holding, which is constantly looking for employees. on january 31, i called an advertisement and was invited for an interview, they promised to call me back within five working days, there was no call, i called back myself, i was told that there was a vacancy busy, tried four more times... apply for different vacancies, same answer.
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then it turned out that since january, according to the instructions of the company’s founders, people from the donetsk and lugansk regions will not be employed. my husband and i have often encountered petty discrimination here and have come to terms with it; if it weren’t for my child, who is in the eighth grade, they would have given up on everything and gone back. as you can see. this is not an anonymous letter, this is not a letter without a signature, but there is a first name, patronymic, last name, telephone number, address, this is a real person, and these are real problems, these are people who fled from the war, fled to save themselves, their family, their child, moreover, these are people who received citizenship of the russian federation.
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today there are already about a million of them, including over 100,000 children. i ask the prosecutor general’s office to provide people with legal assistance, protect their rights, including considering appeals from victims as soon as possible. it's already hard for people, help them. this is the territory of the russian federation. and not to hire a person who came, for example, from
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lugansk, it’s the same as not hiring a person who came from omsk or from the perm territory, because they came from these territories, and the most interesting thing is that since 2006 we already have a program to assist voluntary resettlement to the russian federation compatriot. living abroad, but it turns out that those who moved to our country and received russian citizenship are faced with humiliating conditions that make them think about going back. i i want to read to you the very sensible words, in my opinion, of the journalist andrei medvedev, this is what he writes: we cannot return russians to russia , they want... they dream of coming to us from central asia, from europe, and we
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send them , then he writes where. instead of a law on repatriation, we give russian people a hard time in the migration system, when russians are forced to prove that they know the russian language, and they fail. i am currently working on an appeal from people who tried to return to russia from europe. they were forced to move back. because our official devoured them, given our attitude towards our own people, with a migration policy that is beneficial only to various business lobbies, but... no one, not a single specialist will go to russia for the state, which is what andrei medvedev is talking about, he is talking about the fact that a system has developed whereby the arrival to our country is artificially stimulated not by native speakers of the russian language,
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russian culture, russian history, traditions, and so on, but by people who come here to work and who do not need either the russian language or russian culture, neither russian history, and which are not they are not going to learn the russian language, not to comprehend the traditions and foundations of the country they came to, and no one in the country forces them to change their faith or their habits or their language, no, on the contrary , the state does not interfere in any way...
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it’s not a coincidence that history which happened in indonesia, from where russian yuri chilikin was deported, for a photo with bare buttocks against the backdrop of the sacred mount agunk, and before that he will have to go through a ceremony of offering gifts to the gods in order to pacify their anger, or the story with girls from ukraine in 2021, who organized a group photo shoot in nude style, in the united arab emirates, in dubai, who were threatened with fines, imprisonment , and of course, deportation, a ban on entry into the country, or when tourists were fined 900 euros, simply for stones taken from an italian beach
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in as souvenirs. i understand perfectly well that there are not enough workers, that there are migrants. they come to do the work that many do not want or cannot do, but on the other hand, how can one come to terms with the fact that a person who passes an absolutely elementary exam for knowledge of the russian language, this is how i answered the question, look, here’s question 13, the famous commander of the great patriotic war, who is not, this is the question, this one, yes, it’s definitely him, yes, this is the famous commander of the great patriotic war , i’m sure, yes, i’m sure, on the other hand, i can take the place of the employer, who, by and large
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, doesn’t care so much whether the person who carries the stones or digs the earth knows? forced to read texts from a cheat sheet, the meaning of which they, too, may not have very much they understand, look, february, together with his friend, was like this when he changed the place of a resident, including beating a girl, i apologize for them,
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i am very ashamed of them, excuse me, i am very ashamed. which a citizen of our country has, it turns out that he has rights, but their responsibilities are blurred, in knowledge of language, culture, and so on. from the words of tatyana volnistova, head of the general education department of the obnensk administration, we learn the following: out of 15 thousand city schoolchildren
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, 2099 do not speak russian as their native language, this is everyone seventh, teachers note that they speak it at a very, very weak level, but such a well... maybe a crazy thought does not come to mind, why should those who apply to obtain russian citizenship before starting work activities, do not undergo military service in the army, where i assure you, they will receive all the skills, at least initial ones and knowledge of the language, in every sense of the word, and knowledge of laws, and knowledge of symbols.
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there is no other way to serve. and what happens here, as an example, a person who received russian citizens have the right to obtain permission to purchase firearms . a very interesting result of a survey conducted among migrants who came from central asia. this is what a member of the human rights council, the russian human rights council, kirill kaban says.
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40% of migrants from central asia are ready to rebel with arms in their hands, defending their religious or national interests, and these are those who admitted, probably this percentage is higher, there were those who simply did not say so, but what does this mean, this is very serious power within. country, which can be directed against the country, moreover , it does not appear out of nowhere, it is the result
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of schooling in those countries from which migrants come to us, here is a very interesting remark by the scientific director of the russian military historical society , mikhail mikhkov, about history textbooks in neighboring countries abroad, this is what he says:
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news that mainly representatives of small nations take part in a special military operation, who are sent there instead of russians, where they die tens, hundreds, thousands, this all works precisely for the opportunity to take up arms in order to resist the laws of the country, this is serious, guys, those who hire them must bear responsibility for this, this must be mutual responsibility, now unite in your minds these two facts:
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a woman and... an intelligent, russian - from donbass, who cannot get a job, accelerated acquisition of citizenship by a person who, when asked about the famous military leadership, points his finger at the russian flag, what is this? it doesn’t add up here, you must agree, this , thank god, doesn’t affect us as much as it does the western world, but we can’t help but think about it, remember? with their own hands they betrayed their own countries, their own culture, their own tradition, which they cover up their cowardice with the words multiculturalism. who cannot defend what their greatest ancestors created, when mrs. merkel in the fifteenth year, when this wave of migration began, proudly
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said: and now look, white europe, a model of calm, prosperity, justice, law in sweden, here is the actress elin krantz , who is multicultural,
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understands the laws of multiculturalism, decided in the morning on the tram, and the person who communicated with her correctly, he raped her, killed her, abused her, ugly, and did not experience any remorse, what this leads to, and this is what this is, this is the speech of a policeman, listen, you know...
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we recommend that women do not go out late at night, ask someone to give them a lift, if possible, move around the city in groups. previous transmission, very we received many questions from viewers about how and how he was included in the list of negative bloggers and advertised online casinos.
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yes, this is not the position of the ministry and the minister of education. the decision was not made at the ministry level. we regret, we hope that some conclusions will be drawn at the level where this decision was made. how is that? who can impose this on schoolchildren like this, contrary to the opinion of the ministry of education? well... in our search, we came across this: this is a meeting that was held in 2022 in the public chamber regional center for internet technologies, where the need for changes in legislation was discussed to protect children from destructive content on the internet.
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listen to what one of the speakers says:


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