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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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apparently , retail outlets also suffered damage to apartments and houses, especially those located in the city center; before the builders arrived, store owners covered the damaged windows with chipboard panels like these. at the epicenter of the enemy attack was the skating rink of the cathedral square, after a direct hit , numerous glass fragments floated on the melted ice, like icebergs. we didn’t skate, there was a technical break, you can see the damage from the inside, how the entire skating rink was damaged, restoration is complete.
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went to the dragobrad ski resort in transcarpathian region. eyewitnesses shared these images on social networks. they tried to recruit citizens into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine right on the ski slope. in russian regions , several charity events take place during the new year holidays. you can help children in difficult life situations, as well as lonely elderly people, by joining the rosmolodezh campaign, new year in every home. the all-russian event “ wish tree” continues. this year in shopping centers, at regional and municipal fairs.
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baskets of goodness were also placed. buying new year's gifts, sweets and other goods, they can be placed in one of the baskets for children of military personnel. and one more action of the star of heroes. children and teenagers from all over the country make small homemade souvenirs in the shape of a star for the military. all manufactured souvenirs will be given to the soldiers in the north military district zone. in japan, a series of powerful earthquakes killed at least two people and injured more than twenty. about 100 buildings were destroyed or heavily damaged. rescuers continue their search. under the rubble. with details anton dadykin. first new year's earthquake on planet earth occurred in japan at 16:6 local time. the epicenter was located in ishikawa prefecture on hanshu island, in the center of the country. 4 minutes after the first shock , the most powerful shock of magnitude 7.6 followed. this is the strongest earthquake in ishikawa for the entire period of systematic observations, that is. for more than 130 years,
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seismologists say. its echoes were felt in japan's largest cities, including the capital. dozens of wooden houses have been destroyed or severely damaged in the country, there is information about injured. hundreds of pillars were knocked down, more than 30,000 buildings were left without light, even temple columns fell. a large fire broke out in the center of the city of wajima; it could not be extinguished for several hours. dozens of roads were seriously damaged; authorities, for safety reasons, suspended the movement of high-speed trains. stores are counting the damage, display cases are broken or damaged, and many goods are damaged. more than 40 earthquakes occurred in 3 hours, residents are afraid to return to their homes. in areas where a strong earthquake occurred, threat. keep in mind that earthquakes
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up to magnitude seven may occur again during this week, especially in the next 2-3 days. the japanese government has launched a crisis headquarters to deal with the consequences of the earthquake. police and military personnel are helping the rescuers. immediately after the first tremors , authorities warned of a tsunami threat. broadcast of new year's programs in japanese. on television was replaced by calls for emergency evacuation. leave home as soon as possible, take only the most necessary things with you. your life is the most important. move further from the shore and climb to higher ground. the shock waves reached the coast in the first hour after the earthquake, but their height did not exceed 3 m. there was no serious damage. the threat of a large tsunami in japan was announced for the first time.
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catastrophic earthquake of 2011. anton dadykin, matvey popov, lead. peaceful celebrations in europe turned into riots. on the streets of germany, fireworks and firecrackers flew at the police. preliminary arrests, at least 15 law enforcement officers were injured, and in france vandals burned more than 700 cars, the number of people detained during various incidents exceeded 380 people. the first day of the new year in istanbul began with a demonstration, tens of thousands of people came out to rally in support of palestine. in the morning we held prayers in the central mosques, and then gathered on the galad bridge. similar rallies are taking place in istanbul and other turkish cities. regularly since october, due to the action in the city center, a number of streets have been closed. today is 40 days since the death of our colleague boris maksudov. on november 22, he was filming a report in zaporozhye region about the shelling of civilians by the ukrainian military, he himself became their target. in memory of our military correspondent,
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special report by daria gonieva. in war, the main people are, and it doesn’t matter what they call you, it’s important to show people, and he did this every day, and he found himself, it seems, precisely there, in the war, and this is what our guys, our military correspondents, who are from
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the regions , are doing now they go to a hot spot, work there every day and... this is your reward, guys. tefe - the highest television award in russia was awarded to military correspondents of vgtrk, this is in including his reward, our bori. he gave his life to his calling. 40 days have passed and we remember. they say that when close people pass away, you usually mourn more for yourself, for having lost this friend, comrade, and it seems to me that this is true, i lost a good
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friend, a comrade, with whom i had so many plans for my old age, it seemed that the projects would finally end, business trips, trips and you can talk a lot, seemingly endless fields around, of course, you want to quickly get to some shelter in zaporozhye it’s already quite cold, sub-zero temperature, so he’s also making adjustments to his battle tactics now, the last stand-up in the forest, somewhere at the forefront of his part-time job in the zaporozhye... region, the last one that he managed to transfer to the editor. on november 22, boris maksudov filmed a report about shelling of civilians from the country of the ukrainian armed forces. i interviewed russian soldiers in the dugout, who also did not dream of being in a combat zone , i saw in them ordinary people who love their fatherland, be it a cook or
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a school principal from a small dagestan sat down. borya never had time to edit this report. i, too, a journalist, was also in hot spots at one time, and i was there in new territories. what borya dealt with, it’s very easy when you see when peaceful people die, it’s very easy to accept this hatred of yourself and include it in your reports, uh, but i watched borya’s reports, well, this is good, excellent journalism, exactly where the person belongs there, at least i didn’t see it, this is journalism with a capital j, he did exactly that, not propaganda, but real reporting reports that anyone can watch, there is simply the truth, a drop from a drone, an explosion, the first report of a wound that seemed not fatal gave hope, doctors in the field performed a complex operation, fought for the life of our colleague for several hours, but could not save , on the morning of november 23, boris maksudov passed away,
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another journalist died in this already ten-year war, when we approached this alley of journalists, well... there were snowfalls in moscow, and the first person, the first person we met was a woman, she asked us , you you are looking for someone, and my husband and i said: yes, we are looking for borya maksudov, this is a very close friend of ours, she says, yes, and i am a mother. andryusha stenina, you come from sochi, you come to andryusha, and i have igor kornelyuk here, i have anton voloshin here, i have my andryusha here, now borenka, i’ll be looking after everyone just like a mother. he could listen to rock, chanson, pop classics with the same empathy and shoot warm, humane reports about oil production, academic music or life beyond the polar all around. everyone knows well from the soviet hit that this north is wrongly called the extreme north, but it’s one thing to hear it. it’s completely different to feel it for yourself, we’re beyond the arctic circle, we went, just
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imagine, there are 86 people in this orchestra, which means 86 musical instruments, the mistake of one is a failure for everyone, this despite the fact that one half of the orchestra does not speak the language second half, they had never performed together before. boris maksudov traveled to the combat zone from the very beginning of the special military operation, and the fact that he was there... turned out to be for all his loved ones and people who knew him, it was rather some kind of, well, dissonance or something, well, disharmony, fighting, war, how, but he liked it, but it seems to me that all his life he tried to show everyone that he is a man, that he can, that he is capable. and this , to some extent, apparently, was this and
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the opportunity to convince himself and everyone around him that he was not a coward, that he understood what he was doing, that in any situation he could, bori believed that speak talking about a war hundreds of kilometers away is cowardice, he broadcast live directly from the sites of shelling and was greatly respected by the fighters. we met boriya in the summer of 2022. at one of the sites of shelling by ukrainian militants in the city of donetsk, then borya directly covered the circumstances taking place here in donetsk, here we are, military investigators of the investigative committee of the russian federation, directly recorded all the facts of criminal actions on the part of the armed formations of ukraine. donetsk is still under shelling of the petrovsky district, which this morning was shelled not just by artillery, but by a ballistic missile. hit a building , one of the vodokanal buildings, in fact, here is the evidence: a fragment,
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a fragment, it’s hard to call it, a fragment of a ballistic missile that exploded here at 4:00 in the morning and simply left no stone unturned from the building that was located on in the place of this huge crater, 30 m in diameter, perhaps four human heights deep, but later on throughout his entire business trip, uh, including with his group, we directly worked, uh. i can say that we did one thing, one job, we recorded these facts of criminal actions directly in our stories , told people about them, and at the same time he did not consider himself a military correspondent, he said he was of little interest and even frightened, quote, all these guns, guns, tanks, planes and other toys for killing, the most valuable thing in war and at the same time devalued are human lives, the artillery crew is now... preparing for combat work, long-range geotsin gun up to 20 km, now the target is from us
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is located, and he really grew , developed, and the materials became more interesting, and became deeper, and he could pull off completely different formats, he was interested in it, before his fateful business trip, boris moved from news to our special reporting department, he wanted to make big documentaries , released a half-hour piece in the fall, southern sector, in which he brilliantly revealed the character of the defenders of the homeland. well, in general, it so happened that his last big special report came to me. after editing, when we are with him we already corresponded, when the material was ready, i asked to blur out some landmarks there. when i wrote to him: here is your face, he said: “well, the face is hardly a good guide for guidance, literally in 2 weeks...” we all received bad news borya, as
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many know, he is a man of a deep worldview, he is very deeply sees the situation, the picture of what is happening, and his main goal here was to directly show how it really is, the experience of people, directly the situation that is happening to show exactly the truth. he said that in reporting from the northern military district zone, what is most unbearable is the quote from the frenzied and inexplicable cruelty of the reporter towards the enemy and the baked- in brutality of the narrator. this is exactly where borya studied, he came from the city to my class in the fifth grade, and somewhere, probably, all the teachers of that time probably feel
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some kind of guilt, well, probably because... then what we invested in children, probably not always, was probably not always close to reality, we raised them to be honest, truthful, correct, in life, we are teachers, in life, he probably faced more than we gave. boris maksudov was born in uzbekistan, his mother is also a journalist, his father died early in the line of duty.
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spontaneous meeting of graduates, at the same time i went to the tashkent film festival , being essentially on vacation, and filmed three reports about it. the tashkend film festival is , of course, on the one hand, a slight nostalgia for the past, the soviet legacy is well remembered here, but an attempt to look at the uzbekistan of the future. that's all he is, a hardworking, inquisitive person with great empathy. i i’ve never seen him
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at all, here’s a business building, he was always in some kind of mood, he was always so cheerful, and...
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what’s his name boris bakhtiyarovich, especially with such a rather atypical middle name and we have developed such a certain tandem, because for no matter what they took, it was always quite interesting, to the point that even the simplest material about the demolition of some pipe of a former waste incineration plant, this turned out to be a whole interesting story, we were sitting next to each other, here the tables were arranged a little differently, and
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our tables were next to him when we wrote the texts, i was mine, and bori was mine. borina is always there, this stand and the famous one there behind my back and behind his back there were always embroidered excavators built towering there ships flying. then the bullets whistled, unfortunately, but always his reports and how much we then followed his entire career, all his stories, we always watched with great
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pleasure, these are people. as a reporter, uzhet tvc filmed the referendum on the return of crimea to russia, after which he stayed on the peninsula, then moved to our tv channel and moved to moscow. he was the soul of our modest or not modest sochi journalistic community. then the person went even higher to agtrk and got a job and i, as a person who worked on federal channels, was wildly pleased and i felt proud that here was a person who was walking next to me, knock-knock-knock-knock step by step and i think i have reached the top of any journalist. boris had a rare gift, no matter where he moved, to maintain close relationships with everyone and constantly maintain communication. his friends from krasnodar territory knew that when coming to moscow, they could stop wearing their clothes.
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when february twenty-two came, many of their projects were cancelled, that is, this is still a completely abnormal situation, and many there were still plunged into some kind of anxious state, like many russians, as in the matter, and borya, what did he come up with? , he started a group - on telegram. says: add your friends, friends, friends, he just united us, this is probably one of the legacies that he left us, our relationship, when we met, it’s like we remembered him, well, he ’s just still with us, this group in circles, this is borya, he always loved to unite, he always saw something good in us that we ourselves did not see, this is a photo of boriya, who is now stands in a mourning frame, filmed by cameraman dmitry vlasov during their business trip to yakutia. boris and i went on an amazing expedition to ungrate yakutia, we filmed the forces of siberia project there, we first met him there, and i really like
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working with him, because first of all, he is clear, he knows what he wants, purposeful , with a sense of humor, savvy in the topic , never swam, he was in it, that is , there was no work just for pleasure, that is , you understood that you needed to film this , film this, stand-up. let's go, smile, joke, let's move on, the man is a holiday , he was not afraid to seem funny and absurd, he always found words of support if he saw a colleague on the screen, immediately took a photo and sent it with the same compliment, he willingly responded to all comments on his blog, he was never shy to ask questions because that any answers give you knowledge, expand your horizons, and he was above this, and this is also such... an iconic quality, he has always been studying for the last five years , he has tried very hard to pass on his knowledge what he learned and tried to teach others, i
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a television reporter, a reporter by vocation, a teacher by profession, graduated from the relevant faculty of sochi state university, he began to teach others journalism, how to get on television, two words, well, how he came, worked for several years to his own detriment and... various tv channels that operate in donbass, kherson and zaporozhye regions, this fall he became a permanent teacher at the faculty of media at synergy university. go! friends, hello everyone, this is the faculty of media, right now we are in the building of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company, he was recruiting his students for his work, it was important for him to teach future journalists in practice. he never... felt sorry for his knowledge, he always shared, was ready to share at any moment, in our company, let’s say, it was like that, yes, now it’s already
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after many years, i head a regional holding, a media holding , at some point, a year ago, i asked borya, i said: “bor, listen, well, you’re already such a well-deserved, re-deserved, experienced correspondent, russia 24, status, listen, i have children". are working, well, give a master class, maybe you need money or something else, he says: listen, you don’t need anything, yes , of course, what questions in general, and he came from moscow, and worked with the guys, and i saw how enjoy it, there is no such thing that you have to be there for 12 hours at the workplace, there is a duty, yes, you can come there, give or take, you must always be ready to be called upon, while mentoring students, he said that it is important to keep a cool head and treat any news with a grain of salt, are you getting it? assignments, depending on which department it concerns, you either go to a group of cities, or to the international, or to the state fire department, he
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was in... then the stories turned out good, a few days before borya’s death he turned 38 years old, here’s a minute anniversary and this wonderful post about when he wrote, what and why summer, and not winter, spring or say a month, it might be better to count in months, then i am 463 months or 13,879 days or 1982 weeks or 33, 333.
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1,107 hours as of 11:00 moscow almost 20 million minutes, oh anniversary, if in minutes . i don’t know a single person in the world who would calculate his life in minutes. boris was left with a lot of unrealized plans, filmed materials, unreleased stories, and documentaries. boris's last report will be completed by his wife, our colleague, olga armyakova, and we will definitely show it in our broadcast.
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investment rating, economy, through specific
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stories, we can reach...
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now, in addition to the urgent messages that are coming through news agencies at this moment, the number of victims of the shelling of belgorod has increased to 25 people, of which five are children, the head of the region, a 4-year-old girl died in the hospital, who was in a highly serious condition with injuries to the chest of internal organs. we will definitely return to this and other topics on our broadcast, well, then watch the episode from the golden collection programs nikita mikhalkov besagon tv. it's called the romance of abomination.


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