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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 2, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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and let's start with news from japan, the japanese coast guard has officially confirmed the collision of its military transport aircraft with a passenger airliner while landing in tokyo. the japanese airlines plane was engulfed in flames upon landing; the fire on the runway has not been brought under control for more than an hour. and we will learn the latest information from the scene from our own.
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they are all safe, and according to the coast guard, the crew of the military aircraft with which the collision occurred was also not injured, it happened for about an hour ago, a little more, at 550 local time, when the plane of the japanese airline jal was landing, it was flying from sentitos airport to hakaida and during landing, at the moment of contact.
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a collision occurred from the runway, the planes touched each other with their wings, as a result , smoke began during landing, the flame engulfed the engine and in fact people were evacuated from the plane, whose wing was on fire, but at the moment, judging by the broadcast that was organized straight from the airport, the fire has been extinguished, all passengers are safe and - thank you, we will wait for you to get directly to the scene of the emergency at takiysk airport, our own correspondent, sergei mingazhev, was in direct contact by phone from japan. ukrainian media are reporting today about powerful explosions in a number of regions of the country, as kharkov authorities said, after one of the attacks in the city... a fire;
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they do not provide data on other consequences. a series of explosions were recorded in kiev. residents of the ukrainian capital complain about problems with the supply of electricity and water. at city hall confirmed that some areas were without power. in addition, they write about secondary detonations and the use of russian dagger missiles in the vicinity of kiev. at the same time, public pages are closed immediately after such information appears. now advertising, then watch the release from the golden collection. author's program nikita mikhalkova besagon tv. about demography in russia and how external factors influence it. my new invention for keeping the toilet clean. but with bref there is an easier way. bref - colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. brev number one in russia for maintaining cleanliness and. the legendary
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pleasure is just a song, but dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen, samat gold tablet with an intensive formula... magic staff, grandfather, and we have something tasty at home, we’ll conjure something, no magic, snowman, courier, it’s proven,
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my grandfather is santa claus, on new year’s eve... everyone can create miracles, from the bottom of their hearts, for those around them. happy new year, wizards. i welcome you, dear friends, to our new release of the author's program besagon tv,
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it will not be called all that glitters is gold, i think you will understand why we named our program that way, but as usual, first, i would like to report to you about how we looked. viewers of our previous program together with channel russia-24 with channel russia-1 with youtube and with telegram channels and so on and so forth, more than 13 million viewers watched us, which of course cannot but make us happy. i want to start with the fact that we have received a lot of all kinds of requests, letters asking us to somehow define our attitude towards the fact that twenty things happened.
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"i only know that i don't know anything, but many people don't know that either, there's so much out there for me personally incomprehensible and contradictory, i personally believe that we will find out the true truth later, now i somehow evaluate what happened , it seems to me that it was quite presumptuous, but i wanted to be."
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from the country, they fled because some kind of justice was approaching, i do not undertake to evaluate it, i am only talking about actions , i don’t know what the word... justice was meant by those who fled the country, but apparently they meant something, they fled. i would like to quote the words of the philosopher alexander dugin, this is what he wrote: yesterday's desertion elites are meaner than upper larz. there is only one systemic solution, immediate real patriotic ideologization of the ruling class. and rotation of elites, only from an ideological elite can we demand
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heroism and adequate behavior in an emergency situation, and such as now, it is useless, we need a sovereign elite, otherwise everything will happen again, the weaknesses of our system appeared yesterday in all their glory, that’s what has i mean alexander? by the word sovereign in general, what is sovereignty, is the independence of the state from the influence of others states, both in domestic policy and in foreign policy, and what does the sovereignty of the elite mean? this means that the elite , regardless of how it is treated outside the country, only this elite can be sovereign, a state that has lost. sovereignty, it becomes a colony, and if we speak in relation to the elite, to use
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the word sovereign, this means that the elite layer does not depend in any way on how it is treated from the outside, either family or personally , only such an elite can be considered sovereign, in fact, in all times in russia had an elite who, in difficult moments , came... to the aid of the state, we talked about this, what was called coming on horseback, in arms and in crowds, that is, coming with listeners, with people, with weapons to the aid of the state, we know how the grand duchesses went to hospitals to help the wounded, we know how people gave entire fortunes so that they could purchase what was needed by the front, what was imagined, what was dreamed of by those who... the first news of the approach, so to speak , prigozhin’s troops
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rushed to flee the country, they saw in him emelyan pugachev or razin, who was moving towards moscow, what happened, why, without even understanding what happened, people rushed to run, to run away from their own people, they did not run when the drones fell on the kremlin, when these drones were flying in the moscow region. they imprisoned and beat when sabotage groups crossed the border, they blew up railroad tracks, no, they ran away from their own people, and mind you, they did not flee into the interior of the country, beyond the urals, into siberia, no, they fled abroad, they fled to the enemies, they fled to enemies like to their own, well, really, well, i have something to think about, this is... the question i have is, this is an elite that is deprived of sovereignty, it can
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push through laws that are useful to the country in which they live, that are safe for the country, in which they live, we have talked about this many times, this also applies to the constitution, where there is no concept of ideology, although any other ideologies are allowed, but national, state... logs are not, this concerns the impossibility of recognizing the elsin center as an agent, although we have many times they spoke, and not only we spoke and staged a huge number of times the question is to figure out what is really going on there, but no, he is protected, and what’s more, every day dozens, hundreds of children come there, they are told about a terrible country, russia, which was in poverty. in abomination, in blood, until the arrival of the only person who saved this country, boris nikolaevich yelitsin. but
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there are things with more far-reaching plans, more catastrophic consequences, not only for the country, but for the whole people. i want to give you one example, you all know it’s wonderful the existence of the great, brilliant chemist dmitry mendeleev, but few people know that he was also involved in demography, moreover, he...
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millions of people, which threatens
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the country’s automatic rollback to the level of an ordinary agrarian power, the loss of any... which regulates abortions in the country according to this law, the state itself pays for abortions through the compulsory medical insurance system. moreover, girls 15-16 years old have the right to have an abortion without the consent of their parents and partner. please note that we ourselves adopted these laws and
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implemented them ourselves. moreover, we pay for it from one pocket, that is, we pay taxes. for protection, for the army, for the ministry of emergency situations, and from the same pocket we pay for the murder of children in our country through abortion, well, think about it, despite the fact that we know that western countries have long been interested in the global regulation of the population of the planet, for example , in 1700... thomas malthus formulated ideas to curb population growth. it sounds like this. the growth of a people's population can only be stopped by counter causes, which boil down to moral abstinence or misfortunes, then there are wars, famine epidemics. has anything
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changed today? listen. let's work on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health care, maybe we can lower it by 10-15 percent. david if we are now really good rockefeller, billionaire banker. the negative impact of population growth on everything.
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was born and represents that same notorious golden billion, which we have talked about many times, and this is no longer hidden at all, this is what the front page of an english newspaper looks like, which promotes the idea of ​​childlessness , look, children are cute, but they are really not eco-friendly, having children can be a really destructive thing for a person who cares about... the environment, that is, people who have already been given life by god take on the function of god in order to keep you from living. to others, fantastic egocentrism, destructive egocentrism, despite the fact that these same people, they take care of their health, they prolong their lives,
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they go to fitness, they take medications, they take vitamins, they run, they swim, they are trying to extend their lives, despite the fact that their concern is that they have enough to last...
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we cannot know how many operations are performed there, because since the nineties and private clinics, a huge gray area, we are
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private clinics , pharmacy chains, retailers have entered into agreements with foreign companies that collect statistical data, these are american agencies, ai statistics on pharmaceutical sales, nilsson. statistics on sales of contraceptives, as well as french ipsos, analysis of medical services. and only these companies today see how many operations have been performed, what medications have been used, what are the side effects of these drugs, and so on. but by and large, this is strategic data, the accuracy of which we cannot be sure, and this makes it possible to manipulate this data. just think about how serious this is, we have already said, there is another option for resolving this issue, we know that there are maybe 20 million,
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and maybe more millions of russians in the world who would like to return to their homeland, but what we, what we are faced with, look, i’m reading the letter, i came to visit my relatives in novosibirs, i want to see how with work the possibility of processing documents for citizenship on the spot. move from kyrgyzstan to novosibirs, russian himself, his profession is a turner, he visited the enterprises, go to work even tomorrow, the workers are very necessary, they take you even with a kyrgyz passport, at the next migration office they told me, you have no grounds for applying for citizenship of the russian federation , get up to the quota, russian close relatives are not basis, in demand. profession is also not a reason. russian enterprises are faced with a shortage of personnel, which has become a record in the entire history of observations since the thirteenth
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year. the results of a survey by the institute of national economic forecasting of wounds are reported by the kommersant newspaper. thus, against the backdrop of a recovery in economic activity, the number of companies complaining about a shortage of personnel has grown to a record 50%. on the contrary, only a little more than one and a half percent of respondents talk about an excess of labor. among the reasons. reduction in the number of workers experts they name immigration from russia, the difficult demographic situation in the country, the reduction in the influx of migrants and the fact that russia now , due to sanctions, has to develop and expand the production of goods that could previously be imported. moreover , he does not demand that he become a deputy minister or the rector of a university or the head physician of some large clinic. no, these are working hands, this is a person who knows how to work with his hands. today, when we hear on television about problems with the shortage of hands, a russian person who wants to come here and work at a factory, especially in
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a time like today, when all forces are straining to raise the military-industrial complex in order to conduct these military operations, these people are not allowed to work? why? but because there is a non-sovereign elite, on which these problems also largely depend. this is what kirill kabanov, a member of the human rights council, writes. listen, top management, the russian post office has dealt a blow to the domestic labor market. and the interests of the citizens of our country. reducing wages to an indecent limit, a completely deliberate step, a goal which is to remove russian citizens from the industry and replace them with more accommodating labor migrants from central asia. i would like to remind you that in any country, including russia, mail is a strategic industry.
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moreover, russian post is a system-forming enterprise that provides a number of special tasks and employs a large part of the country’s citizens. now combine two things and count: the number of abortions since the nineties, these are those who today would have the very labor that is missing, and add to this the impossibility of russians returning to russia in order to live, to obtain citizenship. to work for the good of the country, what an army of missed opportunities is obtained and the places of the unborn and those who cannot return are taken by migrants, because there really are not enough working groups, but by and large this is exactly what is called a hybrid war game for a long time, we talked about this many times, not a single click, not a single blow, not a single
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bomb, no, this is for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years, but it all leads to the same result collapse and weakening of our country, the richest country, and in parallel with this, a certain part of our elite creates an image of our country, dull, dirty, abandoned, tortured, and we ourselves fall for it, well, remember the old russian proverb, it’s good where we are not, this is the principle, to which we are accustomed, we do not want, we have forgotten how to see the good that is around us, how often we are ironically contemptuous of what surrounds us, and this was not born yesterday, i want to remind you of the words of a wonderful philosopher, a witty person vasily vasilyevich rosenov, said in 1912, listen, we don’t have any dreams at all.
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cosmopolitan dreaminess grew out of nowhere in their homeland , the greeks have it, the romans had it, the jews have it, the french in cher-france, the english, old england, the germans, our old fritz, only the one who went through the russian gymnasium, the university, damned russia, how many centuries did this ominous image of ivan iv, ivan the terrible stand over europe? as if it came off the famous painting by repin. the world was generally interested in the fact that during research the remains of the tsar and his son, there were no signs of injury, anyone in the world is interested or interested in what ivan the terrible did for the country. remember, we talked about this in our besagon. so, here are the facts about what happened to russia during the reign of
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ivan the terrible. free primary education, church schools were introduced , and medical quarantine was organized at the borders as a way to prevent the development of the plague and other diseases that were raging in western europe. the first large russian regular army in 1550, the artillery park was unified, the zaporozhye network was founded, and the judicial system was carried out.


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