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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 2, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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yes, i accepted, grab them, the fairy tale they were waiting for, asel, dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves temporary musicians, i actually sing too, bremen musicians. let's look before everyone else, let's get to know each other, veronica palovna. vosnetsova, your new boss
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, and this is a female corpse with a blunt trauma to the skull , vasnetsova, always one step ahead, four, let’s sign up, let’s look, i’ll shave your head to intimidate her, i wouldn’t tear you apart, you need to try very hard, we’ll her let's burn, let's say i really went back in time, then why the hell come here, holob 2. the spirit of the east is so ingrained in our lives that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish where the national trait ends and the eastern influence begins, a good half of the tatar blood flows in us.
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it became clear to many painters that only in the east, be it the crimea or the caucasus, persia or altai, can one receive inspiration and be cured of creative ailments, perhaps due to more responsible rays. sun. a native of samarkand, lev bure created not only the canvas, but also the first art school in turkestan. ivan kazakov was born in the oryol region, but fell in love with the east all his life. he moved to tashkent, where he not only painted, but taught drawing and scribbling. aganastyvasyan, born in yerevan, studied in teflis, lived in samarkand.
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opened an art school there, taught in tashkent, and designed the uzbekistan pavilion at vdnkh. local painters, such as ural tansekbaev, needed to get acquainted with the french impressionists in order to later rediscover the beauty of their native land. for others, like ilya mazel or alexander volkov, the east showed the way to a unique synthesis, tradition and...
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wanting to get to the bottom of the eastern world, he became seriously interested in islam and sufism and eventually took the new name ustomumin, which means a believing, humble master. abr, translated from persian as cloud. the main feature of abr fabric is its abstract patterns reminiscent of light cirrus clouds. such patterns are created using a special thread dyeing technique. it is impossible to get two pieces of fabric with
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the same pattern. each canvas can be compared to an artist’s painting, because the master works just as carefully on each a thread, like... an artist over every stroke. it can take a whole week of painstaking work to create one piece of fabric. the free, shimmering abr pattern stunned and hypnotized europeans. it all started at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, with international industrial exhibitions, where turkestan robes and shirts literally shocked the west. asian robes sound.
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festive clothes, and had to touch the body. someone came up with the idea of ​​putting a silk robe with a chintz lining from the tryokhornaya or ivanovo manufactory. anyway, riot the colors and free pattern of turkestan silk met with the emphasized precision of the symmetry of russian sedtsy. the effect was amazing. cotton and silk become strong binding threads of the euro. the famous turkestan silks, also a kind of symbol of eurasia. known since the times
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of the chinese qin empire, silk money appeared in turkistan not because of a good life, but because of a shortage of paper at the turn of the era. first time. after the collapse of the russian empire in 1918, when khan seid abdullah was on the throne of the khevin khanate, he released 3 million silks, for the second time 500 million silks were already printed by the government of the charismatic people's soviet republic, just a year or two, and life will change radically, the crescent star will be replaced by an ear of cotton. the blacksmith is young, but no matter what the name of the land is, khiva or khanate, kharezmian or people's republic, or three more instead, the inscription kharezmen on the silk will remain unchanged on...
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the falling forehead with the plate of a bird, an openwork comb, how can one not remember from the armata deer . the composition on the ridge dates back to ancient times indo-iranian theme of karkalpak, mordovian, chuvash, udmur, headdresses
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. this is tajik embroidery. the universal sacred plot contains the entire world order. diamonds, earth , rook, path, road to the world of ancestors, the sun, the source of life, the tree of life with birds in the sky, snakes in the roots, horses, deer, leopards on the sides, and the goddess of fertility, among the russians, bereginya, among the iranians, uzbeks , tajiks, anahita, various variations on this world theme adorn the clothes of all eurasians. you can’t distinguish them from slavic ones, like this chuvash outfit, there is one root, a common one, eurasian, look, embroidery of russian
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pomors, arkhangelsk region, this pendant once decorated wedding sleighs, all the same familiar indo-iranian symbols.
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because of your words like nightingales, because of your words like pearls, animals, my wild words,
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on them, their fangs, horns, i have become crazy, beauty, for the sake of your cheeks, shira roses, i have lost the color of my cheeks, for the sake of your golden hair, i scattered my gold, i became naked and legless to the beauties. from the heights of past years , the expression soviet experiment seems as absurd as the scythian experiment or tamerlane's coup. it is obvious that the revolution only renewed the world bequeathed by our ancestors. like previous cataclysms, an attempt to build a new world.
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the many-sided world of eurasia. it seems that all the modern images of an earthly paradise, all the markets, bazaars, all the madrasahs and observatories have gathered here. the architect of the uzbekistan pavilion, stefan polupanov, was a famous architect of andijan, samarkand, tashkend, and brilliantly knew how to translate tradition into the language of modernity. he involved his colleagues, turkestanis, in the work. ural tansekbaev, usto, mumin, aganes tatevasyan
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and many others. the maelika on the facade and the carved doors were made by the best masters of samarkand, yakub raufov and narula nazrullaev. it is not surprising that the pamilion resembles the lukbek madrassio in samarkant. the pavilion of the republic of kazakhstan breathes with the memory of medieval mausales. speaking about the achievements of the ussr, we can cite tens of hundreds of impressive figures, but it’s better,
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let’s just peer at the monuments of those years, as we peer at the faces and figures of the gods and heroes of antiquity, no one is better than the artist will make you feel the epic scope of eurasian thought, will, energy, so close to understandable to us. valuable map of industry of the ussr, which received the grand prix at the world exhibition in paris in 1937, and then a gold medal in new york.
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this was the best thing i have ever created from urawa stones. it was as if i had read a book about my country, saw a vast, mighty homeland, and i thought, working on this map, that all this is mine, my country, my
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wealth, my factories, my forests, cities. i, i, am the owner of this country. the card keeps the treasured alchemical secret. how we all managed to build the world's first nuclear power plant, the world's first nuclear icebreaker, launch the first cosmonaut and the first orbital station, create. a single geological map, and how did they manage to rebuild ashgabat, tashkent, leninaki after the earthquakes, and how did they manage to defeat fascism? the enemy’s calculation was that the soviet union was a forcibly assembled conglomerate of peoples alien to each other, an ear of grain
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on the legs of a mountain, if it was shaken, the union would crumble like a house of cards. the enemy is not knew the abcs of our common history and therefore miscalculated. the great patriotic war exposed the ancient, but still living and powerful, root of eurasian civilization. people, forgetting about political, class, religious, ethnic differences, stood shoulder to shoulder to protect their fells and forests, steppes and mountains. more than a hundred nationalities, descendants of the scythians. sarmatians, turkic huns, ancient slavs, considered themselves a single soviet people, defended their common homeland from another invasion of barbarians, this time from europe. before
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there are still memories along the route of the echelon of the panfilov division from kyrgyzstan, through kazakhstan to russia, to the defense of moscow. that valor, the commander pamfilov himself, bishkkeki, the fighters of the division in almaty, their comrades near moscow, where they all died heroically, but stopped the enemy, the great heroic path of eurasian civilization. mamaev kurgan, guard post of the golden horde. not far from here, older than the capital of the nomadic empire. and in 1942-43 , the battle of stalingrad, the bloodiest battle of the great patriotic war, took place on this land. in 135 days mamayev kurgan has become a place of power. here, in a fierce battle with fascism , about 35,000 soldiers from all the fraternal
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republics of the soviet union laid down their goals. victory was a foregone conclusion here. a grandiose memorial to the miracle of engineering of the 20th century, in its center is the motherland, an eighty-five-meter figure that amazes even those who have seen the american statue of liberty with its size and power. the famous volzhskaya gas station was built from the same concrete. the memorial was built by the entire union. metal and stalingrad, granite from quarries in ukraine, spotlights from kaliningrad. here on the main page you feel the mounds of eurasia especially keenly; it was only possible to win this terrible war.
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zholdy kernep kol etti, senderge den bergeli,
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neva alabyn koryңdar, leningrad. and deep relationships, but this is enough to understand skuv and tartaria, russia and the horde, the soviet union and eurasia, this is not blood, but the state of mind of two hundred peoples gathered under one tent, the size of a continent. the eurasian cauldron continues to boil. eurasia is not afraid of change, because it feels an irresistible force. unity mutual understanding. we know places in the sun enough for everyone. west is west, east is east, they will never meet. but this is not about
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us. the historical experience of eurasia testifies. east-west, north and south can get along well and interact, enriching and respecting each other.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv, i hope you will remember them and enjoy them.
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