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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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christ will rise from the dead, death died, and giving life to those in the tombs, christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and giving life to those in the tomb, christ is risen from the dead. ask for death in the dead , try the life of the gift, christ is risen from death, death, measure of death, change of cover, and to those who exist according to the theft of what.
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and considering that you can be christed until trinity, in this girl’s torah, i want to tell everyone, christ is risen. that’s probably all i wanted to share with you today, especially since, as you can hear, our mechman is a crook and as always said. we are leaving one by one, if anything, we are geologists looking forward to seeing you at our next meeting , back to the news review, the strikes carried out by ukrainian troops on belgorod on december 30 are a terrorist act, vladimir putin stated this during... a visit
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to the second branch vishnevsky hospital, where i talked with participants in a special military operation who are now recovering from injuries. a little later, in novoogoryovo , the president held another meeting with the participants of the special operation. with details natalya solovyova. vladimir putin arrived at the vishnevsky hospital on the first day of the new year. participants in a special military operation not only undergo treatment here, but also undergo rehabilitation. thanks to unique equipment and techniques, the fighters are literally challenged. on our feet, our apparatus , the skeleton, the first steps, our guards are starting to take here, the head of state was given a tour of the medical cluster by state secretary, deputy minister of defense nikolai pankov, walked through the wards, treatment rooms, looked into the classrooms, the ministry of defense helps soldiers with retraining and employment, solves housing problems, here the guys undergo a kind of retraining for...
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that the guys have to go with their unit after extraction to receive documents for the military medical commissions, the military medical supreme commander, if you want my opinion, i even admit that the respected war correspondent made a slip of the tongue , even using common sense from the hospital, in this case the central hospital, to go to war in the okupas and try to pass the military military training.
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we can, we can hit the squares in kiev and in any other city, i understand, everything is in full swing for me, i want to ask you, do we need to do this, hit the squares? no, i’m not saying that this should be for the civilian population, but specifically for the military, and that’s how we did it, we hit with high-precision weapons in the places where they receive hostages.
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i think it’s a good idea to come up with such a small presidential standard, a badge, it ’s made of the right metal, very beautiful, made by our craftsmen in yaroslavl, i think you’ll like it, the president also asked convey his new year's greetings and best wishes to all units where the soldiers serve, after which the conversation continued over a glass of champagne. new year, so something doesn’t smell like new year yet.
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ukrainian militants launched a targeted rocket attack on the center of donetsk, as a result of which four people were killed and 12 people were injured. in the center of donetsk , the contact network is de-energized and damaged. here is a peaceful house on chelyuskintsev street, a direct hit on a residential apartment, there is brick luggage, broken glass, now we will show you, in fact, what the ukrainian militants attacked with, here are fragments of ammunition, this is apparently one of the strategic objects important for the ukrainian militants, a children’s one. the injured were quickly taken to
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the city’s medical institutions; five wounded are being treated at the kalinino hospital, two are in serious condition. one patient with a neck injury is in hospital, he was safely appropriated, another woman was admitted to the neurosurgery department with a penetrating craniocerebral injury, she was also she was operated on and is now in serious condition in the intensive care unit. there were in the republic. festive events were cancelled, there were practically no people on the city streets at the time of the shelling, otherwise a large number of casualties would have been unavoidable. vadim topalov, alexander uleschenko, lead donetsk. the death toll during saturday's shelling of belgorod by the ukrainian armed forces increased to 25. a four-year-old girl died in the hospital. this was announced by the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav glodkov. 70 victims remain in hospitals. and in the city restoration work is already underway. as a result of massir. during the attack , 30 apartment buildings, as well as several private buildings, were damaged. report by polina
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bykova. early morning on january 1, builders are already at work, restoring a house on people's boulevard. this is the only apartment in the city that received a direct hit from a cassette shell. the charge passed through this window, the walls folded, but now the picture here is different, the builders erected new ones and strengthened the load-bearing structures. soon they they will begin finishing the apartment. the owner of the apartment , alexander, is pleased with the pace and quality of the work. the brigades are working conscientiously; the native belgorod residents miraculously survived the shelling. i still feel more or less myself, my mother and sister, yes, they are still worried , you understand, after this they are in shock, the pressure is 200, there are no problems with ordering the supply of materials, the builders say, there is no work here doesn't stop for a minute. we want to be close to the people to help them in everything, so that they understand that there are those who do not have everything
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equals. as a result of enemy shelling , four apartments in this building were significantly damaged. the builders came to ivan kuzmech on the evening of december 30th. you see the size of the glass, and here are the sizes of the glass, here are the sizes of the glass, the new glass is already in place, the owner says, the minutes of shelling seemed like an eternity to them, after the nightmare they experienced, life began. appreciate even more. suddenly there was a blow, a noise, glass flew from all the windows, we jumped up, cuddled with each other and sat, what would happen next? in order the façade of the high-rise building will also be completed; the builders plan to complete all the work as soon as possible. in addition to apartments and houses, retail outlets were also damaged, especially those located in the center. city ​​before the builders arrive, store owners cover damaged windows with chipboard panels like these. at
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the epicenter of the enemy attack was the skating rink on the cathedral square, after a direct hit , numerous glass fragments floated on the melted ice, like icebergs. we didn’t ride, there was a technical break, here’s the damage from the inside you can see how the entire skating rink was damaged, restoring a full skating rink takes a lot of time, and for a partial skating rink to fill with ice, cover it with a tent. for questions regarding restoration, belgorod residents can contact the authorities or call 122 or 112, the lines are 24 hours a day. polina bykova, vyacheslav podzolkov, vesti belgorod. and now a report from the front line from the kherson region. leonid muravyov about the conditions in which the defenders of the left bank celebrated the new year. this is the first new year, it turns out that we will have no snow. there is a storm in the assault squad. volunteers from various regions of russia, but this is the weather on new year's eve for everyone on dekovinka.
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there is heavy fog on the banks of the dnieper, the temperature is +10, the grass is green under your feet. the detachment is returning from one of the dnieper islands, there is an observation point from where all the enemy’s movements are clearly visible, those who replaced them will spend the new year in the dnieper delta, but they will definitely celebrate christmas in the camp. in the meantime, here, 10 km from the front line, the attack aircraft are preparing for the meeting. the benefits of civilization are knee-deep, and sometimes waist-deep under constant shelling of the ukrainian armed forces without any
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water, to wash and warm up is the best holiday gift for them. a normal working environment, a shell hit hundreds of meters from the camp, ukrainian artillery constantly reminds itself of itself, but our soldiers are used to decorating the canteen dugout while shelling is going on, volunteers sent a garland of toys the day before, it’s customary to make a wish under the tree, and here it’s the same for everyone , i’ll probably say banal things, because it was all over sooner and people returned home to their families, next new year they we celebrated in our family all together and also cut the christmas tree and enjoyed life on behalf of the command. congratulations on the upcoming new year of health to your family and success at work. the head of the regiment's clothing service today, as father frost, brought gifts from the ministry of defense. every soldier in the special military operation zone will receive this new year's meal. inside are chocolates, sausage, cheese and
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much more. the main holiday treat is olivier salad on the table of the assault soldiers. there will also be a detachment, a cook with the call sign garlic, i'm busy cooking all day, i worked for almost 28 years, i was always a cook, a chef for corporate catering, restaurants, cafes, clubs, here he is, classic olivier dishes are already in the middle of the festive table, here is only a small part of the squad, some are stormtroopers on a mission, others are on duty, someone is now wounded in hospitals, and of course i would like to see them at the table with us, well, the time will come. let's sit and the war will end and remember those who died, fell heroically, and so they proved themselves to be real warriors, everyone has a five-minute readiness, so because of the proximity to at the front in the camp of the storm detachment there is no internet or television, the soldiers learn about the coming of the new year by radio from the headquarters
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and transmit to the boykurants, the most important thing is to take care of yourself, listen to the commanders, everyone will return home then, come on! orange juice instead of champagne, a guitar instead of a new year's show on tv, holidays near the front line are not celebrated for a long time, a gun, a shot! already on the morning of january 1, the enemy launched a landing on one of the islands, our attack aircraft are supported by artillery, a howitzer crew of up to 30, even in during the holidays, the defenders of the left bank of the dnieper do not lose their vigilance. leonid muravyov, vesti, kherson region. in japan , a series of powerful earthquakes killed at least two people, injured more than twenty, and destroyed or severely damaged about 100 buildings. rescuers continue to search for people under the rubble. with details anton dadykin. the first earthquake of the new year on planet earth
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occurred in japan at 16:6 local time. the epicenter was located in the prefecture. and shikawa on hanshu island in the center of the country. 4 minutes after the first shock , the most powerful blow followed - with a magnitude of 7.6. this is the strongest earthquake in ishikawa for the entire period of systematic observations, that is, in more than 130 years, seismologists say. its echoes were felt in japan's largest cities, including the capital. dozens of wooden houses have been destroyed or severely damaged across the country. there is information about the victim. a large fire broke out in the center of the city of wajima, it could not be extinguished for several hours, dozens of roads were seriously damaged, the authorities, for reasons security, suspended the movement of high-speed trains. stores are counting
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the damage, display cases are broken or damaged, and many goods are damaged. more than 40 earthquakes occurred in 3 hours, residents are afraid to return to their homes. in areas where a strong earthquake occurred, the threat of creeps and building collapses remains. please remain vigilant for further aftershocks as well as heavy rains. avoid danger zones if possible, keep in mind that earthquakes up to magnitude 7 may occur again during this week, especially in the near future. the japanese government has launched a crisis headquarters to deal with the consequences of the earthquake. police and military personnel are helping the rescuers. immediately after the first tremors, authorities warned of a tsunami threat. the broadcast of new year's programs on japanese television gave way to calls for emergency evacuation. leave home as soon as possible, take only the most
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necessary things with you. your life is the most important thing. move further from the shore and climb to higher ground. shock waves reached the coast within the first hour after earthquakes, but their height did not exceed 3 meters. there was no serious damage. threat of a large tsunami. in japan was announced for the first time since the catastrophic earthquake of 2011. anton dadykin, matvey popov, lead. on sakhalin, the tsunami threat that was announced this morning after the earthquakes in japan has been lifted. according to the press service of the regional department of the ministry of emergency situations, the maximum height of the wave was 18 cm. russia will focus on creative cooperation between brix and all interested states. about it vladimir putin said in his address on the occasion of the beginning of russia's chairmanship in this association. and according to the president, about thirty more countries are ready to join brix and its agenda in one form or another. brix is ​​attracting more and more supporters and like-minded people who share the same
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values: sovereign equality, respect for choosing one’s own path of development, mutual consideration of interests. from january 1 , a number of new laws and regulations will come into force in russia; pension salaries will be indexed for some categories of citizens; living wage. details about maria valieva. the fourth is declared the year of the family. in this direction, the state has developed a whole strategy of action in the interests of children and parents to preserve traditional values. the maximum maternity benefit in the new year will be more than half a million rubles. this is a payment that covers a woman’s period of incapacity for work for 140 days (70 before childbirth) and the same amount after. on january 1 , a law will come into force that will allow... monthly payments for child care health restrictions apply to
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guardians and parents who work part-time, including remotely. men will be able to use matkapital funds to form a funded pension. russian clinics will switch to using electronic medical records to provide patient care. and citizens will also have the opportunity to undergo medical examination at the workplace. from 2024 , the size of social tax deductions for payment, treatment, education, purchase of medicines and much more will increase to 150,000 rub. and the refund amount for the child’s education will increase to 110,000 rubles. the indexation of salaries of public sector employees in the new year will be 9.8%. some payments to military personnel were withdrawn. by 4.5%. this also applies to monthly child support benefits. and the minimum wage will be increased by 18.5%. pensions for
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non-workers are indexed by 7.5%. the average amount in 2024 in russia will be more than 23,000 rubles. and in moscow with a city surcharge of 24,500. the cost of living per capita for russia as a whole will be. 15,500 rub. for the working-age population about 17,000, for pensioners - a little more than 13,000, and for children 14,989 rubles. credit holidays have been made indefinite, they can be obtained for one credit loan, once in connection with a decrease in the borrower’s income and another one if he suffered as a result of an emergency, then payments at the request of the debtor will be suspended... for a maximum of 6 months. an excess profit tax is being introduced - this is a one-time fee of 10% of the excess profit received by the company over
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the previous 2 years. according to the new law, excess profit is considered to be an excess of the arithmetic average profit for 2021 and 2022, compared with similar indicators for 2018 and 2019. for russia , international events in 2024 will be the presidency of the commonwealth of independent states. next year, active work will be carried out to strengthen the cis, as well as to develop comprehensive cooperation on the principles of trust, mutual understanding and equality. in other topics, peaceful celebrations in europe have turned violent. on the streets of germany, fireworks and firecrackers flew at the police. shooting began in berlin. police reported more than 300 preliminary ones. the first day
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of the new year in istanbul began with a demonstration, tens of thousands of people came out to rally in support of palestine. in the morning we held prayers in the central mosques, and then gathered on the galad bridge. and similar rallies have been taking place in istanbul and other turkish cities regularly since october. due to the protest , a number of streets in the city center are closed. in russian regions , several charity events take place during the new year holidays. help children in difficult life situations. single elderly people can also join the action of rosmolodezh. new year in every home. the all-russian wish tree campaign continues, this year baskets of goodness have also been placed in shopping centers, at regional and municipal fairs, and when buying new year's gifts, sweets and other goods, they can be placed in one of the baskets for children of military personnel, and another star of heroes campaign: children and teenagers from all over the country make small homemade souvenirs in the shape of a star for the military, all souvenirs made will be given to the soldiers in the area has collapsed. from january 1st.
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the musical fairy tale “the town musicians of bremen” , filmed by director alexei nuzhny and the film company trit nikita mikhalkova, has been released. the film was produced with the participation and support of the russia tv channel. details about ivan kudryavtsev. there is nothing better in the world, a ray of golden sunshine, oh my poor trumpet fool, we are robbers and other immortal hits of gennady glotkov and yuri entin are heard again from the screen, but this time from the big theaters. a real gift for the little ones. adults were prepared by director alexey nuzhny, embodying in movies there are heroes whom it is impossible to forget or stop loving. new bremensky expands the universe of the legendary twenty-minute cartoon, while remaining a film about love, friendship and, of course, music that brings laughter and joy to people. the bremen town musicians is an important film in a cultural context, because the bremen town musicians
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connects six generations. the new ones from bremen give the audience the opportunity to look into the soul of each character, to understand him, be it a troubadour or even a king, he is still such a paranoid father, so because he still replaces her and...
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very often he makes mistakes, but as a result he comes, as it seems to me, to the right decision, the first viewers, of course, did not just watch what they experienced in childhood, thank you very much to the film crew, excellent film, pore over every song, and there are a million emotions, of course, director klim shipenko again has something... to surprise and delight the viewer. returning from space, where he filmed the challenge, klim took up the continuation of the serf with a new scope. stories about the re-education of golden youth, and now also of parents. this time to to get rid of lordly habits, the daughter of an influential official katya will have to wake up in the stable in the century before last. she is played by aglaya tarasova. she grew up from a rich family with a golden spoon in her mouth, that is, she has such a scale of wasting her own life. and it might seem, at first,
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that this is some kind of dream. the expectations of the audience, the film is five times more complex, larger-scale, i hope funnier too, in connection with this, the production part required five times more energy from me, this is a complexly staged film, from the premiere the audience he comes out rested, he was definitely waiting for it, he’s really overwhelmed with emotions, but i’m speechless, and the main goal of this movie is before the new year...


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