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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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drink exams, and of course, this causes great surprise among a very large number of people, that there is a certain black swan, this is an unexpected event that could interfere with this program, the collapse and collapse of the country, and even the dates are indicated: 2022-2027 , and we we focused our attention and yours too on what this program means , it doesn’t contain anything that should... preserve the unity and sovereignty of the country, and not , so to speak, an outsider’s view, damn , it’s such a pity, you know, it’s so good program, suddenly everything fell apart on you mother, but by the way, if it comes to that, it can only fall apart precisely because of this program, because it is precisely this program that divides people into pure and unclean, into an elite that must have an education,
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has been motivated to do this, he is engaged in banking activities, well, that’s great, but you’re doing these things, gentlemen bankers , who gave you the right to try to seize power from the state from the population through these digitalization initiatives, and this obvious digital madness, which seems to me to be connected with this, well, is this not true, despite the fact that despite the fact that the education 2030 project was developed for us by the economic cooperation organization.
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but i don’t know, those people who are implementing this 20-30 education program, they will go to a dentist who studied online, or to a surgeon who studied with a metallurgist, we discussed this in detail in our last besogon and we heard people who have felt with their own hands, with their hearts, what online education is, but it turns out that in the upper echelons of pedagogical power there is such the opinion, which, for example, is expressed by valery folkov, minister of science and higher education of the russian federation, there should be live human communication within reasonable limits. can you explain to me what reasonable limits of human communication are? there may be reasonable limits, power.
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students are not reservoirs to be filled with concepts, they are human beings who, like teachers, need dialogue, communication, and the lived experience of learning together. during these months of quarantine, we are more aware than ever that relationships between people are not virtual, but real. are becoming more and more a
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luxury item, as antoine desenteri predicted, the only luxury i know is luxury.
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well, okay, but many people with all sorts of incredible ideas exist in the world of eccentrics, they are, in principle, safe, because they do not have the opportunity to realize these incredible ideas of theirs, when there is such an opportunity, it is not safe, because it can come true, and we, we... captivated by this mellifluous singing about our happy future, we ourselves will not notice it, as our children will turn into mankurts, read chingi zaitmatova, you say terrible things, in general
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, what you say makes me scared, why are you proposing to transfer power, in fact, into the hands of the population, as soon as all people understand... the basis of their self-identification, to manage , that is, it will be extremely difficult to manipulate them, they explain to me today that it was a joke, no, this is not a joke, this is a worldview point of view, it scares me, and if we multiply this by a gigantic empire with great opportunities, where it works... .
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azur from microsoft. none of these companies systematically cooperates with russian justice, does not provide source codes, and does not help.
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someone will not like something in our lives, in our thoughts, in our actions, and most importantly, look at what fantastic degradation has occurred since the destruction of the soviet school, i’m not talking about the ussr, not about ideology, about quality, about quality, listen to the children who came to...
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in the soviet union there is such a restaurant, i ’m not talking about what even they say, look at how they talk, how relaxed they are, how...
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what is the holocaust? this is a national holiday, congratulations on holocaust day.
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think about what remains of the school, it provides us with new opportunities, and now destruction, we have come to such a result, what we will come to when online education is fully established, what kind of people we will get, what kind of country, given that from those children who talk about mcdonald's today are over... years old, in many ways , managers of large enterprises, and so on and so on, but their children, their children are already congratulating on the holocaust because they don’t know what it is, they believe that stalin appointed lenin, what do we get? you can do anything you want with these people through the network. we want this, and now let’s return for a second to what we talked about in the last
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besogon, who is for this program? big business, entertainment, medicine, children's products, progressive universities, ngos, reformers, conscious parents, regulators, education as an instrument of foreign policy, who's in favor? who's against? organized religions, regulators, domestic politics, academic elite, faculty, parents, conservatives, who are in favor, education regulators as an instrument of foreign policy, who are against? regulators as an internal policy tool.
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which, by and large, was the constitution of a colonial country, listen to what we said in one of the previous besogons, look, the article of the constitution in the russian federation recognizes ideological diversity, no ideology can established as state and mandatory. which means that in our country
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any other countries can engage in their ideology, except for russia itself, because they are not prohibited from engaging in their ideology in our country, we are prohibited from engaging in our ideology in our country, in ours, but if we continue the thought of a certain ...
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this is international law today, tell me, this law works, the bombing of belgrade, the execution of leaders of other countries, this is all approved by the international community, international law protected the genocide of language in ukraine in the baltic states, she was indignant.
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you know, and now the congress of the intelligentsia is meeting, the congress of the intelligentsia, who are these people? i can name only those whom i myself have even heard of, these are lev gudkov, nikolai svanidze, grigory emmanuel, lev panomariov, andrey nichaev,
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veronika dolina , i won’t dwell on others, but look how these people think, here.. .just a few fragments of their thoughts, we now have military cemeteries, among those who also performed feats, albeit under different banners, but this is not a feat a person does not become a feat, you don’t mean that the nazis performed feats, and there is a wehrmacht, which includes soldiers, how good it is that the germans don’t hear this, do you understand? very lucky, because albert schweitzer had to go to africa, buy a ticket, give up and go, that means, treat the wild, dirty, sick, decals, we don’t have to go anywhere, just enough to leave the entrance, here we are already in africa, and africa there is a hundred around us, howling, rampaging. the first
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book to be published in the zhzl series in as a result of the new perestroika, there will be a biography of general vlas.
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child, you are missing that there are unshakable borders, that the russian language, of course you are not satisfied with the mention of god in the constitution.
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but here you are lying, that is not what worries you , you are worried about something else, you are worried that among these amendments there is one, probably one of the most important, that no one can be the leader of the country, a member of the state duma, a member of the federation council, a judge, a person who has a second citizenship or residence permit. this is the best for you scary, this is precisely the basis, that’s why we need to vote for this, because if we
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don’t do this, then one day we will wake up on a beautiful day when the head of our state will have a passport of the russian federation in one pocket, and... this what i personally am most afraid of, which is why those who are against the program, 20-30, are really people focused, focused on what... is happening inside our country, because if we don’t think about what happens inside our country, we will not be able to protect ourselves from those who
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today is the worst coronavirus that is breaking store windows and bringing people of color to their knees, to their knees, to their knees, to their knees, we have to think about ourselves. therefore, based on everything that i said above, i am absolutely convinced that we must accept amendments to the new constitution, we are obliged to do this, this is the most important step towards preserving the independence of our country, if this is dear to us, this is preservation, we must consciously come and vote. i still have a question, if god willing, these amendments
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will be adopted, but we do not consider the leaders countries, for example, the heads of television , or the directors of large concerns, the military-industrial complex, or the heads of large banks, in which the country's gigantic funds, that they... also lead the country, maybe not so officially, but in secret, but they lead the country, and from a lot depends on them, sometimes more than on the deputies. now, in conclusion, i want to show you one video, it seems to have nothing to do with what we were talking about, but it has to do with life in general , with the perception of life in general. to philosophy. eat such an observation that practically the main leaders of europe do not have children. here is macron, the president of france, german chancellor angela merkel, british prime minister theresa
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may, the scottish prime minister of holland, sweden, even jean-claude ujuncker, the president of the european commission has no children, neither does luxembourg, that is, a large number of people making decisions about the future of europe has no direct personal interest in this future, what does this mean? means that a person does not have an internal need for the future of the world, only in our power over it, that is, to whom we entrusted the world in general, our children, grandchildren, people who do not feel any feeling for the future at all, imagine a woman who has a baby in her arms, because this is everything for her, she is ready for she had everything she wanted, just to leave him, to make him feel good, yes, but these people who are at the head... of the world and solve his problems for him, they don’t have this attitude towards the world, they there is no baby in my arms, this is terrible,
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of course. what you saw is not a reason for in order to reproach people who cannot have children for the fact that they cannot have children, this is not what we are talking about, these are unhappy people, you can sympathize with them, help them as much as possible and so on, i am talking about the fact that psychology a person who leads a big country, but does not have children, she is different, it is more difficult to reach them, not because they do not want to. understand, they can’t understand everything, when it concerns just a person, it ’s a pity, it’s a disaster, but this is when it concerns someone who leads a big country, a people, nations, this is a problem, well, actually , that’s all for today, but as our swordsman
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krivoruchka said, you have already studied this, we are leaving one by one, and if anything happens, he really, if anything happens, we are geologists, all the best, until the next meeting.
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"investment rating, economics, through a specific story, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear, clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you
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have achieved, do you think that you are at the top?" " the world stood up, dusted himself off, is russia ready to change, does evolution occur in any structure? contract military personnel receive regional support measures, combat veteran status, and exemption from land
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tax. compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state, everything is fair here, serve under a contract. kiev's terrorist attack on belgorod will not go unpunished - this was emphasized vladimir putin. on the first day of the new year , the president held a meeting with military personnel who are being treated at the vishnevsky hospital after being wounded. great, hello, good to see you. i want to congratulate you on the new year. how are you being treated here?


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