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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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in addition, i have undergone special training, according to russian law, a smartphone is enough for me, now my granddaughter knows which icon to press, procedure, i am trained, i bought a better camera, i ’m a friend, i won’t be lost, i won’t let society down, it’s free to choose in the country , important, honestly convenient. our broadcast will continue to release from the golden collection of the author's program nikita mikhalkova besagon tv. it's called living a lie. i welcome you, dear friends, to our new release of the author's program.
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viewers, which, of course, we can’t help but please, thank you very much for your attention to us. of course, first of all, i would like to congratulate you on our great victory holiday, may 9, but after may 9, very soon, on may 13, the entire orthodox world celebrates the birthday of the holy noble prince alexander neevsky, the greatest commander and man who. ..
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saved our country from the tempting offer of catholics to make russia a catholic country in exchange for help in defending against the horde, then alexander onievsky , with his brilliant mind and providence, made the decision pay the horde, but not accept catholicism , thank god, because its implementation helped us... to remain orthodox christians and not turn into what we see today, the catholic world is turning into, unfortunately, in 1240 before the battle with the swedes, superior in strength to our squad, alexander nevsky said a great phrase: god is not in power, in truth, with these words the russian squad. defeated the swedes
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near novgorod the great, why? because alexander nevsky understood that god is on the side of truth, and not on the side of power. certainly, of course, at some point, power may triumph over truth, but as a result, truth must still triumph, because it is in truth that god exists. i think and... this is why alexander today, we must understand that the fact that we nevsky has not lost a single battle in our lives, when we look at what is happening we are doing, this is a battle for the truth, precisely for the truth, for the truth of those people in the donbass, in the east of ukraine, who wanted to speak their russian language, their native language, who the russians wanted to read. books you wanted
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celebrate the great victory day on may 9 or christmas or easter in a real, real church, and not with schismatics who wanted to live in peace with their country, with their russia, with their russian people, and this is true, that’s why we are the same today like alexander nevsky, today we... are fighting for the truth, so with us, i hope to god, they can’t say, but actually, everyone has their own truth, after all, it’s true, they can even cite the words of anton pavlovich chekhov, from his notebooks , what a person believes in is what he is, but a person can be forced to believe in lies, what’s more, he can live his whole life. believing untruth, taking it for
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truth, this is exactly what is happening in ukraine today, i am convinced that this...
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was very famous in my time, i told it in one of the besogons, look, you had to believe it, i remember an anecdote that during the military parade on red square, three people are standing on the mausalium, these are mamai, charles x and napoleon, and mamai looks at the tanks and says, oh, i wish i had tanks like that, i would never have lost the battle of bylikov, and karl says, i have these rockets. if only we would have won in poltava for sure, but napoleon is standing with a newspaper , really, reading and saying, well , no one would have known about such a newspaper about waterlova, i remember these caricatures of kukrenniksy and efimov, and my father wrote quatrains for them, telling about that , what
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does the western world really want and how does it behave, but look, today we see that it was... the truth that we did not believe in, and the untruth was what we believed in, that somewhere out there there is a great freedom that we need to strive for, i do not deny the greatest european culture, i do not deny world achievements, of course, at all times, especially youth, young people have always rebelled inside, one way or another, against parents, school, institute, against the state, power, this is a natural thing, it seems to me that they very accurately reflect this thought, the words that are attributed to winston churchel. listen, the one who was not a revolutionary in his youth
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has no heart; the one who did not become a conservative in adulthood has no brains. yes, i understand that even today in our media there are things which
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... the same france, italy, partisan detachments, i do not beg for the opening of a second front in 1944 , the partisan movement, no, the year is enough, i do not beg for the significance of resistance in look at a photograph of occupied paris in order to understand that the french. this is before the football match between germany and england, look at how
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the uk football players raise their arms in the hitler salute, but this says a lot, and this confirms this idea. that deception may be universal, but in my opinion, lincoln said, you can deceive part of the people all the time and all the people , for some time, but you cannot deceive all of them for... all the time, that’s exactly how long deception can last, this is a question of principle, it ’s not for nothing that goebbels taught, a lie repeated a thousand once it becomes true, look at this curly sheep, karine jeanpierre, the official representative of the white house, what does she say about the second world war? you all know, the anniversary of the end of the second world war in europe is celebrated, the victory of the united
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states and allied forces over fascism and aggression on the continent. well, you must admit, it’s quite strange to call a country that has lost 27 million lives of its citizens just an ally. comparing these losses with the 400 thousand american soldiers who died in... during the second world war, this is 67 and a half times more dead in our country than those who came to our allies, the united states of america, maybe and the banner over the reichstag can be changed , put this multi-starred one, or the inscriptions on the walls of the reichstag made by the russians soldiers, can be rewritten into english. language, well, this is what a photograph of the yalta conference
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without the supreme commander-in-chief of the soviet union might look like, and the worst thing is that it works, look how people answer the question of who won the second world war, who won the second world war, the usa and england, the germans capitulated. england, the winner, well, it cannot be said that there was any one winner, the germans lost, but no one won, specifically, in the second world war the allies won, who were the allies, the allies were poland, the usa, great britain and france. allies, okay, who were the allies? england, america, usa
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, france, poland too, the allies are poland, america, france, in the second world war the allies won and which allied countries, well, not russia, i can say so, in essence it turns out that we are the only ones who are trying and defending this truth, i speak on... his behalf, i may be mistaken, i may be wrong, but i still want to take it a little wider, let's look into history, the russian prince, the great alexander nevsky, proclaimed his the phrase: “god is not in the power, in truth, 500 years before the creation of the united states, 250 years before the great spanish navigator, christopher columbus, landed on the bahamas. i want to give a small piece from his personal diary after his meeting with
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the locals inhabitants. listen: these people did not need for anything, they took care of their plants, they were skilled fishermen, canoe swimmers. they built attractive homes and kept them clean. aesthetically, they expressed themselves in wood. they had free time to practice playing ball, like that. servant's words. this is fundamentally important.
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everything is immediately put into place, who is the master and who is the servant. and didn’t the same thing happen in the united states of america, when the indigenous population, the indians, were destroyed. this genocide of american indians also received another name, the longest holocaust in history. humanity, as a result of the genocide of the american indians, also known as the longest holocaust in human history, was destroyed 95 out of 100. usa and canada. list of american genocide policy events by in relation to the indians included mass extermination, biological warfare, forced eviction from their native places, imprisonment, the introduction of values ​​other
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than indigenous ones, and surgical sterilization of local women. a ban on religious ceremonies and other measures contributing to the extinction of many tribes. information about the genocide of american indians is deliberately excluded from the knowledge base of the consciousness of north americans around the world. american schoolchildren are taught that large areas of north america before the arrival of europeans were uninhabited. the entire united states was built on the extermination of an entire civilization of north american indians. thousands of prisoners were exiled to america from britain beginning in the 17th century. here is the document: in 1717, george i decided
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to export thieves and smugglers to america. in 1718, export was extended to poachers ; in 1751, those who stole the bodies of executed people; in 1753, those who married outside the church; a little later, swindlers, rapists, robbers, rebels, and so on, that is, everything that in the modern world is called antisocial element, no, i ask you to understand,
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him, that is, hitler, a study of the history of england and the united states. here is another, in my opinion, stunning definition that the brilliant english writer charles dickens gave to the united states. his years of life are 1812-1870, that is, this is said in the second third of the 19th century. after the visit. that this was said 200 years ago, just 100 years after the creation of the united states of america. vulgarity is an amazing word, an amazingly accurate word. by the way, chekhov loved him very much. ringing vulgarity, he spoke
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about some phenomena. but look what it's spreading, it's fluffiness. basically everything. remember the space race during the cold war, the flight of the first man into space, yuri gagarin. this was a deafening phenomenon for the world. just imagine, 16 years after a destructive, terrible war with wild victims, with destroyed cities, industry and so on, this country, the ussr, launches the first man into space. of course, this was a strong shock for our western colleagues. what makes the west different? this event? july 20, 1969, americans
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land their astronauts. a rather strange story begins: in america itself, books, articles , films begin to appear about the fact that americans have never been to the moon, for example... in 1970 , a book by a certain james craney was published, which cast doubt on the flight to the moon. in 1976,
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bill kaysing's book was published in america. we've never been to the moon and so on and so forth. a photograph showing neil armstrong on the moon in the nasa archives was found only 20 years after this event. in 2006, nasa announced that the original video recording of the broadcast of the first moon landing had been lost, that is, 45 rolls of film had disappeared, all documentation related to the apollo 11 expedition. moreover, not so long ago it turned out that the technology of the 1960s, which made it possible to deliver...
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logically, according to this scenario , many things happen and even much more terrible ones, you know, i - i remember that on september 11 , 2001 i was in the hospital, my tv was on, but the sound was turned off, at that time on the screen i i saw the planes flying, crashing in manhattan in new york in the twin tower, i was absolutely sure that these were shots from some hollywood...
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i learned the same thing that the whole world learned, that terrible terrorists who committed a terrible crime, crashed into these towers with their passengers, that 3,000 people died, that a photograph of the main criminal osama binladen appears in all newspapers, on television, and so on and so forth, and quite naturally, the patriotic people of america are ready to stand up...
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a skyscraper caught fire, flames was huge the fire lasted 20 hours, 20 hours in a row, but the supporting structures remained intact and the skyscraper did not fall. in august 2004, we conducted a series of tests that disproved the original theory of the so -called pancake collapse. in addition, the parameters themselves were falsified. tests , some were doubled, some were halved, for example, they claim that there were about 13 tons of fuel on board the plane, according to the federal aviation agency there were approximately 6.5 tons of fuel, that is, half as much, the presence of termite in the rubble of buildings indicates that... someone
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brought it in advance and placed it in steel supports. i spoke to an expert in building collapses. he said that's exactly what they do: they plant explosives, install radio-controlled detonators, and then initiate a series of successive explosions so that the building collapses strictly vertically from a large one. speed, this is the so-called controlled collapse. it turns out that on the same day, at the same time, a malfunction occurred federal aviation administration, joint air defense command and the pentagon defense system. the standard procedure for dealing with a terrorist attack was violated, but this simply could not happen. on september 14, 3 days after the investigation began, the fbi announced that they knew the hijackers. 12-th of september.
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the attorney general of the united states, mr. ashcroft , announced to the whole world that a passport of one of the hijackers was found a few blocks from the ruins of the twin towers. and this, despite the assurances of officials that inside the towers everything burned to the ground. 3 months before this terrible event, on screens on may 31st. in 2001, the american blockbuster pearl harbor was released, which tells the story of how japanese komikazes sank the american fleet, killed sailors, terrible events, explosions, and so on and so forth, and how, as a result, the americans, gathering strength and courage, took revenge on those who killed their comrades. this happens 3
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months before the september 11 tragedy. the film is a huge success, and it gets longing, thousands of copies are shown on screens, in thousands of cinemas around the world, all this convinces the audience, in fact the world in general, that a villainous attempt was made on america, which. was rightly dismissed, and this film was released on may 31, 2001, again you can say, conspiracy theories, nonsense, what are we talking about, but i don’t believe in it, you understand, the point is that they are playing the long game, they they play the long game, they are patient, they prepared...


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