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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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and now on our air is the golden collection of the author’s program nikita mikhalkova bisagon tv. in the re-release, the author proposes to talk about the problems of interaction between the society of power in russia.
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i welcome you, dear friends, to our next episode of the author's program bissagon tv, which we called allah akbar, dad, i am sure you will understand why we called this program that way, but uh, considering that this program completes the cycle this year our programs, we decided to draw some kind of conclusion, we decided, looking back, see how they looked at us. our 16 programs that were this year, this is the seventeenth, and you know, to be honest , the numbers are stunning, well for me anyway, this year the total number of views on the russia 24 channel, on the russia 1 channel, on youtube, in the telegram channel equals 229. million views, well, this
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is generally the population of a fairly large country, despite the fact that we do not take into account today’s program, not those repetitions from the golden collection that were repeated during the holidays throughout the year, well, of course this is pleasant and thank you very much for this, that you share interest in the questions that we pose, yes, of course, and we tried to improve, to find some kind of intonation, an attempt to talk to people without edification, without disdainful know-it-all and so on, but there is still one the reason that so many people came to us , you understand, the authorities, the country, the state, should not... learn to talk with people, not
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with empty words and not with excuses, but with a serious and truthful conversation, which is the most important thing, a huge groan awaits a direct line with vladimir putin, because it is during this direct line that a very large number of issues can be resolved, but only those who are able to ask these questions, and we know very well that all the governors, all the leadership, all the bosses,
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all huge country to draw conclusions, help them find some correct answers to the questions that arise, we became interested, well, how is this done, just maybe we can take something for ourselves - for our program, some lessons from an organization that professionally studies public opinion. here is a summary in general regarding the law adopted by the russian state duma on “lgbt propaganda” we read, now we are definitely protected from homosexuality, now all sexually incorrect people will deal with this matter on the sly, and if they don’t want to hide, they will simply leave us where there is no need to hide, so
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this law could be called differently, the law on encouraging immigration, or more precisely, on encouraging the migration of creative people, because and ... a center for the study of public opinion, i wonder what is considered public opinion in the organization as a whole, the opinion of the rublev crowd or the patricks, what opinion, whose, this applies to the opinion of
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tatarstan, the far east, khabarovsk, khakassia, chechnya, yaroslavl. this concerns the country, the country, well, really, who is it intended for, for whom is it, or take into account only the opinion, you understand me, who is creative , these terrible exhibitions, productions, this most vulgar literature, everything that we talk about many, many times spoke in our releases. that there is creativity that has died in the country, because creativity is what lesbians do, everything else is normal, this is not creativity, it sucks, how, how? now it has become very easy to say such a fashionable phrase: i love
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the country, but i don’t like the state, but in general , if you think about it, such a huge country like ours, it can live without statehood in principle, and is there really... a response to our disdain for ourselves , the disdain for us of the rest of the civilized world has not become, this one is connected with the other, if you do not respect yourself, as you you can demand that someone else respect you, well, you must admit, here is an amazing example of how to not understand at all, well, just not understand your people, well, how can you think of it so that today, in a very serious situation, you practically...
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sign up as a volunteer. how to sign up? you can sign up on the state services website or directly through the military registration and enlistment office. sasha was delighted, now he has a salary that he had never dreamed of before. new profession, new friends, career growth, free treatment for yourself and your family, benefits from the state, as well as status a combat veteran, which means respect. sasha, well done, be like that. sasha, sign up to volunteer and change your life for the better. and, although the video mentions government services, it turns out that the authorship belongs to her. there was a lot of controversy, it was even assumed that the ukrainian special services did it, but tsar grad found out that this work
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belongs to the creative people of the same thing in general. this is how you need to study public opinion in russia in order to release it. a video about how it would be good to volunteer at the level of advertising washing powder or something like that dog food or anti-dandruff medicine, well, in general, in today’s situation to... yes, in general, the question is about the existence and future of our country, asking people to go to war in order to improve their financial situation, you can imagine, so that during the great patriotic war our soldiers fought for money, where would we be now in general, were we even there at all, this does not mean at all that there is no need to pay the military, which is not necessary...
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joseph, look what’s going on , oh my, well, thank you, joseph feserovich, for our happy childhood. i’m sitting on a cherry tree, but i can’t get enough to eat, get some alcohol
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, give me a snack, stalin says, you have to listen to your mother , but i didn’t get the feeling that over the past decades this concept of conscience has somehow become dulled, well, conscience, well, such a banal concept of conscience, which can be exchanged for well-being for... entertainment for luxury, i’m not against it, but it shouldn’t
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be either or and well-being and conscience, they can coexist perfectly, but if you don’t think only about yourself about your children, in our performance 12, the hero i play is here he’s talking about this exactly, look, you’re right, gravedigger, you’re right, for now...
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to make money from the mineral resources, from industry, from transport, and so on and so forth. yes , there were, there are people among them who , so to speak, came to the aid of the state, but how many of them are there, and how many are just quietly waiting to see how it ends, continuing their business,
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sometimes with precisely those countries that they announce sanctions to us, someone even left, not only that... they also left in order to get indulgence from our, so to speak, sworn colleagues and partners, they pay armed forces of ukraine , listen to what the russian blogger, writer, dmitry puchkov, aka goblin, says, have you ever seen one of our oligarchs give money there, buy there, i don’t know, three cars of body armor, helmets of some kind advanced weapons. at least quadcopters for the boys who are fighting there and giving their lives, for some reason all of this is occupied by citizens who have nothing at all except their salaries, we were supposed to get rich from your incredible commercial activity, in which it is expressed in the fact that you buy some football teams there in london, and that this makes life better in russia, no, but why or are you building some incredible yachts there
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, 300 m in length, this also makes life is not getting better for russia, no, why? i understand that the difference between the rich and the poor sounds rather vulgar, i ask you, i’m not talking about that at all, i’m talking about something else, i ’m talking about this very concept of sin and shame, i don’t want such comparisons, that’s it a lot of money, but this one has nothing, i don't about this, i’m just talking about relationships, this is a little old lady from the nizhigorod region, valentina pavlovna venediktova, she is a veteran, a poet. she donated quadcopters to her fellow countrymen in the northern military district zone, purchased with personal savings, which she put aside for repairs. i decided that it would be more useful for everyone if i gave this money to the alkar of victory, so that they could return home alive, healthy and victorious. that's what i wanted to wish them. think about it, try to
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understand me correctly? it's not that i want to attract pity. or hatred for not at all, i’m not talking about this, i’m talking about a personal attitude, about personal interest, this old woman is personally interested in our victory, she gives everything, because victory is for her, the feeling that she is taking part in this victory is more important, even than the fact that she cannot renovate the house in which he lives.
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like the feat of the young guy nurmagomed gadzhimagomedov, a native of dagestan, lag by nationality, and our other soldiers , i would like to say, i am lak, i am dagestan, i am chechen, ingush, russian, tatar, jew, mordvin, ossetian, all of more than 300
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national groups, ethnic groups of russia , it is simply impossible to list, i think you understand me, but i am proud that i am part of this world, part of the mighty, strong, multinational people of russia, because they are all people of completely different nationalities, different religions, languages , cultures and so on, they are fighting for their common, huge country, now look, here is the man who leads the billions. so he can publicly say the following: when i talk about ukraine, i talk about cruelty, because i have a sufficient amount of information about
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the cruelty of the troops that entered ukrainian territory, as a rule, the most cruel, perhaps those from russia, but themselves not of the russian tradition, such as chechens, buryats and so on, and now imagine: what can happen in the minds a person professing the catholic religion, when he hears such words from the very vicar of god on earth, what can he think about these people, about whom he does not know, but the pope himself called them cruel, is there really a reason to say these words , maybe to serve what the buryad people profess...
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do not remember the words spoken by heinrich hemler in 1943. listen, the slavs are a mixed people based on a lower race with
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drops of our blood, incapable of maintaining order and self-government. this low quality human material is no more capable of maintaining order today than it was 700 or 800 years ago. "we germans are the only ones in the world who treat animals well, we will treat these human animals decently, but it would be a crime against with your own blood, to take care of them, to instill in them any ideals, monstrous words, so you put instead of the word slavic, chechens, buryats, kalmyks, this is very..." it seems, then the question arises: this is what position the vatican occupied in that same 1943 in relation to german fascism,
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what the vatican did against nazism, being in the center of the fascist country of italy at that time, and formally neutrality was maintained, but it was real, sincere or façade, if you look at this photograph. capuchins near bressanone, franciscans near balzan, where these war criminals often hid behind church walls for
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several years, collecting money to escape abroad. then the road led to rome, where they received letters of recommendation from the catholic church to obtain a passport through the international committee of the red cross, which by 1951 issued about 100. this is the organizer of the holocaust, he fled to argentina in 1950, as a sign of gratitude for the help of the vatican , protestant ehman converted to the catholic church. joseph mengel, a doctor who carried out horrendous experiments on prisoners of war, including children, fled
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to south america in 1949. where he rested peacefully in bose in 19709, you remember, in the last program we used as an example a letter from napoleon bonaparte to prince kutuz, confirming the absolutely incredible dignity, respect for each other, respect for the enemy, but respect for a worthy person whom you treat as equal to yourself. prince kutuzov, i am sending one of my generals to... you for negotiations on many important matters: i want, so that your lordship will believe what he tells you, especially when he expresses to you the feeling of respect and special attention that i have long had for you. having nothing else to say with this letter, i pray to the almighty that he will keep you, prince kutuzov, under his
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sacred and good protection. just imagine, here is the pope, if you follow this military terminology, here is the pope, he is a leader, he is a commander of hundreds of millions of catholics all over the world, how can he afford to call the patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill, who, also following this terminology, is the leader, commander of orthodox christians, at least in russia, is this how he can call him altar? boy, how's it going? this is who, in fact, using the pontiff’s wording, is the altar boy of the so-called civilized world, which not only allows, approves, but even illuminates church same-sex marriages, which does not see or does not want to see the resurgent neo-nazism. in
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ukraine, simply satanism. glory to the nation , death to the muscovites. we saw that the vatican helped a huge number of nazis escaped punishment and hid in latin america and other countries. some of them were caught by israeli intelligence, some of them were discovered by our intelligence, but... nazism itself did not disappear, and don’t we see this gradually growing desire for revenge in europe, in germany itself, listen to what the former says today chancellor angela merkel. i'll tell you one thing that worries me is that the cold war never really ended because russia was never pacified in principle.
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here is another confirmation of this, listen to another member of the bundestag, roderich kiesewetter. our goal must be for russia to lose and ukraine to win, and this goal must be defined specifically. losing to russia means that russia must leave, must learn to lose, as germany did in 1945 .
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listen. the 2014 minsk agreements were an attempt to give ukraine time. she also used this time to become stronger, as you can see today. the ukraine of 2014-15 is not the ukraine of today. how showed the battles of zabaltsevo in 2015, putin could easily capture them. i very much doubt that nato countries could have done as much to help ukraine then.


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