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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 2, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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three hectares, or may not have any land at all, although oleg repin is written on the label, this is the name of one of the most famous crimean winemakers, the author of the drink, in fact his daughter, twenty-two-year-old ksenia, well, dad said, well done, it’s good that you can, not all is lost, we’ll take you back to work , but... i think some were 100% skeptical and thought that, probably, dad did everything, they wrote my name, but this is absolutely not the case, that is, the production of wine and my i do everything myself. first for a small, only 11.5 hectares family farm, pink wine became her diploma work at the temeryazev academy, this is my third future release, the first release was my diploma work, everything is also pink.
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sulfur varieties, this year we worked very delicately with color, we worked with cooling before processing, in order to work with color more delicately, but at the same time make a small extraction and better release of substances, so that there is a more vibrant aromatic taste, you can try this bye and the grape juice, it’s not alcoholic yet, but just yesterday we removed it from the sediment, so it’s only a couple of days later. it will ferment, listen, well, this is generally a magnificent color, this is the kind of color that you can take photos of on social networks, and i think it’s great too, well, sweet, yes, sweet, i partially aged my first release in one of these amphoras rose, a very cool story from the point of view of work, it is 200 liters, of course a small volume, you can work with it only in terms of some kind of experiment...
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we do part of our vrz. mom always says that my very first experience with changemaking happened when i was 3 years old. dad bought me rubber boots and mom left me with dad, went somewhere about her business, so she came back to pick me up, and she came, couldn’t find me, said: oleg, where is ksyusha? and i look out of the barrel, tell her peek-a-boo, that is, probably my most minimal start began with this, then, in principle , all the time that i remember, i always helped, even when i got up. choice: do i want to go
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study to become a winemaker to do this business, or i want to be a lawyer there like my mother, or in general completely different directions, somehow i didn’t even have any special thoughts in my head, i always knew that i wanted to be a winemaker, here we have our the basement, our barrel gallery, we will age our red wines here, the big ones are empty for now, we just moved here, this year we will be pouring fresh releases into them for aging. i am still convinced that we have a very cool family history, and it seems to me that all this is needed continue to promote, continue to do. i hope that after me there will be more people in our family who will want to continue this business, and it will become such a big, very cool story. satera's estate is another project
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to which oleg repin had a hand; he is the main winemaker of the line under the esse brand. natalya dynnikova also works under the guidance of the famous master. she came to winemaking at the age of ksenia, as an intern at the kuban phonogary. i’m 31 years old, i’ve been in winemaking for 9 years, i chose my profession very spontaneously, in fact, because, well, i studied at chemistry and mathematics class, studied chemistry and... i was most interested in perfumery when i arrived in the city of krasnodar, because i myself am from the krasnodar region, i came to krasnodar to apply for admission, i had two choices, either it was perfumery - cosmetic products, or this is winemaking, i reasoned, so where will i work in kuban, do we have perfumery and cosmetic products, then i think it’s not clear, but... we have, we have
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a lot of them, that means i will have 100% job security. and these thoughts led me to the fact that you need to enroll in the faculty of winemaking. we were very lucky that in 2014. elena denisova , the director of stoli gran-vostok at that time, contacted us at the university, and accordingly they needed a person as an assistant winemaker, this was a chance, and accordingly at that time the winemaker was peralan pionete, i can’t even finish this in words, how it was all very beautiful and great, because your first job, imagine, is with a frenchman, you are already his assistant winemaker, then the story begins. with winery soberbash with andrei kulyachkov, i worked there for 3 years, also as an assistant, yes, also as an assistant winemaker, it was also a great time, then satera happened to me, and here is oleg vladimirov cherepin, here is a completely new story, here the story is such that it already affects you
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they look at you as a specialist, but here they are already starting to listen to your ideas, apply them to life, there is a very... variety of grapes, a very large bunch, a large berry, is it already ripe or are you still waiting for it to ripen, and how do you understand from the taste that it's time, it's just some kind of experience, a little offensive, dry it, there’s nothing in the taste, like a vitamin, such
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a sourness, it’s apparently necessary, it means that well, it’s worth holding a little, we don’t just take a sample, we definitely try the berry, because the whole laboratory is in our mouths, so we sometimes may not agree with the opinion of our laboratory, which tells us: well, it seems that the grapes are already ripe, they need to be picked, but we say no, or vice versa, they tell us, the grapes are not ripe, but we say , you need to collect, here, but this is such a mini-story, in fact , the winemaker plays the main role in the enterprise, that is, if the winemaker decides to collect a variety, he collects it, after that... accordingly , grape harvesting, grape processing, then we have fermentation, choice of technology, uh , we look at the process, the image, uh , well, and then we begin to nurse and raise him like our little child, then send him on his way, so we’ll be happy that our
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fans say about our wine, it doesn’t upset you that you appreciate it they can, well not all of them, let’s say, so most of our people in russia, they will choose wine, well, firstly, by geographical name, there, and it won’t be, most likely russian, they’ll take something there, there’s a new world , something else, and for the price, yes, yes, well, you don’t even have to go far, we come home, yes, i say, we have new wine there, i brought it, they tell me, well, dry wine again , well, that is, the old generation, which is aged, so it was aged in port 72. there are black eyes, that’s either fortified moscato, but here we get light, quiet wines and for them they are incomprehensible, i will of course be very glad if in the future our wine
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can be bought, for example, our russian wine can be bought not only on the shelves, for example, there in the crimea or our southern region of kuban, be honest with your reviews. you read it, it’s in venity sech, when you type in the title, i definitely, definitely read it, yes, yes, this is an important story, this is a must-have story for a specialist, because here it’s not about a personal nature, but a story about how you will continue to work with this wine, here i would like to tell our viewers that if you like the product, be sure to write a review on it, because winemakers are really very creative and sensitive people, they read all this, and good reviews. they are motivated to work better, well, probably like in any profession. before visiting crimea, alexey senelnikov and i took a trip around the krasnodar territory. we talked with almost a dozen winemakers from 18
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to 32 years old, from students in practice to process managers at the largest farms in the country. a separate film is dedicated to them. this new generation of ambitious winemakers is the future of the industry. these last bunches are called stepson bunches; they have gained the maximum amount of sugar and are really very sweet.
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but i did not immediately begin to show interest in this, i joined the project only in 2019, we have a small hotel and restaurant complex on the northern side of sevastopol, and i worked in it, and therefore everything was fine, i already rose to the rank of manager there , there were no problems with finances, i was young, everything was fine, so somehow i didn’t think about what else to do, but in the nineteenth year - i’m years old, i realized that i had reached a certain ceiling there, and i wanted to develop further, so i began
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to think about what else to do, i assessed some of my strengths on the other hand, my competence, i worked all my life in sales in the hotel restaurant industry, i realized that at that time we already had a one-year-old vineyard, that is , i realized that in 2 years we would have a harvest, in another year we would have wine, at that moment i was planning to sell wine, at that moment i knew about wine. about nothing, that is , i knew that wine comes in red and white, i think i didn’t even always think about pink, but i collected all my funds, accumulated belongings, and went to study at the samilye school, one of the best in the country in peter, uh, for a professional course, that is , i came with zero knowledge, but i was so motivated in general to quickly integrate and understand everything about the world of wine, that i completed it quite successfully and ended up working in a cult wine bar. why did you want to come back? and the time came when it was necessary to develop my own farm, having received such
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a tasting base, having seen thousands of stories of winemakers like this, i already had a picture of how it should be, and i came here with these ideas, what we will do, so we should have a small farm with an emphasis on working with the vines and minimal intervention in vinification. now we are in a vineyard with our armenian varieties, perhaps we are the only ones outside of armenia who have planted, grown and made wine from these varieties, specifically this is the karmroyut variety, from we make our karmir wine with it, this is our bestseller, yes, that is, many highly appreciated this wine, it is a dye variety, it has colored flesh, you see, that is, its juice and pulp are red, and we make it
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practically without contact with the skin, and the wine still turns out red, and we also have about 10% admixture of the white variety. in what year did you enter the market? so, how many hectares do you have bearing fruit at the moment, huh? today we have 18 out of 19 hectares bearing fruit, we started the first plantings were in 2018, the bulk of them; in 2020, we planted 4 hectares of russian, crimean, or rather autochthon kakur. this year it began to bear fruit. we released the first wines in september 2022, now we make wine using rented facilities, some wineries provide such a service, interesting.
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to make a fairly large investment - therefore this is an increase in price almost doubling the cost, second, of course, this limits our uh creative uh all sorts of experiments, because everything is naturally regulated there - and the thing is, that , unfortunately, we don’t really have our own winery yet, because here
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everything comes down to a certain problem, today on agricultural lands. more precisely, in agricultural years, it is impossible to build buildings , that is, we , unfortunately, cannot now build a building on our land in order to obtain a production license and make wine here, so we have to outsource this service, but as far as i know, in may of this year, the state duma received a bill on amendments to winegrowers are allowed to build buildings on the land. in fact, the speedy adoption of this... law for crimean farms is a matter of survival, in their winemaking project, it has not yet reached self-sufficiency, the azat family is investing the proceeds from the hotel business, but the tourist season in crimea in 2023 has not fully taken place. here is a winemaker whom fans recognize literally
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by his body parts. i recently posted one photo that i showed. funny asked me to come up with funny inscriptions for her, there were dozens of them, but in fact the process that is happening here is not so much funny as it is important, i think andrius will talk about it, yes, you got it, it turned out quite funny, the process itself is very important, there is a key factor in production wine is sanitation, and of course, every container needs to be washed, behind me , for example, you see the fermenter in red, which we must wash from the inside, in fact, in that photo i climbed into the fermenter in order to wash it , clean it then pour it into it, into it wort already and add yeast, depict, because if god forbid there is at least some hint of a pathogen, then substandard
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microbiology may develop, and this will be reflected in the aromatics, for example, even we water... we water we don’t use it, i buy drinking water and wash it with it, that is, the containers, if we speak in professional language, then i am a recoltant, a recoltant is someone who does not have vineyards, but has a factory, but i don’t own the factory, i own it infrastructure, wine equipment, accounting team there, with my legal entity i rented a building in this picturesque, in this picturesque area and actually. within the framework of our agreements, i do a completely lucky vinary , that is, i buy a bottle, grapes, i make it myself, i track all the cycles, in fact, this is in order to exist on this site, so i help the guys with wine, well , actually my own i also produce wine, my own brand, here in
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my own equipment. we worked together in collaboration with him and it turned out like me i generally do a lot i travel, i am constantly in different parts of the globe and am fond of various extreme sports and have different hobbies , so i am rarely in one place, i needed a reliable person who could carefully monitor the technological process of wine production. i wish i had an understanding. so we completely accidentally found andlyusam, we didn’t know each other before, our mutual friends introduced us, that’s it and we started working, this is an organic certified grape variety
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riesling, riesling is the king of all white varieties, we respect nature. therefore, we purchase exclusively certified organic grapes, i’m 31 years old , in fact, becoming a winemaker has been a dream since childhood, even though i’m from the city of elektrosal, this is the eastern moscow region, but - of course , judging by the name, vineyards hardly grow there, there are factories, so i wanted to become a winemaker, i studied at the timeryai agricultural academy, completed my bachelor’s, master’s, and postgraduate degrees, and in 2016 i moved to crimea, actually, in order to already... uh , get involved, go into winemaking, of course, when i graduated from university, i rented an apartment with grief when i came here, but i always stayed and tried. to be in the subject , in the wine topic, i was a teacher at moscow state university, we taught wine courses, there i organized wine festivals, worked in the government in
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the wine sector, always tried to get involved in this, learn something new, and so gradually working on two, then three jobs, i saved up some start-up capital, the next stage, of course, is the vineyards, undoubtedly. indeed, winemaking literally pulls with it a huge number of related industries and like no other industry, because it requires equipment and technology, and a whole entertainment industry is built around winemaking, festivals,
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included in the list of the 100 best winemakers in the world, this is the olive tree, olive, which is more than 1300 years old, just imagine, this is... more than 40 generations of people, this olive tree, and has gone through a lot in the history of this world, is now here in in the center of the wine park, surrounded by beautiful
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vineyards. here in 2018 we planted both caberness vignon and mourved - two very heat-loving varieties, because our vineyard is the southernmost vineyard in crimea. the first wine park in russia on the territory of the five-star mriya hotel is 30 hectares with its own farm, cheese maker. projects that are united by one goal, promotion . this is a huge amount of wine culture in our country. it is very important to involve young people not only in wine production itself. at the factory, but to growing grapes, because it is incredibly interesting, to the profession of samelye, to the profession of cavistists. my name is elizaveta
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, i’m 26 years old, i started making wine, i actually fell in love with wine very accidentally, i studied food industry technology at the agricultural university of yekaterinburg, and the truth is... the profile was more on ural crafts, on ural agricultural culture , products, viticulture simply did not exist, and although despite this i graduated from the university with a thesis on the topic of modernization equipment for sparkling wines, for champagne wine, and even already went to practice in the new world, a champagne wine factory in the crimea, so when i touched wine, classics, champagne, it really touched me and... i began to think about how move to crimea. i am applying to the sevastopol magistrate to manage a winery . this is where my active winemaking life began. i started developing
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my first wine in parallel with my studies at the university, visiting vineyards to harvest as a volunteer. first release my wine was red wine coberness vignon. i only have 33 bottles. but they were made with such love and such reverence that they showed a very good result. well you do. are you starting to make some kind of commercial story with wine? unfortunately no, now i combine two professions, so to speak, samilye is my main profession in the wine park, and this is 90 percent of my time, i try to devote 10% to winemaking, but to engage in winemaking fully i need not only time , but and finance, this is a very huge investment, now i am looking for a project where i can develop. well, that’s how you thought, how much
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investment is needed to start your own business.
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to convince, maybe skeptics came , they said, yes, well, this is russian wine, i haven’t tried it there, a fairly wealthy audience comes here, let’s be honest, most likely they were everywhere, they tried different things, it happened very often, and percent 70 have tried russian wine, they don’t really like it, and 30% have already tried it and are already convinced, that is, i think in 5-7 years there will be a percentage just in the other direction, 70 will already prefer russian wine, i think it works very well here... such a moment when cool interesting samples appear for tasting and guests are very often pleasantly surprised, especially the frequent story of 99 percent of guests who come from the krasnodar region , i try crimean wine, convinced that krasnodar wine is better, they fall in love with crimean wine, take our wine to their home and also vice versa, that is, that crimean people were always ready to try only crimean wine, they fall in love with krasnodar wine
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region, that is... this often happens at tastings, thank you very much, elizaveta, we wish you to quickly realize yourself as a winemaker, everything worked out, thank you very much.
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powerful strikes on military targets in kiev and kharkov. residents of the ukrainian capital complain about problems with the supply of electricity and water. the mayor's office confirmed that some areas were without power. in addition, they write about secondary detonations and the use of russian dagger missiles in the vicinity of kiev. as a result of shelling of donetsk by the ukrainian armed forces , five civilians were killed and 14 were wounded. under fire from militants, including makei. gorlovka and yasenovadsky district. residential areas were hit with heavy artillery and rocket systems. a total of 58 attacks were recorded during the day. almost fifty residential buildings and more than twenty infrastructure facilities were damaged. the leader of south korea's largest opposition party survived the shooting. an unknown person stabbed ledgeman in the throat in the city of busan during an election rally. the politician was flown by helicopter to siul for surgery. now ledgeman's life is not in
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danger. his party is considered the favorite parliamentary elections to be held in april. the police do not believe that the attack on the oppositionist is related to politics. january frosts have arrived in moscow. last night turned out to be the coldest since the beginning of winter. thermometers reached -18.5°. and the temperature continues to drop. the temperature in the capital region is forecast to be -28 this coming night. next, after the commercial, our broadcast will continue with a documentary about one of the largest battles of the second world war. the battle of kursk lasted almost 50 days. on both sides of it over 2 million soldiers, 6,000 tanks and 400 aircraft took part. as a result, the victory of the red army finally changed the course of the war.


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