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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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according to preliminary data, the death toll from this earthquake is 48. the analysis of the rubble continues to show how the rescue work is going in the live broadcast of our correspondent on the spot. ukrainian media today report powerful explosions in a number of regions of the country. according to kharkov authorities, after one of the strikes a fire broke out in the city. data on other consequences. bring. a series of explosions were recorded in kiev. residents of the ukrainian capital complain about problems with the supply of electricity and water. the mayor's office confirmed that some areas de-energized. in addition, they write about secondary detonations and the use of russian kinzhal missiles in the vicinity of kiev. at the same time, public pages are closed immediately after such information appears. the thermal circuit has been restored in all buildings in belgorod. they'll start tomorrow.
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according to the regional authorities, the first thing they will do is social facilities. the ukrainian armed forces struck the city on saturday; according to the latest data, 25 people became victims of the shelling. one girl, seriously injured, died the day before. about the condition of the victims, report by polina bykova. doctors - real heroes, thanks to their selfless work it was possible to save many injured belgorod residents. tragic events of december 30. people called them bloody. belgogorod surgeon mikhail popuashvili and his colleagues together performed a miracle, bringing dozens of victims back to life. on that terrible day of december 30, many people needed help at the same time. it was very difficult and required the doctors incredible endurance and colossal efforts. the hardest thing is to assess the severity of the condition right away in seconds , to figure out who needs what first help. i was worried, but... somewhere deep
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down. polina from belgorod was simply going to the store to buy groceries for the new year's table. at first she felt a strong blow, then it turned out that a fragment from the shell went straight into the bone of her leg. a car exploded in front of me , they hit me, and to be honest, i was scared in my thoughts for the people who were there, that is, i was thinking how they could provide help, and then i felt that i was in pain, and so, accordingly, well, since the leg began to, well, slide down the wall, that’s some kind of thing.
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literally a few hours later he called, asked everything and called on us, all the clergy of the belgorod diocese to come to the rescue, little patients are also improving their health, psychologists are also working with the children, do you want coloring books here? thank you very much, this book is such a christmas gift, thank you, there are now 45 victims in belgorod hospitals, doctors assess their condition as moderate. the commissions, with all the doctors that were there, they provided methodological assistance, showed, looked, how we provided it, in general , there were no comments to us, to our specialists, the work was appreciated very highly, assistance to belgorod residents is provided by doctors from moscow and... federal medical centers
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. 25 people were previously sent by a special flight of the ministry of emergency situations to the capital for treatment, most of the victims are still in in serious condition. polinina bykova, vyacheslav podzulkov, vesti belgorod. there was an explosion near voronezh where russian ammunition was trapped. according to the regional governor alexander gusev, there were no casualties. seven private buildings were damaged. there is a commission on site who will assess the damage caused. residents are being transported to... out of danger, yonhap news agency reports. the politician was attacked in the city of busan while he was talking to journalists, and the criminal was detained. at the time of the attack, he
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was wearing a paper crown with the inscription yalijem on his head. the crime weapon was an eighteen-centimeter knife. the attacker kept it wrapped in paper. security, he said that. wants to get an autograph from a politician. according to the preliminary version, the attack is not related to his campaign. in april parliamentary elections will be held in south korea; according to polls, liji min's party is the favorite. also in 2022, the politician participated in the presidential elections, where he lost to the current leader of the country with less than 1% of the votes. in japan , the rubble of the devastating earthquake is being thoroughly cleared away; according to preliminary data, there are 48 victims. let me remind you. the previous morning , tremors with a magnitude of more than 7.5 were recorded in the central part of hanshu island. we learn about the consequences from our own correspondent in japan sergei mingazhev, he gets in touch with us directly. sergey, greetings, how is the search and rescue operation going now? yes, daria,
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hello, the true scale of the destruction became clear only this morning, when at dawn the authorities were able to begin full-fledged search and rescue operations. at the moment it is known that they died, at least. 48 people, but the data is not final, more than a hundred were injured, injured of varying degrees of severity, mostly residents of the noto peninsula in the north of the prefecture, which was closest to the epicenter. according to prime minister fumio kishida, the destruction is large-scale catastrophic , i suggest listening to a fragment of his speech today. i received a message that at the moment.
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the total will increase, unfortunately, many areas, especially in rural areas , remain cut off from the outside world due to landslides and numerous damages on the roads, while residual earthquakes do not stop in the disaster zone, as a result of which damage continues to increase, the threat of a tsunami, announced
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the day before was removed only this morning, but seismic activity in this area continues, and experts say that at least in the next week here... we can expect an underground shock of the same force. let me remind you that a series of tremors began the day before at 16:10 local time, most people were at home after celebrating the new year or visiting temples. according to new year's tradition, the magnitude of the first impact was 7.6, this is a very strong earthquake. well, suffice it to say that in as a result of this earthquake, the central station in the city of vadim shifted almost one and a half meters to the side. let me remind you that in 1995 the earthquake in kobe had a magnitude of 7.3, then more than 3,500 people died, and the relatively small number of victims can be explained, perhaps, by the fact that there are no large cities in this area , if such an earthquake, say
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happened in tokyo, then of course the scale of the disaster would have been completely different. dare. sergey, thank you, our own correspondent spoke about the consequences of the earthquake in japan. now a short advertisement, and after the economic news about how pensions will change in the new year. apartment in moscow count five. with just five purchases over a thousand rubles on any sberbank credit card before january 31, an apartment in moscow can become yours. and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card.
12:10 pm
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favorable conditions. on january 1 , changes came into force that determine the amount of payments this year. these include, for example, pensions and the minimum wage. we’ll find out all the details from maria filippova. the new year opens with a number of economic transformations and, first of all , the indicators on which payments depend, including social ones, have changed. the minimum wage increased immediately by 18.5% and exceeded 1900 rub. this will affect about 5 million russians, in turn, the cost of living increased by 7.5% and approached 15.
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the maximum amount of maternity benefits from january 1 increased by one and a half times to 56,500 rubles. and the maximum amount of payments for child care up to one and a half years old has increased from 33,200 rubles per month to 49 thousand. moreover , parents can now receive them even if they leave maternity leave early. insurance pensions for non-working pensioners have an increase of 7.5%. the average size is now almost 23,500. in addition, a new employment law. to obtain unemployed status, you need to register, look for
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a job and most importantly be ready to start it. the document also provides for annual indexation of unemployment benefits. there are changes in the tax segment, so the maximum amount of social deductions has increased from 120 to 150,000 rubles. per year, employees of russian companies who work remotely from abroad were allowed to pay personal income tax at the general rate (13% or). the mechanism of credit holidays for consumer loans has become permanent; payments can be suspended if income falls by 30% compared.
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not so much for moscow, st. petersburg , large cities, but for small villages. at the same time, a long-term savings program was launched. russians can make voluntary contributions to a non-state pension fund, which invests and provides profitability. savings can be used as additional income after 15 years or upon reaching the age of 55 for women and 60 for men. the state will co-finance the accumulation. there is also a tax deduction. to return tax max 52 you need to deposit 4000, then another important point in this program is that savings must be insured, if the state fund goes bankrupt, its license is revoked, then the state returns to you, as a participant in this program, the entire amount of savings within 2,800 thousand rubles. for
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long-term investments, you can also use individual accounts of the third type; they are opened from... years provide for the exemption of income from personal income tax, as well as the right to deduct from 400,000 rubles. received additional opportunities financial organizations, small russian banks with a basic license were allowed to open correspondent accounts abroad, and the central bank received the right to prohibit or limit for up to 6 months the operations of individual participants in the stock and foreign exchange markets if they threaten stability. rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better once, turn, turn, twist, only after confirming the payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm
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the payment, it seems to me that my grandfather. something hides, bustle, fireworks, a little new year's light, lights the lights, a magic staff, grandfather, and we have something tasty at home, we can conjure something, he knows how to do magic. snowman courier: it has been proven that my grandfather is santa claus, everyone can create miracles on new year’s eve, from the bottom of their hearts for those around them, happy new year wizards, to
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you didn’t listen, because you do everything. not like that, keep going! alfabank has the best loyalty program for business. we pay 3.00 rub. for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. don't waste time on bad habits. tabacquette, to facilitate smoking cessation. tabacquette, nochnin. a new life without cigarettes. pairs scandinavian burger scandinavian burger with chicken at a bargain price, only at a delicious point. better than watching it 100 times
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turn once, rotate, twist. and only then confirm the payment. until february 4 , order sovito with delivery starting from one ruble. check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. on the first day of the new year , vladimir putin held two meetings with participants in a special military operation. the president received the soldiers in novoogoryovo and also visited the vishnevsky central military clinical hospital. natalya solovyova will tell you what topics were discussed. vladimir putin to the vishnevsky hospital arrived on the first day of the new year. participants of the special. the operation here not only undergoes treatment, but also rehabilitation , thanks to the unique equipment and methods, the fighters literally get back on their feet, our apparatus, skeleton, first steps, our
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wounded begin to take here, the head of state was given a tour of the medical cluster by the state secretary, deputy minister of defense nikolai pankov, we walked through the wards, treatment rooms, looked into the classrooms, the ministry of defense is helping soldiers with retraining. and employment, solves housing problems, here the guys undergo, as it were, retraining for possible work for a specific position, a specific position in the armed forces, yes, as a rule, these are military commissariads, they are appointed to positions, received certificates , we assign officer ranks to everyone who can be assigned an officer rank, and hand over documents for housing , no one. the poor region did not leave. people who defend the interests of their country should be provided with comprehensive support in the regions. this is done by a special fund, defenders of the fatherland.
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vladimir putin proposed to establish it. branches are already successfully operating throughout the country, each veteran or his family is looked after personally, helped to undergo treatment after injuries, and draw up an individual rehabilitation program. but how to get a certificate from a military hospital, for example, about disability, is today the head of state.
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conduct, uh, use modern means of warfare, uh, to the extent that, uh, not a single
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army in the world is ready or can do this, but the enemy snarls, in impotent anger, hits the civilian population putin directly calls what happened in belgorod a terrorist attack, making it clear that this crime will not go unpunished, but russia does not use the methods of the criminal kiev regime. what just happened in belgorod is undoubtedly a terrorist act. i understand, everything is boiling inside me, i want to ask you, we need to do this, hit the area, no, i’m not saying that
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this should be done for the average population.
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on the front line, i assume that we will talk calmly, and you will tell me how your combat work is going? chapter of the state congratulated them on the new year and told them about what memorable gifts he had prepared for the participants of this meeting, given that each of them already had a state award. i thought and thought, what else could i come up with that would not be a state award, but at the same time, so that i could always take it with me, and carry it with me. with you all the time, and, well, on any, on any type of clothing, so it seems to me that such a small presidential standard, a badge, was a good idea, it is made of the right metal, very beautiful , made by our craftsmen in yaroslavl, i think that to you liked it, the president also asked to convey his new year’s greetings and best wishes to all units where the soldiers serve, after which the communication continued.
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over a glass of champagne, the new year doesn’t smell like something yet, happy new year natalya solovyova and tatyana korneeva lead now to breaking news from japan passenger. japan airlines caught fire during landing at tokyo airport, according to video footage, which is now being published by nhk, the flame broke out at the moment of landing, they are now working on the spot fire crews who are trying to cope with the fire that has engulfed the entire passenger side, but judging by the footage that we are now receiving live from tokyo airport, while it is not possible to cope with the fire, several fire
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crews are working on the spot. they are trying to put out the fire, and according to preliminary data, all the passengers are alive, they managed to get them out of the liner, quickly evacuate them, in addition, now a message is coming to news agencies' news feeds that, according to the preliminary version, everything is again previously it could have happened, so nhk, a japanese television channel, reports that an airliner could have collided in the sky with a coast guard plane, this happened...
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bang! it's a miracle she didn't kill anyone. what's the difficulty? her mother is an important person at court. my daughter is fine. she is a normal girl, just like everyone else. and the girl repents. like. let's go to paris, we'll devour the food. it would be possible to forgive. but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be. siberia. yes, i ’ll cut out your tongue now, we won’t hang you, we we’ll sew it together, i’d tear you apart with horses, where are you going, drown yourself, got used to watching videos online, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series.


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