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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 2, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

6:30 am
bang! it's a miracle she didn't kill anyone. what's the difficulty? her mother is an important person at court. my daughter is fine. she is a normal girl, just like everyone else. and the girl repents. like. let's go to paris. let's eat the oyster. it would be possible to forgive, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be. siberia. yes, i ’ll cut out your tongue now , we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it up, i’d tear you apart with horses, where are you going, drown yourself, got used to watching videos online, stopped working, install , open, watch, all russian channels tv series, movies and cartoons, educational... programs and
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documentaries, free without registration, watch, watch in the app or on the website.
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russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping, you need a holwa, take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the holwa, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or getting rid of credit card debts, easy with holva, what’s your mood?
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today is light and airy , romantic and sensual, relaxed sublime, find a scent that suits your mood better than looking at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it once, turn it, twist it, twist it, only after confirming the payment, order sovito by february 4th with delivery from one ruble. check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. in life's whirlwind of successes, failures, hope fills you with viblanch, in the rhythm of work, many tasks, your break fills viklanch, meat sauce, hot sytin, meat with noodles fills viklanch, warm sunset over the roofs of danch, joy and life fill viklanch, just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts. and what is it possible? can!
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iota, connect for a maximum of 399 rubles and receive superboxes as a gift, you can iota, it seems to me that my grandfather is hiding something, vanity! fireworks, turning on the new year's light, lights up ! magic staff, grandfather, and we have something tasty at home, we can conjure something, they know how to do magic, snowman courier, it has been proven that my grandfather is santa claus. on new
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year's eve, everyone can create miracles, from the bottom of their hearts for those around them, happy new year, wizards. look at the shells. monetaria coin. they are snakes, snakes or cowries. kauuri symbolized fertility and protected from evil spirits. they were placed like nickels on the eyes of the deceased.
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at the same time, cowries served as money; their shape formed the basis of the first hieroglyph. most of all kauri were found in the maldives. the question is, where? beaches of the maldives, and where, say, are the forests of udmurtia and mariel, but the point is that this southern shell entered the countries of eurasia through the ancient, great indian route. the great indian way is the elder brother of the great silk.
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but for eurasia, coins from the later kushan kingdom are more familiar, here are shiva and the bull nandi from the hindu pantheon, the greek hephaestus, the iranian goddess ardokhsho, amu darya solar mithra. and all this was minted at one state mint. آن یک گفت: این به انگوری دههم. آن یکی دیگر عرب بود، گفت: لا، من اینب خواهم، نه انگور. ای دغا. آن
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یکی تورکه بود و گفت: این بنام، من نمیخواهم ایناب، خواهم. عزوم آن یک رومی بیگفت این قل را ترک کن خواهم استافیل را در تنازو آن ن فر جنگی شدند که زسل نام ها غافل بودند مشت بر هم میزدند از ابلهی پر بودن د از جهل و از دانیشدهی گفت:
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laladin rumi was right. you can understand each other only by knowing the language of your interlocutor. the polyglot rumi owed his ability to speak and write in different languages ​​not only to his talent. this was the lifestyle of multinational eurasia. transsip. turksip. bam, trans-eurasian development train, one train, one track, all these are the great silk roads of our time, new incarnations of the ancient ones trade highways, they connect east, west, north and south, just as
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blood vessels permeate the body, saturating its tissues with oxygen so necessary for life. at the end of the 19th century , the trans-caspian railway began operating. the world was surprised. zhulver himself took the heroes of his novel clodius for a ride along it. bombarnac, moreover, the great french visionary, in his novel extended it all the way to beijing. dreams have outpaced reality. this road has not yet reached china, but today there is a project to unite the railways of china and kyrgyzstan and uzbekistan. so perhaps the fairy tale will sadly soon become reality. russian traveler and watercolorist nikolai karazin
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received the highest order to make an album about the trans-caspian railway. he was given a special workshop car for painting. let's look through. the very first silk road developed in the second century bc. grief and the threads of the silk road reached europe, hundreds of camels carried silk towt and komka, wool and cotton, calico, carpets and braid, leather and furs, tea and rice, incense and soap to the west, honey and wax, salt pepper, gold and silver, precious stones and pearls, porcelain glass, watermelons and peaches.
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shaganet is my shagan, because i’m from the north, what. “i’m ready to tell you about the wavy face under the moon, shagan you are my shagan, because i’m from the north, or something, that the moon there is 100 times huge, no matter how beautiful it is, it’s no better than the expanses of ryazan, because i from the north, or what? this festive outfit of the 19th century preserves the memory of how, thousands
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of years ago, the armenian people saw off their beloved king artashes i on his last journey. gold-woven mantle, as historian mavses kharinatsi writes, the king was reclining on a silk bed, this was the first mention of silk in armenian history. the road from tigran-kert. vartash was called royal. this was a section of the southern branch of the great silk road, which led through central asia, iran and armenia, to the middle east, to the mediterranean to europe. along the great silk road, armenia began to be recognized by its carpets. it is not for nothing that the english carpet is so similar to the armenian carpet. knotted carpet. a. one of the central branches of the silk tree the route passed through central asia to the shores
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of the caspian sea, from where the route lay to the caucasus and further to the greek colonies, to the northern fields and forests, to the volga, kamma, and dnieper. the caravans stopped to rest and trade in the oases, where cities such as almaty and kashgar, bishkek and osh, fergana and tashkend, samarkand and bukhara, and... bat and urgenj flourished. like a great river with character, the silk road changed its courses more than once, forming new branches, channels and oxbow lakes. the memory of the eurasian highway is preserved by camels on the coats of arms of chelyabinsk and simei. these treasures sailed along ancient routes from varyak to
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greki, izvoryak to oraby, it is now easy to imagine everyday flights from baghdad to stockholm and istanbul to st. petersburg, in the 9-11 centuries. perhaps, at this time, connections, commercial, cultural, political, were in the center of everyone's attention. life is not bad, you shine, what a miracle. the first route led ships along the dnieper and the black sea, constantinople, and the gates.
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russia in the upper reaches of the river, volga bulgaria in the middle and the khazar kaganate in the nezovye volga. bolgar is the capital of volva bulgaria, the strongest of heirs of the turkic kaganate, about the homelands of the current tatars, bashkirs and chuvashs. once upon a time this was the only gateway for trade between russia and the east. no matter how many times bolgar was destroyed to the ground by the slavs and mongols, just as many
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times it rose from the ashes thanks to convenience.
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the oldest bagpipe is over 300 years old and was not born in scotland. whoever played the bagpipes: the ancient chaldeans, assyrians, egyptians, persians, indians, greeks danced to the bagpipes, the romans marched in battle formation, only the barbarian invasions abandoned the bagpipes to the north, scotland, where she acquired. france, in italy, in romania and moldova, in belarus, in germany , in estonia, in bulgaria, in armenia, in georgia, in the chuvash, in mariella, because of the drawn-out, monotonous sound of the instrument, the word “bagpipe” was born, then
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eat, hesitate, stall for time, but time, of course, does not drag on, but... but flows gradually, like the serenga river flows into baikal, and old baikal has many fairy tales. one of them is about how baikal did not allow his daughter, the beautiful angara, to marry bogatura yenisei, but the girl still rushed to meet her husband. is it because of fate that from time immemorial, the nomads of eurasia carried with them yurts, yarangas, plagues, tents, tents
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assembled from frames and felt, leather and animal skins, the charter reliably protected from... the pain of the torment and was irreplaceable on hikes. the dome of the yurta was crowned with a circle with a lattice cross. he held the poles, the light of the sun penetrated into him and the smoke of the hearth came out. it became the anchor of the nomadic world, a family talisman. in the oases, nomadic tents gave way to domes of palaces and mosques, arches of madrassas, and turrets of minarets, creating a continuous architectural mosaic. years confrontations and proximity to the great steppe have proven that the tent is seriously for a long time. and in the 16th-17th centuries, after ivan the terrible annexed the kazan and astrakhan khanates,
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a real tent boom began in russia. tent-roofed churches, towers and bell towers, the flesh of the russian wooden nobility, harmoniously fit into a single eurasian landscape. when asked for the symbol of russia, the symbol of moscow, the neural network produces countless images of st. basil's cathedral. indeed, the pokrovsky cathedral on red square is a real eurasian archetype in its very the heart of russia. wonder of the world, a bouquet of nine churches. they inevitably compare its colors with the richness of the decor of the khan’s palaces. over the years , red square grew with tents,
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the kremlin towers iveron gate, the royal throne in the assumption cathedral and the royal tower, the historical museum and the moscow duma. and those who have been to moscow and kazan notice how moscow and kazan’s tents rhyme. we are friends with tents. in approximately the same way, their clothing and bodily structure are all the same, while christians wear ties that fasten the chest on the right side. a tatars, whose clothes are very similar to those on the left.
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according to the historian klyuchevsky, foreigners liked to compare russian sovereigns with turkish sultans, and it is not surprising that with the rise of russia, ottoman turkey entered the eurasian arena. reading the menu for a diplomatic reception in the book of the embassy order, one might think that all of eurasia is feasting, because it is on the table. rhine, spanish and greek wines and russian honeys, light snacks in the form of strips of candied melon and watermelon, caviar, smoked sturgeon and
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salmon backs, salted beluga tongue, a variety of mazyunias, spicy-sweet pates made with saffron, ginger, pepper, pies, 21 types and even overseas eggplant caviar. judging by the menu, it’s a fast day, otherwise the table would be full of meat dishes. aristocrats from different countries and eras. eurasia from top to bottom, a single family of farmers, nomads, warriors. tamerlane's son shahrukh is quite a sight. europioid, which is not surprising, his mother was tajik, tamerlan’s grandson ulukbek is again a mangoloid. andrei bogolyubsky, russian prince,
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what is not an asian, his mother, daughter of polovetsky khan aepe, and ivan the terrible, among the ancestors of his mother, elena glinskaya, there were lithuanians, tatars, and poles. however, a low forehead, a narrow face, a strongly protruding thin nose and a forward chin indicate the presence of signs of the mediterranean type. perhaps the king inherited them from his grandmother, the greek sophia, a paleologist. ivan the terrible, having become the sovereign of the kabardian land, the circassian and mountain princes, seals the deal with two weddings.
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the daughter of the tsar's governor and diplomat vasily zakharyen yuryev, whose family marked the beginning of the romanov dynasty. after the wedding, the new circassian relatives receive the title of princes of cherkasy.
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investment rating, economics, through a specific story, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, a clear and clear signal works in russia. is russian industry capable of
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replacing foreign suppliers? you need to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, how can you achieve what you have achieved? you feel like you’re on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, let’s go, are you ready? is russia changing, is there evolution happening in any structure?
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the third series of the film eurasia, the abc of general history, about the development of the mainland countries from ancient times to the present. the caucasus is below me, alone in the heights, i stand above the snow at the edge of stremnina. an eagle, rising from a distant peak, soars motionless along with me.


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