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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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all this equipment passes through the border, and then as if something happens, only maybe 30% reaches its destination. look, ukrainian oligarchs are buying real estate in switzerland with this money. he wants the proceeds to continue. yes, president zelensky is the real queen of american beggars. and if you want to know where all this money is going, i spent a couple of weeks. europe, so people say that ukrainian officials are buying real estate in switzerland. but here is more specific information from ukrainian sources we came across, how the fortunes of the kiev elite grew from february to december 2022. vladimir zelensky has 650 million dollars, up to one and a half billion. alexey reznikov has 780 million to...
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dollars, dmitry kuleb, minister of foreign affairs from 450 million to 1 ml 200 million, vitaly klyachko, mayor of kiev, from 150 million to 800 million, and the adviser to the head of the president’s office, mikhail podalyak, has increased his fortune from 620 million to 1 billion, this is how the courchevel regiment fights, look, while the people of ukraine are getting used to it. due to a power outage, su suffered massive losses, the ukrainian elite decided to arrange a luxury vacation for themselves in courchevel, and they posted a video of how they spend their time on the internet themselves. in the frame, models in fur coats, as well as businessmen and gangsters from square, dance merrily. it is unknown how much the entire party cost, but just one such delivery of crystal champagne costs from 20,000 euros. this is approximately 15 million rubles. and the partygoers clearly drank more.
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called the minsk agreement and the normandy format a diplomatic imitation, sanctions on it was necessary to fight against vladimir putin in 2014, but we fought them only in 2022. it would have been serious, but we did nothing. what sanctions did we impose then? they launched this diplomatic simulation called the normandy process. and they achieved nothing. that is, an imitation that was supposed to gain time. in order to arm ukraine
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with deadly weapons, to prepare for war with russia, you know, i’ll honestly say, i reproach myself for not seeing, i think i didn’t see a single one, these are the details in which lies devil, look how young president zelensky behaves in paris during president putin’s speech regarding the measures that should save him... zelensky’s country, look how he is trying with all his might to show the world how he feels about what our president is proposing . this is happening in 2019. it is, of course, necessary to extend the validity of the agreement on the special status of individual regions of donbass. and ultimately, give this norm a permanent character, as provided for in the minsk agreements on... about which i
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mentioned at the beginning, then the war comes, and this duality in which zelensky lives, it does not go in vain, it must be suppressed by something, and it can be suppressed either with drugs or alcohol. for decades in ukraine, absolutely animal hatred has been instilled towards everything russian, towards russian people, towards russian culture, towards russian tradition, towards russian civilization, in the end, the question arises: what can give rise to hatred towards him in a person when he feels it, and many say reverse hatred, maybe even greater, in in connection with this, i want to recall the words of alexander khodakovsky, a man whom i personally respect very much, he is the commander of the valiant vostok battalion, who has been fighting in the donbass since 2014, this is what he says, he read online a call to... hate them as much as they
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hate us. yes, hatred is a good, temporary stimulant, but if we do not have enough conviction in our own rightness, faith in ourselves. real motivations, hatred will only keep the flame burning for a short time, they have to inject hatred all the time, because their house is built on sand, there is neither divine nor historical truth behind them, i am convinced that if we learn to hate the way they do, we will lose, even if we win on the battlefield, they have already lost, their hatred of the russian has brought them under control.
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rus' can only be destroyed by russia.
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1908 think about these prophetic words. today we see exactly these. attempts, today we see how this forward movement towards the collapse of our country does not stop for a minute, it simply changes shape, technologies that once in 1908 they didn’t even have an idea, listen, there is a crowd, and there is a mass, this is the stage of transforming the crowd into a mass, it is very important, the entire maidan technology is based on this. what is mass? the mass is a social organism where a person ceases to feel his individuality and begins to feel himself as part of something larger, and the mass is a certain psycho-emotional state that cannot be explained, there was such a paradox: you are half a kilometer from the maidan, you
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don’t care at all, and the closer you get to him, the more you see people with slightly dazed eyes, when you, for example, stand in the crowd for 10-15 minutes, you begin to no longer be anything... tsukanova, she is also the co-founder of the samara branch of the volya party, now liquidated, founded by a certain svetlana lada piunova russia. the council of mothers was created on the basis of the organization national union for the revival of russia, which is headed by the same mrs. pyuunova. in
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turn, the national union for the revival of russia is a branch of the organization “citizens of the ussr, recognized as extremist.” so here it is the coordinators of this council of mothers find relatives of mobilized citizens on the territory of the country, and provoke them into stories about poor maintenance, non-payment of allowances, weak organization, and so on and so on, that is, they press on the most painful points, despite the fact that they use it as since these are indeed the shortcomings that exist and cannot but exist in the field. but which both the army and the country are trying to correct, but focusing all this together creates a public opinion of a sinister, incompetent organization that represents the armed forces of the russian federation, moreover, none of these women, they are relatives of those who are
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at the front, and their task is to all the time fuel protest movements, all the time to excite society, despite the fact that everything is going on there in a heap. and protests against vaccination, against amendments to the constitution, that is, everything, all the painful points that in one way or another concern society, they are all focused. her work lives on, well, how ready are we
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to resist all this, what are we talking about we are saying now, if we cannot even deprive the yeltsin center of the destructive influence that it enjoys, we have been talking about this for many years, including the terrible cartoon that is shown to children, where everything is mediocre, everything is bloody, everything is deceitful in russia, besides in... history of yekaterinburg. these are the words of museum employee vyacheslav pechnyak, which he said in
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an interview with journalists of the portal "it's my city". listen carefully. the russians did not colonize the local peoples as harshly as they did in north america. no one at all exterminated. but some indigenous peoples went north, muncie, others staged an uprising. bashkirs. here's a quick question: what's the keyword? colonization, colonized, but how does it level out? the fact that it is not as tough as - it was in the united states of america, well, who are you treating? we read further: before russian colonization , nomadic tribes first lived on the territory of modern yekaterinburg.
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that is, in all seriousness, within the country, within the theoretically united people, they are instilling in us the consciousness that the russians colonized others regions of the country, but not as tough as it was in america, but someone hears it, someone understands it, someone fights it, drop by drop. they are injecting us with this injection of the fact that we need to fall apart as a single
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country, in the nineties we proposed creating a ural republic, we talked about this, remember, the former governor of rossil proposed creating a ural republic, and even regional deputies accepted this idea, not only that there was a ural currency, look at the sketch, the ural franc. in 1997 , ural francs with a face value of 1 5 10 20 francs were put into circulation at the sirov metallurgical plant named after akasirov. they could be used to pay in factory stores, canteens and buffets. just don’t reproach me and suspect me of conspiracy theories, that i’m finding fault with details, don’t, guys, don’t. it's coming. war and we see how from all sides, one way or another, this is the idea of ​​​​the collapse of the country, it lives
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, it advances, it makes people think in the regions, but really, why not in the end, we ourselves are susami, here you go, 8 may 2022 in warsaw a forum of free peoples of russia is taking place, where it discusses: the issue of the disintegration of the russian state into independent republics. on june 23, 2022 , a conference is being held in helsinki about the same thing:
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what do you think? here is the tatarstan magazine, it is published with budget money, the cover says: from black to white, from old to new, from past to future. on the left side we see a menacing, red background, black clouds, a black cat, and there we can also see the annunciation cathedral in kazan, and on the right side, the bright side, a white cat, white clouds, a mosque kulsharif and bright sky.
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and where russian shrines are treated with incredible respect, including, this is where the icon of the kazan mother of god, protector, intercessor of the russian army, was found, this is where sviyazhsk turned into an incredible architectural and historical monument, how can this be combined, and this happens when we talked about this in one of the besogons, when...
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therefore, we are all muslims together, brothers, christians, together with believers, we are fighting against satan, and today we see that lucifer, the devil, showed his horns, ours, guys, our task, oh brothers, is to cut them off. why drive a wedge into the only country in the world in which different religions have actually coexisted for many centuries, without interfering with each other, but on the contrary, helping, why is this being done, who needs it, who is responsible for it? and here is another example of how
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deep this corrosion is, from which, which... we are talking about now, we received a letter from the parent committee of one of the moscow schools, this is what we read: we are outraged that the ministry of education is in the classroom course conversations about the important, the task of which is to instill traditional values, respect for the country, its history and culture, allowed the popular singer and blogger egor nikolaevich bulatkin to conduct a lesson on the topic of media literacy and digital hygiene. known under the pseudonym egor krit, tattooed from head to toe, performer of obscene songs promoting promiscuity, recommending his channel on social networks, where he advertises casinos and various pranks, i personally do not know this person, i have nothing against him, but we just decided
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to see what made parents want to write such a letter, listen here: what is scam? this is when you are robbed on the internet and scammed for money. there are many such cases when you receive messages from your favorite blogger, artist, actor with a request to transfer money, confirm some kind of code card or something else, do not believe it, do not transfer it, do not confirm anything, usually famous people do not do this are engaged, well, you can subscribe to my telegram channel, on my body, he appeared here somewhere, egor krito is the official channel, it’s definitely not there. and you won’t be scammed there, that’s what happens on his channel, to which he invites schoolchildren.
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“it would seem to be supposed to fill the vacuum that we received during the nineties with these reforms, which the president himself spoke about, remember this, you still know this, i open some school textbooks and see with surprise what is there it’s written as if it’s not about us, then it’s written about who misses such tutorials, it’s simply amazing, everything is written there about on the second front, only...
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" find out the answer to this question: who, who can impose their point of view in such a way contrary to the opinion of the ministry of education? precisely in the field of education, well, it’s really interesting, here’s another pepper with the wonderful name toplis, again nothing i’m against it personally , i don’t know him and god bless him, but when i see that he is also included in the school curriculum, and i’m interested in what he says, i hear this, i want to remind you, before showing the release at school, make sure , that it does not contain obscenities and fragments 18+, if such there is, it’s better not to show it, it’s better to just leave the link to friends, school friends, and let them look. no
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, just think about it, what kind of idiots do they think we are, well , in all seriousness, no doubt, the person says that where there is swearing and 18 plus, you don’t look at it yourself, you send it to other schoolchildren, to the kids there at school, let them, let them look, but i think, who besides me? hears, besides me, someone else doesn’t want to be crazy or a complete sucker, whom he tells that don’t look at it yourself, this not good, but send it to others , let them watch, it’s fine, i can understand the desires of some structures, so that young people speak to young people in their language, so that they are popular, famous, so that they are listened to, heard, but still, probably , the task is... to hear, to listen , let them explain it to me, maybe i’ll agree, but there is a question, but isn’t it,
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what is needed as a result to educate a young, small person, and not continue to destroy him , maybe i’m wrong, and again we don’t know who to ask, so this dichotomy in society is incredibly dangerous. that's what he says, they are all our citizens, all equally, they could all have different reasons for leaving, but
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the one who did not slide away. " on the basis of a truly hostile attitude towards our country, these are our citizens for whom we need to fight, fight, i agree, but maybe after all, empty citizens who left are fighting to return, we need to fight for those who are here, who are confused, who do not feel the truth, do not know it, do not wants to know, and maybe the efforts of this struggle" should be aimed at trying to at least somehow change this destructive work, which is being carried out by the same yeltsin sender, maybe we need to fight so that there is no this hidden, provocative imposition ideas of the dismemberment of russia, as is happening in yekaterinburg or on the cover of tatarstan magazine, maybe this should be the field of our struggle, and not the fight for those who left,
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look at... i am a russian person, i am a russian patriot, i speak russian, i am part of russian culture, russian world, where will i go, even if i could, i can, i can, but what will i do there, who will need me there, and most importantly, what will my children do there, homeland or truth, for me, homeland - this is the truth, now listen to what he says now, of course, of course, once again
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, emotionally, this is exactly so, for me, the only way, if i would go to this war, it would be on the side of ukraine, of course, definitely , to be honest, i don’t give a damn, i would say, i don’t even give a damn what form russia will remain in, it will fall apart, no will fall apart, into the ural republic, into the pelmen republic, into the khakass republic. or there will be only one jewish autonomous okrug left, everything else will turn into radioactive ashes, i don’t care so much, my friends here sent me information that my colleague, saslan fedarov, is such an artist, i don’t know whether he was or still is, but i they wrote that with a high degree of probability he is no longer there, i acted with him in the notorious ninth company, he is a participant in what they call a special military operation, well, yes, yes, i feel sorry for him, of course, it’s a pity, just as it’s a pity for any person who dies, especially a person
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i knew, right? this is death , of course, i would shoot at him without any doubt, look with what ease he says monstrous, terrible things, he says that he is ready to go to war, kill russians, he says about his colleague that he would kill him, well, arthur, if that’s what you want, go fight, but no, when in riga they approached you to give you a summons to serve in the army in the ssu, what are you doing? did, you tore it, pushed them away and just ran away, which means this is a lie, a figure of speech, but this is what your colleague, exiled fedarov, tells you , who is really at the front, on the front line and is really fighting for his country, and he was not raised by the reformat school, by his family, listen, arthur, i will beat you hard , i didn’t talk about this, i’ll catch you somewhere, i’ll beat you hard, i give you my word, i won’t beat him, behind them there was here next to the dog, there were
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even boys here. nineteen-year-old, here are some other things he has to say, what else does he talk about, what arthurs, what panins, what galkins, what are you talking about , this is all game, this is a disgrace to russia, to me i’m even ashamed to talk about them here now , honestly, it’s our shame, it’s russia’s shame and thank god that they left and even if they never come back again, honestly, don’t come here ever again, this is not your country anymore, this now our country, it was ours and now it is ours again, then another example, ex-deputy minister of education mrs. marina rakova, accused of embezzlement of 50 million public funds. we talked about it in one of our besagons. after 2 days on wednesday information appears about initiating a case of fraud for 50 million against zber's vice-president marina rakova. it seems that the matter concerns her former place of work as deputy minister of education. studying remotely turned out to be inconvenient and ineffective , coincidence or what was responsible for the digitalization
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of the education system.


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