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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 2, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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simultaneously with the attack in the north , army group south under the command of manstein and hoth began an offensive from the south from belgorod. she was opposed by votutin's voronezh front. came under heavy fire from soviet artillery, which made mine clearance difficult. the nazis tried to repair the exploded tigers, but this took a lot of time. the movements of enemy armored vehicles were hampered by hundreds of kilometers of anti-tank ditches. this battle was completely different from the summer campaign of 401. german divisions were literally stuck on the line soviet fortifications. however, the combat experience
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of the germans and their new equipment still did their job. they began to concentrate their forces in narrow areas. already on the first day of the offensive, the forward line of soviet defense in the southern direction was broken through. there the main german forces were just concentrated, there was no strong blow precisely on the southern front of the kursk bulge, it was still powerful, and we were unable to hit this front line.
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t-34s destroyed them with targeted fire. this tactic paid off. the german columns were cut, but they could not be defeated. by striking in different places, the germans managed to reach the final, third line of defense.
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cut these two advancing groups, they went in different directions. on july 10, manstein launched a new attack in the southern part of the kursk bulge. here, near the village of prokhorovka, there was a huge field where german tanks received more room for maneuver. the germans pulled all their reserves here, about 400 combat vehicles from selected ss tank divisions. to meet this armada, vatutin sent rotmestrov’s fifth tank army and part of the reserves armies, which included about 800 tanks, most of which were t-34s. it was assumed that in open areas the maneuverability of soviet vehicles would give them a great advantage. here the task that was assigned to rotnistroy was to meet the enemy and beat him armor to armor.
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rounding it, soviet tanks lined up behind each other and were forced to attack german positions in small groups of several waves. crowded tank groups could become a convenient target for german guns. vatutin knew about this, but the blow i didn’t cancel. on the morning of july 12, soviet tanks moved. forward, the fifth guards
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tank army had to pass through several narrow corridors in view of these obstacles crossing the field. which prevented large masses from acting, so about 50-70 soviet tanks each entered the field at a time and attacked the german defense, for this reason the battle took place as several waves, the first one came out 50-70, another one, someone broke through along the bank of the river, who something breaks through the forest belt, so the battle near prokhorovka, he was with some, so say, tank assumptions, that is , a big role in it, for example, was played by... german anti-tank artillery, there were self-propelled guns that fired from a place and could fend off these attacks of relatively large groups. from the first hours of the battle, german anti-tank guns rained down
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tons of shells on rotmistrov’s columns. the first echelon of thirty-fours died almost entirely . the second echelon of our tanks came under attack.
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german fighters tried to interfere with our bombers, but they were continuously attacked soviet air sticks. it was here, near kursk, that one of the most successful pilots of world war ii, ivan kazhedub, shot down his first plane. the tank battle on the prokhorovsky field lasted all day.
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from point-blank shots the turret collapsed , the guns twisted , the armor burst, the tanks exploded, we lost the sense of time, we felt neither thirst, nor heat, nor even blows in the cramped cabin of the tank, one thought, one desire, while alive, beat the enemy, parukharsky the battle is a terrible picture, that is, smoke.
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after the prokhorovka, the germans retreated to their starting points. positions and did not make any attacks until the end of the battle. according to the soviet command, in just one day, july 12 , german troops lost about 300 tanks under fire. these losses meant the final collapse of operation citadel. the germans simply could not advance further. this is a selection on the german part, this is the second ss panzer corps, hauser, this is the head of the division , dosrai, great germany, this is the ss selected divisions, which we stopped, and we lost, yes, a huge number of tanks,
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500, but the germans also lost out of 400 300, that is they lost 75% of their striking power, 60, we were reserved. which we could use, in this regard, is, of course, the unconditional victory of the reds, the prokurov field, along with the battles under the ponyry, these were the culmination of the battle on the kurdish arc of the entire kurdish battle. when the turning point occurred , and the germans realized at that moment that everything, yes, they would not go any further, a counter-offensive under kursk, they tried to start as quickly as possible, as quickly as possible to prepare those troops that were on the defensive for the offensive, to strike before the germans repaired the tanks that were blown up in the citadel, this task was accomplished on the day of the prokhorov battle, july 12. in the northern section of the kursk bulge, the red army went on the offensive. thus began operation kutuzov.
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the main goal of the attack was to completely crush model's armies advancing on kursk. the blow was delivered to the rear of the german troops. soviet guns covered the enemy with dense artillery fire. severely battered german divisions. did not expect such pressure, the model gave the order to move to defense, but the wehrmacht could no longer hold the front line, the threat of encirclement forced model to retreat, and on august 5 the red army liberated oryol. they managed to knock the germans off their occupied positions.
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quite quickly after that, we reached the dnieper, the battle for the dnieper began, the kursk battle of the dnieper, they in general, as is considered in our historiography, meant the final turning point of the war. upon receiving news of the failure of operation citadel, hitler was furious. the best german divisions were defeated. 4,000 german soldiers were killed or priests.
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it no longer exists, and germany was still far from being a defeated country, but it was already clear that they were going on the defensive, and the way out of the war was to exit with dignity. on august 5 , 1943 , an artillery salute was given in moscow in honor of the liberation of orel and belgorod. 124
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guns installed in different areas of the capital fired 1,200 blank shells. morla and belgorod, he said, we used to celebrate victories by ringing bells in russia, and then under peter the great there were fireworks, so let’s make fireworks in moscow, these fireworks, a series of fireworks, with different numbers of guns, volleys, depending on the importance of the locality, went in succession, in honor of the liberation of certain
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localities of the red army, with this victory the establishment of several new ... soviet awards was associated, these were orders of glory , first, second, third degree, the famous order of victory, well, which was a military order, and also, since the liberation of the territory of ukraine had already begun, these were the orders of bohdan khmelnitsky, this was also all very symbolic and from a political point of view very done correctly, among the soldiers , among the commanders, called from lieutenant to front commander, there was already a firm belief that we would win.
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however, healthy politicians, of course, ruzald was one of them, understood that with the soviet it is better to negotiate with the union. in november 1943 , a conference was held in tehran with the participation of the leaders of the three allied powers, great britain, the usa and the ussr. at this meeting, the allies promised stalin
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to open a second front in europe, no later than the spring of 1940. the fourth year, the opening of the second front was ensured by victory on the kursk bulge, and another very important factor, tigeran-43, the famous conference, it was also held as a result of the battle of kursk, when it became clear to everyone that the decisive role in the defeat of the future of germany belonged to the soviet union, and the soviet an ally must have appropriate priorities now in the post-war world order, based on the fact that he... is making a decisive contribution to the defeat of the germans. in august 1943, shortly after the victory at kursk, the red army began liberation.
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the liberation of ukraine was of great strategic importance and opened the way to an attack on romania and poland. now victorious.
11:52 am
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powerful explosions in kiev and kharkov ; air defense is working in the ukrainian capital; electricity and water supply are reported to be cut off due to secondary detonations. belgorod is rebuilding after a terrorist attack december 30th. what is the condition of the victims and how did the belgorod hospital doctors work in recent days? about this in our report. respondent from the region. attack on a leading opposition politician in south korea. liji miyoung was stabbed in the throat during a campaign meeting. what is the state of the party leader who predicts victory in the april elections, and what is known about the attacker’s motives? in japan, the number of victims is growing after the devastating earthquake, according to preliminary data, 48 people died. the analysis of the rubble
12:00 pm
continues about how... ukrainian media today they report powerful explosions in a number of regions of the country. according to kharkov authorities, after one of the attacks , a fire broke out in the city. data on other consequences are not provided. a series of explosions were recorded in kiev. residents of the ukrainian capital complain about... kiev, while public pages are closed immediately after such information appears. thermal circuits have been restored in all buildings in belgorod; they will start tomorrow.


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