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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 2, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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primary education, church schools, medical quarantine was organized at the borders as a way to prevent the development of the plague epidemic and other diseases that were raging in western europe. the first large russian regular army was created in 1550. the artillery park was unified, the zaporozhye network was founded, and judicial reform was carried out. the first zemstvo council was held, a zemstvo administration system was created, and a ban on the consumption of alcoholic beverages was introduced, except on holidays. the first russian book printing began in moscow, ivan fedorov, peter timofeev, more than 100 stone churches and monasteries were erected, the kazan and astrakhan khanates were annexed, the northern black earth region was populated. the northern central
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urals were conquered, the annexation of western siberia began, as a result the country's territory doubled, and the population growth was 50%. the emigration of the population from europe to russia exceeded 30,000 families. during the entire reign of ivan the terrible, the total number of victims and repressions. has anyone compared the number of victims attributed to ivan the terrible with the number of victims who were at that time in enlightened europe. look, according to the laws of henry vi , 72 thousand peasants who were forcibly driven from the land were hanged for vagrancy alone. that's two. third of the population of the then hundred thousand
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london. queen elizabeth. as grant's encyclopedic dictionary testifies, 89 thousand people were executed in england during the reign of elizabeth. the queen executed more people in one year than the entire catholic inquisition did in three centuries. cromville - the conquest of ireland. according to some sources, a fifth or a quarter of them were killed. what. innocent irish. king henry henri france in the 15th century, king henry henri ii established the so-called chamber of fire at the paris parliament. over the course of 3 years, she condemned about 600 protestants, calvinists and huguenots, many of whom were killed. catherine de medici, on the conscience of catherine de medici, her son charles 9, the event of the night of st. bartholomew on august 24.
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more than 30 thousand people were killed in it and the many-day massacre of the huginots that followed it. the truth is, no one is interested. duplicity all the time exists in all manifestations in relation to us. well, for example, what the united states secretary of defense, floyd austin, says. putin's war. not the result of nato expansion, but the reason for nato expansion. damn, but excuse me, my dear friend, nato expansion began in 1990, when putin’s war began, as you say, and so on all the time. here's an amazing example: there is, uh, a ranking of the 100 best cities of 2023 . it was prepared by an agency called. resonance consultency is
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an authoritative canadian organization , it publishes ratings, this year a rating of the 100 best cities was published , where it is better to live, where it is cleaner to live, where it is safer, where it is richer, where it is more convenient, of the 100 cities that are named the best in the world, not a single one has found a place russian city, just think about it, nor moscow, europe and the united states of america, for example, look, second place is occupied by the city of paris, well, no doubt, paris, see paris and die, let's look at paris today, at its prosperity, at its security.
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the ability to calmly walk along the streets, enter some neighborhoods, that’s what we see, protesters are literally hunting police cars, cars are burning one after another. "the gangs are pursuing law enforcement officers , attacking gendarmes, throwing stones at them, and also opening fire to kill with fireworks, destroying police stations, rioters robbing them, putting on gendarme uniforms, continuing the riots already in it . hundreds of people are detained, but the police are forbidden to shoot. defeat, therefore uses only tear gas. there are no longer enough gendarmerie officers to demonstrate, french police unions say this. unrest in toulouse, leon, nantes and fourteen other french cities has already reached the point of looting; protesters are robbing stores and opening atms.
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the microscopic president of the great country of france explains what is happening in the country with computer games and social networks. it doesn’t occur to anyone to face the truth, but the truth is that you call your cowardice and helplessness tolerance and multiculturalism, that’s why what does this lead to, look.
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the police, they want to kill each other, we have to, you have to do something, someone has to protect us, they are enough house, we are the victims, we are not them, we have to live like before, we have to live our life and look it for us, we're not too.
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ih, uau, moleque, cuidado com os ratos aí hein, a real subway where the trains go, this is not an abandoned station, this is a working new york subway, everything is in a very terrible condition, and the fourteenth place is occupied by san francisco, look, please what does it look like this... wonderful city is almost in its very center, but let's still try to see around us what we can be proud of, if they don't want to appreciate us, maybe we'll try to do it ourselves, well
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, let's say moscow, well, i it’s easier to talk about moscow, i live here, i grew up here, i was born here, but we can grumble about the fact that the curbs there are changed all the time. the asphalt is re-laid 20 times, there is no parking, traffic jams, and so on and so forth, but why can’t we see something completely different, despite all that? that this is also there, why? we don’t notice that this year we launched a year-round river electric tram, in just 10 years the longest metro ring in the world was built, a large ring road, opened this year, generally speaking about the metro, i want to remind you that 48 stations are cultural heritage sites , roads are being built, with the most complex junctions, hundreds of modern trains,
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theater venues, this is in just one city, you remember, in one of the recent programs we talked about what is happening in ukraine with orthodox churches, where they are simply selling just a church in connection with leaving abroad. over the past 12 years, 120 temple complexes have been reconstructed in moscow, just imagine this general plan from above our capital, and this is really very important, on the one hand... the history of the country, the history of the city
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, its spiritual component, in this sense i found it very interesting conversation between our mayor sergei sobyaninan and the chairman of sberbank german gref. this was a discussion at the st. petersburg economic forum relatively speaking... only artificial intelligence can make decisions for people, listen, people, we make decisions for people, the machine will make decisions for the machine, and this, of course, is a completely different ideology, to create a competitive economy and state, if in a competitive economy artificial intellect, ask if a pensioner needs to increase their pension, he will answer: there is no need to pay at all
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, i want my streets to be clean, i don’t
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want gangs of teenagers smoking weed or harassing people. i don't want to stand in queues for things and all sorts of things. i don't want to pay too much, neither for fuel nor for food. i want to live in some place that is functional. when you come here you are faced with this level of functioning of society. exactly what we have, we don’t keep, lost crying , we don’t see it, if we ourselves don’t
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value ourselves and what we do, we will never get out of this feeling of inferiority and the constant conviction that somewhere out there better, according to the same proverb, it’s good where we are not, compare this preservation, restoration of the religious image of the capital with... what is happening with the most famous temples in dedicated europe, where they set up bars, dance, where on a pole. the gymnast tells the story of the torment of christ and where it even came to this, we also talked about this, how an openly gay, globalist, yuval harari invites artificial intelligence to invent a new religion. you need a whole new ideology, a new religion,
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they'll probably come from silicon valley or wangalore, not the middle east. they will probably be able to give people a worldview based on technology, everything that the old religions promised, happiness, justice and even eternal life, but here on earth with the help of technology, and not after death, but it’s not for nothing that sbigniew brzezinski, adviser to the president of the united states, is credited with the phrase, after the destruction of communism, the only thing...
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indeed, these people supported the ideology of nazism, they wanted to see ukraine as part of their struggle for independence, they wanted to see ukraine without jews, just like them they wanted to see ukraine without poles, without communists, and probably many more without anyone, but ukraine today is experiencing a colossal tragedy, ukraine was
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attacked, subjected to aggression and ukraine is, of course, in search of its own... they took out the crowns, took away all the property, mountains of shoes from unfortunate corpses, how from the skin of captives, murdered, tortured jews they sewed about the openwork, so mr. brodsky can imagine that with his height and clean skin, what kind of
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openwork he got from him, he can imagine at least for a second, became would did he say then what he says now? concepts, it incredibly distorts the world, it incredibly distorts the idea of ​​good and evil, when one is passed off as the other. and justify what is being done. in general, the problem with substitution is that this substitution spreads completely unnoticeably, it becomes natural. here is a recent incident that happened to me, i was surprised to see an interview with singer sergei penkin, who accused me of allegedly insulting anna from six to 18 in the film that i had been filming for many years. his parents are very not a good episode, after that we didn’t communicate, there is a fragment from my birthday, when i was still only 28 years old,
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in my opinion, but my dad is a front-line soldier, he reached berlin, fought in japan, here he is with my mother stood, threw flowers in the face , it was according to the plot, how could it be possible for elderly people who went through the war to throw flowers according to the plot, what does this say... about the high feelings of the director or about humanity, i want you to understand that where it happened in penkin's parents, who were there, in that situation they could have thrown not only flowers, look, what an amazing substitution, singer penkin was offended by the fact that flowers were thrown at his parents, and he doesn’t think for a second about what they generally experienced while... there at this celebration of life, how much they it was amazing or insulting how a front-line soldier could
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react to what he saw, and here flowers, seryozha, sergei penkin’s birthdays are part of the tradition of the city of moscow, exclusively in the same way as 70 years ago the november demonstrations became a tradition. for the first time in the soviet union male striptease. i don’t think that singer sergei krylov, speaking these words then, imagined how close he would be to the truth. now the holiday of november 7 is no longer celebrated in our country. but seryozha pemkin’s birthdays are barely broadcast on the first television channel. on the stage. dear friends, i am very grateful that you
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appreciate not only my art, but my parents, i also thank them that they came from distant penzia, where i am from? dear friends, thank you.
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that is why it can be completely calm, like the result of this will be the singer margenstern with three sixes on his forehead, having already been declared a foreign agent, appearing on a huge screen during the youth festival this year, this summer. these future doctors, perhaps, will soon treat the wounded, they dance and dance together with gutkov, who in istanbul, and then in
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latvia, performs at concerts, the proceeds of which go to help ukraine and the ukrainian army, which have spent time and are growing cruel, to fight this, it seems to me, i found it for myself during this time, this is help if you have there is an opportunity to help ukrainians, and... in word, deed, money, whatever, please do it, you will follow this chain, and the organizer of this, sir.
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i’m waiting, i can’t wait for this day, what year have we been holding this event, each time i recharge myself with energy for the whole year, we put on the best suits, and you put on the best suits, take all the most expensive things from home, no, i don’t have any underwear at all, to be honest, every year without underwear, no one notices, such a fetish, well, sasha, right away, and now follow, this performance is here... and before
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of this speech in istanbul, the funds from which went to the armed forces of ukraine, in the same istanbul in which the azovites, the nazis, were released a few days ago, at the request of zelensky who arrived there, the murderers who would come to the front to continue to fight against us were released from captivity, then in istanbul, hundreds of thousands of our...tourists will go to turkey and will support the turkish economy, and mr. gutkov, at the suggestion of mr. fredman, will earn money at parties for graduates of medical universities in moscow. we we understand that this is wrong, it shouldn’t be this way. and i want to finish with one short story, which begins with my
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father’s poems. his front-line poems: my soldier , listen, you will go into any hut, you will look into any house, we will share everything that we are happy and rich with you, because in our time, in the days of war, in a harsh year, the door is open in front of everyone who fights for the people, who with their soldier’s blood... paints the roots of herbs, at your native dnieper region, at the donetsk crossings, you entered ukraine, taking up the fight with your breasts, walked like a mother follows her son, all russia is behind you, how many mittens have been knitted in the cities and villages, how many felted boots have been felted , if only you were warm, this land,
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these fields, loving with all our souls, how would we live in the world if it weren’t for you. this poem is called “my fighter”, it was written by my father, the poet sergei mikhalkov in 1944. he was 31 years old. i reminded you of this poem because here it is. here in this little book it was collected by my father’s wife, yulia subbotina, these are front-line poems by sergei mikhalkov and illustrations too a front-line soldier who went through the entire war, evgeniy rachev. so we decided that maybe it would be right to give these poems to our soldiers.
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i would like that, having opened these verses, the guys at the front would feel strength and faith in victory, would feel that they are not alone, and in order for them to remember this, i signed the following words on the cover of this book: dear friend, remember, my father is fighting next to... nikita mikhalkov held a creative meeting with military contractors in moscow. the director donated collections of his father’s front-line poems. 700 copies, practically from printing houses, will go to the combat zone. read more, maria valieva. a collection of war poems by his father sergei mikhalkov, famous film director, actor and tv presenter nikita mikhalkov personally presents to the fighter who is through.


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