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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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now, to the urgent messages that are coming through news agencies at these moments, the number of victims of the shelling of belgorod has increased to 25 people, five of them children, about this... according to him , a 4-year-old girl who was in a high state of health died in the hospital severity with injuries to the chest of internal organs. we will definitely return to this and other topics on our broadcast, well, then watch the episode from the golden collection of the nikita mikhalkov program on besagon tv. it's called romance of abomination.
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i welcome you, dear friends, to our next release of the author’s program besagun tv, it will be called “romance of abomination.” i think you will understand why we named our program that way, but as always, first i want to report back to thank you, but because our previous program on the russia 24 channel. on the russia 1 channel on youtube in the telegram channel was watched by more than 12 million viewers, of course , this is great joy and pride for us. today i want to start our conversation with this: you all know very well that on april 2, 2023 of this year, the whole country , and i think not only our country, was shocked by the news of the absolutely... horrific
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murder of a wonderful man, vladlin tatarsky, he was a writer, he was a warrior, he was a blogger, he was a journalist , this murder was committed by a twenty-six-year-old girl , daria trepova, you see her walking into this cafe, in her hands she was carrying a box in which there was a small bust of the tatar himself, as if a gift to him. for his activities. the cafe hosted a creative meeting between a famous military correspondent and a combat veteran actions in donbass by vladlen tatarsky. there are dozens of people in the hall. the meeting lasted about an hour, after which a girl approached the journalist. and now i have brought you a sculpture as a gift. he says: yes, well, take it. she says: and they told me at the entrance that suddenly it was a bomb, so i left it there, well , everyone here laughed, and so i go, yes, go, she came and brought it.
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ago, when on january 24, 1878 , twenty-eight-year-old vera zasulich came to see the st. petersburg mayor fyodor trepov, she shot point-blank at trepov, i was preparing to shoot a second time, but didn’t have time. trepov was wounded, but not...
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fatally; she did this because the mayor had previously ordered the flogging of a god-loving political prisoner, although such punishments were already prohibited in russia. lawyer pyotr alexandrov took up sulich’s defense. here is a fragment of his speech. for the first time, a woman appears here for whom the crime had no personal interests, no personal revenge.
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the acquittal of zasulich in russian society, and not only in russian society, caused a storm of enthusiasm. the russian intelligentsia is probably just... that intelligentsia who later wrote congratulatory telegrams to the japanese emperor in connection with the defeat of the russian fleet, they perceived this event as a grandiose victory of liberal thought, democracy, freedom, and so on and so forth. newspapers in france, germany, and england covered this process with enthusiasm and expressed their approval. a court decision to acquit a terrorist who committed an attempt on the life of the st. petersburg mayor. in fact, the event of january 24, 1878 gave a free hand
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to russian terror; just 3 years later there was killed by a bomb exploding by emperor alexander ii, a bomb thrown at him. terrorist ignatius grenevsky, four people were killed, including the emperor and the killer himself, and more than twenty people were wounded from the emperor’s convoy and from passers-by who were on the street at that time. well, let's go back to our days, let's see what headlines appeared in the european media after the murder of vladlin tatarsky. russia accuses dissidents of killing right-wing blogger. russia arrests anti-war activist and
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so on and so forth. there is not even a hint anywhere that this is a crime, that this is... i spent most of my life in russia. the murder of famin, this tatar, is absolutely legitimate according to military rules, according to new military rules. if this had happened a year and a half ago, yes, the ukrainian special services blew up someone in st. petersburg, some pro- pusinist, it would have crossed
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the red line. in our case, no crossing of the red line occurred with either dugina or fomen. or when others are ours compatriots.
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i bow to him, in his person we have lost a great ideologist of the russian world, rest in peace, brother, we will miss you, this is what happened the next day, as journalist andrei medvedev writes, whom we quote quite often, all photos, russian flags , st. george's ribbons, they took them off , stuffed them into garbage bags, and apparently they'll drag them away now...
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a real thing that was created by people who sympathize, people who mourn this crime, this murder, because they could probably just have collected it.
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although, on the other hand, in december 2013 boris nemtsov supported the euromaidan, this is the beginning of the celebration of the revival of the bandera movement. nemtsov came out to the ukrainian embassy building with a poster “ukraine, we are with you.” and since this is located practically in the same area, i am very interested in asking a question to the administration, which is in charge of order. on the streets in this area, and this is how they think whose crimea is? now, if you ask the question, what do they
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think about the north military district, why are they so quickly removing the memorial erected in memory of a fighter, soldier, writer, brave man, who was buried with military honors, who was awarded the order of courage in death. why? but i think that if you ask this question to the people who gave the order to remove the tatar memorial, they will not tell you the truth. do you know why? because their usual state of the hand is a cookie in the pocket and a behind-the-scenes fight. but there are worse things when we are presented with a murderer, a terrorist.
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posted at least by the fear of understanding that
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you are taking an action that could end your life too, but is it really wrong, any terrorist attack against our country is generously paid for, and there is proof of this, please, the fbk anti-corruption fund, which, judging by its name, has very noble goals. in rubles, this is the largest inflow of funds into this account since the beginning of the year.
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in addition, according to available data, from the beginning of the svo in ukraine to september 2022, navalny’s team received $840,000 in cryptocurrency in rubles - this is approximately 67 million rubles at the current rate, which is more than for the entire twenty-first year. that is, like this thus, through cryptocurrency, fbk finances extremist cells in russia, and daria was a member of one of these cells. recruited precisely in order to commit the murder of the tatar. i want to remember the words of the publicist thomas carlyle. he said: every revolution is conceived by romantics, carried out by fanatics, and inveterate scoundrels enjoy its fruits. look, this is a special caste.
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this is what lev tikhomirov said about vera zasulich, he is russian. a member of the people's movement, by the way, she was a purebred nihilist in appearance, dirty, unkempt, she walked around forever ragged, in tattered shoes, or even a bum, but her soul was golden, pure, bright, extremely sincere, but you get an image, after what i read, dirty, unkempt, and in tatters, in torn shoes or barefoot, but with a beautiful soul, pure, bright, which allows you to take out a revolver and turn into a living person. look how the disgusting description of this woman’s appearance coincides with the romanticization of her pure soul, look
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how it connects. now listen to the first words he says: “daria trepova after your arrest, do you understand why you were detained? i understand why? for, i would say, being at the scene of the murder of vladlyan tatarsky, what did you do? i brought a figurine there, which exploded, but what else do we learn about it? she is a vegetarian, she is a feminist." she is an environmental activist, a creative person, and her husband is suitable, dmitry rylov, he is a political activist, a member of the libertarian party of russia, from the beginning of the mobilization he hid in georgia, well, somehow everything is the same, yes, well look, what
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a connection, vegetarian, has compassion for animals, no eats meat, this... deliberately brings a bomb to kill a person who did nothing wrong to her, and on top of this injure almost 50 people, but isn’t this a romanticization of abomination, now we read on the internet and collect... money to a vegan kitchen so that she can eat what she is used to, that is, we all the time come across a hidden increase in evil, due to the fact that part of society passes off crime as
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noble intentions, general impunity and romanticization of the world...
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just try not let another one in there transgender woman. this will be the last mistake in your life. i call to arms all
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those who have been terrorized into a nightmare, themselves or their transgender children. all lesbians, bisexuals and gays. this is my signal to action. this kind of coven is happening, look,
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everyone is silent, it’s amazingly simple. the civilized world does not want to believe that the nazis rule the country in ukraine, no one wants to see that for no reason, for no reason , the property of the monasteries of the russian orthodox church is taken away, churches of the russian patriarchate are burned, priests are beaten, people are forcibly driven by military registration and enlistment offices, caught
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in the markets, is the romanticization of abomination, how many times have we talked about the brilliant government of fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, but how was it possible to see the future like he did in demons, look at an excerpt from the series, which was filmed by vladimir khotyanenko the novel has demons, we will penetrate the people themselves, not only ours. those who cut and burn, and make classic shots or bite, i don’t understand anything without discipline, a teacher who laughs with
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children at their god and at their cradle, already ours, a lawyer defending an educated , rich murderer, ours, schoolchildren who kills a man to experience our feelings, ours, administrators, writers, ours have a lot, an awful lot, they don’t even know it, nowadays everyone has a different mind, the russian god has given in to cheapness , the people are drunk, the mothers are drunk, the children are drunk, the churches are empty, let a generation grow, let a generation grow, one or two generations of depravity are necessary, unheard of depravity, vile, when a person turns into a disgusting, cowardly, cruel... .
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including us the true meaning of the yeltsin center. so we came across a report. this is a study by historian-political scientist vardan baghdasaryan. in september 2022, a group of independent experts visited the yeltsin center. i will give only excerpts from the results of this study. this is a map. map of the yeltsin center. where the borders are drawn very indicatively, in particular crimea is part of ukraine, as well as abkhazia and south
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ossetia. is part of georgia. the yeltsin center was created in 2015. moreover, the names of certain cities renamed indicates that we are talking specifically about a modern political map. that is, in the yeltsin center, as we see, it is believed that crimea belongs to ukraine. by and large, this is a violation of an article of the criminal code.
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we know what processes took place in ukraine at the end of 2004, beginning of 2005, so, the orange sweater that paipiska goes with, its orange color is a hint of what we lack now in russia, well, apparently that’s why the nemtsov memorial has been located near the walls for so many years kremlin, since it is demonstrated in the yelsin center orange light.
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not the deportation of peoples, genocide is a very binding concept, genocide is the destruction of peoples based on the principle of blood. well , look, these are precisely the theses used by separatists who are abroad and call for the collapse of russia. here, for example, is akhmat azdoev, the leader of supporters of ingush independence. here he spoke online to the european parliament in january 2023. listen, our decision to proclaim a declaration of independence for ingushetia is connected not only with today's events, but with previous experience two centuries of being under the occupation of russia, the russian empire, then the ussr, and now the russian federation. all these centuries , the ingush people have been subjected to oppression and repression by russia, regardless of who led them, the tsar, the secretary general or
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the president. and look at how terrorist acts are covertly justified when it is proven to us that the murder of the tsar was his fault, because he retreated from freedom. the reproduction of unfreedom both under nicholas i and alexander ii, under nicholas i ended with defeat in the crimean war, nothing is reported, say, about the won russian soldiers, about the patriotic war, but it is reported about the lost crimean war. alexander ii, the murder of the monarch by the narodolists, in general, is presented as his retreat from freedom. we talked about this exactly. and look at the events in our country, and the reign of ivan the terrible, and peter i. and the holodomor, and industrialization, and the gulag. how
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similar. these events are considered in the same way as our sworn friends in the west view them, how it coincides in intonation, in approach, in analysis. as a result of bolshevik policies, millions of civilians died from hunger and epidemics. carrying out industrialization through slave labor of prisoners. this is how the industrialization breakthrough is interpreted: collectivization is simplistically described as a wholesale confiscation of property from the cat and the land of the wealthy peasants, driving everyone into collective farms. it is important to pay attention to the connection between collectivization and mass famine in ukraine and kazakhstan, which actually supports the famine mythology, which is actively used in anti-russian.


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