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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 2, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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and now let’s imagine, taking into account how many, say, people are users of these channels on youtube, 1,200 channels with criminal themes, in 10 years, in 15 years they will become full-fledged, full-fledged owners of the country, they will vote, they can come to power, what kind of country will this be, power brought up?
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9 million visitors to these sites appeared in children, children, but what are we waiting for all the time? listen to the point of view of political scientist karaganov at this round table, well , stop kicking around, let’s attack and let's develop an idea for ourselves that goes into the future, here?
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we still don’t have the ability to protect teachers, we also talked about this, remember, if you go to the left, you will find your childhood, if you go to the right, you will lose your virginity.
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you’ll go straight, you’ll go straight to the picture, you fool, but imagine that this unfortunate teacher will slap this boor on the head with a magazine in her hearts , what will happen to her, she’ll be kicked out of work, well, look, 3 years, 4 years we’re talking about yeltsin , the history of russia in 7 minutes, where everything is an abomination, blood, betrayal, disgust and disgust, everything except boris nikolaevich yeltsin, once...
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because of his power, and elson decided to listen to the people, and so russia became new and free, he gave people a free life, people became freer, they now have a freer choice in clothing, in words, in hair color, in their general appearance and in what they say or write; before this there was no freedom of speech at all, and it was bad. it turns out
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i came, it was cool, freedom, what kind of freedom, what kind of freedom we are talking about, these guys know this freedom, here it is, a destroyed factory. it should be from a young age, with mother’s milk, to nourish those children who will then take the country into their hands, what kind of hands will the country fall into, will there even be these hands,
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look, i think, i want someone else to move personally to training, because at least i’m not saying anything about the country, i’m talking about training. when i grew up, i’ll probably go to live in america, well, i would want to go to america, because in america it’s normal there, well, it’s corny in the usa, well, maybe another germany, somewhere like that, the standard of living there is different than here, you understand that these are the results of the reform, we raised consumers, why am i so... convinced of this, because if they were creators, they would understand what awaits them, they want to consume, they are convinced that the idea of ​​happiness that is imposed on them is the very thing that will come to them, i ’m talking about looking a little ahead, about experience, about
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understanding, about hearing, about the fact that it is impossible to imagine something as a bright wrapper that is shown to you for... just you you will get the chocolate you want , there won’t be that chocolate, the wrapper will remain a wrapper, yes, we can reproach ourselves for not doing something, but we can also reproach ourselves for doing something , and sometimes we do something that raises a huge question, the whole story with navalny, let ’s put aside emotions now and just, well , trace the situation a little, mr. navalny is under investigation, under subscription, for what? for the fact that after the release of a video on constitutional amendments on the arty channel, the blogger alexey navalny directly insulted the russians who starred in it, including
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ignat artemenko, a participant in the great patriotic war, a ninety-two-year-old old man, a veteran, calling him a corrupt lackey. this caused a storm of indignation against mr. navalny , they filed a lawsuit, i repeat, mr. navalny was under investigation, under a subscription, and did not leave, that is, he had no right to leave moscow at all, any other person who was under a subscription not to leave, leaving his place residence, comes back, goes to pre-trial detention center in
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... august, the business trip coincided with the birthday of one of the fbk employees, to celebrate it, the gentlemen went to a local bar, well , nothing special, for now, well, people walk and walk, thank god, on august 16, the very next day the company returned to radisson again , this party put an end to the novosibirsk tour of navalny and his employees. on august 17, they headed to tomsk by car and checked into the zander hotel. they preferred to sing right in the hotel. on august 18, navalny and his company rested at the zander hotel restaurant. they were so noisy that the hotel staff had to reprimand them. then they continued the party in their rooms.
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on august 19 in tomsk, navalny, in the company of esquires yarmysh, ilya pokhomov, representatives of the tomsk headquarters ksenia fodeeva and andrey fatiev. and also two other local activists, probably taking into account previous experience, decided to move from the hotel to a rented apartment, after drinking and snacking, they headed to a bathhouse outside the city, according to some sources... in the evening they washed themselves in a bathhouse in the village with a caftan, according to some sources there capital guests tried local moonshine, but other sources claim that all the alcohol was only from the store. this means that he could have been poisoned anywhere and with anything, but mind you, this is a person who has no right to be there at all. listen, i have absolutely everything.
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this person, the conclusion is simple: there is every reason to believe that that week spent stormily in siberia could have directly affected the natural causes of alexei navalny falling into a coma. now, what happened next? mr. navalny became ill, on board a plane flying from tomsk to moscow on august 20. 8:40, the plane lands urgently in omsk. at 9:10 am, ambulance doctors began resuscitation efforts. at
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10:05, navalny was hospitalized in the omsk hospital. later, specialists from moscow arrive in omsk. on the evening of august 20 , his wife yulia arrives at the hospital, offering to send him to germany for treatment. on august 21 at 12:10 a plane with a german aircraft arrives in omsk. there is a trend of improvement throughout the day. the country where he is being sent for treatment, is it normal? what happens next? further
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a tsunami begins, bacchanals, poisoners, a bloody regime, putin personally, can you imagine how inflated the self-esteem of these gentlemen is, how great it is? well , in general, if you... treat an oppositionist, well, even this is ridiculous to dispute, what is happening, how he is met, 15 cars, a police escort, listen, personal, personal guest of the german chancellor, a special plane with a special patient landed at a military base berlin airport. military transport was already
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waiting. they were accompanied by the police, who cleared the way to the hospital. fire trucks protected from the rear. human life is valuable, and some lives are more valuable than others. formally, navalny is even merkel’s guest, but this is not a political signal at all, it is just a trick of the bureaucracy so that navalny can be protected by criminals.
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well, i’m not even talking about the fact that these smart doctors are humiliated, damn it, well, if you’re insulted for the person you’re trying to save, right? that’s right, humanly speaking, now what’s next? german chancellor accuses putin of poisoning novichok navalny, who are you telling this to, after the story with the skripols, by the way, how are they feeling, where are they in general, alive, healthy,
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no, the area is detached, the cat that had contact with the skripols is burned. he did not die only because the handle , which was lubricated, it rained, so he did not become as infected as he could have become infected in order to die, some person died, it turns out, from this newcomer, the people who were in this place behind a kilometer from this house, they were in spacesuits, this is all this together, yes, there is a hospital, a plane, back and forth, cars, everything, even without masks, who are you treating?
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an idiot should send it to germany so that they can approve it, so that they can find it there, or do our doctors have complete idiots who could not identify this, find and understand what it is? laboratories of the nikolai vasiliovichovachavosky emergency care laboratory, the biological fluid of navalny’s patient alexey was examined, the study was carried out at masirmeland technologies usa,
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“god grant navalny gets well, scoundrels, mediocre doctors from omsk, they couldn’t cure, god forbid i die, killed, killed, but you, listen, we’ll be doing this crap for a long time, we don’t understand that they’re just mocking us, the plane, do you know how much the plane costs?” “like that, it costs about 100,000 euros, such a special plane that has been waiting for a day, 100,000 euros, these are companies of veterans who can live out their lives normally, and leave it to their grandchildren, yes, navalny is more important to us than some leaders of the party factions of the state duma, we need to take care of him like the apple of our eye. , to
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nothing happened to him, what happens next, well, just sober. look , no, no, but the background, and sanctions, sanctions, and what kind of sanctions, block nord stream 2, sanctions have already been imposed on our laboratories that produce this antiviral drug, why? because it's billions, because it's competition. because this is an opportunity to officially impose sanctions for the poisoning of your mother, an unemployed blogger at a huge laboratory, some of which the ministry of defense is all legal, pompeojmompeo, that's it, listen, we
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what little paul was waving? a test tube with dental powder, what evidence, no, there is evidence of poisoning of skripols, no, white helmets - no, chemical attacks in syria, no, now it is said that this harmful substance, this poison, could have been applied to navalny’s underwear, motherfucker, merkel would be great if she came out to the podium with navalny’s underpants, she says, here it is, the proof , here... you see the underpants, well, we are children, or something, who are you treating, and we are everything, and the point is not ... so to speak, to refute, they they don’t want to prove anything at all, they don’t want to, they consider themselves entitled to do it, we
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tolerate it as we do, and note that in germany it’s not just doctors who do this , it’s the military who do this, that’s what our specialists say, specialists, listen. “if he had been poisoned by such serious matters as some kind of combat substance, i ’m not even saying what kind, it doesn’t matter, he would have been dead in 10 minutes, before he could board the plane, that is, if he is poisoned with a combat substance , well, how can you do it like that? it’s unprofessional that after this he lives for a long, long, long, long, long time, if he..."
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in navalny, in germany, they found him, maybe he... from russia to germany, is surrounded by state care, russia is creating another problem. soon we will see in the usa the navalny law according to the magnitsky scheme
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, in short, an enemy of russia with the money of the enemies of russia, works in russia, against russia, after which he leaves for the enemies of russia, who accept him as an enemy of russia who has done his job well, after which.. a new one begins stage of anti-russian hysteria, all this is being done completely openly, he will soon return to continue. i would like mr. navalny to return, but before continuing, i would stand trial for insulting our veteran. and at the end i want to show you one video, take a look. oigaya now
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has a wide theme. tell me, i’m not taking china or india now, but by and large we are the only country in the world today, the only one that can preserve christian values, and european ones at least culture, the only one...
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we have hope that there will be such a landscape and such girls who will sing such songs, and sing so selflessly sincerely, with such love, but i don’t, so it’s not too late,
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well, it’s time to finish, i’ve come our sword winged hand said, we’re leaving one by one, if anything happens, we’re right, geologists, i’m looking forward to your next meeting. it can take a whole week of painstaking work to create one piece of fabric. marry an italian, if you knew what different meanings the italians themselves and we put into it russian women, we are going to meet the youngest winemakers in russia.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general . how can you achieve what you have achieved? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, shook yourself off and went. is russia ready to change? evolution occurs in any structure.
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we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient. what is a newsletter? my sister and i spent the whole day drawing a ballot , wrote down the candidates, didn’t forget mom and dad , very cleverly put in a lot of layers of security, took colored markers, made watermarks, we’ll go vote with it , choose mom and dad, but mom said, darling, we have the ballot you are beautiful, only digital counting, your ballot will not pass, because in russia
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ballots mark the best day. very carefully sewn up, they have the most powerful protection, your trick will not work, people choose honestly, but dad and i are very glad that we are your candidates, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, what is this day in history remembered for? right now. hello. on january 2, 1843, the premiere of richard wagner's the flying dutchman took place at the dresdon court opera. the composer himself wrote the libretto for all his works, but he composed the dutchman’s libretto in order to earn money. wagner found himself penniless in paris. he sold the text for 500 francs to the director of the peraa grant, however, he was not allowed to compose music; the order was given to louis piya, and
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the opera the phantom ship was staged in paris. but wagner is so...


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