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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 2, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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[000:02:32;00] this is illiteracy, stupidity, this is vulgarity, this is not love, this is not the results of a special operation or anything else, this is much deeper laid down, it was laid down in those years when the reforms of our education began, everything comes from there,
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back in 1826 alexander. .. the second year, if you shoot at the left target, then this machine will throw out a metal ruble, which you will take for yourself and spend it as you want, if at the right target, then this counter will throw a ruble here, and this money will go to the general cool things to do, now i'm leaving and the bell will ring,
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after... every student in your class finds himself in a conflict situation, his guys, his class, his comrades, supposedly everyone is shooting at the left
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target, it’s 16-17 guys who made the coverings. i want to congratulate you, despite our experimental tricks, your class passed the test, most of the guys turned out to be collectivists, so we can probably be happy for the younger teenagers,
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because in conditions where they are given special conditions.
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look, yes i'm rich, i have a day so much, box, i'm not silent, when i want, i not for sale, my beloved subscribers, this is all for... the ideology of the superiority of the personal over the collective. for 30 years in our cultural space, heroes were created, films were shown, in every possible way... the confidence was cultivated in people that each of them is a unique snowflake, that he more important than the collective, that he should do everything for himself, just don’t think that this is a tendency
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of collectivism, it killed the personality in a person, unlike, say, those snowflakes of today, we talked about this, remember, i’ll read it to you lines from
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diary: in 1896, this is what high school student olga dolgova writes in her diary, i am writing this one. the diary is not for anyone to read, but so that when i grow up, i can know what an out-of-the-ordinary fourteen-year-old girl thinks and does, and then find out how correctly i judged then about such subjects as, for example, the character of some people, good and evil, mutual relationships. and so on, now he will tell me, well, do you still remember
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the smolny institute, tsarskoye selo? no, listen to how the children talk for the first time those who went to mcdonald's in the nineties , listen, it's all the cleanliness and beauty that is amazing here, the people are good sellers, they don't swear, they don't shout, thank you, please , everyone is so kind, smiling, it's nice to just walk around, not even to buy, but well, it’s just nice to watch, so... before, when i was little, i thought that they were all like that, but i just thought that they were launching nuclear missiles, in fact, no, they are not so warlike and even on the contrary they did well that they opened it here in the soviet union, here is a restaurant, i’m not talking about what even they say, look at how they speak, and now compare with what and how they say today, listen. that the people who somehow left some kind of creative
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mark in history, they didn’t, they didn’t aim specifically at leaving some kind of mark, they did, somehow they managed to leave a mark, that is, i think everyone has a chance to leave this mark, i generally believe that a person does not need school, you can educate yourself online, complete guitar assignments, what was the surname of peter the great rurikovich? who wrote the novel fathers and sons? tolstoy, what is the name dzhugashvili famous for? no idea? stalin, is this stalin? listen, well, i may not know this, that’s normal, it doesn’t stop me from making a living. but if this situation that has developed now with nato, with ukraine, had happened in the seventy-first year, and those children whom we said we showed, they would have been of military age. how do you think? they would throw expensive cars at the border
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with georgia or kazakhstan, so that later scooter somehow, just to cross the border to escape the war, what do you think , where did all this come from, how did it happen, i will remind you, here is the education program 20:30, here is the section: the death of formats, according to this plan they should... kill exams, system of scientific journals and citation standards, author's textbook, by 2035.
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the comprehensive school, the research university, the text, the book, the article, as the dominant form of knowledge communication, the book, that is, the gigantic centuries-old culture of book publishing, the culture of the book, i
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now... but this is done very subtly, very subtly, you may not even notice how it is done, but i will give you an example, look, a task from the modules of the sberclass platform, schoolchildren are asked to place punctuation marks in a sentence. not all people strive for continuous communication; for many , loneliness is a great value,
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because alone with yourself you can be real and not try to meet someone else’s expectations, is that the right idea? well , of course, it’s right to be yourself, but how can you become yourself so that you don’t have to you’re bored with yourself if you don’t communicate with teachers, with parents, in general with society, with people, different people, how can you be self-sufficient for yourself if you don’t have this experience, and this is exactly the same thing, the same disunity. the same loneliness that you get used to at the computer, i’m not against the computer, i’m against it so that it doesn’t become a killer for people who, as a result, will be deprived of immunity in communicating with any problem to be
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alone one on one, because they don’t have experience, communication, understanding, education and so on. listen, it seems to me that the prosperity of russia, and therefore the happiness of its monarch, does not lie in imitation of western transformation, in the independent development of a state, people's ... organism, arising from the consciousness of the real needs of the people, and not from a childish desire to keep up with the west. amazing words spoken more than 100 years ago. today at the opening of this monument, the permanent
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representative of the president in the central federal district, igor shchogolev says following. look, there is nothing from his creative scientific heritage that would not be applicable today, this is precisely why he is valuable to us, he talked a lot about the importance of valuing national traditions, we need to look carefully at what the people have been developing for centuries, and it is absolutely not necessary to chase foreign models, because they can be as brilliant as they like in their own regions, but in our soil they do not always produce the shoots we need. now i want to understand, we are opening a monument to a wonderful, great teacher educator ushinsky, because it is the 200th anniversary of his birthday, or because we believe we hear his words and believe
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in the justice of these words. why do i have such doubts, they cannot help but arise, listen to what he says. and i would like to note that the national security strategy already says that quote: implementation of reforms in the field of education without taking into account historical traditions undermines the foundations of statehood, this is how reforms related to the digital transformation of all levels of school imposed international structures, through the digitalization system, are directly reformatting the consciousness of our children. with what kind of attitudes this is a very interesting question, now i would like to devote a couple of minutes to just this conversation about the important thing, which raises more and more questions in terms of goals. firstly, we believe that this is a fundamentally incorrect format, why? because in an hour children cannot be taught love for their homeland, it is necessary to introduce into subject education, just
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teaching moral values ​​and love for homeland, it is necessary to form through the russian language, literature, through history, even tasks in mathematics can be formulated this way. that the child will love his homeland, well, the second point is that we have already seen the repeated inclusion of destructive information in these lessons, in november there was a lesson we are different, we are together, many places in russia, which means it was timed to coincide with the day of tolerance, we saw, that this was expressed in the coloring of lgbt flags and the like, because look at what unesco is promoting, if we focus on their very tolerance, they have just prepared together who standards for sex education in europe are absolutely pedophilic in nature, which invite children from the age of four to learn about relationships between representatives of the same sex and about different concepts of family. here, 2023 has been declared the year of the teacher-mentor,
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so... the teachers broke it as much as possible, he was told “prohibit teachers from additional tasks, on the one hand they were given a small salary, and also programs that do not allow the teacher himself to even find the logical content, there's just a breakdown there brains, they drill into the brains, and the child comes, he still wants, he still
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has age-related needs, in the first grade
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, of course, everything decreases for him. should begin while the child is lying across the bed, it should begin from early childhood, through fairy tales, through epics, through stories about what kind of country a person lives in, cleverly, with a video, i would say, a warning, this is
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about , how they would like to see us, and what they would like i didn't want us to become, look, you'll understand why our show is called that, alternative mathematics, monday, oh, hi, danny, come in, look at...
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tuesday mrs. wells, we are danny's parents. so this teacher, this liberal supporter of elitism, tells an innocent first grader that his answer is wrong, only her answer is correct, yes, i heard that her students do not stay more than a year, after a year they go to another teacher, this is called a transfer to next class, hello, hello, mrs. wells, after a long discussions, the board decided that for the common
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good the school would refuse your services. but what about the children? we don't want the children to have your radical views, but of course we will honor all our financial obligations. so that's $2.0 for the last pay period and 2.0 for this one, so that's $4.0. wrong. 22 thousand. well, i think the moral of this video is absolutely clear, that when it comes to money, you can consider yourself an idiot for a while. well, that's all i wanted to talk to you about today, because
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our midshipman krivoruchka came and, as always , we were leaving. one at a time, if anything, we are geologists looking forward to seeing you, god willing at our next meeting, creating one piece of fabric can take a whole week of painstaking work, marrying... marrying an italian, if you knew what different meanings are put into these are the italians themselves and we, russian women, here we are going to get acquainted with the youngest winemakers in russia. kiev’s terrorist attack on belgorod will not go unpunished, vladimir putin emphasized. on the first day of the new year, the president held two meetings with the military at once at
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the residence in novogorev at the


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