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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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who killed their comrades, this happens 3 months before the tragedy of september 11, the film is a huge success, and it receives oscars, thousands of copies are shown on screens in thousands of cinemas around the world, all this convinces the audience, in fact, the world in general that was committed on america.
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people’s understanding that retribution is absolutely inevitable, as a result, this retribution moves from the film into life, in retaliation for what happened in new york on september 11 , a huge military operation begins in the middle east, but it’s not for nothing that...
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how can a taxpayer in this case protest against giving money for the development of the military-industrial complex, for increasing the pentagon budget, for the opportunity to send his soldiers to the middle east, how everything is fair, everyone is convinced, everything is right, well, look, well, isn’t it... you don't feel that this is very similar to what is happening in ukraine. it didn’t all happen yesterday; for 30 years everything that was the bandera movement was being unearthed, agitated, and revived. to sum up the interim, it seems to me that the conflict in ukraine is september 11th for europe, which gives her a free hand in all her subsequent actions. only now
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directed against our country, and not against the middle east. what have these 20 years of so-called controlled chaos in the middle east led to? at least 38 million citizens of these countries are forced to become migrants, more than in any war since 1900. but it turns out that you can benefit here too. in general, by the way, americans.
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cancer until 2025. listen. according to a yale university study, true the number of illegal migrants in the united states is 22 million, not 11 million as is believed. this fact is the first. fact two. the democratic party officially calls for the full legalization of all illegal immigrants in the united states , granting them all the rights of citizens, including the right to vote. fact 3: the vast majority of new citizens vote democratic.
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everything in one piggy bank, only the scale is different, the level is different, well, for example, just take this fantastic trial. when journalist jean carroll accused donald trump, the former president of america, of raping her 27 years ago in a changing room in a store. you explain to me, a huge store, just like that, suddenly it turns out that you can rape a person there, and in 3 minutes, such a quick-firing rooster, and there...
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that’s how, 27 years later , a former president can be judged based on such an absolutely false denunciation, why? but because the current elite needs it, this defense
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of morality occurs in parallel with the analysis of corruption schemes in which the current president and his son are involved. the committee is concerned about the complex network of suspects. we have identified more than twenty companies that the biden family and its partners used to enrich themselves. most of these limited liability companies were created during joe biden's presidency. bank records show the biden family and its associates received more than $10 million from foreign nationals of their companies. some of this money came from chinese companies in the name of hunter biden. other translations were made with the help of rob walker, who then sent to their various members of the biden family. this is not how legitimate companies operate. and you want
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the whole world to believe in everything else, in the sincerity of actions, in the desire to help, save, sow democracy, take all this together. but the horror is that an image has been created of what they believe, but belief in it , it can also be dictated by fear, it ’s scary not to believe, well, that’s right, but everything is clear, besides, all these methods, they continue only in different places around the globe, with the same impudence, with the same categoricalness, with the same
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unsubstantiated, blood flowed like a sea that day and blood flowed like a sea for the next weeks, we couldn’t evacuate these areas, we could have evacuated the region’s residents forcibly to zero 2 months before, we had enough cops, brigades, and the dsns to do everything to bring it out in order to build
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a line of defense there, to dig around and so on, but we needed blood, really blood, so the threshold didn’t get into this, he could have got into this even then and even then we were attacked on a large scale, but he just didn’t take it this milestone on... no one would helped, but why should this event horrify the world community? listen, this is very interesting, i will give you the words of a bbc correspondent, this is what he says: what is happening causes a lot of emotions, because i see how europeans with blue eyes and blond hair are being killed, children are being killed every day by putin’s missiles, that is, this is even a shock not because... some person was killed, because a fair-faced, white-headed, blue-eyed person was killed, this is
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not an afghan, not a levite, not an iranian, and this is not a ukrainian, because they don’t care about ukrainians either don't give a damn about the afghans, when a bbc journalist is horrified not because they are ukrainians, but because they are people like him, like them, like the very ones who are... the documents, and in general, before letting the genie out of the bottle , it would probably
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be right to think about how to put it back there, because in connection with everything i’m talking about, terrorist organizations like isis arise, banned on the territory of the russian federation, these organizations carry out terrorist acts on our territory , this is how daria was killed... dugina, this is how vladlen tatarsky was killed, sahar prilepin was wounded, but this is not considered terror, because it is enough to listen to the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, kiril budanov, to understand that this is being talked about as a natural phenomenon. all i will comment on is that we have killed russians and will continue to kill russians at any point. this world until the complete victory of ukraine, that is, this statement does not frighten
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civilized society, the civilized world, but i think it is too early to rejoice at them, because that the adviser to the head of the office of the president of ukraine, mikhail podalyak, calmly tells josep borel, listen. as soon as the supply of weapons to the only country in europe is stopped.
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that is, the ukrainian junta warns europe, on which it depends halfway to the end, that if europe does not continue to help ukraine, then terrorist attacks will move there, this is happening 13 years after such a parade in honor of victory day on red square. the parade squad of the academy of the armed ground forces is taking place forces of ukraine, at the head of the column is the head of the academy faculty, colonel pavel senishin. during the harsh years of the war, about 11 thousand officers went to the front. 14 of them are heroes of the soviet union. among the cadets are descendants of front-line heroes. soldiers of the company are passing by.
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on red square there are officers and soldiers of the armed forces of the united states of america, they represent the formation that participated in
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the opening of the second front in europe, in a meeting known to the whole world. with soviet troops on the elbe. they march in parade formation representatives of the french armed forces. on red square are soldiers of the combined unit of the famous normandy neman aviation fighter regiment, which has become a symbol of our joint fight against fascism. what happened to those marching then with great britain, with the united states , with the french, with the ukrainians, at least using the example of poland alone, look at this transformation, how is this possible, such
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a monument, such a symbol with a red star has no place in the public space of poland. thank you for this act of decency and courage for getting rid of this horrific symbol of genocide. the russian world is a cancer that consumes not only the majority of russian society, but threatens all of europe. thus, it is not enough to support ukraine and its military struggle against russia.
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destroyed by the nazis, so soviet military railway workers restored more than 400 km of railways, 20 km of bridges were also restored and built, but that was not the end of the soviet union's help to poland. after the end of the second world war, the ussr supplied poland with industrial equipment alone in the amount of half a billion dollars at the exchange rate of those years, and free of charge. for 2 years after the ussr war. supplied medicines, building materials, clothing and food to poland, they often gave the last , how do we know this, from this rare archival document, it says that the rostov-yaroslavl office shipped all the beans to the poles, which they had almost 43 tons, and initially russia planned to allocate 45 tons to poland, and if poland had then
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demanded these missing 2 tons, then they would have been moscow provided the indicator. the fact that in 1947 the ussr, despite the difficult years of crop failure in its country, sent thousands of tons of grain and food to poland. it was thanks to this help that the poles managed to avoid large-scale famine, and this despite the fact that at that time the soviet union suffered more than other countries from the war with the nazis. tell me, we don’t want to ask ourselves the question, that’s why after we got rid of this.
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let's say that now there are still programmers or developers who have not answered their questions question: is it necessary to leave russia, what would you advise them if they came to you for advice?
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listen to what cordal hal said. he was us secretary of state from 1933 to 1944. only the heroic resistance of the soviet union saved the allies from a shameful, separate peace with germany. but what the leaders of our allies said at that time, we talked about this in our besogon. remember. here's an excerpt. from a telegram from us president roosevelt on may 6 , 1942 to general macarthur. from point of view it is difficult for grand strategy to escape the
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obvious fact that russian armies destroy more enemy soldiers and weapons than all the other 25 states of the united nations combined. and here is an excerpt from winston-churchel’s speech in 1943. russian valor, soviet military science and the excellent leadership of soviet generals. apart from the soviet army, there was no force that could break the back of hitler's military machine. but with a gradual, natural departure from life.
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eastern europe, but if the americans got away with the fact that they committed such a monstrous genocide against the indigenous population of america , the american indians, does not mean that the nazis, who killed millions of people, should get away with it, but the problem is that the experience of nazism today is viewed from a completely different angle, it they don't call it nazism.
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we see that today open nazism is turned into the image of democracy, while introducing freedom, justice, peace, just think about it: for the war, to equip ukraine with military equipment, money in europe, are taken from the peace fund, well, you, you feel that this is such a distortion, well, well, this is a distortion , you understand what the matter is, i... this is
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also a long game, this is a gradual movement towards aligning russia with china, which today is the most formidable force against everything that we just talked about, europe understands, having grown fat under the american nuclear umbrella, and america itself, experiencing gigantic difficulties, they understand perfectly well that with china, without russia.
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played by the great artist nikolai cherkasov. listen. go tell everyone in foreign lands, that rus' is alive. let them come to visit us without fear, but if anyone comes to us with a sword, he will die by the sword. this is what the russian land stands for and will continue to stand for.
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“we defend this truth in ukraine, and in fact, by and large, throughout the world, and we cannot even imagine how many in the world free from western, so to speak, civilization, are waiting for our victories in order to live in truth, without fear or
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disappointment." she will return, it's true, i'm sure of it, that's why in the finale i want to show you a music video by max fodeev based on poems by mikhail gutseriev. this song is called, i'll definitely be back. look. i, i will definitely come back. your forest is green, i’m waiting for you to touch me lightly, or maybe a colorful rainbow, or maybe i’ll return in winter, i’ll return
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to birth. my mother's star, maybe snow on the window, a colored pattern on the glass, i will return to the dots in klaski, i will look, i will return and with my heart... i will hug my son , i will touch my hand with my palm, i give you my word, i will return, i give you my word, i swear, i ...


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