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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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kiev’s terrorist attack on belgorod will not go unpunished, vladimir putin emphasized. on the first day of the new year , the president held two meetings with the military. at the residence in novagorevo, as well as at the vishnevsky hospital, i talked with participants in the special operation who are now recovering from injuries, and there was a conversation with hospital staff. on a straight line, as i already said, yes.
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why? because under the cover of two missiles, alha, in my opinion, yes, uh, what did they do? they struck from the heavy fire systems. this is, uh, weapons, not, indiscriminate, hitting areas. and, uh, with these weapons they hit right in the center of the city, where people were walking. should we respond in this way? of course we can. we can hit...
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on squares, in kiev and in any other city, denis, that’s where children are walking, mothers with strollers, i understand, everything is boiling inside me, i want to ask you, we need to do this, hit in terms of areas, no, i’m not saying that this should be done for the civilian population, it’s precisely in terms of the military population that we hit with high-precision weapons. by places where they accept decisions on places of concentration of military personnel, mercenaries, on other centers of this kind, on military facilities, first of all. a little later, in novoogoryovo, vladimir putin held another informal meeting with soldiers, with representatives of all branches of the military who operate on the front line. the president personally presented badges to the participants in the special operation.
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with the standard of the head of state, there was a group photo, and then vladimir putin was photographed separately with each military man. the russian army carried out a retaliatory strike against military targets on the territory of ukraine. explosions in dnepropetrovsk, odessa, lviv, kiev regions, krivoy rog and cherkassy. the airfields where carrier aircraft of stormshadow cruise missiles were based were attacked. the goal is achieved, all objects are hit. in addition, there is a hit in the territory. the kiev authorities elevated them to the rank of heroes of ukraine. all attacks and zelensky’s formations have been repulsed. they lost about 700 more soldiers and mercenary officers. in the novomikhailovka area, a group of saboteurs was eliminated, a tank and 10 other armored vehicles, as well as 11 howubs and self-propelled guns were destroyed, mainly american and...
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monitoring and making timely decisions to prevent illegal actions to ensure the safety of residents of the region of our critical infrastructure facilities. the operational headquarters in the tula region operates around the clock, in
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accordance with additional security measures. the head of the duty shift of the situation center reported to the governor about the operational situation in the region and emphasized that all services were operating as normal. in germany, three people died on new year's day night, there were riots in berlin, the police were attacked with fireworks, about 400 people were detained, 15 police officers were injured. in france, more than 700 cars were burned, where the number of detainees exceeded 380. in kazakhstan , due to a powerful snowstorm , restrictions on traffic on roads of republican significance were introduced in two regions at once. in the karaganda region , over a thousand cars were stuck on the yekaterinburg-almaty highway, with about 3 people in them, including 100 children.
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more than 500 emergency services workers are clearing the roads. well, next is the golden collection of the author's nikita mikhalkov's program bagon. tv. you will learn how events in the united states are interconnected, plans to form a new world order and some articles of the russian constitution of 1993, and how politicians used the pandemic for their own purposes. i welcome my dear friends to our new episode of besagon tv. to be called. it will be unexpected, ikhvil besagon, then, i think you will understand why it is called that way in german. well, the first thing i wanted to say is to express my deep gratitude to our viewers, there are almost 2.5 million of them.
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moreover, there is an amazing ratio of likes and dislikes, 189. likes and 5.00 dislikes, that is, practically... and of those who responded , more than 97 percent are people who share our point of view, or rather, even who are interested in the questions that we pose, and for us this is very important, in addition, a huge number of comments, 44 thousand comments, this is a lot, and for us it is a great joy and a huge responsibility, after our program began... to gain a sufficient number of viewers, people began to come to us handle proposals about advertising, here i want to say the following, maybe this is a mistake, maybe this is a delusion, but i am always haunted by
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a feeling of some kind of lack of freedom when advertising arises, it doesn’t matter, it can be a very worthy advertisement and a worthy product, but it still arises feeling:
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italy is opening up to holidaymakers amid a scandal of unproven mortality. and what’s more, there are quite harsh speeches in parliament about this. figures provided by the ministry of health indicate that 96.3% died completely from other diseases. a petition demanding an investigation into the activities of the gates foundation has received almost 580.00 signatures. and this is a rather unexpected situation. there are a lot of things going on related to distrust of what is happening, how diverse
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the pandemic is being used, how ambiguous it is. rothschold blames trump for interfering with the new world order. this is a rather interesting combination: pandemic, isolation, masks. social distance and so on and the new world order. let's break this down a little. there is one very an interesting photo that shows bill gates's certain dependence on the money he received from the democratic government under obama. well, now i ’ll explain to you why our program is called their besagon. the fact is that it turns out that he is a besagon virus...
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this same mr. gates managed to do an excellent job of lobbying, convince the world, convene an international conference on donations and collect 7.4 billion euros for himself. we are going to cover 7 billion people with the vaccine we are developing. we we cannot afford dangerous side effects. to do this, we will need common global support. our foundation plays in this. a big role, we are the world's biggest vaccine developers, and we also care about developing countries, and that's what
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the world needs to invest in now. gates will use this 7.4 billion euros to save the world from the deadly covid-19 virus, according to him, everything must go faster now because the second deadly wave is already on the way. mr. gates, who is not a doctor, but a software billionaire provision, concluded that the world should refrain from the usual long-term. foundation, no one on earth could recall dr. gates' syringes with the vaccine. the whole world, each of us on the globe, must provide himself as a guinea pig for the sake of the idea of ​​​​one single person, a person who, with his computer programs, was already sufficiently loaded with viruses in microsoft's plan. so,
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it is especially sufficient to approve this mission appointed by dr. merkel without democratic approval, the president european commission ursula von laen. are we listening to our former minister of war? the european commission is mobilizing 1 billion euros for the global response to coronavirus. donor countries donated 7.4 billion euros to fight the pandemic. in just a few hours, we have collectively raised this 7.4 billion for vaccines, diagnostics and treatments. and all this money will help launch an unprecedented global collaboration. i thank you all. the welfare state strives for maximum weight loss. spy on the masses, with the help of propaganda lead to madness and suppress. this has become possible thanks to digital technology. thanks to
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the growing power of these technologies, the power of those who control these technologies is growing. could capture this biggest market because anyone can get sick. therefore, everyone needs protection, protection by vaccination. these vaccinations should be made globally mandatory. and for this purpose, he currently defines by his standards what, strictly speaking, are sick. this is the principle of the mafia, the mafia itself creates a threat and protects those who pay for it from it. already many years ago he announced the coronavirus pandemic, from which he now wants to protect everyone, all over the world, of course, only with the money of other people, that
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is, our money. gives problems and solves them herself. this is what american doctor scott pearlman says. i've always said, i 'll say it again, i'm not against vaccinations, i'm against stupidity. i've been repeating this for many years. people must use their heads and look carefully at what is included in the vaccine. when you bring your child to the pediatrician, you have you are legally entitled to read the consent form before you sign it. just think for a minute, what?
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developed here, with every right to understand what is included in it and what its consequences are, it must be national, developed here, as well as many other things, which we will talk about below, let's look at the general situation, here, here, here all together, isolation, distance learning, and the inability to go outside, and so on and so forth. what's in this unbalanced, suspended, irritated state, what is happening, how it can be used, how it is used by those who understand that there is a deformation of human consciousness, how
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it can be used in what is called the birth of a new world. it is true, for example, that a trump election rally was planned for june 20 in oklahoma, in the city of tulsa, and a week before that, the head of the local diplomatic health abruptly discovered an outbreak of a new virus in the city. the new york times quickly published an article saying that
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trump rallies are an ideal environment for spread of a new virus. and the washington post also citing health experts, everything is as it should be, but at the same time, on june 5, a letter signed by more than 1,200 doctors was distributed, it said in black and white, as public health representatives, we do not condemn these meetings as dangerous for the transmission of covid-19, do you think this is about the trump meeting, this is about those protests, about the pogroms, about lawlessness, about vandalism, this is about supporting this, what kind of social distance is there, what kind of masks are there, that is, by others in other words, we are dealing with a virus that
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has a completely opposite political coloring. and works completely opposite on society, people's consciousness, on the priorities of some over others, god, we apologize to our black brothers and sisters for years and years of racism, and what was the catalyst for all this madness was the murder of george floyd, a man with six walkers ,
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a proposal to create a scholarship named after floyd, he is taken around cities, not only that, in the place where he was killed, a church appears, they are man-made, spiritual, miracles happen, this that the clergy suggest that he clean up the clique of saints and send a letter to rome. what's this? this is picked up by our independent brothers and they propose to rename bender floyd square. maybe, probably,
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bender square should have been renamed into some kind of square, but not floyd. they are demolishing monuments, monuments to those who built america, who created it. paranoia is a pandemic of paranoia. already in great britain they are trying to demolish the churchill monument, in france. for some reason they are desecrating the daegul monument, what are you saying? how do you feel about what's on the dollars? are fish owners depicted? in general, it’s a good idea for us to have dollar bills float, what a normal murderer, considered a clique of saints, banned, removed from platforms, great films that made american cinema great, blown away by the wind because... there is a disrespectful attitude towards blacks , pogrom, looting, murder,
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chaos, this is a man-made movement towards a new world order, this is controlled chaos. white privilege, so if they see that a white person is getting on their knees, that shows solidarity for the situation, the situation, and could you just please apologize for you,
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for your white privilege, just apologize? i am, i'm trying to think of the right words to say, that's a that's a big thing to say, it's so it's large in this country, i'm incredibly, i'm incredibly sorry that you know with this country we have that president donald duck that... and let's remember what was said 1700 years ago by the great anthony, nine sick people will come
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to one healthy one and say that he is sick because he is not like them, here it is, here it is it, serving evil, the antichrist, the destroyer , satan, the demon, now they will tell me again: this is orthodox nonsense, liberals tell us all the time, let’s do whatever it is, but i wish right away, suitcases from new york airport straight to the plane right on my knees enter just in case, if there may be an american company, maybe there is a colored conductor, a flight attendant or a pilot, so on your knees for 12 hours, there is no desire for more chadayev at that time.
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sunbeam, the sun is the sun of the west, under this sun, which is so bright today it's shining in the west, i don't want to go get warm , just imagine, for our consciousness, for the consciousness of the people living in our country, living difficult lives, hard lives, with many problems, we can imagine that we can be brought to... our knees . an attempt to bring us to our knees in a global sense was in the constitution that was adopted in the nineties. now let's return a little to the previous program. we received a lot of correspondence related to the fact that you talked about a single register, and you, a lot of people from the security forces, people's artists, and the president took it and
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signed it. and that, well, you see, we understand that the president’s responsibility to his country and to the people is enormous, if he sees that he makes sense and does it, he is responsible for it, and we must believe the president, yes , we have questions, but i really hope that this is not a complete solution.
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we won’t go far, but that doesn’t mean that we give up the questions that we asked, they remain, and i’m sure that we will get answers to them, well, it’s hard for me imagine that the head of state is interested in seeing what is feared happen, the second question that we were also asked was, how can this be, you talked about greef, so... the president met with him, and you know, in general, can you imagine that some television program could influence the president to change his plans and not meet with the one with whom he was supposed to meet, i saw this meeting and saw that president putin, talking with the head of sberbank, was satisfied with his work as a banker, but i have not seen or heard the president
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endorse the program. year, the comprehensive school, research university, text , book, article will have to die as the dominant form of knowledge communication, that as a result, priorities should be given only to online education, and this, by the way, is what we focused our attention on, one of
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my goals personally: nothing that should preserve the unity and sovereignty of the country, and not, so to speak, an outsider’s view, damn it’s such a pity, you know, such a good program, suddenly on you everything fell apart to hell, but by the way, if it comes to that, it can only fall apart precisely because of this program, because it is this program that divides people into pure and unclean, into an elite that must have...
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