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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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we were against yegor creed, this is not the position of the ministry and the minister of education, the decision was not made at the ministry level, we regret, we hope that some conclusions will be drawn at the level where this decision was made, it’s like, who can? so, contrary to the opinion of the ministry of education , this should be imposed on schoolchildren. well, in our search , we came across this: this was a meeting that was held in 2022 in the public chamber of the regional internet technology center, where the need for changes in legislation was discussed, to protect children from destructive content on the internet. here. listen to what
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one of the speakers, ekaterina shugaeva, says. after all, the more prohibitions there are, the greater the interest in something; if we prohibit something or remove it, something else bad will come in its place. on the other hand, squeezing out and replacing with good content is a great story; the more content we create, good content, the content we need, the better. therefore, my proposal is, of course, to take lessons about... the main thing in schools that already exist today, they are taught at on an ongoing basis in 40 thousand schools, all schoolchildren and do lessons about the important, about digital literacy, about destructive content, without being afraid to tell children, and to attract popular people from the same tiktok, and from that, i don’t know, from films, that is, to drag even more scum into school, yes, so that they corrupt children, why, for example, than the scumbag egor egor?
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crit, which is quite popular, yes, and it just promoted lgbt people, in particular, i can’t give morals, well, i just don’t feel the right to give morals ratings, we have gathered here for this, well, if i now ban yegor creed for my children, this does not mean that they will stop watching it. i would like you to listen to how igor stanislavovich oshmanov, a russian entrepreneur in the field of it technologies, opposed her. listen, look , please excuse me for interrupting, you actually equate your children to pigs who will still find dirt, in fact you simply deny the concept of hygiene, you say why wash your hands, they will still find dirt, hygiene is always consists of two parts, we teach you to wash your hands , don’t pick them up from the floor, but for this, the water in the house must be filtered by the state, and the products in the store must be checked and... certified and there should not
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be sold expired, something rotten and poisoned, how will they distinguish poisonous from non-poisonous? there is part of the state’s responsibility for cleaning the space, part of it is digital hygiene, yes, but we just release children into this toxic jungle and teach them to supposedly understand something there, but this is impossible, they will simply die there. here the opinion of the lawyer anna schwabauer, already known to us. this approach is such that nothing can be prohibited, this is an absolutely western approach, let’s impose sex education in exactly this way, which involves the corruption of children, i’ll tell you, that’s exactly it, they say: let’s tell the children what types sexual violence happens, i saw these manuals, which are supposed to describe what forms, excuse me, sexual intercourse there are, in order to explain to children that this is supposedly not necessary, they discuss what is more dangerous, what is less dangerous, what types of intercourse, you know, it’s not necessary, here... put chips and an apple in front of
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the child, but he will choose the chips, most likely, do not put the chips, despite all the critical considerations and comments of experts, in january 2023, a lesson with yegor creed was held, we, like a huge number of our viewers, had a question, well , how do we think that the fact is that the husband... of mrs. ekaterina shugaeva is sergei gennadievich novikov, he is an employee of the presidential administration, head of the department for public projects , that is an official who is actually involved in internal politics, if you compare all the facts, then in principle this assumption may have a basis, you agree, but...
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in addition to the fact that sergei gennadievich is involved in internal politics, he is also a creative person, he is an opera director, absolutely by chance, by coincidence.
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why do they call you blaubert here? blaubert, blue beard, in german. germans are the best maids, precise and punctual, and bulota, what kind of name is that? french, literally
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translated, work, work. krasnoyarsk, all this taken together came together in such a way that, for me personally, the adulation of mrs. shugaeva and the letters from in general ceased to be a question of who managed
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to influence the ministry of education so much that, contrary to its wishes... what nonsense, what- then crete, something there, some lesson, some blue beard, somewhere in krasnoyarsk for now, so what? yes, in general, it’s like nothing, it seems, in fact , it’s actually quite something, because this is part of
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what they are trying to impose on us, what we have been talking about for many years.
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leadership of sudan, i ask myself a question , just like that, but you don’t see that they are fooling you, well , they are just fooling you like suckers when... they force the earth with these propellers, now let’s take a break for footage from nova ogorev, dear comrades, good afternoon, happy new year, happy new year, i asked you today to gather the ministry of defense, and - in such a way that - you represent a variety of types and uh.
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and the marine corps, that’s right, yeah, and the pilots, that’s right, rivers, fashionistas, yes, from different sections of the front, that’s it, but i proceed from the fact that we let's talk to you calmly, and you 'll tell me how your combat work is going, huh? and i am pleased to congratulate you and will also say
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these words: happy new year, congratulations again , i hope that after our meeting today in your units, you will also, in turn, convey the best wishes to all your comrades in arms, and here you are - you have been awarded state awards, but we have such a meeting, after all, so to speak, if not family, then everyday, friendly, so in such an environment the state award is not is awarded or in a combat situation it should be presented either in a completely solemn manner, there is neither one nor the other, so these awards will be presented later, but nevertheless... so i thought, how can we meet like that , you’ll just leave too, like it’s not in russian,
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that’s why at the end of lunch you will be presented with a service personal weapon, and i thought , i thought, what else could i come up with that would not be a state award, at the same time, so that you could always carry it with you, and carry it with you all the time, and well, on any, on any... in in the form of clothing, so it seems to me that he came up with a good idea for such a small presidential standard, a badge, it’s made of the right metal, very beautiful, made by our craftsmen in yaroslavl, i think you’ll like it, okay, give it to us for the new year , something like that it doesn't smell like new year yet.
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thank you, leave us alone so we can, okay, thank you, that’s it, vladimir putin is holding a meeting in novogorev with participants in a special military operation, we will return to this meeting on our air. vladimir putin also spoke with the participants dsvos who are recovering from injury. one of the topics of conversation, as expected , was the consequences of saturday’s strike in the ssu on the civilian population of belgorod. well, but what just happened in belgorod is... definitely a terrorist act, why? because under the cover of two missiles, alha,
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in my opinion, yes, what did they do? they struck from the heavy fire systems. this weapon is indiscriminate, hitting squares and with this weapon they hit right in the center of the city, where people were walking? should we respond this way? of course we can. can hit the squares and in kiev in any other city denis, that’s where the children are walking. mothers with strollers, i understand , everything is in full swing for me, i want to ask you, we need to do this, hit the squares, no, i’m not saying that this should be done for the general population, specifically for the military, and that’s what we ’re doing , we hit with high-precision weapons, in places where they make decisions,
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in places where military personnel, mercenaries gather, in...
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we don’t know what means will make new year’s morning simple, but we know what the bank will make the whole year profitable, ural sib bank. we’ll tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important , it’s honestly convenient, how to vote if you’re sick, your grandmother is busy in the morning, she’s looking for something on her phone, here’s the number of the election commission, i’ll vote at home, adult citizens of the country
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are given all the possibilities, even those who, without moving , are offered a solution, to call. and together again, dear friends, on our original besagon tv program. it will be called the wife of the marquis of karabas. i think you will understand why it was called that. but first i i would really like to thank you all for your attention, for your love, for your concern during my illness. i
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know how many people prayed for me in monasteries, and just in churches, very ordinary people. whom i don’t know, but i felt this strength, and this is your desire for the disease to recede as soon as possible, thank you very much for this, at such moments you really understand the difference between popularity and true love, low bow to you, and i also want to share with you are a completely unexpected joy for me, i hope that you will share it, the thing is that on new year's. millions of people, you understand that a person who does not want to watch, he switched to one, to the third, to the fifth, to the tenth program, there are concerts, films and so on everywhere, but the fact that people were interested in
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what we are talking about , this is a very important big incentive for us, and i really hope that those who came to us on these holidays did not regret it, you know, there is an opinion that while we are denazifying ukraine... we in russia there is a ukrainization of our society, what does this mean, what this is, let's try to figure it out, look, i want to give you the words of the ukrainian ambassador in london, vadim prystaik, this is what he says: we have been fighting for almost a year, we are losing people from right to left, the west now has a unique chance, there are not many nations in the world.
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for many years, how can it be that there is practically one people who professes one religion, which has the same values ​​that have been declared for many, many years, the same traditions, practically the same melodies, the same songs, how can it happen so that one part of this people would call another part of this people a sworn enemy. we talked about this a lot. once again, for the last 30 years, the civilized west has been steadily , step by step, raising a generation of people who
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began to consider us sworn enemies, and the west does not want to see, does not want to hear about the eight-year genocide of the inhabitants of donbass, or about the torture of prisoners of war, or about the ban on the russian language. people who think in it speak it, they do not want to see either a revival of nazism in ukraine or torchlight processions fascist, not trampling the monuments of those who liberated ukraine from the fascist invaders, small children, very tiny, the first words that are spoken not by mom and dad, but to cut rusnya, rusnya, i will cut rusnya, sekhai. “the country at the state level is celebrating the birthday of the murderer stepan bandera, and you listen, remember, we talked about this a long, long time ago in
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1914, this is a declaration by the politician tegnebok, listen, i would just like to remind you, for example, a statement posted on the website officially recognized party "freedom". god, it’s just that this is officially, so to speak, posted on the website, the damned jewish community does not pay attention to it, this zionist community strives to ensure that the ukrainians disappear forever. ukraine has hostages, jews. if the globalization community leads its troops, then a real holocaust for jews will begin in ukraine. thousands.
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israeli foreign ministry, and how, after these words , orthodox jews can dance havanagila with the descendants of those murderers who
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killed. for their ancestors, how does it connect? no one in the civilized world wants to evaluate the incredible, absolutely inhuman schism of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, when priests are expelled, beaten, killed, when saints are taken away, i am on my knees in front of you, i ask you to leave, let me live, don’t give birth to a child in me yesterday, you weren’t allowed into the church until the icon, your boys beat me, churches are being destroyed, orthodox churches are being burned, and pay attention, this is not just a schism in the orthodox church, this is a schism in world christianity, otherwise how could it be, so that the pope, the pontiff, the vicegerent of god
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on earth, could say that... an unjust division, thousands, dozens of these, is this a crime, i understand that this may look rather banal, but look at this incredible, absolutely our reluctance is accept, our fight with thousands of ukrainian soldiers dying on the battlefield, abandoned by their commanders, left without ammunition, without food, provisions, for which they buy for amounts three times higher than the price in the supermarket. journalists
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discovered that food for the army was being purchased two or even three times more expensive than in regular stores, there are hundreds of items on the list, according to the papers the soldiers were allegedly fed, even asitrina. damage to the budget in recent months alone was estimated at $355 million, and this was during the war, and the company with which the agreement was signed had previously been involved in corruption scandals; it was accused of forging documents to participate in a procurement tender.
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all this equipment passes through the border, and then as if something happens, only maybe 30% reaches its destination, look, ukrainian oligarchs are buying real estate in switzerland with this money, he wants the proceeds to continue, yes, president zelensky is the real queen of american beggars, and if you want to know where all this money is going, then i spent a couple of weeks in europe, so people say that ukrainian... how the fortune of the kiev elite has grown from february to december 2022, vladimir zelensky has 650 million dollars to one and a half billion, alexey reznikov has 780 million.


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